50 research outputs found

    Reversible conversion in the brassinosteroid quartet castasterone, brassinolide and their 3 beta-epimers

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    The metabolism of deuterated brassinosteroids has been studied in excised leaves of Secale cereale, and in vitro in seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana and cell suspension cultures of Lycopersicon esculentum. In addition to the known biosynthetic convers

    Target fragments in collisions of 1.8 GeV/nucleon Fe-56 nuclei with photoemulsion nuclei, and the cascade-evaporation model

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    Nuclear photographic emulsion is used to study the dependence of the characteristics of target-nucleus fragments on the masses and impact parameters of interacting nuclei. The data obtained are compared in all details with the calculation results made in terms of the Dubna version of the cascade-evaporation model (DCM)

    Multiplicities of secondaries in interactions of 1.8 GeV/nucleon Fe-56 nuclei with photoemulsion and the cascade evaporation model

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    A nuclear photographic emulsion method was used to study the charge-state, ionization, and angular characteristics of secondaries produced in inelastic interactions of Fe-56 nuclei at 1.8 GeV/nucleon with H, CNO, and AgBr nuclei. The data obtained are compared with the results of calculations made in terms of the Dubna version of the cascade evaporation model (DCM). The DCM has been shown to satisfactorily describe most of the interaction characteristics for two nuclei in the studied reactions. At the same time, quantitative differences are observed in some cases

    Multiplicities of secondaries in nuclear interactions, induced by Ne-20, Ar-40 and Fe-56 nuclei at 0.1-0.5 GeV/nucleon

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    Multiplicities of various species of charged secondaries produced in inelastic interactions of Ne-20, Ar-40, and Fe-56 nuclei with emulsion nuclei, at 0.1-0.5 GeV/nucleon have been measured. The data obtained are compared with the results for interactions of higher energy nuclei with emulsion nuclei. The dependences of the nucleus-nucleus interaction parameters on masses and energies of colliding nuclei are examined


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    The problem of porous powder materials obtaining from spherical stainless steel powders has been solved by the nanotechnology development. The technology make it possible to form condensate on the powder particles surface with the thickness of more than 300 nm from Si and (Si + C) or (Mo – Si)-element mixture layers. The shearing deformation of the elements during formation permits to activate surface layers and subsequent isothermal heating leads to the ceramic coating generation and spherical 12Kh18N10T-steel powder sintering. Проблема получения пористых порошковых материалов из сферических порошков коррозионностойкой стали была решена благодаря разработке нанотехнологии, позволяющей создать на поверхности частиц порошка конденсат толщиной более 300 нм из слоев Si и смеси элементов (Si + C) или (Мо – Si), деформация которых сдвигом при формировании позволяет активировать поверхностные слои, а последующий изотермический нагрев приводит к образованию керамических покрытий и спеканию сферических порошков стали 12Х18Н10Т.

    Роль природы углеводородного радикала органических неэлектролитов в эффективности гидратации их функциональных групп

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    A comparative analysis of n-octane - water functional group increments (Iƒ) of organic non-electrolytes (hydrocarbons, nitrogen-, oxygen-, halogen- and sulphor-containing compounds containing n-alkyl, allyl, benzyl, vinyl, phenyl, 1-naphthyl, 2-naphthyl and 9-anthryl groups) has been performed. It has been determined that increasing the hydrocarbon chain electronegativity increases Iƒ by up to 3,7 units. For all monosubstituted groups except fluoride, replacing the alkyl group by the aryl one increases Iƒ by 0,6-1,2 units. It has been found that the most important factors determining the increase in Iƒ are the nature and number of hydrocarbon chains, bond polarity in the functional group and its possession of mobile electron pairs.Для экстракционной системы н -октан-вода проведен сравнительный анализ величин инкрементов функциональных групп органических неэлектролитов (Iф) различных классов (углеводороды, азот-, кислород-, галоген-, серосодержащие вещества), в молекулы которых входят различные углеводородные радикалы (н -алкильный, аллиль-ный, бензильный, винильный, фенильный, 1- и 2-нафтильные и 9-антрильный). Найдено, что увеличение электроотрицательности углеводородного радикала ведет к росту Iф, достигающему 3,7 единиц. Для всех монозамещенных групп кроме фтора замена алкильного радикала на арильный приводит к росту Iф на 0,6-1,2 единицы. Наиболее важными факторами, определяющими рост Iф, оказались природа и число углеводородных заместителей, полярность связей между атомами функциональной группы и наличие на этой группе подвижных электронных пар

    Preparation of (25R)- and (25S)-26-functionalized steroids as tools for biosynthetic studies of cholic acids

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    A new synthesis of both epimeric forms of 26-cholestanoic acids and 26-alcohols containing a 3 beta-hydroxy-Delta(5)- or a Delta(4)-3-keto-functionality ir ring A is described starting from stigmasterol or (20S)-3 beta-acetoxy-pregn-5-en-20-carboxylic

    Synthesis of [26,27-H-<sup>2</sup>H<sub>6</sub>] brassinosteroids from 23,24-bisnorcholenic acid methyl ester

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    A number of hexadeuterated brassinosteroids (BS) containing a hydroxy group at C-22 or a 22R,23R-diol function were prepared starting from 23,24-bisnorcholenic acid methyl ester for biosynthetic studies. Synthesis of the cyclic part was accomplished vi

    Biosynthesis of 2,3-epoxybrassinosteroids in seedlings of Secale cereale

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    Two new brassinosteroids, (22R,23R,24S)-22,23-dihydroxy-24-methyl-5alpha-cholest-2-en-6-one (secasterol) and (22R,23R,24S)-22,23-dihydroxy-2alpha,3alpha-epoxy-24-methyl-5alpha-cholest-6-one (2,3-diepisecasterone) have been identified together with a kn

    Synthesis of [26-<sup>2</sup> H<sub>3</sub>]brassinosteroids

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    A number of [26-H-2(3)]brassinosteroids were prepared for biochemical studies. The parent, nondeuterated compounds were considered to be biosynthetic intermediates in brassinosteroid biosynthesis. Claisen rearrangement was used to construct the steroid