65 research outputs found

    Internetista laatudataksi : Monikielisen tiedonkeruun ja aineistojen laadun arvioimisen väline

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmä. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnäytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet på nätet eller endast tillgängliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Pro gradu -tutkielma koskettaa kolmea tieteenalaa: psykologiaa, tilastollista tietojenkäsittelyä ja tilastotiedettä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kehittää joustavia työkaluja kyselyiden teknistä toimeenpanoa varten, aineiston käsittelyjä varten ja puuttuvan tiedon tarkasteluja varten. Ratkaisu esitetään tilastollisen tietojenkäsittelytieteen kannalta, eli miten tutkija voi kyseisten välineiden avulla saada käsiinsä tilastolliseen tutkimukseen kelpaavan aineiston. Työkalujen toimivuuden tarkistamiseksi niitä on sovellettu mm. Schwartzin arvokyselyyn. Työkalun ohjelmistoilla on omat erilliset dokumentoinnit, joissa on kerrottu, miten Internet-pohjainen kysely oli laadittu Lotus Domino Designer -ohjelmalla ja miten aineiston käsittelyt ja muokkaukset olivat tehty SURVO MM -ohjelmalla. Aineistot on kerätty Internetin välityksellä Helsingin yliopistossa vuonna 2001 ja Moskovan valtionyliopistossa syksyllä 2002. Helsingin yliopiston ja Moskovan valtionyliopiston psykologian opiskelijoiden arvorakennetta verrataan käyttäen faktori- ja transformaatioanalyysia sekä keskiarvovertailua. Osoittautui, että Helsingin ja Moskovan aineistojen faktorirakenteet vastaavat toisiaan. Poikkeavaa transformoitumista ei esiinny. Arvotyyppien keskiarvovertailusta kävi ilmi, että arvojen tärkeydet ovat melko samanlaiset molempien kaupunkien opiskelijoilla. Helsingin ja Moskovan nuorille kaikista arvoista tärkein on hyväntahtoisuus ja kaikista vähiten tärkeä on uskonnollisuus. Selvin ero näkyy virikkeisyydessä, joka ei ole helsinkiläisille niin tärkeä kuin moskovalaisille. Tärkeimmät lähteet: MUSTONEN, SEPPO (1995): Tilastolliset monimuuttujamenetelmät. Yliopistopaino, Helsinki. SCHWARTZ, SHALOM H. (1992): Universals in the content and structure of values: theoretical advances and empirical tests in 20 countries. Zanna, Mark P. (Ed). Advances in Experimental Social Psychology. Academic Press, New York


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    Современное профессиональное образование должно строиться на основе эффективного взаимодействия государства и бизнеса. Такой вариант сотрудничества создает реальные возможности гармонизации экономических интересов всех субъектов государственно-частного партнерства в сфере подготовки специалистов, которые отвечали бы актуальным, динамично меняющимся требованиям рынка. Государство более рационально использует ограниченные бюджетные средства, компании получают специалистов со сформированным набором необходимых им компетенций, минимизируют потери адаптационного периода, образовательные учреждения реализуют инновационные программы подготовки под конкретные потребности бизнеса. В статье обоснована необходимость создания научно-образовательных кластеров в регионе, как формы развития государственно-частного партнерства. Изучены возможности интеграции образования, науки и производства. Рассмотрены показатели, характеризующие работу территориального научно-образовательного кластера, на основе которых предложена модель оценки его эффективности. Полученные результаты дают представление о степени продуктивности работы научно-образовательного кластера ПАО «Татнефть» по основным направлениям деятельности.Цель – разработка методики уровня интеграции научно-образовательного кластера (на примере научно-образовательного кластера по подготовке кадров для ПАО «Татнефть»).Метод или методология проведения работы: в статье использовались экономико-математические методы и статистические методы анализа.Результаты: получены значения ряда показателей, характеризующих и подтверждающих практическую целесообразность реализации программ государственно-частного партнерства в сфере подготовки квалифицированных специалистов посредством создания научно-образовательного кластера на территории присутствия якорной компании.Область применения результатов: полученные результаты служат практической основой для разработки государственной экономической политики в сфере подготовки кадров с учетом региональной специфики в кратко- и среднесрочной перспективе.Modern professional education should be formed on the basis of efficient interaction of government and business. Such type of interaction creates real conditions of harmonization of economic interests of all the subjects of public-private partnership in the field of training the specialists who would meet actual and sharply changing market requirements. The state uses more efficiently limited budget funds, the companies get specialists with the developed base of all necessary competences, minimize the lost of adaptation period, educational institutions realize innovative training programs aimed at certain business requirements. The need of creating of scientific-educational clusters in the region as the form of public-private partnership development is justified in the article. The possibilities of education, science and production integration have been studied. There have been studied the indicators characterizing the operation of the territorial scientific-educational cluster on their basis the model of its efficiency evaluation was suggested. The obtained results give us the idea of the efficiency level of the scientific-educational cluster by PSC «Tatneft» on principal fields of activity.The purpose – development of a technique of level of integration of a scientific and educational cluster (on the example of a scientific and educational cluster on training for PJSC Tatneft).The method and methodology of carrying out the work: economic-mathematical and statistical methods of analyses were used in the article.Results: there were obtained a number of indicator values characterizing and confirming practical efficiency of realizing the programs of public-private partnership in the field of training qualified specialists by means of scientific-educational cluster creation on the territory of anchored company.Fields of results’ application: the obtained results are a practical basis for state economic policy development in the sphere of staff training with account of regional specificity in a short-term and mid-term perspective

    Collagen Single Fibril Elastic Modulus Measurement Technique

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    Restoration of blood rheological properties with the help of THz-band electromagnetic waves of nitrogen oxide molecular spectrum occurrence

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    Los chinos, árabes y hasta en la corte de Alejandro el Grande en el siglo IV a. de C;trituraban las frutas y las mezclaban con nieve acompañadas con un poquito de miel

    Bone resorption and formation in the pedicles of European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in relation to the antler cycle—A morphological and microanalytical study

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    We analyzed pedicle bone from roe bucks that had died around antler casting or shortly before or during the rutting period. Pedicles obtained around antler casting were highly porous and showed signs of intense osteoclastic activity that had caused the formation of an abscission line. Following the detachment of the antler plus a portion of pedicle bone, osteoclastic activity in the pedicles continued for some time, and new bone was deposited onto the separation plane of the pedicle stump, leading to partial pedicle restoration. Pedicles obtained around the rutting period were compact structures. The newly formed, often very large secondary osteons, which had filled the resorption cavities, exhibited a lower mineral density than the persisting older bone. The middle zones of the lamellar infilling frequently showed hypomineralized lamellae and enlarged osteocyte lacunae. This indicates a deficiency in mineral elements during the formation of these zones that occurred along with peak antler mineralization. We suggest that growing antlers and compacting pedicles compete for mineral elements, with the rapidly growing antlers being the more effective sinks. The competition between the two simultaneously mineralizing structures is probably more severe in Capreolus capreolus than in other cervids. This is because roe bucks regrow their antlers during late autumn and winter, a period of limited food and associated mineral supply. The pedicle is a heavily remodeled bone structure with distinct seasonal variation in porosity. Pedicle remodeling differs in several aspects from the normal bone remodeling process in the mammalian skeleton.18 página

    Distribution, structure, and mineralization of calcified cartilage remnants in hard antlers

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    Antlers are paired deciduous bony cranial appendages of deer that undergo a regular cycle of growth, death and casting, and constitute the most rapidly growing bones in mammals. Antler growth occurs in an appositional mode and involves a modified form of endochondral ossification. In endochondral bones, calcified cartilage is typically a transient tissue that is eventually completely replaced by bone tissue. We studied the distribution and characteristics of calcified cartilage in hard antlers from three deer species (Capreolus capreolus, Cervus elaphus, Dama dama), i.e., in antlers from which the skin (velvet) had been shed. Remnants of calcified cartilage were regularly present as part of the trabecular framework in the late formed, distal antler portions in all three species, whereas this tissue was largely or completely missing in the more proximal antler portions. The presence of calcified cartilage remnants in the distal antler portions is attributed to the limited antler lifespan of only a few months, which is also the reason for the virtual lack of bone remodeling in antlers. The calcified cartilage matrix was more highly mineralized than the antler bone matrix. Mineralized deposits were observed in some chondrocyte lacunae and occasionally also in osteocyte lacunae, a phenomenon that has not previously been reported in antlers. Using synchrotron radiation-induced X-ray fluorescence (SR-XRF) mapping, we further demonstrated increased zinc concentrations in cement lines, along the inner borders of incompletely formed primary osteons, along the walls of partly or completely mineral-occluded chondrocyte and osteocyte lacunae, and in intralacunar mineralized deposits. The present study demonstrates that antlers are a promising model for studying the mineralization of cartilage and bone matrices and the formation of mineralized deposits in chondrocyte and osteocyte lacunae

    Cognitive Coherence as the Element of Functional Valence in COVID-19 Terminological System

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    Background. The relevance of the study is predetermined by the uniqueness of the communicative and discursive field formed during COVID-19 pandemic. The manifestation of COVID-19-related nominative categories occurs spontaneously and depends on pragmatic motives of social interaction at the global international level. The atypicality of COVID-19 terminological system development sets up the research course directed at both the process of diffuse terminological conglomerate formation and its conceptualization based on the mechanisms of cognitive activity implementation viewed through the cultural specificity revealed at the level of terminological functioning and terminological systemic unity. Objective. This article presents the results of a corpus-based research of cognitive and discursive features of COVID-19 terminological system development. Methods. The research material is a sample of Russian and English media texts selected via automatized algorithms of data parsing. Media discourse reflects short-term socially significant fluctuations in global information agenda directly related to semantic shifts in COVID-19 representation that are revealed through the variety of linguistic and extralinguistic discursive means and compared within the linguo-cultural communities under study. Results. As a result of content analysis and subsequent component analysis the peculiarities of COVID-19 terminological system development appear to be predetermined by the parallel structuring and transformation of COVID-19 semantic representation formed in the temporal perspective of pandemic waves on the basis of fundamental mechanisms of cognitive activity. The functional valence of COVID-19 terminological system is explicated through the convergence of cognitive components that result in terminological coherence and gradual formation of the denotative component of meaning through cognitive compilation of occasional semic characteristics. Conclusion. Cognitive coherence as the element of COVID-19 terminological system functional valence contributes to its gradual structuring and determines the features of semantic arrangement of COVID-19 conceptual field

    Authigenic Iron Is a Significant Component of Oceanic Labile Particulate Iron Inventories

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    Particulate phases transport trace metals (TM) and thereby exert a major control on TM distribution in the ocean. Particulate TMs can be classified by their origin as lithogenic (crustal material), biogenic (cellular), or authigenic (formed in situ), but distinguishing these fractions analytically in field samples is a challenge often addressed using operational definitions and assumptions. These different phases require accurate characterization because they have distinct roles in the biogeochemical iron cycle. Particles collected from the upper 2,000 m of the northwest subtropical Atlantic Ocean over four seasonal cruises throughout 2019 were digested with a chemical leach to operationally distinguish labile particulate material from refractory lithogenics. Direct measurements of cellular iron (Fe) were used to calculate the biogenic contribution to the labile Fe fraction, and any remaining labile material was defined as authigenic. Total particulate Fe (PFe) inventories varied \u3c15% between seasons despite strong seasonality in dust inputs. Across seasons, the total PFe inventory (±1SD) was composed of 73 ± 13% lithogenic, 18 ± 7% authigenic, and 10 ± 8% biogenic Fe above the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM), and 69 ± 8% lithogenic, 30 ± 8% authigenic, and 1.1 ± 0.5% biogenic Fe below the DCM. Data from three other ocean regions further reveal the importance of the authigenic fraction across broad productivity and Fe gradients, comprising ca. 20%-27% of total PFe

    Non-Enzymatic Decomposition of Collagen Fibers by a Biglycan Antibody and a Plausible Mechanism for Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune inflammatory and destructive joint disorder that affects tens of millions of people worldwide. Normal healthy joints maintain a balance between the synthesis of extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules and the proteolytic degradation of damaged ones. In the case of RA, this balance is shifted toward matrix destruction due to increased production of cleavage enzymes and the presence of (autoimmune) immunoglobulins resulting from an inflammation induced immune response. Herein we demonstrate that a polyclonal antibody against the proteoglycan biglycan (BG) causes tissue destruction that may be analogous to that of RA affected tissues. The effect of the antibody is more potent than harsh chemical and/or enzymatic treatments designed to mimic arthritis-like fibril de-polymerization. In RA cases, the immune response to inflammation causes synovial fibroblasts, monocytes and macrophages to produce cytokines and secrete matrix remodeling enzymes, whereas B cells are stimulated to produce immunoglobulins. The specific antigen that causes the RA immune response has not yet been identified, although possible candidates have been proposed, including collagen types I and II, and proteoglycans (PG's) such as biglycan. We speculate that the initiation of RA associated tissue destruction in vivo may involve a similar non-enzymatic decomposition of collagen fibrils via the immunoglobulins themselves that we observe here ex vivo

    Использование гемостатического препарата Спонгостан в качестве носителя мезенхимальных стволовых клеток при лечении экспериментального недержания мочи у крыс

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    The adhesion and proliferation of rat adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as part of biocomposite with haemostatic drug Spongostan Absorbable Haemostatic Gelatin Powder as well as its regenerative efficiency after its introduction into the periurethral region in rats with experimental urinary incontinence were studied. It was found that MSCs rapidly adhere to the surface of the carrier and actively proliferate. The periurethral injection of biocomposite (Spongostan + MSCs) quickly and effectively recovers the urine continence function in animals that have undergone modeling of incontinence by urethrolysis. Spongostan hydrated in the ratio of 1 :24 inphosphate-saline buffer has a volume-forming effect in the urethra of experimental animals.Изучены адгезия и пролиферация мезенхимальных стволовых клеток (МСК) жировой ткани крысы в составе биокомпозита с носителем на основе гемостатического препарата Спонгостан (Spоngostan Absorbable Haemostatic Gelatin Powder), а также регенерационная эффективность биокомпозита при его введении в парауретральную область крысам с экспериментальным недержанием мочи. Установлено, что МСК быстро адгезируют на поверхности носителя и активно пролиферируют. Введение биокомпозита (Спонгостан + МСК) в парауретральную область быстро и эффективно восстанавливает функцию удержания мочи в мочевом пузыре у животных после моделирования недержания посредством уретролизиса. Спонгостан, гидратированный в соотношении 1 : 24 в фосфатно-солевом буфере, оказывает также объемообразующее действие в области уретры экспериментальных животных