3,516 research outputs found

    KASCADE: Astrophysical results and tests of hadronic interaction models

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    KASCADE is a multi-detector setup to get redundant information on single air shower basis. The information is used to perform multiparameter analyses to solve the threefold problem of the reconstruction of (i)the unknown primary energy, (ii) the primary mass, and (iii) to quantify the characteristics of the hadronic interactions in the air-shower development. In this talk recent results of the KASCADE data analyses are summarized concerning cosmic ray anisotropy studies, determination of flux spectra for different primary mass groups, and approaches to test hadronic interaction models. Neither large scale anisotropies nor point sources were found in the KASCADE data set. The energy spectra of the light element groups result in a knee-like bending and a steepening above the knee. The topology of the individual knee positions shows a dependency on the primary particle. Though no hadronic interaction model is fully able to describe the multi-parameter data of KASCADE consistently, the more recent models or improved versions of older models reproduce the data better than few years ago.Comment: to appear in Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.), Proc. of the XIII ISVHECRI, Pylos 2004 - with a better quality of the figure

    Canonical solution of a system of long-range interacting rotators on a lattice

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    The canonical partition function of a system of rotators (classical X-Y spins) on a lattice, coupled by terms decaying as the inverse of their distance to the power alpha, is analytically computed. It is also shown how to compute a rescaling function that allows to reduce the model, for any d-dimensional lattice and for any alpha<d, to the mean field (alpha=0) model.Comment: Initially submitted to Physical Review Letters: following referees' Comments it has been transferred to Phys. Rev. E, because of supposed no general interest. Divided into sections, corrections in (5) and (20), reference 5 updated. 8 pages 1 figur

    Dynamics and nonequilibrium states in the Hamiltonian mean-field model: A closer look

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    We critically revisit the evidence for the existence of quasistationary states in the globally coupled XY (or Hamiltonian mean-field) model. A slow-relaxation regime at long times is clearly revealed by numerical realizations of the model, but no traces of quasistationarity are found during the earlier stages of the evolution. We point out the nonergodic properties of this system in the short-time range, which makes a standard statistical description unsuitable. New aspects of the evolution during the nonergodic regime, and of the energy distribution function in the final approach to equilibrium, are disclosed

    First and second order clustering transitions for a system with infinite-range attractive interaction

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    We consider a Hamiltonian system made of NN classical particles moving in two dimensions, coupled via an {\it infinite-range interaction} gauged by a parameter AA. This system shows a low energy phase with most of the particles trapped in a unique cluster. At higher energy it exhibits a transition towards a homogenous phase. For sufficiently strong coupling AA an intermediate phase characterized by two clusters appears. Depending on the value of AA the observed transitions can be either second or first order in the canonical ensemble. In the latter case microcanonical results differ dramatically from canonical ones. However, a canonical analysis, extended to metastable and unstable states, is able to describe the microcanonical equilibrium phase. In particular, a microcanonical negative specific heat regime is observed in the proximity of the transition whenever it is canonically discontinuous. In this regime, {\it microcanonically stable} states are shown to correspond to {\it saddles} of the Helmholtz free energy, located inside the spinodal region.Comment: 4 pages, Latex - 3 EPS Figs - Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Dissecting the knee - Air shower measurements with KASCADE

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    Recent results of the KASCADE air shower experiment are presented in order to shed some light on the astrophysics of cosmic rays in the region of the knee in the energy spectrum. The results include investigations of high-energy interactions in the atmosphere, the analysis of the arrival directions of cosmic rays, the determination of the mean logarithmic mass, and the unfolding of energy spectra for elemental groups

    The KASCADE-Grande Experiment and the LOPES Project

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    KASCADE-Grande is the extension of the multi-detector setup KASCADE to cover a primary cosmic ray energy range from 100 TeV to 1 EeV. The enlarged EAS experiment provides comprehensive observations of cosmic rays in the energy region around the knee. Grande is an array of 700 x 700 sqm equipped with 37 plastic scintillator stations sensitive to measure energy deposits and arrival times of air shower particles. LOPES is a small radio antenna array to operate in conjunction with KASCADE-Grande in order to calibrate the radio emission from cosmic ray air showers. Status and capabilities of the KASCADE-Grande experiment and the LOPES project are presented.Comment: To appear in Nuclear Physics B, Proceedings Supplements, as part of the volume for the CRIS 2004, Cosmic Ray International Seminar: GZK and Surrounding

    Cosmic Ray Energy Spectra and Mass Composition at the Knee - Recent Results from KASCADE -

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    Recent results from the KASCADE experiment on measurements of cosmic rays in the energy range of the knee are presented. Emphasis is placed on energy spectra of individual mass groups as obtained from an two-dimensional unfolding applied to the reconstructed electron and truncated muon numbers of each individual EAS. The data show a knee-like structure in the energy spectra of light primaries (p, He, C) and an increasing dominance of heavy ones (A > 20) towards higher energies. This basic result is robust against uncertainties of the applied interaction models QGSJET and SIBYLL which are used in the shower simulations to analyse the data. Slight differences observed between experimental data and EAS simulations provide important clues for further improvements of the interaction models. The data are complemented by new limits on global anisotropies in the arrival directions of CRs and by upper limits on point sources. Astrophysical implications for discriminating models of maximum acceleration energy vs galactic diffusion/drift models of the knee are discussed based on this data.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Nuclear Physics B, Proceedings Supplements, as part of the volume for the CRIS 2004, Cosmic Ray International Seminar: GZK and Surrounding

    Linear optics implementation of general two-photon projective measurement

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    We will present a method of implementation of general projective measurement of two-photon polarization state with the use of linear optics elements only. The scheme presented succeeds with a probability of at least 1/16. For some specific measurements, (e.g. parity measurement) this probability reaches 1/4.Comment: 8 page

    Solvable model of a phase oscillator network on a circle with infinite-range Mexican-hat-type interaction

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    We describe a solvable model of a phase oscillator network on a circle with infinite-range Mexican-hat-type interaction. We derive self-consistent equations of the order parameters and obtain three non-trivial solutions characterized by the rotation number. We also derive relevant characteristics such as the location-dependent distributions of the resultant frequencies of desynchronized oscillators. Simulation results closely agree with the theoretical ones

    Avalanche criticality in the martensitic transition of Cu67.64Zn16.71Al15.65 shape-memory alloy: a calorimetric and acoustic emission study

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    The first-order diffusionless structural transition in Cu67.64Zn16.71Al15.65 is characterized by jerky propagation of phase fronts related to the appearance of avalanches. In this paper, we describe a full analysis of this avalanche behavior using calorimetric heat-flux measurements and acoustic emission measurements. Two different propagation modes, namely, smooth front propagation and jerky avalanches, were observed in extremely slow measurements with heating and cooling rates as low as a few 10−3 K/h. Avalanches show criticality where each avalanche leads to a spike in the heat flux. Their statistical analysis leads to a power law [P(E)∼E−ε, where P(E)dE is the probability to observe an avalanche with energy E in an interval between E and E+dE] with an energy exponent of ε=2.15±0.15 in excellent agreement with the results of acoustic emission measurements. Avalanches appear to be more common for heating rates faster than 5×10−3 K/h whereas smooth front propagation occurs in all calorimetric measurements and (almost) exclusively for slower heating rates. Repeated cooling runs were taken after a waiting time of 1 month (and an intermediate heating run). Correlations between the avalanche sequences of the two cooling runs were found for the strongest avalanche peaks but not for the full sequence of avalanches. The memory effect is hence limited to strong avalanches