30 research outputs found

    Inverse problem regularization with hierarchical variational autoencoders

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    In this paper, we propose to regularize ill-posed inverse problems using a deep hierarchical variational autoencoder (HVAE) as an image prior. The proposed method synthesizes the advantages of i) denoiser-based Plug \& Play approaches and ii) generative model based approaches to inverse problems. First, we exploit VAE properties to design an efficient algorithm that benefits from convergence guarantees of Plug-and-Play (PnP) methods. Second, our approach is not restricted to specialized datasets and the proposed PnP-HVAE model is able to solve image restoration problems on natural images of any size. Our experiments show that the proposed PnP-HVAE method is competitive with both SOTA denoiser-based PnP approaches, and other SOTA restoration methods based on generative models

    Diverse super-resolution with pretrained deep hiererarchical VAEs

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    Image super-resolution is a one-to-many problem, but most deep-learning based methods only provide one single solution to this problem. In this work, we tackle the problem of diverse super-resolution by reusing VD-VAE, a state-of-the art variational autoencoder (VAE). We find that the hierarchical latent representation learned by VD-VAE naturally separates the image low-frequency information, encoded in the latent groups at the top of the hierarchy, from the image high-frequency details, determined by the latent groups at the bottom of the latent hierarchy. Starting from this observation, we design a super-resolution model exploiting the specific structure of VD-VAE latent space. Specifically, we train an encoder to encode low-resolution images in the subset of VD-VAE latent space encoding the low-frequency information, and we combine this encoder with VD-VAE generative model to sample diverse super-resolved version of a low-resolution input. We demonstrate the ability of our method to generate diverse solutions to the super-resolution problem on face super-resolution with upsampling factors x4, x8, and x16.Comment: 21 pages , 5 figure

    Quelques avancées dans le débruitage d'images par patchs

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    This thesis studies non-local methods for image processing, and their application to various tasks such as denoising. Natural images contain redundant structures, and this property can be used for restoration purposes. A common way to consider this self-similarity is to separate the image into "patches". These patches can then be grouped, compared and filtered together.In the first chapter, "global denoising" is reframed in the classical formalism of diagonal estimation and its asymptotic behaviour is studied in the oracle case. Precise conditions on both the image and the global filter are introduced to ensure and quantify convergence.The second chapter is dedicated to the study of Gaussian priors for patch-based image denoising. Such priors are widely used for image restoration. We propose some ideas to answer the following questions: Why are Gaussian priors so widely used? What information do they encode about the image?The third chapter proposes a probabilistic high-dimensional mixture model on the noisy patches. This model adopts a sparse modeling which assumes that the data lie on group-specific subspaces of low dimensionalities. This yields a denoising algorithm that demonstrates state-of-the-art performance.The last chapter explores different way of aggregating the patches together. A framework that expresses the patch aggregation in the form of a least squares problem is proposed.Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le contexte des méthodes non locales pour le traitement d'images et a pour application principale le débruitage, bien que les méthodes étudiées soient suffisamment génériques pour être applicables à d'autres problèmes inverses en imagerie. Les images naturelles sont constituées de structures redondantes, et cette redondance peut être exploitée à des fins de restauration. Une manière classique d’exploiter cette auto-similarité est de découper l'image en patchs. Ces derniers peuvent ensuite être regroupés, comparés et filtrés ensemble.Dans le premier chapitre, le principe du "global denoising" est reformulé avec le formalisme classique de l'estimation diagonale et son comportement asymptotique est étudié dans le cas oracle. Des conditions précises à la fois sur l'image et sur le filtre global sont introduites pour assurer et quantifier la convergence.Le deuxième chapitre est consacré à l'étude d’a priori gaussiens ou de type mélange de gaussiennes pour le débruitage d'images par patches. Ces a priori sont largement utilisés pour la restauration d'image. Nous proposons ici quelques indices pour répondre aux questions suivantes : Pourquoi ces a priori sont-ils si largement utilisés ? Quelles informations encodent-ils ?Le troisième chapitre propose un modèle probabiliste de mélange pour les patchs bruités, adapté à la grande dimension. Il en résulte un algorithme de débruitage qui atteint les performance de l'état-de-l'art.Le dernier chapitre explore des pistes d'agrégation différentes et propose une écriture de l’étape d'agrégation sous la forme d'un problème de moindre carrés

    Clustering en haute dimension pour le débruitage d'image

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    International audienceIn this work we propose the patch-based denoising algorithm HDMI. It is based on the learning of a probabilistic high-dimensional mixture model on the noisy patches. This model takes into account the lower intrinsic dimension of each group. Finally the restored patches are estimates with a conditional expectation.Dans cet article, nous présentons l'algorithme HDMI de débruitage par patchs. HDMI est fondé sur l'apprentissage d'un modèle de mélange de gaussiennes en grande dimension sur l'ensemble des patchs bruités. La méthode proposée estime une dimension intrinsèque pour chaque groupe puis les patchs débruités sont estimés par une espérance conditionnelle

    Demystifying the asymptotic behavior of global denoising

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    International audienceIn this work, we revisit the global denoising framework recently introduced by Talebi and Milanfar. We analyze the asymptotic behavior of its mean-squared error restoration performance in the oracle case when the image size tends to infinity. We introduce precise conditions on both the image and the global filter to ensure and quantify this convergence. We also make a clear distinction between two different levels of oracle that are used in that framework. By reformulating global denoising with the classical formalism of diagonal estimation, we conclude that the second-level oracle can be avoided by using Donoho and Johnstone’s theorem, whereas the first-level oracle is mostly required in the sequel. We also discuss open issues concerning the most challenging aspect, namely the extension of these results to the case where neither oracle is required

    High-Dimensional Mixture Models For Unsupervised Image Denoising (HDMI)

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    International audienceThis work addresses the problem of patch-based image denoising through the unsupervised learning of a probabilistic high-dimensional mixture models on the noisy patches. The model, named hereafter HDMI, proposes a full modeling of the process that is supposed to have generated the noisy patches. To overcome the potential estimation problems due to the high dimension of the patches, the HDMI model adopts a parsimonious modeling which assumes that the data live in group-specific subspaces of low dimension-alities. This parsimonious modeling allows in turn to get a numerically stable computation of the conditional expectation of the image which is applied for denoising. The use of such a model also permits to rely on model selection tools, such as BIC, to automatically determine the intrinsic dimensions of the subspaces and the variance of the noise. This yields a blind denoising algorithm that demonstrates state-of-the-art performance, both when the noise level is known and unknown

    Wasserstein Patch Prior for Image Superresolution

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    In this paper, we introduce a Wasserstein patch prior for superresolution of two- and three-dimensional images. Here, we assume that we have given (additionally to the low resolution observation) a reference image which has a similar patch distribution as the ground truth of the reconstruction. This assumption is e.g. fulfilled when working with texture images or material data. Then, the proposed regularizer penalizes the W2W_2-distance of the patch distribution of the reconstruction to the patch distribution of some reference image at different scales. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed regularizer by two- and three-dimensional numerical examples.Generalized Optimal Transport Models for Image processin

    Wasserstein Generative Models for Patch-based Texture Synthesis

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    In this paper, we propose a framework to train a generative model for texture image synthesis from a single example. To do so, we exploit the local representation of images via the space of patches, that is, square sub-images of fixed size (e.g. 4 Ă— 4). Our main contribution is to consider optimal transport to enforce the multiscale patch distribution of generated images, which leads to two different formulations. First, a pixel-based optimization method is proposed, relying on discrete optimal transport. We show that it is related to a well-known texture optimization framework based on iterated patch nearest-neighbor projections, while avoiding some of its shortcomings. Second, in a semi-discrete setting, we exploit the differential properties of Wasserstein distances to learn a fully convolutional network for texture generation. Once estimated, this network produces realistic and arbitrarily large texture samples in real time. The two formulations result in non-convex concave problems that can be optimized efficiently with convergence properties and improved stability compared to adversarial approaches, without relying on any regularization. By directly dealing with the patch distribution of synthesized images, we also overcome limitations of state-of-the art techniques, such as patch aggregation issues that usually lead to low frequency artifacts (e.g. blurring) in traditional patch-based approaches, or statistical inconsistencies (e.g. color or patterns) in learning approaches.Generalized Optimal Transport Models for Image processin

    On the Existence of Optimal Transport Gradient for Learning Generative Models

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    The use of optimal transport cost for learning generative models has become popular with Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks (WGAN). Training of WGAN relies on a theoretical background: the calculation of the gradient of the optimal transport cost with respect to the generative model parameters. We first demonstrate that such gradient may not be defined, which can result in numerical instabilities during gradient-based optimization. We address this issue by stating a valid differentiation theorem in the case of entropic regularized transport and specify conditions under which existence is ensured. By exploiting the discrete nature of empirical data, we formulate the gradient in a semi-discrete setting and propose an algorithm for the optimization of the generative model parameters. Finally, we illustrate numerically the advantage of the proposed framework.Generalized Optimal Transport Models for Image processin