1,657 research outputs found

    Outer layer turbulence intensities in smooth- and rough-wall boundary layers

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    Clear differences in turbulence intensity profiles in smooth, transitional and fully rough zero-pressure-gradient boundary layers are demonstrated, using the diagnostic plot introduced by Alfredsson, Segalini & Örlü (Phys. Fluids, vol. 23, 2011, p. 041702) – u?/U versus U/Ue, where u? and U are the local (root mean square) fluctuating and mean velocities and Ue is the free stream velocity. A wide range of published data are considered and all zero-pressure-gradient boundary layers yield outer flow u?/U values that are roughly linearly related to U/Ue, just as for smooth walls, but with a significantly higher slope which is completely independent of the roughness morphology. The difference in slope is due largely to the influence of the roughness parameter (?U+ in the usual notation) and all the data can be fitted empirically by using a modified form of the scaling, dependent only on ?U/Ue. The turbulence intensity, at a location in the outer layer where U/Ue is fixed, rises monotonically with increasing ?U/Ue which, however, remains of O(1) for all possible zero-pressure-gradient rough-wall boundary layers even at the highest Reynolds numbers. A measurement of intensity at a point in the outer region of the boundary layer can provide an indication of whether the surface is aerodynamically fully rough, without having to determine the surface stress or effective roughness height. Discussion of the implication for smooth/rough flow universality of differences in outer-layer mean velocity wake strength is include

    Approaches to Endow Ribonucleases with Antitumor Activity: Lessons Learned from the Native Cytotoxic Ribonucleases

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    Typical antitumor drugs disrupt the flow of biochemical information from DNA to proteins with the aim of precluding uncontrolled cell proliferation and inducing cancer cell apoptosis. However, most of the currently used small antitumor drugs are genotoxic because they act over DNA. Pharmaceutical industry is now searching for a new line of cancer chemotherapeutics without genotoxic effects. Ribonucleases (RNases) are small basic proteins, present in all life forms, which belong to this kind of chemotherapeutics. Some of them present with remarkable selective antitumor activity linked to their ability to destroy RNA, a powerful way to control gene expression, leaving DNA unharmed. In the last two decades, the knowledge gained on the cytotoxic mechanism of these RNases has been used to engineer more powerful and selective variants to kill cancer cells. In this chapter, we describe the advances reached in endowing an RNase with antitumor abilities

    Bryological and lichenological richness in the Collserola Park (Catalonia, Spain). Their value and stations of special interest

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    Presentem el catàleg dels líquens i briòfits pel Parc de Collserola. Un total de 313 tàxons representen la riquesa específica fins ara coneguda al Parc (185 líquens i 128 briòfits). La riquesa específica més gran correspon a les espècies epifítiques, seguides per les terrícoles, les saxícoles i per últim les hidròfiles. Basant-nos en la presència d’espècies singulars destaquem les següents estacions d’interès brioliquènic: Sant Medir, on hi ha líquens foliícoles; Torrent de les Tres Serres, amb una comunitat d’espècies hidròfiles, Torrent d’en Fotjà, on hi trobem líquens muscícoles i lignícoles, i alguna estació de zones obertes, amb comunitats de tàxons xeròfils i heliòfils. El seguiment d’aquestes estacions pot tenir un gran interès per al biomonitoratge de la «salut ambiental» del Parc.We report the catalogue of the bryophytes and lichens of the natural area Parc de Collserola. The hitherto known species richness from the area includes 313 taxa, (128 bryophytes and 185 lichens). Epiphytes are the life form including most species richness, followed by terricolous, saxicolous and hidrophilous taxa. Three stations stand out based on the presence of singular species or communities: Sant Medir due to foliicolous lichens; Torrent de les Tres Serres through hidrophilous communities; and Torrent d’en Fotjà through muscicolous and lignicolous lichens. In addition, open and exposed sites host specific xerophilous and heliophilous communities. The continuous survey of these stations would be interesting to biomonitoring the environmental health of the Park

    Non-parametric serial decision fusion

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    La cultura i el clima organitzacional a l'Educació Secundària

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    La importància de l'educació secundària per al desenvolupament personal i social i les diferents problemàtiques que actualment presenta obliguen a fer diferents actuacions (polítiques, legals, científiques i tècniques) que permetin optimitzar i millorar la realitat actual. En el present article exposem resumidament les principals característiques d'una recerca que s'ha desenvolupat amb l'objectiu de millorar el funcionament dels centres d'educació secundària (IES) a partir del diagnòstic detallat de les variables cultura i clima organitzatius. Presentem una recerca desenvolupada per un equip de treball format per professors i directors d'IES, professionals de l'administració educativa i acadèmics del món universitari. Això ens ha permès fer un plantejament global i plural de la realitat i coordinar els diferents agents implicats i els professionals de l'àmbit. Partim presentant molt breument el marc teòric de referència. En segon lloc es determinen les bases metodològiques i els aspectes empírics de la recerca. A més del disseny dels instruments per al diagnòstic de la cultura i el clima dels centres. Finalment, es presenten resumidament els resultats i les principals conclusions de l'estudi.La importancia de la educación secundaria para el desarrollo personal y social y las diversas disfunciones y problemas que presenta obligan a realizar diferentes actuaciones (políticas, legales, científicas y técnicas) que permitan superar y optimizar la actual situación. En el presente artículo se exponen de forma sintética los principales rasgos y características de una investigación que ha tenido como objeto de estudio la mejora del funcionamiento de los centros de educación secundaria (IES) a partir del diagnóstico detallado de las variables de su clima y cultura institucional. Presentamos una investigación desarrollada por un equipo de trabajo configurado por profesores y directores de IES, profesionales de la administración educativa y académicos de la universidad que ha permitido plantear un enfoque global, plural y coordinado de los diferentes agentes implicados y profesionales del ámbito. Partimos presentando de forma sucinta el marco teórico en el que hemos basado nuestra investigación. Seguidamente se determinan las bases metodológicas y de carácter más empírico, destacando por un lado el estudio de casos como metodología de trabajo y el diseño o aplicación de instrumentos para el análisis y el diagnóstico del clima y cultura institucional. Finalmente se presentan de forma resumida los resultados y las principales conclusiones del estudio.The importance of the education secondary for the personal and social development and the diverse problems that present/display force to make different performances (political, legal, scientific and technical) that allows to surpass and to optimize the present one situation. In the present article they are exposed of synthetic form the main characteristics and characteristics of one investigation that it has had as study object the improvement of the operation of the centers of secondary education (IES) from the detailed diagnosis of the variables of its climate and institutional culture. We presented/displayed an investigation developed by a work party formed by professors and directors of IES, academic professionals of the educative administration and of university that has allowed to raise a global approach, plural and coordinated of the different professional implied agents y from the scope. We started off presenting/displaying of the theoretical frame on which we have based our investigation. Next the methodologic bases and of more empirical character are determined, emphasizing by a side the study of cases like work methodology and design or application of instruments for the analysis and diagnosis of the climate and institutional culture. Finally the results appear of summarized form and the main conclusions of the study

    Occurrence of inorganic arsenic in edible Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) products

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    The present study reports arsenic speciation analysis in edible Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) products. The study focused on the extraction, and accurate quantification of inorganic arsenic (iAs), the most toxic form of arsenic, which was selectively separated and determined using anion exchange LC-ICPMS. A wide variety of edible Shiitake products (fresh mushrooms, food supplements, canned and dehydrated) were purchased and analysed. A cultivated Shiitake grown under controlled conditions was also analysed. The extraction method showed satisfactory extraction efficiencies (>90%) and column recoveries (>85%) for all samples. Arsenic speciation revealed that iAs was the major As compound up to 1.38 mg As per kg dm (with a mean percentage of 84% of the total arsenic) and other organoarsenicals were found as minor species. Shiitake products had high proportions of iAs and therefore should not be ignored as potential contributors to dietary iAs exposure in populations with a high intake of Shiitake products

    Brief intervention in substance-use among adolescent psychiatric patients: a randomized controlled trial

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    Objective of the study is to assess the efficacy of a brief motivational enhancement intervention in adolescents referred to psychiatric treatment who reported substance-use. In a sample of adolescents (n = 237) consecutively admitted to a psychiatry department, 143 were identified as users. Subjects were randomly allocated to one of two groups: an experimental group that received a brief intervention aimed at increasing their awareness of the risks of substance-use, or a control group. All subjects received standard treatment according to the primary diagnosis. Structured questionnaires assessing knowledge, problems, perception of risks and intention of use of psychoactive substances were administered upon admission and 1 month later. Fifty-nine subjects entered the experimental group and 44 the control group. No significant differences between the two groups were identified in socio-demographic features or substance-use. Non-parametric analyses showed a significant increase across time in overall knowledge about drugs and perception of risk in the experimental group (P < 0.05). A significant increase in overall knowledge in the experimental group compared to controls was found (P < 0.05). No differences were observed for other variables such as intention of use or perception of risk. Brief intervention in adolescents entering psychiatric treatment led to a significant change in overall knowledge about psychoactive substances but not in other variables related to use. Our results point to the need of more intensive interventions

    Circadian rhythm abnormalities and autonomic dysfunction in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

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    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) patients frequently show autonomic symptoms which may be associated with a hypothalamic dysfunction. This study aimed to explore circadian rhythm patterns in rest and activity and distal skin temperature (DST) and their association with self-reported outcome measures, in CFS/ME patients and healthy controls at two different times of year. Ten women who met both the 1994 CDC/Fukuda definition and 2003 Canadian criteria for CFS/ME were included in the study, along with ten healthy controls matched for age, sex and body mass index. Self-reported measures were used to assess fatigue, sleep quality, anxiety and depression, autonomic function and health-related quality of life. The ActTrust actigraph was used to record activity, DST and light intensity, with data intervals of one minute over seven consecutive days. Sleep variables were obtained through actigraphic analysis and from subjective sleep diary. The circadian variables and the spectral analysis of the rhythms were calculated. Linear regression analysis was used to evaluate the relationship between the rhythmic variables and clinical features. Recordings were taken in the same subjects in winter and summer. Results showed no differences in rhythm stability, sleep latency or number of awakenings between groups as measured with the actigraph. However, daily activity, the relative amplitude and the stability of the activity rhythm were lower in CFS/ME patients than in controls. DST was sensitive to environmental temperature and showed lower nocturnal values in CFS/ME patients than controls only in winter. A spectral analysis showed no differences in phase or amplitude of the 24h rhythm, but the power of the second harmonic (12h), revealed differences between groups (controls showed a post-lunch dip in activity and peak in DST, while CFS/ME patients did not) and correlated with clinical features. These findings suggest that circadian regulation and skin vasodilator responses may play a role in CFS/ME