10 research outputs found

    Plasma thruster design throught a predictive model of the Proto-sphera experiment arc state

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    A predictive model on the Protosphera experiment plasma's arc state Daniele Iannarelli1* 1DIAEE, Sapienza, Roma, Italia *[email protected] In the last century the research on plasma physics has grown significantly since plasmas have found a wide interest in the scientific community and in the industrial one. Among the machines that has been built to produce plasmas relevant to nuclear fusion research, there are promising experimental devices such as tokamaks and spheromaks, where it is possible to generate an hot plasma throught the heating of an internal chemical specie and to confine it throught strong magnetic fields. These machines should also be capable in the near future to sustain thermal nuclear fusion reactions in a confined plasma volume and to generate energy without the production of radioactive waste. Therefore theese machines are currently under study as potential new sustainable energy production systems and engines' feeding systems. In the space propulsion field a strong interest is focused on the research on green propellants that can reduce the risk in the launcher's handling phases and that can reduce the impact on the environment while the thruster is working. In this contest fusion propellants and light non explosive propellants are the ones that can be selected for the design of future propulsion systems. For what concern plasma thrusters, they can generate a plasma throught an electric discharge and a thrust throught the acceleration and the expulsion of charged particles. For this reason the experiment Protosphera that has been designed and developed at ENEA Frascati Research Center is of interest both in physics and propulsion since it is an innovative technology for plasma production that can be integrated on a propulsion system in real or scaled geometry. Protosphera is an innovative plasma physics experiment that aims to obtain a toroidal magnetic confinement configuration from an arc discharge by means of magnetic reconnections. A first model of the central plasma column of the Protosphera experiment can be obtained throught the modeling of an arc discharge between the machine electrodes and its equilibrium. This simple model can lead to a first estimation of the plasma state in the core of the Protosphera experiment

    Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of the individuals in the three experimental groups.

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    *<p>Indicates a significant difference from both aMCIPD and aMCINPD subjects (p<0.01 in both cases) resulting from application of Tukey’s HSD test for unequal samples.</p><p>UPDRS: Unified Parkinson’s disease Rating Scale-Part III <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0086233#pone.0086233-Fahn1" target="_blank">[34]</a>.</p><p>PDaMCI: PD patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (isolated or associated with other cognitive changes).</p><p>aMCINPD: individuals with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (isolated or associated with other cognitive changes) without PD.</p

    Dietary intake and major food sources of polyphenols in people with type 2 diabetes: The TOSCA.IT Study

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    none200nononeVitale, M.; Masulli, M.; Rivellese, A.A.; Bonora, E.; Cappellini, F.; Nicolucci, A.; Squatrito, S.; Antenucci, D.; Barrea, A.; Bianchi, C.; Bianchini, F.; Fontana, L.; Fornengo, P.; Giorgino, F.; Gnasso, A.; Mannucci, E.; Mazzotti, A.; Nappo, R.; Palena, A.P.; Pata, P.; Perriello, G.; Potenziani, S.; Radin, R.; Ricci, L.; Romeo, F.; Santini, C.; Scarponi, M.; Serra, R.; Timi, A.; Turco, A.A.; Vedovato, M.; Zavaroni, D.; Grioni, S.; Riccardi, G.; Vaccaro, O; Rivellese, Angela Albarosa; Cocozza, Sara; Auciello, Stefania; Turco, Anna Amelia; Bonora, Enzo; Cigolini, Massimo; Pichiri, Isabella; Brangani, Corinna; Tomasetto, Elena; Perriello, Gabriele; Timi, Alessia; Squatrito, Sebastiano; Sinagra, Tiziana; Longhitano, Sara; Tropea, Vanessa; Ballardini, Giorgio; Babini, Anna Carla; Ripani, Raffaella; Gregori, Giovanna; Dolci, Maria; Bruselli, Laura; Salutini, Isabella; Mori, Mary; Baccetti, Fabio; Lapolla, Annunziata; Sartore, Giovanni; Burlina, Silvia; Chilelli, Nino Cristiano; Buzzetti, Raffaella; Venditti, Chiara; Potenziani, Stella; Carlone, Angela; Galluzzo†, Aldo; Giordano, Carla; Torregrossa, Vittoria; Corsi, Laura; Cuneo, Giacomo; Corsi, Simona; Tizio, Biagio; Clemente, Gennaro; Citro, Giuseppe; Natale, Maria; Salvatore, Vita; Di Cianni, Graziano; Lacaria, Emilia; Russo, Laura; Iannarelli, Rossella; de Gregorio, Antonella; Sciarretta, Filomena; D’Andrea, Settimio; Montani, Valeria; Cannarsa, Emanuela; Dolcetti, Katia; Cordera, Renzo; Bonabello, Laura Affinito; Mazzucchelli, Chiara; Giorda, Carlo Bruno; Romeo, Francesco; Bonetto, Caterina; Antenucci, Daniela; Baldassarre, Maria Pompea Antonia; Iovine, Ciro; Nappo, Rossella; Ciano, Ornella; Dall’Aglio, Elisabetta; Mancastroppa, Giovanni; Grimaldi, Franco; Tonutti, Laura; Boemi, Massimo; D’Angelo, Federica; Leotta, Sergio; Fontana, Lucia; Lauro, Davide; Rinaldi, Maria Elena; Cignarelli, Mauro; la Macchia, Olga; Fariello, Stefania; Tomasi, Franco; Zamboni, Chiara; Dozio, Nicoletta; Trevisan, Roberto; Scaranna, Cristiana; Del Prato, Stefano; Miccoli, Roberto; Bianchi, Cristina; Garofolo, Monia; Pugliese, Giuseppe; Salvi, Laura; Rangel, Graziela; Vitale, Martina; Anichini, Roberto; Tedeschi, Anna; Corsini, Elisa; Cucinotta, Domenico; Di Benedetto, Antonino; Giunta, Loretta; Ruffo, Maria Concetta; Bossi, Antonio Carlo; Carpinter, Rita; Dotta, Francesco; Ceccarelli, Elena; Bartolo, Paolo Di; Caselli, Chiara; Luberto, Alessandra; Santini, Costanza; Mazzotti, Arianna; Calbucci, Giovanni; Consoli, Agostino; Ginestra, Federica; Calabrese, Maria; Zogheri, Alessia; Ricci, Lucia; Giorgino, Francesco; Laviola, Luigi; Ippolito, Claudia; Tarantino, Lucia; Avogaro, Angelo; Vedovato, Monica; Gnasso, Agostino; Carallo, Claudio; Scicchitano, Caterina; Zavaroni, Donatella; Livraga, Stefania; Perin, Paolo Cavallo; Forrnengo, Paolo; Prinzis, Tania; de Cosmo, Salvatore; Palena, Antonio Pio; Bacci, Simonetta; Mannucci, Edoardo; Lamanna, Caterina; Pata, Pietro; Lettina, Gabriele; Aiello, Antimo; Barrea, Angelina; Lalli, Carlo; Scarponi, Maura; Franzetti, Ivano; Radin, Raffaella; Serra, Rosalia; Petrachi, Francesca; Asprino, Vincenzo; Capra, Claudio; Cigolini, Massimo; Forte, Elisa; Potenziani, Stella; Reggiani, Giulio Marchesini; Forlani, Gabriele; Montesi, Luca; Mazzella, Natalia; Piatti, Pier Marco; Monti, Lucilla; Stuccillo, Michela; Auletta, Pasquale; Petraroli, Ettore; Capobianco, Giuseppe; Romano, Geremia; Cutolo, Michele; de Simone, Giosetta; Caiazzo, Gennaro; Nunziata, Peppe; Sorrentino, Susy; Amelia, Umberto; Calatola, Pasqualino; Capuano, GelsominaVitale, M.; Masulli, M.; Rivellese, A. A.; Bonora, Enzo; Cappellini, F.; Nicolucci, A.; Squatrito, S.; Antenucci, D.; Barrea, A.; Bianchi, C.; Bianchini, FRANCESCA ANTONIA; Fontana, L.; Fornengo, P.; Giorgino, FRANCESCO LIBERO; Gnasso, A.; Mannucci, E.; Mazzotti, Alfredo; Nappo, R.; Palena, A. P.; Pata, P.; Perriello, G.; Potenziani, S.; Radin, R.; Ricci, Laura; Romeo, Francesco; Santini, C.; Scarponi, M.; Serra, Roberto; Timi, A.; Turco, A. A.; Vedovato, M.; Zavaroni, D.; Grioni, S.; Riccardi, Giovanna; Vaccaro, O; Rivellese, Angela Albarosa; Cocozza, Sara; Auciello, Stefania; Turco, Anna Amelia; Bonora, Enzo; Cigolini, Massimo; Pichiri, Isabella; Brangani, Corinna; Tomasetto, Elena; Perriello, Gabriele; Timi, Alessia; Squatrito, Sebastiano; Sinagra, Tiziana; Longhitano, Sara; Tropea, Vanessa; Ballardini, Giorgio; Babini, Anna Carla; Ripani, Raffaella; Gregori, Giovanna; Dolci, Maria; Bruselli, Laura; Salutini, Isabella; Mori, Mary; Baccetti, Fabio; Lapolla, Annunziata; Sartore, Giovanni; Burlina, Silvia; Chilelli, NINO CRISTIANO; Buzzetti, Raffaella; Venditti, Chiara; Potenziani, Stella; Carlone, Angela; Galluzzo†, Aldo; Giordano, Carla; Torregrossa, Vittoria; Corsi, Laura; Cuneo, Giacomo; Corsi, Simona; Tizio, Biagio; Clemente, Gennaro; Citro, Giuseppe; Natale, Maria; Salvatore, Vita; Di Cianni, Graziano; Lacaria, Emilia; Russo, Laura; Iannarelli, Rossella; de Gregorio, Antonella; Sciarretta, Filomena; D’Andrea, Settimio; Montani, Valeria; Cannarsa, Emanuela; Dolcetti, Katia; Cordera, Renzo; Bonabello, Laura Affinito; Mazzucchelli, Chiara; Giorda, Carlo Bruno; Romeo, Francesco; Bonetto, Caterina; Antenucci, Daniela; Baldassarre, Maria Pompea Antonia; Iovine, Ciro; Nappo, Rossella; Ciano, Ornella; Dall’Aglio, Elisabetta; Mancastroppa, Giovanni; Grimaldi, Franco; Tonutti, Laura; Boemi, Massimo; D’Angelo, Federica; Leotta, Sergio; Fontana, Lucia; Lauro, Davide; Rinaldi, Maria Elena; Cignarelli, Mauro; la Macchia, Olga; Fariello, Stefania; Tomasi, Franco; Zamboni, Chiara; Dozio, Nicoletta; Trevisan, Roberto; Scaranna, Cristiana; Del Prato, Stefano; Miccoli, Roberto; Bianchi, Cristina; Garofolo, Monia; Pugliese, Giuseppe; Salvi, Laura; Rangel, Graziela; Vitale, Martina; Anichini, Roberto; Tedeschi, Anna; Corsini, Elisa; Cucinotta, Domenico; Di Benedetto, Antonino; Giunta, Loretta; Ruffo, Maria Concetta; Bossi, Antonio Carlo; Carpinter, Rita; Dotta, Francesco; Ceccarelli, Elena; Bartolo, Paolo Di; Caselli, Chiara; Luberto, Alessandra; Santini, Costanza; Mazzotti, Arianna; Calbucci, Giovanni; Consoli, Agostino; Ginestra, Federica; Calabrese, Maria; Zogheri, Alessia; Ricci, Lucia; Giorgino, FRANCESCO LIBERO; Laviola, Luigi; Ippolito, Claudia; Tarantino, Lucia; Avogaro, Angelo; Vedovato, Monica; Gnasso, Agostino; Carallo, Claudio; Scicchitano, Caterina; Zavaroni, Donatella; Livraga, Stefania; Perin, Paolo Cavallo; Forrnengo, Paolo; Prinzis, Tania; de Cosmo, Salvatore; Palena, Antonio Pio; Bacci, Simonetta; Mannucci, Edoardo; Lamanna, Caterina; Pata, Pietro; Lettina, Gabriele; Aiello, Antimo; Barrea, Angelina; Lalli, Carlo; Scarponi, Maura; Franzetti, Ivano; Radin, Raffaella; Serra, Rosalia; Petrachi, Francesca; Asprino, Vincenzo; Capra, Claudio; Cigolini, Massimo; Forte, Elisa; Potenziani, Stella; Reggiani, Giulio Marchesini; Forlani, Gabriele; Montesi, Luca; Mazzella, Natalia; Piatti, Pier Marco; Monti, Lucilla; Stuccillo, Michela; Auletta, Pasquale; Petraroli, Ettore; Capobianco, Giuseppe; Romano, Geremia; Cutolo, Michele; de Simone, Giosetta; Caiazzo, Gennaro; Nunziata, Peppe; Sorrentino, Susy; Amelia, Umberto; Calatola, Pasqualino; Capuano, Gelsomin

    Dietary intake and major food sources of polyphenols in people with type 2 diabetes: The TOSCA.IT Study

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    Purpose: Proper evaluation of polyphenols intake at the population level is a necessary step in order to establish possible associations with health outcomes. Available data are limited, and so far no study has been performed in people with diabetes. The aim of this work was to document the intake of polyphenols and their major food sources in a cohort of people with type 2 diabetes and in socio-demographic subgroups. Methods: We studied 2573 men and women aged 50â\u80\u9375 years. Among others, anthropometry was measured by standard protocol and dietary habits were investigated by food frequency questionnaire (EPIC). The intake of polyphenols was evaluated using US Department of Agriculture and Phenol-Explorer databases. Results: The mean total polyphenol intake was 683.3 ± 5.8 mg/day. Non-alcoholic beverages represented the main food source of dietary polyphenols and provided 35.5% of total polyphenol intake, followed by fruits (23.0%), alcoholic beverages (14.0%), vegetables (12.4%), cereal products and tubers (4.6%), legumes (3.7%) and oils (2.1%); chocolate, cakes and nuts are negligible sources of polyphenols in this cohort. The two most important polyphenol classes contributing to the total intake were flavonoids (47.5%) and phenolic acids (47.4%). Polyphenol intake increased with age and education level and decreased with BMI; furthermore, in the northern regions of Italy, the polyphenol intake was slightly, but significantly higher than in the central or southern regions. Conclusions: The study documents for the first time the intake of polyphenols and their main food sources in people with diabetes using validated and complete databases of the polyphenol content of food. Compared with published data, collected in people without diabetes, these results suggest a lower intake and a different pattern of intake in people with diabetes

    Effects on the incidence of cardiovascular events of the addition of pioglitazone versus sulfonylureas in patients with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled with metformin (TOSCA.IT): a randomised, multicentre trial

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    Background The best treatment option for patients with type 2 diabetes in whom treatment with metformin alone fails to achieve adequate glycaemic control is debated. We aimed to compare the long-term effects of pioglitazone versus sulfonylureas, given in addition to metformin, on cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods TOSCA.IT was a multicentre, randomised, pragmatic clinical trial, in which patients aged 50\ue2\u80\u9375 years with type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled with metformin monotherapy (2\ue2\u80\u933 g per day) were recruited from 57 diabetes clinics in Italy. Patients were randomly assigned (1:1), by permuted blocks randomisation (block size 10), stratified by site and previous cardiovascular events, to add-on pioglitazone (15\ue2\u80\u9345 mg) or a sulfonylurea (5\ue2\u80\u9315 mg glibenclamide, 2\ue2\u80\u936 mg glimepiride, or 30\ue2\u80\u93120 mg gliclazide, in accordance with local practice). The trial was unblinded, but event adjudicators were unaware of treatment assignment. The primary outcome, assessed with a Cox proportional-hazards model, was a composite of first occurrence of all-cause death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, non-fatal stroke, or urgent coronary revascularisation, assessed in the modified intention-to-treat population (all randomly assigned participants with baseline data available and without any protocol violations in relation to inclusion or exclusion criteria). This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00700856. Findings Between Sept 18, 2008, and Jan 15, 2014, 3028 patients were randomly assigned and included in the analyses. 1535 were assigned to pioglitazone and 1493 to sulfonylureas (glibenclamide 24 [2%], glimepiride 723 [48%], gliclazide 745 [50%]). At baseline, 335 (11%) participants had a previous cardiovascular event. The study was stopped early on the basis of a futility analysis after a median follow-up of 57\uc2\ub73 months. The primary outcome occurred in 105 patients (1\uc2\ub75 per 100 person-years) who were given pioglitazone and 108 (1\uc2\ub75 per 100 person-years) who were given sulfonylureas (hazard ratio 0\uc2\ub796, 95% CI 0\uc2\ub774\ue2\u80\u931\uc2\ub726, p=0\uc2\ub779). Fewer patients had hypoglycaemias in the pioglitazone group than in the sulfonylureas group (148 [10%] vs 508 [34%], p&lt;0\uc2\ub70001). Moderate weight gain (less than 2 kg, on average) occurred in both groups. Rates of heart failure, bladder cancer, and fractures were not significantly different between treatment groups. Interpretation In this long-term, pragmatic trial, incidence of cardiovascular events was similar with sulfonylureas (mostly glimepiride and gliclazide) and pioglitazone as add-on treatments to metformin. Both of these widely available and affordable treatments are suitable options with respect to efficacy and adverse events, although pioglitazone was associated with fewer hypoglycaemia events. Funding Italian Medicines Agency, Diabete Ricerca, and Italian Diabetes Society