32 research outputs found


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    CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi učestalost i klinička obilježja malignih oboljenja u bolesnika sa SLE-om u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji u desetogodiÅ”njem periodu. MATERIJALI I METODE: Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 271 bolesnika sa SLE-om liječenih u KBC-u Split u razdobolju od 1. siječnja 2007. do 31. prosinca 2016. godine. Za dobivanje podataka koriÅ”tena je medicinska dokumentacija iz ambulante, stacionara i dnevne bolnice Zavoda za kliničku imunologiju i reumatologiju. Bolesnici su uključeni u istraživanje na temlju jasne dijagnoze SLE-a prema revidiranim ACR kriterijima. REZULTATI: U skupini od 271 bolesnika maligno oboljenje se javilo kod njih 24 (8,85%). Sveukupno je pronađeno 27 malignih tumora jer su neki bolesnici imali viÅ”e od jednog tumora. Od ukupnog broja bolesnika 26 je bilo muÅ”kog spola (9,59%) i 245 ženskog spola (90,41%), a od bolesnika s malignim oboljenjem 3 su bila muÅ”karca (12,50%) i 21žena (87,50%). Prosječna dob bolesnika sa SLE-om je 49,45 godina, a bolesnika sa SLE-om i malignim oboljenjem 60,2 godine. Å estoro bolesnika iz skupine s malignim oboljenjima je preminulo, jedno od posljedica malignoma, a dvoje nevezano za malignom, a za troje je uzrok nepoznat. Većina bolesnika (79,17%) je oboljela od malignog tumora nakon postavljanja dijagnoze SLE-a. NajčeŔća lokalizacija malignoma bio je grlić maternice (25%). Većina bolesnika s malignim oboljenjem je ANA (79,17%) i ENA (79,17%) pozitivno. Bolesnici s malignomom su najčeŔće bili na terapiji kortikosteroidima (54,16%), potom kombinaciji kortikosteroida i imunosupresiva (29,16%), zatim bez kortikosteroida i imunosupresiva (16,66%), a ni jedan bolesnik nije bio isključivo na terapiji imunosupresivima. ZAKLJUČAK: Maligno oboljenje se javilo u 8,85% bolesnika s dijagnozom SLE-a. Bolesnici s malignim oboljenjem u sklopu SLE-a su statistički značajno stariji od bolesnika bez malignog oboljenja. NajčeŔća lokalizacija malignoma bio je grlić maternice (25%). Statistički značajna većina bolesnika s malignim oboljenjem i SLE-om je ANA i ENA pozitivna.OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of malignant neoplasms in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and their clinical features in Split-Dalmatia county during a ten-year period. METHODS: 271 patients with SLE were included in this study, all of them being treated in University Hospital Split during the period from January 1, 2007. to December 31, 2016. The data was collected from the archives of the Department of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology. All patients were evaluated by the revised ACR criteria for SLE. RESULTS: In the group of 271 patients, 24 of them developed a malignant neoplasm (8,85%). We found 27 malignant neoplasms due to the fact that some patients had had more than one tumor. Looking at the total number of 271 patients, 26 of them were male (9,59%) and 245 were women (90,41%) and when we focus on the group with malignomas there were 3 male patients (12,50%) and 21 female patients (87,50%). The average age for patients with SLE and without malignoma was 49,45 years and for the group with malignoma 60,2 years. Three patients from the malignoma group died during this period, one due to malignancy and two because of other medical conditions not connected to malignancy. Most patients developed malignoma after the diagnosis of SLE (79,17%). The most common localisation for malignant neoplasms was the cervix (25%). Most of the patients in the malignoma group were ANA (79,17%) and ENA (79,17%) positive. Those patients were most commonly on a corticosteroid therapy (54,16%), followed by combination of corticosteroids and immunosuppressive therapy (29,16%) and no use of corticosteroid or immunosuppressive therapy (16,66%). None of the patients were taking only immunosuppressive therapy. CONCLUSION: Malignancy occured in 8,85% of the patients with SLE. Patients suffering from SLE and a malignant neoplasms were statistically significantly older than the patients suffering only from SLE. The most common localisation of malignoma was the cervix (25%). Statistically significant majority of patients with malignoma and SLE were ANA and ENA positive


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    CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi učestalost i klinička obilježja malignih oboljenja u bolesnika sa SLE-om u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji u desetogodiÅ”njem periodu. MATERIJALI I METODE: Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 271 bolesnika sa SLE-om liječenih u KBC-u Split u razdobolju od 1. siječnja 2007. do 31. prosinca 2016. godine. Za dobivanje podataka koriÅ”tena je medicinska dokumentacija iz ambulante, stacionara i dnevne bolnice Zavoda za kliničku imunologiju i reumatologiju. Bolesnici su uključeni u istraživanje na temlju jasne dijagnoze SLE-a prema revidiranim ACR kriterijima. REZULTATI: U skupini od 271 bolesnika maligno oboljenje se javilo kod njih 24 (8,85%). Sveukupno je pronađeno 27 malignih tumora jer su neki bolesnici imali viÅ”e od jednog tumora. Od ukupnog broja bolesnika 26 je bilo muÅ”kog spola (9,59%) i 245 ženskog spola (90,41%), a od bolesnika s malignim oboljenjem 3 su bila muÅ”karca (12,50%) i 21žena (87,50%). Prosječna dob bolesnika sa SLE-om je 49,45 godina, a bolesnika sa SLE-om i malignim oboljenjem 60,2 godine. Å estoro bolesnika iz skupine s malignim oboljenjima je preminulo, jedno od posljedica malignoma, a dvoje nevezano za malignom, a za troje je uzrok nepoznat. Većina bolesnika (79,17%) je oboljela od malignog tumora nakon postavljanja dijagnoze SLE-a. NajčeŔća lokalizacija malignoma bio je grlić maternice (25%). Većina bolesnika s malignim oboljenjem je ANA (79,17%) i ENA (79,17%) pozitivno. Bolesnici s malignomom su najčeŔće bili na terapiji kortikosteroidima (54,16%), potom kombinaciji kortikosteroida i imunosupresiva (29,16%), zatim bez kortikosteroida i imunosupresiva (16,66%), a ni jedan bolesnik nije bio isključivo na terapiji imunosupresivima. ZAKLJUČAK: Maligno oboljenje se javilo u 8,85% bolesnika s dijagnozom SLE-a. Bolesnici s malignim oboljenjem u sklopu SLE-a su statistički značajno stariji od bolesnika bez malignog oboljenja. NajčeŔća lokalizacija malignoma bio je grlić maternice (25%). Statistički značajna većina bolesnika s malignim oboljenjem i SLE-om je ANA i ENA pozitivna.OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of malignant neoplasms in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and their clinical features in Split-Dalmatia county during a ten-year period. METHODS: 271 patients with SLE were included in this study, all of them being treated in University Hospital Split during the period from January 1, 2007. to December 31, 2016. The data was collected from the archives of the Department of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology. All patients were evaluated by the revised ACR criteria for SLE. RESULTS: In the group of 271 patients, 24 of them developed a malignant neoplasm (8,85%). We found 27 malignant neoplasms due to the fact that some patients had had more than one tumor. Looking at the total number of 271 patients, 26 of them were male (9,59%) and 245 were women (90,41%) and when we focus on the group with malignomas there were 3 male patients (12,50%) and 21 female patients (87,50%). The average age for patients with SLE and without malignoma was 49,45 years and for the group with malignoma 60,2 years. Three patients from the malignoma group died during this period, one due to malignancy and two because of other medical conditions not connected to malignancy. Most patients developed malignoma after the diagnosis of SLE (79,17%). The most common localisation for malignant neoplasms was the cervix (25%). Most of the patients in the malignoma group were ANA (79,17%) and ENA (79,17%) positive. Those patients were most commonly on a corticosteroid therapy (54,16%), followed by combination of corticosteroids and immunosuppressive therapy (29,16%) and no use of corticosteroid or immunosuppressive therapy (16,66%). None of the patients were taking only immunosuppressive therapy. CONCLUSION: Malignancy occured in 8,85% of the patients with SLE. Patients suffering from SLE and a malignant neoplasms were statistically significantly older than the patients suffering only from SLE. The most common localisation of malignoma was the cervix (25%). Statistically significant majority of patients with malignoma and SLE were ANA and ENA positive

    Interdisciplinary Approach to Winepreferences: Case of North Croatia

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    The wine market in the world is well developed, and the countries at the very top of production are making great efforts to maintain their leading position. Traditional cultures and autochthonous sorts are especially valued, and many tourists are willing to pay well for this uniqueness and quality, which is why wine tourism has been developing more and more in the last 20 years. Thus, the consumption of wine is combined with the gastronomy, hospitality, viticulture and nature of an area and thus creates a certain harmony. This article aims to investigate the preferences of wine consumers in the area of North Croatia. Due to complexity of human behaviour, consumer preferences have an interdisciplinary dimension which must are considered in this article. Research results show the profile and preferences of wine consumers in North Croatia. Both of the research propositions are confirmed with the chi-square test. The article briefly presents the history and development of wine production, the main characteristics of wine consumers and wine consumption. It analyses the import and export of wine to the Croatian market. Also, the current state and trends of the wine market worldwide and in Croatia are described. Results are relevant for the providers of tourism services in North Croatia

    Učinkovitost cijepljenja protiv ospica na području grada Dubrovnika od 2009. do 2013. godine The effectiveness of measles vaccination in the City of Dubrovnik during the period from 2009 to 2013.

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    Cilj je rada je utvrditi kolika je učinkovitost cijepljenja uporabom cjepiva MO ā€“ PA- RU [morbilli, parotitis, rubeola] kod djece na području grada Dubrovnika, tj. osobito koliki je stupanj procijepljenosti djece, te broj prijava oboljelih od ospica. Opisani su rezultati o stupnju i obuhvatu procijepljenosti u petogodiÅ”njem vremenskom razdoblju od 2009 do 2013. godine

    Children treated due to COVID-19 in Department of Paediatrics of University Hospital Centre Split ā€“ single centre experience

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    Cilj: ispitati demografske značajke, tijek bolesti, ishod i način liječenja djece liječene zbog COVID-19 bolesti i multisitemskog upalnog sindroma (MIS-C). Ispitanici i metode: provedeno je retrospektivno istraživanje djece liječene tijekom 2020. i 2021. godine u Klinici za dječje bolesti Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split. Rezultati: ukupno je liječeno 59 djece zbog COVID-19 bolesti u promatranom razdoblju, u najvećem broju dojenačke i predÅ”kolske dobi. Većina oboljelih imala je blažu kliničku sliku bolesti, ali petero djece je zahtijevalo mjere intenzivnog liječenja, a dvoje djece s pozitivnim SARS ā€“ CoV ā€“ 2 testom je preminulo. NajčeŔće su liječeni simptomatskom i potpornom terapijom, ali 50,85% oboljelih je liječeno i antibioticima, a 23,73% glukokortikoidima. U navedenom razdoblju liječeno je i 26 djece s MIS-C-om. Njihova dobna raspodjela je bila ravnomjernija nego u populaciji djece liječene zbog COVID-19 bolesti, ali i tu je najveći broj djece bio mlađi od 10 godina. ViÅ”e od 90% oboljelih je liječeno intravenskim imunoglobulinima, glukokortikoidima i acetilsalicilnom kiselinom, ali i antibioticima. 53,85% djece je zahtijevalo mjere intenzivnog liječenja. I kod djece liječene zbog COVID-19 bolesti i kod djece s MIS-C-om prevladavao je muÅ”ki spol. Zaključak: kod oboljelih od COVID-19 najčeŔće se radilo o djeci s blagom kliničkom slikom, dok su u skupini djece liječene zbog MIS-C-a klinička slika i tijek bolesti bili teži. NaÅ”a iskustva su slična onima opisanima u literaturi.Aim: to evaluate demographic characteristics, course of disease, treatment and outcome of disease of children treated due ro COVID-19 and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C). Patients and methods: retrospective medical chart review of children traeted during 2020 and 2021 in Department of Paediatrics of University Hospital Centre Split in Split, Croatia. Results: a total number of 59 children were treated due to COVID-19 in observed period of time, mostly infants and toddlers. Most of them had mild clinical presentation of disease, but five of them required intensive care treatment, and two children died. In most of the cases they were treated with symptomatic and supportive therapy, but 50.85% were treated with antibiotics and 23.73% with glucocorticoids. During observed period of time 26 children were treated due to MIS-C. Their age distribution was more even, but also most of the children were younger than 10 years of age. More than 90% of patients were treated with intravenous immunoglobulines, glucocorticoids anda acetylsalicylic acid, but also with antibiotics. 53.85% of children required intensive care treatment. Both in groups of children with COVID-19 and MIS-C most of the patients were male. Conclusion: COVID-19 patients most often were children with a mild clinical picture, while in the group of children treated for MIS-C the clinical picture and the course of the disease were more severe. Our experiences are similar to those described in the literature

    The influence of barrels of different ages on the organoleptic characteristics of Babić, Plavac mali and Tribidrag wines

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    Cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi utjecaj barrique bačava različite starosti na kakvoću senzornih karakteristika vina Babić, Plavac mali i Tribidrag. Istraživanje je provedeno u vinariji Galić d.o.o. iz Kutjeva. Grožđa od kojeg je proizvedeno vino potječe iz okolice Å ibenika s položaja Jadrtovac. Organoleptička analiza vina provedena je deskriptivnom i metodom 100 bodova. Rezultati metode 100 bodova obrađeni su statistički. Prije same deskriptivne evaluacije uzoraka uz unaprijed postavljene opće deskriptore degustacijom samih uzoraka određeni su specifični deskriptori za svako pojedino sortno vino. Ocjenjivanje je proveo panel ocjenjivača educiran u sklopu projekta ā€žUncorking rural herirageā€œ. Utvrđene su opravdane razlike u svojstvu mirisa i ukupne ocjene vina sorte Babić pri čemu je bolji rezultat postiglo vino iz nove barrique bačve. Utvrđena je statistički opravdana razlika kod svojstva kakvoće okusa vina sorta Plavac mali i Tribidrag. Bolje je ocjenjena kakvoća okusa vina Plavac mali iz nove bačve dok je kod vina sorte Tribidrag bolja kakvoća kod tretmana iz već koriÅ”tene bačve.The aim of the research was to determine the influence of barrique barrels of different ages on the quality of sensory characteristics of Babić, Plavac mali and Tribidrag wines. The research was conducted at the Galić d.o.o. winery from Kutjevo. The grapes used for wine production originate from Jadrtovac, a location in the surroundings of Å ibenik. The organoleptic analysis of the wine was carried out using the descriptive and 100-point methods. The results of the 100 points method were processed statistically. Prior to the actual descriptive evaluation of the samples, in addition to the pre-set general descriptors, specific descriptors for each varietal wine were determined by tasting the samples. The evaluation was carried out by a panel of evaluators trained as part of the "Uncorking rural inheritance" project. Significant differences regarding the quality of aroma and the overall evaluation of the Babić wine variety were found, with the wine from the new barrique barrel achieving a better result. A statistically significant difference was found in the taste quality of Plavac mali and Tribidrag wines. The taste quality of the Plavac mali wine from a new barrel was rated as better, while the quality of the Tribidrag wine variety was better when treated from a previously used barrel

    Biodegradation of bisphenol A in the environment

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    Bisfenol A (BPA) je osnovna građevna jedinica u proizvodnji polikarbonata, epoksi smola, stomatoloÅ”kih potrepÅ”tina te drugih materijala. BPA dospijeva u okoliÅ” tijekom kemijske proizvodnje, transporta ili prerade te neispravnim odlaganjem proizvoda koji ga sadržavaju. BPA zbog svoje toksičnosti Å”tetno utječe na ljudsko zdravlje, životinjski i biljni svijet te ga je potrebno ukloniti iz okoliÅ”a. U ovom je radu provedena biorazgradnja BPA u vodenoj otopini bakterijskim kulturama Pseudomonas aeruginosa BSW, Pseudomonas putida i Streptomyces sp. izoliranim iz okoliÅ”a. Pokusima su ispitani različiti čimbenici koji utječu na proces biorazgradnje BPA, poput pH-vrijednosti, temperature i optičke gustoće navedenih kultura. Prema dobivenim rezultatima pri pH-vrijednosti 7 i temperaturi od 35 Ā°C postignuta je najbolja biorazgradnja BPA od 40 %, odnosno 50 % za sva tri ispitana mikroorganizma. Pri optičkoj gustoći od 0,3 postignuta je 10 % veća biorazgradnja BPA nego pri optičkoj gustoći od 0,2 kulturama Pseudomonas aeruginosa BSW i Pseudomonas putida, dok je primjenom kulture Streptomyces sp. najbolja biorazgradnja postignuta pri optičkoj gustoći od 0,2.Bisphenol A (BPA) is the basic building block in the production of polycarbonates, epoxy resins, dental products and other materials. BPA enters the environment during the chemical production, transport, processing or inadequate disposal of the product containing it. Because of its toxicity, BPA has an adverse impact on human health as well as animal and plant life, and has to be removed from the environment. In this paper, the biodegradation of BPA took place in the aqueous solution containing bacterial cultures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa BSW, Pseudomonas putida and Streptomyces sp. isolated from the environment. Various factors affecting the BPA biodegradation process, such as pH value, temperature, and optical density of the mentioned cultures were tested. According to the obtained results, the best BPA biodegradation of 40% i.e. 50% was achieved at pH value of 7 and temperature of 35Ā° C for all three tested microorganisms. At optical density of 0.3, 10% higher BPA biodegradation was achieved with cultures Pseudomonas aeruginosa BSW and Pseudomonas putida than at optical density of 0.2 whereas the use of the culture Streptomyces sp. resulted in the best biodegradation at optical density of 0.2

    Biodegradation of bisphenol A in the environment

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    Bisfenol A (BPA) je osnovna građevna jedinica u proizvodnji polikarbonata, epoksi smola, stomatoloÅ”kih potrepÅ”tina te drugih materijala. BPA dospijeva u okoliÅ” tijekom kemijske proizvodnje, transporta ili prerade te neispravnim odlaganjem proizvoda koji ga sadržavaju. BPA zbog svoje toksičnosti Å”tetno utječe na ljudsko zdravlje, životinjski i biljni svijet te ga je potrebno ukloniti iz okoliÅ”a. U ovom je radu provedena biorazgradnja BPA u vodenoj otopini bakterijskim kulturama Pseudomonas aeruginosa BSW, Pseudomonas putida i Streptomyces sp. izoliranim iz okoliÅ”a. Pokusima su ispitani različiti čimbenici koji utječu na proces biorazgradnje BPA, poput pH-vrijednosti, temperature i optičke gustoće navedenih kultura. Prema dobivenim rezultatima pri pH-vrijednosti 7 i temperaturi od 35 Ā°C postignuta je najbolja biorazgradnja BPA od 40 %, odnosno 50 % za sva tri ispitana mikroorganizma. Pri optičkoj gustoći od 0,3 postignuta je 10 % veća biorazgradnja BPA nego pri optičkoj gustoći od 0,2 kulturama Pseudomonas aeruginosa BSW i Pseudomonas putida, dok je primjenom kulture Streptomyces sp. najbolja biorazgradnja postignuta pri optičkoj gustoći od 0,2.Bisphenol A (BPA) is the basic building block in the production of polycarbonates, epoxy resins, dental products and other materials. BPA enters the environment during the chemical production, transport, processing or inadequate disposal of the product containing it. Because of its toxicity, BPA has an adverse impact on human health as well as animal and plant life, and has to be removed from the environment. In this paper, the biodegradation of BPA took place in the aqueous solution containing bacterial cultures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa BSW, Pseudomonas putida and Streptomyces sp. isolated from the environment. Various factors affecting the BPA biodegradation process, such as pH value, temperature, and optical density of the mentioned cultures were tested. According to the obtained results, the best BPA biodegradation of 40% i.e. 50% was achieved at pH value of 7 and temperature of 35Ā° C for all three tested microorganisms. At optical density of 0.3, 10% higher BPA biodegradation was achieved with cultures Pseudomonas aeruginosa BSW and Pseudomonas putida than at optical density of 0.2 whereas the use of the culture Streptomyces sp. resulted in the best biodegradation at optical density of 0.2


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    Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi klinička obilježja malignih bolesti u bolesnika sa sistemskim eritemskim lupusom (SLE) liječenih u Kliničkome bolničkom centru (KBC) Split. Materijal i metode: U istraživanje su uključeni bolesnici sa SLE-om koji su liječeni u KBC-u Split u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 2007. do 31. prosinca 2016. godine. Podatci su prikupljani restrospektivno, pretraživanjem medicinske dokumentacije. Rezultati: Od 271 bolesnika maligni su tumor imala 24 (8,85%) bolesnika od kojih su 3 bila muÅ”kog spola (12,50%), a 21 ženskog spola (87,50%). Ukupno je zabilježeno 27 malignih tumora jer su neki bolesnici imali viÅ”e od jednog tumora. Tri bolesnika (12,50%) sa SLE-om i malignomom bila su muÅ”karci, a 21 su bile žene (87,50%). Bolesnici sa SLE-om i malignomom bili su znatno stariji od bolesnika koji boluju samo od SLE-a (t = 3,43; p < 0,001). Većina bolesnika (79,17%) oboljela je od malignog tumora nakon postavljanja dijagnoze SLE-a. NajčeŔće sijelo maligne bolesti bilo je grlo maternice (25%), zatim Å”titnjača (12,50%), pluća (8,33%), debelo crijevo (8,33%) i dojka (8,33%). Prema patohistoloÅ”kom nalazu, najveći broj bolesnika imao je karcinom (83,33%; p < 0,001). Većina bolesnika s malignom bolesti bila je pozitivna na ANA [antinuclear antibody] (79,17%) i ENA [extractable nuclear antibody] (79,17%). Bolesnici s malignomom najčeŔće su bili na terapiji glukokortikoidima (54,16%) te kombinaciji glukokortikoida i imunosupresiva (29,16%). Zaključak: Maligne bolesti javljaju se u starijih bolesnika sa SLE-om. Prema rezultatima naÅ”eg istraživanja, najčeŔća lokalizacija maligne bolesti jest grlo maternice iako se u literaturi najčeŔće spominje ne Hodgkinov limfom. Većina bolesnika s malignomom i SLE-om bila je pozitivna na ANA i ENA.Objectives: Th e aim of this study was to determine the clinical features of malignant neoplasms in patients with systemic lupus erythemtosus (SLE) treated at the University Hospital Split Methods: All of the patients included in this study were suffering from SLE and were treated at the University Hospital Split during the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2016. The data were collected from the archives of the Department of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology. Results: In a group of 271 patients, 24 developed a malignant neoplasm (8.85%), 3 of whom were male (12.50%) and 21 female (87.50%).We found 27 malignant neoplasms due to the fact that some patients had had more than one tumor. The patients suffering from SLE and malignant neoplasms were statistically significantly older than the patients suffering only from SLE (T=3.43; p<0.001). Most patients developed malignoma aft er the diagnosis of SLE (79.17%). The most common malignoma localization was the cervix (25%), followed by the thyroid gland (12.50 %), lungs (8.33 %), colon (8.33 %), and breast (8.33 %). According to the patohistological findings most of the patients had cancer (83.33%; p<0.001). Most of the patients in the malignoma group were ANA[ antinuclear antibody] (79.17%) and ENA [extractable nuclear antibody] (79.17%) positive. Th e majority of them were on glucocorticoid therapy (54.16%), followed by a combination of glucocorticoid and immunosuppressive therapy (29.16%). Conclusion: Malignant diseases most commonly occur in eldery patients with SLE. In our study, the cervix was the most common localization of the malignoma. That differs from other studies, in which non-Hodgkin lymphoma was the most common finding. Most of the patients with malignoma and SLE were ANA and ENA positive