102 research outputs found

    Preparation for a change in the method of pumping in the Jeremenko mine

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je obeznámení se situací důlních vod v Ostravsko-karvinském revíru, speciálně v Ostravské dílčí pánvi. Dále se také v této bakalářské práci zaměřím na historii a popis čerpání důlních vod na Vodní jámě Jeremenko, která patří pod správu státního podniku DIAMO, odštěpný závod ODRA se sídlem v Ostravě - Vítkovicích. Jelikož se v brzké době blíží konec těžby na posledních činných dolech v Ostravsko - karvinském revíru, a v následujících letech dojde k technické likvidaci těchto dolů, chtěl bych touto prací upozornit na nastávající změnu čerpání důlních vod v celém OKR, nastínit jaký tato změna bude mít vliv na čerpání důlních vod z Vodní jámy Jeremenko a tím i na spojená rizika a nebezpečí.The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to get acquainted with the situation of mining waters in the Ostrava-Karviná district, especially in the Ostrava sub-basin. In my next point of this bachelor's thesis focus on the history and description of mine water pumping at the Jeremenko Water Pit, which belongs to the administration of the state enterprise DIAMO, ODRA branch based in Ostrava - Vítkovice. As the end of mining at the last active mines in the Ostrava - Karviná district is approaching in the near future, these mines will be technically liquidated in the following years, than I would like to tell you about an inpact how this change will affect pumping mine water from the Jeremenko Pit and the team for the associated risks and dangers.542 - Katedra hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostivelmi dobř

    Zastosowanie detektorów żelowych Fricke gel PVA – GTA oraz filmów dozymetrycznych Gafchromic™ EBT3 Ballcube I do analizy blokowanych ekspozycji promieniowania w technice Gamma Knife®

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    Radiotherapy, which uses the energy of ionizing radiation, is one of the methods of local treatment of both malignant and benign tumors. Technological development helps to improve this method of treatment both in the field of radiotherapy equipment and treatment planning systems. The improvement of working tools and the introduction of new, advanced irradiation techniques make it possible to deliver a given dose to the target area with increasingly better precision. The main research objective of this dissertation is to analyze the dose distributions of blocked radiation beams in the LGK PFX technique. Blocked beams effectively minimize the dose to organs at risk, among others, during the trigeminal neuralgia treatment. The study was performed using Gafchromic™ EBT3 Ballcube I dosimetric films and gel detectors. The use of a new type of gel detector based on Fricke gel PVA - GTA was possible through cooperation with a scientific foreign center engaged in the production of various types of detectors for clinical dosimetry. The irradiation of some gel detectors and the graphical analysis of all irradiated gel detectors were performed in collaboration with the Katowice Oncology Center. The study was conducted in several stages. An important part of this dissertation was the development of optimal operating conditions for the gel detectors used in the LGK PFX technique. In addition, individual phantoms were prepared and used during the irradiation of gel detectors and dosimetry films. This study used two devices applied in radiotherapy: the LGK PFX and a linear accelerator. Nine treatment plans that included the most commonly used systems of interlocked sectors in beams for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia and their hybrid plans were analyzed. The objectives set in the dissertation were achieved. The applied detectors allowed for a very detailed analysis of the obtained dose distributions, mainly in terms of the effects specific to the blocked beams. Very promising results were obtained when using the Fricke gel PVA - GTA detector in clinical dosimetry for LGK PFX

    Health behaviours of the students of Vietnamese origin studying in Poland

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    Living in the globalized world, where various cultures intermingle on a mass scale, makes it necessary that we consider (also in our professional lives) the possible difficulties of mutual acceptance of culturally diverse behaviours, including health behaviours. One must respect the differences between our and other people’s understanding of health and disease, experience of disease or response to therapy. One of the big immigrant groups in Poland are the Vietnamese, who are likely to use the services of health care facilities. Developing culturally consistent standards of care should begin with acquiring the knowledge of health behaviours of the representatives of various cultural spheres. The aim of the study was to learn the health behaviours of the Vietnamese students studying in Poland. The study was conducted with the use of a diagnostic questionnaire and such research tools as: a questionnaire concerning health behaviour designed by the authors and the Self-Efficacy Scale (R. Schwarzer, M. Jerusalem). Thirty students of Vietnamese origin studying at the universities in Kraków took part in the study. The studied group prefer to spend their free time actively, and they largely base their diet on rice, chicken, vegetables and fruit. Most of the students surveyed regularly undergo medical check-ups. As for risky behaviours, the respondents revealed smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol and having casual sex. The study group was characterized by a high level of self-efficacy; that, however, did not significantly affect their health behaviours. The study shows the prevalence of the health-promoting behaviours, as declared by the respondents from the group of Vietnamese students studying in Poland, over the risky health behaviours