65 research outputs found

    Beyond skill scores: exploring sub-seasonal forecast value through a case study of French month-ahead energy prediction

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    We quantify the value of sub-seasonal forecasts for a real-world prediction problem: the forecasting of French month-ahead energy demand. Using surface temperature as a predictor, we construct a trading strategy and assess the financial value of using meteorological forecasts, based on actual energy demand and price data. We show that forecasts with lead times greater than 2 weeks can have value for this application, both on their own and in conjunction with shorter range forecasts, especially during boreal winter. We consider a cost/loss framework based on this example, and show that while it captures the performance of the short range forecasts well, it misses the marginal value present in the longer range forecasts. We also contrast our assessment of forecast value to that given by traditional skill scores, which we show could be misleading if used in isolation. We emphasise the importance of basing assessment of forecast skill on variables actually used by end-users.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, revised submission to QJRM

    A Bayesian Approach to Atmospheric Circulation Regime Assignment

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    The standard approach when studying atmospheric circulation regimes and their dynamics is to use a hard regime assignment, where each atmospheric state is assigned to the regime it is closest to in distance. However, this may not always be the most appropriate approach as the regime assignment may be affected by small deviations in the distance to the regimes due to noise. To mitigate this we develop a sequential probabilistic regime assignment using Bayes Theorem, which can be applied to previously defined regimes and implemented in real time as new data become available. Bayes Theorem tells us that the probability of being in a regime given the data can be determined by combining climatological likelihood with prior information. The regime probabilities at time tt can be used to inform the prior probabilities at time t+1t+1, which are then used to sequentially update the regime probabilities. We apply this approach to both reanalysis data and a seasonal hindcast ensemble incorporating knowledge of the transition probabilities between regimes. Furthermore, making use of the signal present within the ensemble to better inform the prior probabilities allows for identifying more pronounced interannual variability. The signal within the interannual variability of wintertime North Atlantic circulation regimes is assessed using both a categorical and regression approach, with the strongest signals found during very strong El Ni\~no years.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Climat

    Detection of interannual ensemble forecast signals over the North Atlantic and Europe using atmospheric circulation regimes

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    To study the forced variability of atmospheric circulation regimes, the use of model ensembles is often necessary for identifying statistically significant signals as the observed data constitute a small sample and are thus strongly affected by the noise associated with sampling uncertainty. However, the regime representation is itself affected by noise within the atmosphere, which can make it difficult to detect robust signals. To this end we employ a regularised k-means clustering algorithm to better identify the signal in a model ensemble. The approach allows for the identification of six regimes for the wintertime Euro-Atlantic sector and leads to more pronounced regime dynamics, compared to results without regularisation, both overall and on sub-seasonal and interannual time-scales. We find that sub-seasonal variability in the regime occurrence rates is mainly explained by changes in the seasonal cycle of the mean climatology. On interannual time-scales relations between the occurrence rates of the regimes and the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) are identified. The use of six regimes captures a more detailed response of the circulation to ENSO compared to the common use of four regimes. Predictable signals in occurrence rate on interannual time-scales are found for the two zonal flow regimes, namely a regime consisting of a negative geopotential height anomaly over the Norwegian Sea and Scandinavia, and the positive phase of the NAO. The signal strength for these regimes is comparable between observations and model, in contrast to that of the NAO-index where the signal strength in the observations is underestimated by a factor of 2 in the model. Our regime analysis suggests that this signal-to-noise problem for the NAO-index is primarily related to those atmospheric flow patterns associated with the negative NAO-index as we find poor predictability for the corresponding NAO (Formula presented.) regime

    Atmospheric seasonal forecasts of the twentieth century: multi-decadal variability in predictive skill of the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and their potential value for extreme event attribution

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    Based on skill estimates from hindcasts made over the last couple of decades, recent studies have suggested that considerable success has been achieved in forecasting winter climate anomalies over the Euro-Atlantic area using current-generation dynamical forecast models. However, previous-generation models had shown that forecasts of winter climate anomalies in the 1960s and 1970s were less successful than forecasts of the 1980s and 1990s. Given that the more recent decades have been dominated by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in its positive phase, it is important to know whether the performance of current models would be similarly skilful when tested over periods of a predominantly negative NAO. To this end, a new ensemble of atmospheric seasonal hindcasts covering the period 1900–2009 has been created, providing a unique tool to explore many aspects of atmospheric seasonal climate prediction. In this study we focus on two of these: multi-decadal variability in predicting the winter NAO, and the potential value of the long seasonal hindcast datasets for the emerging science of probabilistic event attribution. The existence of relatively low skill levels during the period 1950s–1970s has been confirmed in the new dataset. The skill of the NAO forecasts is larger, however, in earlier and later periods. Whilst these inter-decadal differences in skill are, by themselves, only marginally statistically significant, the variations in skill strongly co-vary with statistics of the general circulation itself suggesting that such differences are indeed physically based. The mid-century period of low forecast skill coincides with a negative NAO phase but the relationship between the NAO phase/amplitude and forecast skill is more complex than linear. Finally, we show how seasonal forecast reliability can be of importance for increasing confidence in statements of causes of extreme weather and climate events, including effects of anthropogenic climate change

    Heatwave attribution based on reliable operational weather forecasts

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    The 2021 Pacific Northwest heatwave was so extreme as to challenge conventional statistical and climate-model-based approaches to extreme weather attribution. However, state-of-the-art operational weather prediction systems are demonstrably able to simulate the detailed physics of the heatwave. Here, we leverage these systems to show that human influence on the climate made this event at least 8 [2–50] times more likely. At the current rate of global warming, the likelihood of such an event is doubling every 20 [10–50] years. Given the multi-decade lower-bound return-time implied by the length of the historical record, this rate of change in likelihood is highly relevant for decision makers. Further, forecast-based attribution can synthesise the conditional event-specific storyline and unconditional event-class probabilistic approaches to attribution. If developed as a routine service in forecasting centres, it could provide reliable estimates of human influence on extreme weather risk, which is critical to supporting effective adaptation planning
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