122 research outputs found

    150 000 niños mueren por tuberculosis cada año: ¿cómo se pueden mejorar los tratamientos?

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    Agravada por la pandemia de covid-19, la tuberculosis sigue siendo un grave problema de salud global. En el caso de los niños, hay un problema añadido: no existen tratamientos específicamente diseñados para ellos

    Outcomes of second-line antiretroviral therapy among children living with HIV: a global cohort analysis.

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    Introduction: Limited data describe outcomes on second-line antiretroviral therapy (ART) among children globally. Our objective was to contribute data on outcomes among children living with HIV after initiation of second-line ART in the context of routine care within a large global cohort collaboration. Methods: Patient-level data from 1993 through 2015 from 11 paediatric HIV cohorts were pooled. Characteristics at switch and through two years of follow-up were summarized for children who switched to second-line ART after starting a standard first-line regimen in North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia, Southern Africa (South Africa & Botswana) and the rest of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Cumulative incidences of mortality and loss to follow-up (LTFU) were estimated using a competing risks framework. Results: Of the 85,389 children on first-line ART, 3,555 (4%) switched to second-line after a median of 2.8 years on ART (IQR: 1.6, 4.7); 69% were from Southern Africa or SSA and 86% of second-line regimens were protease inhibitor-based. At switch, median age was 8.4 years and 50% had a prior AIDS diagnosis. Median follow-up after switch to second-line ranged from 1.8 years in SSA to 5.3 years in North America. Median CD4 counts at switch to second-line ranged from 235 cells/mm3 in SSA to 828 cells/mm3 in North America. Improvements in CD4 counts were observed over two years of follow-up, particularly in regions with lower CD4 counts at second-line switch. Improvements in weight-for-age z-scores were not observed during follow-up. Cumulative incidence of LTFU at two years was <5% in all regions except SSA (7.1%) and Southern Africa (7.4%). Risk of mortality was <3% at two years of follow-up in all regions, except Latin America (4.9%) and SSA (5.5%). Conclusions: Children switched to second-line ART experience CD4 count increases as well as low to moderate rates of LTFU and mortality within two years after switch. Severe immune deficiency at time of switch in some settings suggests need for improved recognition and management of treatment failure in children

    Predictors of faster virological suppression in early treated infants with perinatal HIV from Europe and Thailand

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    Objective: To identify predictors of faster time to virological suppression among infants starting combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) early in infancy. Design: Cohort study of infants from Europe and Thailand included in studies participating in the European Pregnancy and Paediatric HIV Cohort Collaboration. Methods: Infants with perinatal HIV starting cART aged less than 6 months with at least 1 viral load measurement within 15 months of cART initiation were included. Multivariable interval-censored flexible parametric proportional hazards models were used to assess predictors of faster virological suppression, with timing of suppression assumed to lie in the interval between last viral load at least 400 and first viral load less than 400 copies/ml. Results: Of 420 infants, 59% were female and 56% from Central/Western Europe, 26% United Kingdom/Ireland, 15% Eastern Europe and 3% Thailand; 46 and 54% started a boosted protease inhibitor-based or nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor-based regimen, respectively. At cART initiation, the median age, CD4+% and viral load were 2.9 [interquartile range (IQR): 1.4-4.1] months, 34 (IQR: 24-45)% and 5.5 (IQR: 4.5-6.0) log10 copies/ml, respectively. Overall, an estimated 89% (95% confidence interval: 86-92%) achieved virological suppression within 12 months of cART start. In multivariable analysis, younger age [adjusted hazard ratio (aHR): 0.84 per month older; P < 0.001], higher CD4+% (aHR: 1.11 per 10% higher; P = 0.010) and lower log10 viral load (aHR: 0.85 per log10 higher; P < 0.001) at cART initiation independently predicted faster virological suppression. Conclusion: We observed a significant independent effect of age at cART initiation, even within a narrow 6 months window from birth. These findings support the earliest feasible cART initiation in infants and suggest that early therapy influences key virological and immunological parameters that could have important consequences for long-term health

    Renal Involvement in Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection: A Systematic Review

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    t: Background: Congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection is the most frequent motherto-child transmitted infection worldwide and a prevalent cause of neonatal disease and long-term morbidity. The kidney is a target organ for CMV, which replicates in renal tubules and is excreted in large quantities in urine for years in children with cCMV infection. Nonetheless, kidney disease has rarely been reported in cCMV-infected patients. Objective: We aimed to describe the available data on renal involvement in patients with cCMV infection at the pathologic, functional, anatomical, and/or clinical levels. Methods: A systematic search was performed in the MEDLINE/PubMed, SCOPUS, and Cochrane databases. Studies describing any renal involvement in fetuses or neonates aged ≤3 weeks at diagnosis of microbiologically confirmed cCMV infection were eligible. Results: Twenty-four articles were included, with a very low level of evidence. Pathologic findings in autopsy studies universally described CMV typical inclusion bodies in tubular cells. No functional studies were identified. cCMV infection was not associated with an increased risk of kidney malformations. Congenital nephrotic syndrome was the most common clinical condition associated with cCMV, but a causal relationship cannot be established. Conclusions: Typical pathological features of cCMV infection are very common in renal tissue, but they do not seem to entail significant consequences at the anatomical or clinical level

    Seminaris pràctics mitjançant l'aprenentatge basat en problemes en l'ensenyament de la pediatria

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    Podeu consultar la Setena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/43352En 2011, se aplicó la metodología del aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) en los seminarios prácticos de Pediatría a los estudiantes de 6º de Medicina. La ABP invierte la organización tradicional de los procesos de aprendizaje: primero se presenta el problema, ya partir de la delimitación de lo que ya se conoce, se establecen los objetivos, se identifican las necesidades de aprendizaje, y se diseña y se sigue un plan de actuación, para que el aprendizaje se acompañe de la reso-lución del problema. Previamente, los profesores realizaron un curso específico so-bre ABP organizado por el IES. Transcurrido el primer curso de aplicación del ABP, se pretende evaluar el grado de satisfacción y de aprendizaje obtenidos de los seminarios prácticos ba-sados en el ABP por parte de los estudiantes

    Malaltia de Kikuchi-Fujimoto: presentació d'un cas pediàtric

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    Introducció. La malaltia de Kikuchi-Fujimoto, o limfadenitis necrosant histiocítica, és una patologia benigna poc freqüent que es caracteritza per clínica de febre i limfadenopatia cervical. Predomina en noies joves i habitualment s'autolimita entre els 2 i els 4 mesos sense complicacions. Cas clínic. Es presenta el cas d'una pacient de 14 anys que presenta febre de tres dies d'evolució i adenopaties cervicals dretes. Les setmanes prèvies va presentar un quadre febril que es va autolimitar sense poder filiar-ne l'etiologia. S'amplia l'estudi amb proves complementàries, i es descarten amb l'analítica sanguínia i les proves d'imatge les causes infeccioses o tumorals. Es fa exèresi quirúrgica d'una adenopatia cervical amb intenció diagnosticoterapèutica. L'estudi immunohistoquímic presenta característiques típiques de la limfadenitis necrosant histiocítica. La pacient presenta remissió de la simptomatologia i desaparició de les adenopaties. Comentaris. La limfadenitis necrosant histiocítica és una malaltia poc freqüent, però és important tenir-la en compte en pacients joves amb quadre febril i adenopaties de llarga evolució. La biòpsia del gangli per al diagnòstic definitiu és important per evitar altres proves o tractaments més agressius i innecessaris

    Development and Evaluation of an NTM-IGRA to Guide Pediatric Lymphadenitis Diagnosis

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    Nontuberculous mycobacteria; Tuberculosis; GlycopeptidolipidsMicobacterias no tuberculosas; Tuberculosis; GlicopeptidolípidosMicobacteris no tuberculosos; Tuberculosi; GlicopeptidolípidsBackground: Diagnosis of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) infections remains a challenge. In this study, we describe the evaluation of an immunological NTM-interferon (IFN)-γ release assay (IGRA) that we developed using glycopeptidolipids (GPLs) as NTM-specific antigens. Methods: We tested the NTM-IGRA in 99 samples from pediatric patients. Seventy-five were patients with lymphadenitis: 25 were NTM confirmed, 45 were of unknown etiology but compatible with mycobacterial infection and 5 had lymphadenitis caused by an etiologic agent other than NTM. The remaining 24 samples were from control individuals without lymphadenitis (latently infected with M. tuberculosis, uninfected controls and active tuberculosis patients). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were stimulated overnight with GPLs. Detection of IFN-γ producing cells was evaluated by enzyme-linked immunospot assay. Results: NTM culture-confirmed lymphadenitis patient samples had a significantly higher response to GPLs than the patients with lymphadenitis of unknown etiology but compatible with mycobacterial infection (P < 0.001) and lymphadenitis not caused by NTM (P < 0.01). We analyzed the response against GPLs in samples from unknown etiology lymphadenitis but compatible with mycobacterial infection cases according to the tuberculin skin test (TST) response, and although not statistically significant, those with a TST ≥5 mm had a higher response to GPLs when compared with the TST <5 mm group. Conclusions: Stimulation with GPLs yielded promising results in detecting NTM infection in pediatric patients with lymphadenitis. Our results indicate that the test could be useful to guide the diagnosis of pediatric lymphadenitis. This new NTM-IGRA could improve the clinical handling of NTM-infected patients and avoid unnecessary misdiagnosis and treatments

    Premature aging and immune senescence in HIV-infected children

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    Objective: Several pieces of evidence indicate that HIV-infected adults undergo premature aging. The effect of HIV and antiretroviral therapy (ART) exposure on the aging process of HIV-infected children may be more deleterious since their immune system coevolves from birth with HIV. Design: Seventy-one HIV-infected (HIV+), 65 HIV-exposed-uninfected (HEU), and 56 HIV-unexposed-uninfected (HUU) children, all aged 0\u20135 years, were studied for biological aging and immune senescence. Methods: Telomere length and T-cell receptor rearrangement excision circle levels were quantified in peripheral blood cells by real-time PCR. CD4+ and CD8+ cells were analysed for differentiation, senescence, and activation/exhaustion markers by flow cytometry. Results: Telomere lengths were significantly shorter in HIV+ than in HEU and HUU children (overall, P < 0.001 adjusted for age); HIV+ ART-naive (42%) children had shorter telomere length compared with children on ART (P = 0.003 adjusted for age). T-cell receptor rearrangement excision circle levels and CD8+ recent thymic emigrant cells (CD45RA+CD31+) were significantly lower in the HIV+ than in control groups (overall, P = 0.025 and P = 0.005, respectively). Percentages of senescent (CD28-CD57+), activated (CD38+HLA-DR+), and exhausted (PD1+) CD8+ cells were significantly higher in HIV+ than in HEU and HUU children (P = 0.004, P < 0.001, and P < 0.001, respectively). Within the CD4+ cell subset, the percentage of senescent cells did not differ between HIV+ and controls, but programmed cell death receptor-1 expression was upregulated in the former. Conclusions: HIV-infected children exhibit premature biological aging with accelerated immune senescence, which particularly affects the CD8+ cell subset. HIV infection per se seems to influence the aging process, rather than exposure to ART for prophylaxis or treatmen

    La importancia de una adherencia correcta al tratamiento antituberculoso

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    INTRODUCCIÓN. La tuberculosis (TB) sigue siendo una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad en muchos países y esto comporta un problema grave de salud pública. La adhe­rencia al tratamiento antituberculoso es un eje fundamental para el control de esta enfermedad. DESARROLLO. A nivel mundial existen grandes diferencias en función del territorio en cuanto a las tasas de prevalencia e incidencia de la enfermedad y su mortalidad. España presen­ta una tasa de incidencia superior a la de otros países de su entorno socioeconómico. El tratamiento es prolongado y con efectos secundarios im­portantes. La adherencia al tratamiento es fundamental para que este sea eficaz, para evitar las resistencias a los fármacos y controlar la enfermedad. Los niños son más vulnerables a desarrollar la enfermedad que el resto de la población. Existen distintos tipos de métodos, directos e indirectos, para medir esta adherencia al tratamiento, aunque ninguno es ideal. Están descritos una serie de factores de riesgo de tipo so­ciodemográfico que influyen en la adherencia, como la inmigración. A los factores que dificultan el seguimiento del tratamiento en el adulto se tienen que sumar otros más espe­cíficos a nivel infantil. CONCLUSIONES. La literatura revisada destaca la importancia de un adecuado seguimiento de los pacientes para aumentar la adherencia al tratamiento antituberculoso. El rol de la enfer­mera y sus intervenciones son muy importantes