89 research outputs found

    «Конструктор здоровья». Обобщение опыта формирования здоровьесозидающей среды в школе в МАОУ СОШ №11 г. Екатеринбурга

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    Primary prevention, aimed at the formation of value relation to health is an effective method of education of schoolchildren . Our work system includes modularity in the choice of topics and forms of events and records the age of the audience. Active assistants in promoting the preservation of health are members of the school scientific society. Collective projects, in which participants are students of different ages – effective form of promotion of the values of healthПервичная профилактика, направленная на формирование ценностного отношения к здоровью, является эффективным методом обучения школьников. Наша система включает в себя модульность в выборе тем и форм событий с учетом возраста аудитории. Активными помощниками в продвижении идеи сохранения здоровья являются члены школьного научного общества. Коллективные проекты, в которых принимают участие школьники разных возрастов – эффективная форма продвижения ценностей здоровь


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     The article examines the essence of logical universal educational actions, identifies logical actions and mental operations as part of it, identifies types of didactic games that influence their formation in teaching mathematics of children of primary school age.В статье рассмотрена сущность логических универсальных учебных действий, выделены в составе логические действия и мыслительные операции, выявлены виды дидактических игр, влияющие на их формирование при обучении математики детей младшего школьного возраста

    Historical roots of traditions of initiation in older age

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    Introduction. The article examines the issues of historical and modern significance of initiation rites. It is noted that initiation rites should be considered as a tool for overcoming psychological barriers before entering old age. At the same time, there are no traditions of age-related initiation aimed at removing barriers of fear of transition to old age. Materials and methods. The research methods were historical and psychological analyzes of the theory and practice of using initiation rites in the history of mankind. The study was carried out based on the study of normative materials and materials describing initiation traditions in different cultures. Results. It is shown that in the history of mankind, the traditions of age-related initiation were developed mainly in childhood, adolescence and youth. Attention is focused on the fact that in Russian culture rituals of initiation into old age have not yet been formed, although there are traditions of honoring elders, although they are not always implemented. Particular attention is paid to the issue of initiation technologies in old age. The practice of initiation in old age, tested in some countries, is considered. It is noted that age-related initiation makes it possible to solve such socio-psychological problems as testing one’s readiness to endure the difficulties of a new age stage; removing barriers of fear before a new age period; introduction to spiritual values; continuity of human existence, etc. Conclusion. Specific proposals have been made for the implementation of rules and approaches to initiation in old age. In particular, it is proposed to coincide the initiation ceremony with the Day of the Elderly. In addition, it is proposed to rename the day of the elderly to the day of honoring the elderly, as was done at one time in Japan

    From the experience of organization of pupils’ project activities in the line of health care

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    This article contains organization questions about the process of pupils’ project activities in the line of Health care and social-oriented work. It has the summarizing of many years teachers’ work on creating of the system of organization of pupils’ project activities in 5-10 forms. There are also successful totals of teachers and pupils cooperationСтатья посвящена вопросам организации проектно-исследовательской деятельности школьников в области социально-ориентированных проектов и здоровьесбережения. Обобщен опыт многолетней работы педагогов по созданию системы организации проектной деятельности в среднем звене с 5 по 10 класс. Отмечены успешные итоги интеграции усилий педагогов и учащихс

    Minimisation of the viral contamination risk of heterologous immunoglobulins in the context of the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation

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    To ensure the safety and to secure the approval of injectable medicinal products based on antigen-specific immunoglobulins of animal origin, it is necessary to exclude their contamination with adventitious human pathogens. Ensuring the viral safety of heterologous immunoglobulins presents a major challenge, because the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, 14 edition, lacks production stage-specific viral safety requirements for such medicinal products. The aim of the study was to analyse the requirements set forth in general and individual monographs of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, the European Pharmacopoeia, (10th edition), the British Pharmacopoeia (2019), the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP 43–NF 38), the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (17th edition), as well as the recommendations of the European Medicines Agency and the World Health Organisation concerning the viral safety of medicinal products for human use based on heterologous antigen-specific immunoglobulins. The authors analysed regulatory requirements for the following: serum/plasma-producing animals; immunisation antigens for the animals; quarantine of the animals; viral contamination tests for immune animal serum/plasma pools; model viruses to validate viral inactivation/removal processes at different stages of vaccine production; viral load reduction at each inactivation/ removal step; testing of materials obtained at critical production stages. The authors drafted sections for quality standards on production stage-specific measures to minimise the viral contamination risk of medicinal products for human use based on heterologous immunoglobulins, which they proposed for inclusion to the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation

    Дифференциальный подход к лечению пациентов с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate Prolatan effectiveness in groups of patients with risk of glaucoma progression. METHODS: We used Moriscos-Green/Blank clinical and psychological tests-scales of compliance to assess 190 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). We revealed 57 out of 190 POAG patients (30%) to be insufficiently committed to their treatment. Among them were 22 (38%) women and 35 (62%) men with mean age 64.4±2.5 years. 18 (32%) patients were diagnosed with glaucoma within the last month before admission, while 39 (68%) patients had progressive glaucoma. All patients underwent standard ophthalmic examination and additional Humphrey standard automated perimetry (threshold 30-2 strategy) at baseline and after 3 months. RESULTS: Statistically significant non-compliance factors were the following: age over 60, male gender, POAG duration from 3 to 10 years, comorbid pathology, regimens comprising a large number of drugs, mild glaucoma, cognitive impairment and financial difficulties, hindering the purchase of medicinal products. On the average, Prolatan decreased IOP level by 33%. By the end of the 3rd month our study revealed retinal light sensitivity increase in all sectors of the visual field from 0 to 30 degrees due to IOP stabilization. CONCLUSION: Prolatan increases adherence to treatment by the end of the 3rd month of follow-up, which is associated with a reduction in the number of instillations, no side effects after instillation, patients’ good health during the treatment course, reduction of treatment material costs. ЦЕЛЬ. Оценить эффективность препарата Пролатан в группах риска прогрессирования глаукомы. МЕТОДЫ. С помощью клинико-психологической тестовой методики — шкалы комплаентности Мориски – Грин проведена оценка комплаентности 190 пациентов с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой (ПОУГ). Из 190 обследованных пациентов с ПОУГ недостаточно приверженными лечению были 57 (30%) пациентов. Среди них было 22 (38%) женщины и 35 (62%) мужчин, средний возраст составил 64,4±2,5 года. Впервые выявленная глаукома в течение 1 месяца была у 18 (32%) пациентов, некомпенсированная глаукома — у 39 (68%) больных. Проводили стандартное офтальмологическое исследование, дополнительно — статическую компьютерную периметрию на компьютерном периметре Humphrey по пороговой стратегии 30-2 исходно и через 3 месяца. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Достоверными факторами нон-комплаенса у обследованных больных были: возраст старше 60 лет, мужской пол, длительность ПОУГ от 3 до 10 лет, наличие коморбидной патологии и большое количество лекарственных средств, которые вынужден применять пациент, начальная стадия глаукомы, наличие когнитивных нарушений, финансовые затруднения пациентов при приобретении лекарственных средств. Снижение внутриглазного давления (ВГД) в результате применения препарата Пролатан составило 33%. На фоне стабилизации ВГД к концу 3-го месяца выявлено увеличение показателей светочувствительности сетчатки по всем секторам поля зрения от 0 до 30°. ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. На фоне лечения препаратом Пролатан увеличивается приверженность лечению к концу 3-го месяца наблюдения, что связано со снижением количества инстилляций, отсутствием побочных эффектов после закапывания, хорошим самочувствием пациентов во время лечения, снижением материальных затрат на лечение.

    Минимизация риска вирусной контаминации гетерологичных иммуноглобулинов в рамках требований Государственной фармакопеи Российской Федерации

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    To ensure the safety and to secure the approval of injectable medicinal products based on antigen-specific immunoglobulins of animal origin, it is necessary to exclude their contamination with adventitious human pathogens. Ensuring the viral safety of heterologous immunoglobulins presents a major challenge, because the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, 14 edition, lacks production stage-specific viral safety requirements for such medicinal products. The aim of the study was to analyse the requirements set forth in general and individual monographs of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, the European Pharmacopoeia, (10th edition), the British Pharmacopoeia (2019), the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP 43–NF 38), the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (17th edition), as well as the recommendations of the European Medicines Agency and the World Health Organisation concerning the viral safety of medicinal products for human use based on heterologous antigen-specific immunoglobulins. The authors analysed regulatory requirements for the following: serum/plasma-producing animals; immunisation antigens for the animals; quarantine of the animals; viral contamination tests for immune animal serum/plasma pools; model viruses to validate viral inactivation/removal processes at different stages of vaccine production; viral load reduction at each inactivation/ removal step; testing of materials obtained at critical production stages. The authors drafted sections for quality standards on production stage-specific measures to minimise the viral contamination risk of medicinal products for human use based on heterologous immunoglobulins, which they proposed for inclusion to the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation.Для обеспечения безопасности применения различных инъекционных лекарственных препаратов (ЛП) на основе специфических иммуноглобулинов животного происхождения и успешной их регистрации необходимо исключить их контаминацию патогенными для человека посторонними агентами. При этом наиболее сложным является вопрос обеспечения вирусной безопасности таких препаратов, так как в Государственной фармакопее Российской Федерации (ГФ РФ) требования к гетерологичным иммуноглобулинам на этапах их производства по этому показателю представлены не в полном объеме. Цель работы — анализ требований общих фармакопейных статей и фармакопейных статей ГФ РФ XIV изд., монографий Европейской фармакопеи 10 изд., Британской фармакопеи 2019 г., Фармакопеи США (USP 43–NF 38), Японской фармакопеи 17 изд., а также рекомендаций Европейского агентства по лекарственным средствам и Всемирной организации здравоохранения к вирусной безопасности ЛП для медицинского применения на основе гетерологичных специфических иммуноглобулинов. Проведен анализ регуляторных требований по следующим вопросам: требования к антигену для иммунизации животных-продуцентов сыворотки/плазмы крови; требования к животным-продуцентам сыворотки/плазмы крови; требования к карантинизации животных-продуцентов сыворотки/плазмы крови; требования к тестам на вирусную контаминацию пулов иммунной сыворотки/плазмы крови животных; требования к модельным вирусам для проведения валидации процессов инактивации/удаления вирусов на разных стадиях производства ЛП; требования к снижению показателя вирусной нагрузки на каждой из стадий вирусной инактивации/удаления; требования к тестированию материалов на наличие вирусов на критических стадиях производства ЛП. Подготовлены предложения по включению в фармакопейные стандарты качества ГФ РФ разделов, характеризующих мероприятия по минимизации риска вирусной контаминации ЛП на основе гетерологичных иммуноглобулинов для медицинского применения на разных этапах их производства

    Enhancing Electron Coherence via Quantum Phonon Confinement in Atomically Thin Nb3SiTe6

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    The extraordinary properties of two dimensional (2D) materials, such as the extremely high carrier mobility in graphene and the large direct band gaps in transition metal dichalcogenides MX2 (M = Mo or W, X = S, Se) monolayers, highlight the crucial role quantum confinement can have in producing a wide spectrum of technologically important electronic properties. Currently one of the highest priorities in the field is to search for new 2D crystalline systems with structural and electronic properties that can be exploited for device development. In this letter, we report on the unusual quantum transport properties of the 2D ternary transition metal chalcogenide - Nb3SiTe6. We show that the micaceous nature of Nb3SiTe6 allows it to be thinned down to one-unit-cell thick 2D crystals using microexfoliation technique. When the thickness of Nb3SiTe6 crystal is reduced below a few unit-cells thickness, we observed an unexpected, enhanced weak-antilocalization signature in magnetotransport. This finding provides solid evidence for the long-predicted suppression of electron-phonon interaction caused by the crossover of phonon spectrum from 3D to 2D.Comment: Accepted by Nature Physic

    Origins and genetic legacy of prehistoric dogs

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    Dogs were the first domestic animal, but little is known about their population history and to what extent it was linked to humans. We sequenced 27 ancient dog genomes and found that all dogs share a common ancestry distinct from present-day wolves, with limited gene flow from wolves since domestication but substantial dog-to-wolf gene flow. By 11,000 years ago, at least five major ancestry lineages had diversified, demonstrating a deep genetic history of dogs during the Paleolithic. Coanalysis with human genomes reveals aspects of dog population history that mirror humans, including Levant-related ancestry in Africa and early agricultural Europe. Other aspects differ, including the impacts of steppe pastoralist expansions in West and East Eurasia and a near-complete turnover of Neolithic European dog ancestry