736 research outputs found


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    Hipertensi atau tekanan darah tinggi merupakan masalah yang ditemukan pada masyarakat baik di negara maju maupun berkembang termasuk Indonesia.. Adapun tujuan Analisis faktor yang memengaruhi Kejadian Hipertensi pada Suku Batak di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Cikampak Kabupaten Labuhan Selatan. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan survei analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional study. Penelitian dilakukan di Puskesmas Cikampak, Kabupaten Labuhan Batu Selatan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu rata-rata kunjungan pasien sebanyak 48 orang pada bulan Oktober-November 2019. Sampel diperoleh dengan menggunakan total sampling. Untuk menganalisis data tersebut digunakan uji regresi logistik.. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa kejadian hipertensi berhubungan dengan umur (p=0,033), pola makanan (p=0,017), konsumsi kopi (p=0,000). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian hipertensi berhubungan dengan umur, pola makanan, konsumsi kopi. Sehingga adapun saran dalam penelitian ini diharapkan agar penderita hipertensi mengurangi konsumsi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian hipertensi dan melakukan pemeriksaan rutin di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Cikampak Kabupaten Labuhan Selata


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    Filariasis is still a health threat in several regions in Indonesia. One of the government's strategies in preventing filariasis is to provide health promotion through counselling to people in endemic areas. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of health promotion strategies in the prevention of filariasis. This research was a qualitative research with a descriptive approach and was conducted at Tanjung Sengkuang Health Centre. The informants were 6 people. Data were analysed with the stages of data reduction, data display, and conclusion or verification. The results showed that community empowerment was done by providing cadre training 2 months before the activity, direct counselling to the community, mobilizing the community in BELKAGA activities, motivating midwives/cadres to go to the community. The atmosphere building activities are inviting cadres to the field, establishing posts in each village, cross-sectoral collaboration, ensuring counselling schedules and taking medicine. Advocacy by putting the doctor in charge of the program approaches with elements of the community. The Partnership coordinates with heads of offices, members of the DPR, mass organizations, community and religious leaders, heads of RT/RW, youth, and companies. Supporting factors are the support of health workers, funds from the government, cadres and midwives as role models, Helath Centre infrastructure facilities, distribution of manuals, stickers and banners. The inhibiting factors are boredom, fear of side effects, the majority of workers, different catches, medical personnel are not proportional to the population and area. It is recommended to the Tanjung Sengkuang Health Centre to overcome the inhibiting factors found in the health promotion strategy for preventing filariasi

    Understanding the diversity and dynamics of living with diabetes : a feasibility study focusing on the case

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    Despite growing evidence about treatments, many people living with diabetes have poor diabetes control even when healthcare is available. One difficult issue is how to apply medical evidence to individuals. This feasibility study explores change over time and the diversity of pathways to similar health outcomes, to understand how evidence can be tailored to the individual. Six people living with diabetes (two with type 1, and four with type 2) agreed to a series of interviews and diary-keeping. Reading the dataset for each individual reveals a person changing over time through interactions with people and their context. Identifying time as a theme is difficult, as it is ubiquitous. Outcome means little to those living with diabetes: they are living on through time. We developed attributes for each participant relevant to diabetes outcome, describing how they related to others and their environment, capturing emergent properties rather than detail. A similar health outcome could be achieved very differently. Comparison of patterns of attributes may be useful. However, the dynamic, relational nature of the attributes is easily lost from view. How people function in terms of time, change and interaction may be most important for tailoring interventions for improved health outcome

    Systematic review of gene expression studies in people with Lewy body dementia

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    Objectives:Lewy body dementia (LBD) is the second most prevalent neurodegenerative dementia, and it causes more morbidity and mortality than Alzheimer's disease. Several genetic associations of LBD have been reported, and their functional implications remain uncertain. Hence, we aimed to do a systematic review of all gene expression studies that investigated people with LBD for improving our understanding of LBD molecular pathology and for facilitating discovery of novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets for LBD.Methods:We systematically reviewed five online databases (PROSPERO protocol: CRD42017080647) and assessed the functional implications of all reported differentially expressed genes (DEG) using Ingenuity Pathway Analyses.Results:We screened 3,809 articles and identified 31 eligible studies. 1,242 statistically significant (p[less than]0.05) DEGs including 70 microRNAs have been reported in people with LBD. Expression levels of alternatively spliced transcripts of SNCA, SNCB, PRKN, APP, RELA, and ATXN2 significantly differ in LBD. Several mitochondrial genes and genes involved in ubiquitin proteasome system and autophagy lysosomal pathway were significantly downregulated in LBD. Evidence supporting chronic neuroinflammation in LBD was inconsistent. Our functional analyses highlighted the importance of RNA-mediated gene silencing, neuregulin signalling, and neurotrophic factors in the molecular pathology of LBD.Conclusions:α-synuclein aggregation, mitochondrial dysfunction, defects in molecular networks clearing misfolded proteins, and RNA-mediated gene silencing contribute to neurodegeneration in LBD. Larger longitudinal transcriptomic studies investigating biological fluids of people living with LBD are needed for molecular subtyping and staging of LBD. Diagnostic biomarker potential and therapeutic promise of identified DEGs warrant further research

    Systematic review of genetic variants associated with cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms in Parkinson’s disease

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    Objective:Cognitive impairment and depression are among the most prevalent and most disabling non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease (PD). The genetic factors that are associated with these symptoms remain uncertain. This systematic review aims to summarise the prevailing evidence from all genetic association studies investigating the genetic variants associated with cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms in people with PD.Method:A systematic review using five online databases: PubMed, PsycINFO, CINAHL, EMBASE and OpenGrey (PROSPERO protocol: CRD42017067431). We completed the quality assessment using the Q-Genie tool.Results:2353 articles were screened, and 43 articles were found to be eligible to be included. A meta-analysis of studies investigating LRRK2 rs34637584 confirmed that the minor allele carriers had significantly less cognitive impairment (p = 0.015). Further meta-analyses showed that GBA variants rs76763715 (p < 0.001) and rs421016 (p = 0.001) were significantly associated with more cognitive impairment in people with PD. Minor alleles of GBA variants rs76763715, rs421016, rs387906315 and rs80356773 were associated with more depressive symptoms in PD. Moreover, APOE ϵ4 allele has been associated with more cognitive impairment in PD. BDNF (rs6265) and CRY1 (rs2287161) variants have been associated with more depressive symptoms in people with PD.Conclusions:PD carriers of GBA variants are at high risk for cognitive decline and depression. Screening for these variants may facilitate early identification and effective management of these non-motor symptoms. The molecular mechanisms underlying favourable cognitive functioning in LRRK2 rs34637584 variant carriers warrant further investigation.Summations:1.Available evidence confirms that the LRRK2 variant rs34637584 is associated with less cognitive impairment in people with PD.2.GBA variants rs76763715 and rs421016 are associated with more severe cognitive impairment in people with PD.3.The GBA variants rs76763715, rs421016, rs387906315 and rs80356773 have been significantly associated with the onset of depressive symptoms in PD.Considerations:1.This systematic review has not included studies that were not published in English. It did not include gene expression and epigenetic studies.2.Most of the included genetic association studies were small, and they were prone to type II error.3.There was substantial heterogeneity among the included studies

    Metode Pembelajaran Bahasa Asing Arab di Pondok Pesantren Modern

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode pembelajaran bahasa asing Arab yang diimplikasikan di dalam Pondok Pesantren Roudlotul Qurro Cirebon. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan teknik studi kasus dan observasi. Adapun hasil yang diperoleh menyatakan bahwa sama seperti pada pondok-pondok pesantren yang lain, Bahasa Arab juga menjadi materi pembelajaran yang wajib diikuti oleh setiap Pondok Pesantren Roudlotul Qurro Kota Cirebon. Adapun pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Pondok Pesantren Roudlotul Qurro dapat dibagi ke dalam dua bagian, yaitu (1) Pembelajaran Gramatika Bahasa Arab (Nahwu dan Sharaf dan (2) Pembelajaran Muhadatsah Bahasa Arab. Dalam pembelajaran gramatika Bahasa Arab (Nahwu dan Sharaf) di Pondok Pesantren ini diperuntukkan bagi santri yang sudah mengenyam pendidikan di SMP dan SMA karena pada usia ini santri sudah mapan untuk membaca, melafalkan, dan menerjemahkan Bahasa Arab. Selain itu, pada sistem pembelajaran muhadatsah (percakapan) dalam Bahasa Arab dilaksanakan dengan memberlakukan lingkungan berbahasa Arab dan hari berbahasa Arab. Setiap santri wajib berbahasa Arab pada lingkungan dan hari berbahasa Arab yang telah ditentukan sehingga santri yang kedapatan tidak menggunakan Bahasa Arab maka akan dikenakan sanksi yang berlaku

    Grabežljiva stjenica Rhynocoris fuscipes (FABRICIUS) učinkovito potinula zaraženost mahuna Cajanus cajan od štetnika Helicoverpa armigera (HÜBNER), Nezara viridula (L.) i Riptortus clavatus Thunberg u kavezima u polju

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    Rhynocoris fuscipes effectively suppressed the infestation of Helicoverpa armigera, Nezara viridula and Riptortus clavatus in pigeonpea field cages. Reduced pod and flower damages were observed in R. fuscipes released field cages. R. fuscipes release significantly enhanced the yield of healthy pods (grains). Field observations suggested this predator\u27s pest suppression and grain damage reduction efficacy.Predator Rhynocoris fuscipes učinkovito je potisnuo zarazu vrstama Helicoverpa armigera, Nezara viridula i Riptortus clavatus u poljskim kavezima. Zapaženo je smanjenje šteta na mahunama i cvjetovima biljke kajan (Cajanus cajan) u kavezima u koje su ispušteni R. fuscipes. Prisutnost predatora signifikantno je povećala prirod zdravih mahuna i zrna. Poljski pokusi ukazuju na učinak predatora na smanjenje zaraze štetnicima i sniženje šteta

    Photometric and spectroscopic evolution of supernova SN 2009an: another case of a transitional Type Ia event

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    We present optical UBVRI photometry and medium-resolution spectroscopy of a transitional Type Ia supernova, SN 2009an, over the period −6 to ∼+150 d from the B maximum. With a &#916;m15(B) = 1.514 ± 0.132, SN 2009an declines faster than normal Type Ia events, but slower than the fast-declining, low-luminosity 1991bg-like events. The B-band absolute magnitude at maximum is −19.02 ± 0.20. The peak bolometric luminosity indicates that 0.41 M&#9737; of 56Ni was synthesized during the explosion. The pre-maximum and early post-maximum spectral evolution of SN 2009an is very similar to that in the transitional Type Ia SN 2004eo. High-velocity features in the Ca II near-infrared triplet are seen during the early phases. Similar to the other few objects belonging to this class, SN 2009an exhibits a higher value (~0.4) of the Si II line ratio R(Si II). The velocity gradient of the Si II 6355 &#197; line in the post-maximum epoch (v˙=60 km s−1 d−1) is at the boundary between the low-velocity-gradient and high-velocity-gradient groups

    Apathy and its response to antipsychotic review and non-pharmacological interventions in people with dementia living in nursing homes : WHELD, A factorial cluster randomised controlled trial

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    Objectives: Apathy is common, impactful, and difficult to manage in people with dementia. We evaluated the efficacy of non-pharmacological interventions, exercise and social interaction, in combination with antipsychotic review, to reduce apathy in people with dementia living in nursing homes in a cluster randomised controlled trial (RCT). Methods: Well-being and health for people with dementia (WHELD) programme included a 2X2X2 factorial cluster RCT involving people with dementia living in 16 nursing homes in UK. All homes received training in person-centred care, and were randomised to receive antipsychotic review, social interaction, and exercise, either alone or in combinations. Apathy was one of the secondary outcomes of the WHELD trial, and it was measured by the Neuropsychiatric Inventory-nursing home version at baseline and nine months (N=273). We employed multilevel mixed effects linear regression models to assess the impact of the interventions on apathy. Results: Prevalence of apathy was 44.0% (n=120; 95% CI 38.1-49.9%) at baseline. Severity of apathy had significant positive correlations with dementia severity, neuropsychiatric symptoms, depressive symptoms, agitation, and the needs of the people with dementia (p&lt;0.001). Antipsychotic review reduced antipsychotic use, but it significantly increased apathy (β=5.37; SE=0.91; p&lt;0.001). However, antipsychotic review in combination with either social interaction (β=-5.84; SE=1.15; p&lt;0.001) or exercise (β=-7.54; SE=0.93; p&lt;0.001) significantly reduced apathy. Conclusions: Antipsychotic review can play a significant role in improving apathy in people with dementia living in nursing homes, when combined with psychosocial interventions such as social interaction and exercise. Guidance must be adapted to reflect this subtlety in care