2,477 research outputs found

    The Wigner-Fokker-Planck equation: Stationary states and large-time behavior

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    We consider the linear Wigner-Fokker-Planck equation subject to confining potentials which are smooth perturbations of the harmonic oscillator potential. For a certain class of perturbations we prove that the equation admits a unique stationary solution in a weighted Sobolev space. A key ingredient of the proof is a new result on the existence of spectral gaps for Fokker-Planck type operators in certain weighted L2L^2-spaces. In addition we show that the steady state corresponds to a positive density matrix operator with unit trace and that the solutions of the time-dependent problem converge towards the steady state with an exponential rate.Comment: This manuscript essentially replaces (and corrects a mistake found in) the submission arXiv:0707.2445, by establishing a new functional framework and new spectral estimate

    El dopatge: Una ruleta Russa

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    El dopatge ha perjudicat reputacions de grans esportistes al llarg de la histĂČria, ha destruĂŻtcarreres victorioses i vides senceres. PerĂČ tot i ser plenament conscients dels perills, tantpsĂ­quics com fĂ­sics, que acompanyen el consum de substĂ ncies prohibides, cada poquessetmanes apareixen als mitjans de comunicaciĂł notĂ­cies sobre desqualificacions i sancions aatletes pels seus resultats positius en tests de substĂ ncies dopants. QuĂš Ă©s el que empenyaquests professionals a creuar aquesta delicada lĂ­nia? Quin Ă©s el preu a pagar? I quins sĂłn elsnous reptes dels equips de metges i cientĂ­fics interessats a expandir els lĂ­mits humans en lacompeticiĂł esportiva

    Ultrafast Molecular Transport on Carbon Surfaces: The Diffusion of Ammonia on Graphite

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    We present a combined experimental and theoretical study of the self-diffusion of ammonia on exfoliated graphite. Using neutron time-of-flight spectroscopy we are able to resolve the ultrafast diffusion process of adsorbed ammonia, NH3_3, on graphite. Together with van der Waals corrected density functional theory calculations we show that the diffusion of NH3_3 follows a hopping motion on a weakly corrugated potential energy surface with an activation energy of about 4 meV which is particularly low for this type of diffusive motion. The hopping motion includes further a significant number of long jumps and the diffusion constant of ammonia adsorbed on graphite is determined with D=3.9 \cdot 10^{-8}~\mbox{m}^2 /\mbox{s} at 94 K

    Functionalized alginate microparticles for fluid flow visualization

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    Several methods are available for measuring the fluid movement in experimental setups. One of the most used technique is the particle image velocimetry (PIV). This is an optical technique that indirectly measures the fluid velocity by measuring the displacement of some small particles that seeds the fluid. To obtain the velocity field, the zone of interest of the experimental setup is illuminated twice with a laser beam. Two consecutive images are obtained and the displacement of the particles can be calculated. Knowing the time difference between both images allow to compute the velocity. Appropriate flow seeding is particularly critical in PIV. Particles that follow the flow accordingly and scatter enough light must be used in order to obtain accurate velocity field of the flow. Therefore, particles should be as small as possible in order to ensure good tracking of the fluid motion and they should not be too small, since they will not scatter enough light. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Konsequenzen technologischer Entwicklungen von Ver- und Entsorgungssystemen

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    Aufbauend auf den zuvor dargelegten wirtschaftstheoretischen Grundlagen der Regionalentwicklung befasst sich der Beitrag mit den aktuellen technischen und politischen Entwicklungen von stadttechnischen Ver- und Entsorgungssystemen und ihren Konsequenzen fĂŒr die Regionalentwicklung. Er fokussiert sich dabei auf die Energieversorgung als dem wichtigsten Treiber des technischen Fortschritts und die damit verbundenen gesellschaftlichen VerĂ€nderungen. Dabei wird festgestellt, dass die stadttechnischen Infrastrukturen, insbesondere die Energieversorgung, insgesamt zunehmend dezentraler organisiert sind. Lokal bzw. regional verankerte Akteure – vor allem kommunale Stadtwerke – sind gegenĂŒber national und international agierenden Unternehmen, die auf der Grundlage zentraler Großtechnologien arbeiten, im Vorteil, was die Umstellung auf eine stĂ€rker dezentralisierte Energieversorgung betrifft. Durch ihre lokale bzw. regionale Verankerung kann diese wesentliche Impulse fĂŒr die Regionalentwicklung geben. Rechtlich-institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen mĂŒssen noch verbessert werden, damit sich die Synergien zwischen einem zukunftsfĂ€higen Betrieb stadttechnischer Infrastrukturen und der Regionalentwicklung entfalten können. Unter Regionalentwicklung wird dabei eine vitale und robuste wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Region verstanden, die – ĂŒberwiegend aus eigenen KrĂ€ften – dazu in der Lage ist, einen zukunftsfĂ€higen Strukturwandel zu realisieren, der nachhaltige BeschĂ€ftigung und Einkommen induziert, die Region attraktiv fĂŒr Menschen macht, die kreativen Potenziale hebt und die natĂŒrlichen, komparativen Produktionsvorteile nutzt. Der Einstieg in die Transformation stadttechnischer Infrastrukturen bietet die Chance, eine solche Entwicklung anzustoßen bzw. sie zu verstĂ€rken.This paper builds on the previously explained basics of economic theory for regional development to discuss current technical and political developments in municipal supply and disposal systems and their consequences for regional development. The focus is on supply of energy as the most important driver of technical progress and the associated changes in the community. This leads to a conclusion that the technical municipal infrastructure is increasingly decentralised, especially in respect of energy supply. With regard to a change to more decentralised energy supplies, players with only a local or regional presence, especially municipal energy suppliers, have an advantage over national and international companies based on major and centralised technical facilities. The local or regional base is more conducive to making significant contributions to regional development. The legal framework conditions for institutions must be improved to allow the synergies between sustainable municipal technical infrastructures and regional development to reach full potential. In this respect, regional development stands for energetic and robust regional economic development based predominantly on local talent and, furthermore, with the ability to realise sustainable structural change to initiate sustainable employment and income, render the region attractive to people, enhance the creative potential and exploit the natural comparative advantages of the product. Engagement in the technical transformation of municipal infrastructures offers the opportunity of initiating and enhancing such developments

    Wirtschaftstheoretische Grundlagen der Regionalentwicklung

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    Um die Frage zu beantworten, welchen Einfluss stadttechnische Infrastrukturen auf die Regionalentwicklung nehmen können und umgekehrt, werden in diesem Beitrag zunĂ€chst Raumwirtschaftstheorien und Methoden der Messung von Entwicklung untersucht. Regionalentwicklung ist mehr als die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung einer Region, auch wenn diese unter den vielfĂ€ltigen Faktoren, aus denen sich Entwicklung zusammensetzt, eine wichtige Rolle als Garant fĂŒr Arbeit und Einkommen fĂŒr die Bevölkerung spielt. Daneben spielen Faktoren der gesellschaftlich-sozialen Dimension und der Umwelt-Dimension eine zentrale Rolle. All diese Faktoren stehen in Wechselwirkung zueinander. Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung wiederum ist ein dynamischer, sich selbst verstĂ€rkender Prozess, der sich aus vielen Faktoren der Entwicklung zusammensetzt. Die InnovationsfĂ€higkeit einer Region ist essenziell fĂŒr ihre wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. InnovationsfĂ€higkeit wiederum ist eher gegeben, wenn die lokalen Akteure vernetzt sind – das heißt, wenn sie miteinander in Kontakt stehen und einen Austausch pflegen

    Structural basis of sterol recognition by human hedgehog receptor PTCH1

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    Hedgehog signaling is central in embryonic development and tissue regeneration. Disruption of the pathway is linked to genetic diseases and cancer. Binding of the secreted ligand, Sonic hedgehog (ShhN) to its receptor Patched (PTCH1) activates the signaling pathway. Here, we describe a 3.4-Å cryo-EM structure of the human PTCH1 bound to ShhNC24II, a modified hedgehog ligand mimicking its palmitoylated form. The membrane-embedded part of PTCH1 is surrounded by 10 sterol molecules at the inner and outer lipid bilayer portion of the protein. The annular sterols interact at multiple sites with both the sterol-sensing domain (SSD) and the SSD-like domain (SSDL), which are located on opposite sides of PTCH1. The structure reveals a possible route for sterol translocation across the lipid bilayer by PTCH1 and homologous transporters.ISSN:2375-254

    Features of Pavement Damage due to Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake

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    Translocation of the LYL1 oncogene are rare in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, whereas the homologous TAL1 gene is rearranged in approximately 20% of patients. Previous gene-expression studies have identified an immature T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia subgroup with high LYL1 expression in the absence of chromosomal aberrations. Molecular characterization of a t(7;19)(q34;p13) in a pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia patient led to the identification of a translocation between the TRB@ and LYL1 loci. Similar to incidental T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cases with synergistic, double translocations affecting TAL1/2 and LMO1/2 oncogenes, this LYL1-translocated patient also had an LMO2 rearrangement pointing to onco-genic cooperation between LYL1 and LMO2. In hierarchical cluster analyses based on gene-expression data, this sample consi
