2,854 research outputs found

    Organizational Change, Skill Formation, Human Capital Measurement: Evidence From Italian Manufacturing Firms

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    Basing on a job competition approach, in this paper we provide a labour demand-oriented measure of human capital as defined by the amount of specific skills a firm generates through work-based training (WBT) activities. By merging three rich firm-level datasets, we estimate the impact of a set of variables that are supposed to affect both the propensity to invest in WBT and the intensity of training within the Italian manufacturing industry over the period 2001-2005.The estimates show that the effects of innovation on WBT is higher when the introduction of new technologies is supported by organizational innovations. When looking at the nature of WBT, we investigate the different determinants of the firms' propensity to provide both in-house and outside training. Finally, we estimate training intensity in terms, respectively, of the number of training activities provided, private and total training costs and the share of trainees

    Appalti verdi e codice dei contratti pubblici: i criteri ambientali minimi (cam) nell’attuazione delle direttive dell’Unione Europea sui contratti pubblici di quarta generazione e profili di diritto comparato

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    Il tema della tutela dell’ambiente rappresenta una delle aree tematiche più indicative delle dinamiche evolutive che hanno interessato negli ultimi anni l’impianto originario del diritto amministrativo in generale, così come, nello specifico, del codice dei contratti pubblici. Attraverso il prisma della nozione di ambiente come recepita nel tempo sul piano positivo e giurisprudenziale, sembra possibile per l’interprete acquisire quella base conoscitiva necessaria per cogliere l’evoluzione del diritto amministrativo, nonchè le coordinate ermeneutiche utili all’individuazione dell’attuale equilibrio del sistema ordinamentale. L’esame dei profili ambientali all’interno del microsistema degli appalti pubblici (c.d. appalti verdi o green public procurement) sottende la convergenza di più piani ed esprime tutta la tensione esistente tra favor naturae e favor libertatis, tra impostazione “massimalista” ed impostazione “migliorista” della protezione dell’ambiente, tra tutela dell’ambiente e promozione della concorrenza. Gli scopi dell’indagine sono quelli di registrare da un lato il dato storico e giuridico dell’evoluzione della c.d. governance contrattuale pubblica (c.d. government by contract) resasi necessaria quale particolare forma di regolazione a seguito del processo di privatizzazione (c.d. outsourcing) e realizzatasi nel contesto dell’ordinamento dell’Unione europea, così come nell’ambito di altri contesti ordinamentali , attraverso la progressiva integrazione delle c.d. politiche orizzontali (ambientali e sociali) nell’ambito degli appalti pubblici anche grazie al concetto di economia circolare dei modelli economici e dei modelli istituzionali e al tema dei cc.dd. beni comuni; dall’altro, di evitare la “tirannia” del diritto dell’ambiente nei confronti delle altre situazioni giuridiche costituzionalmente riconosciute che costituiscono complessivamente espressione della dignità della persona, risultato che di regola esiterebbe dalla aprioristica affermazione della primarietà assoluta del bene ambiente rispetto agli altri beni-interessi anch’essi costituzionalmente rilevanti. In tale contesto si posiziona il particolare dialogo tra valori ambientali e procedure ad evidenza pubblica , rappresentato dal tema dei criteri ambientali minimi (cam) oggetto della presente indagine, dove i principi sottesi alla protezione dell’ambiente e quelli che presiedono le procedure di gara (favor partecipationis, trasparenza, non discriminazione) possono trovare una non facile composizione, soprattutto in ragione della considerazione del rischio associato all’adozione di fattori regolativi del mercato che, fondati sulla promozione di sistemi di produzione a basso impatto ambientale, rischino di alterarne la tradizionale impostazione pro-concorrenziale e non discriminatoria

    CRP Predicts Safe Patient Discharge after Colorectal Surgery. Reply

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    Reply: We would like to thank Aurelie´n Dupre`, Johan Gagnie´r, Heloı¨se Samba, Michel Rivoire, and Karem Slim for their comments about our article ‘‘Procalcitonin Reveals Early Dehiscence in Colorectal Surgery: The PREDICS Study.’’1 It is very rewarding to realize that this paper is stimulating so many observations, this means thatwe are talking about an interesting topic

    PFAS in textile wastewater: An integrated scenario analysis for interventions prioritization to reduce environmental risk

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    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are used in several industrial applications, such as in textile manufacturing, and are known as "forever chemicals" due to their spread, stability and (eco-)toxicity, gaining increasing concern. To avoid PFAS spread in the environment, reducing the environmental risk on receiving surface water, prevention and removal strategies should be implemented at multiple levels, comprising both textile factories and municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). This study presents an integrated scenario analysis to compare and prioritize prevention and removal strategies based on their potential in risk minimization. Field monitoring campaigns, lab- and pilot-scale experiments on two established removal processes (pressure-driven membrane separation, adsorption on activated carbon) were combined, and environmental risk was assessed due to a mixture of 15 PFAS. About prevention, substitution of long-chain PFAS with short-chain PFAS were considered, as well as the reduction of PFAS used in textile processing. The proposed approach was applied in a textile district in northern Italy without PFAS spikes in the tested wastewaters. This approach has proven to be beneficial in determining the optimal combination of actions to be implemented across different levels of the industrial district (including textile factories and/or municipal WWTP). This methodology provides a clear indication of the environmental advantages, specifically in minimizing risks, resulting from the implementation of diverse PFAS reduction strategies. Compared to the current scenario, resulting in an unacceptable risk (risk quotient, RQ=2.2), the risk can be reduced below the acceptable threshold (RQ=0.9) by the combination of (i) PFAS reduction/replacement in textile processing, (ii) treatment of wastewater discharged by textile factories through membrane separation prior to the discharge in the sewer, and (ii) WWTP upgrade through an activated carbon adsorption downstream the ozonation ste

    Increased requirement of replacement doses of levothyroxine caused by liver cirrhosis

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    Background: Since hypothyroidism is a fairly common dysfunction, levothyroxine (L-T4) is one of the most prescribed medications. Approximately 70% of the administered L-T4 dose is absorbed. The absorption process takes place in the small intestine. Some disorders of the digestive system and some medicines, supplements, and drinks cause L-T4 malabsorption, resulting in failure of serum TSH to be normal. Only rarely liver cirrhosis is mentioned as causing L-T4 malabsorption. Case report: In this study, we report increased requirement of daily doses of l-thyroxine in two patients with the atrophic variant of Hashimoto's thyroiditis and liver cirrhosis. In one patient, this increased requirement could have been contributed by the increased serum levels of the estrogen-dependent thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG), which is the major plasma carrier of thyroid hormones. In the other patient, we switched from tablet L-T4 to liquid L-T4 at the same daily dose. Normalization of TSH levels was achieved, but TSH increased again when she returned to tablet L-T4. Conclusion: Liver cirrhosis can cause increased L-T4 requirements. In addition to impaired bile secretion, the mechanism could be increased serum TBG. A similar increased requirement of L-T4 is observed in other situations characterized by elevation of serum TBG. Because of better intestinal absorption, L-T4 oral liquid formulation is able to circumvent the increased need of L-T4 in these patients

    ISME trends: Autonomous surface and underwater vehicles for geoseismic survey

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    The paper presents the recent and ongoing activities of the Italian Center named ISME on the use of Autonomous Surface Crafts (ASCs) and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) for geoseismic survey. In particular, the paper will focus on the technologies and the algorithms developed in the framework of the H2020 European Project WiMUST