40 research outputs found

    Ridisegnare paesaggi. Ridefinizione dello sguardo etnografico e "aesthetic of slow" nel cinema di Michelangelo Frammartino

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    The cinematic image itself could serve as a medium that can represent a conceptualization of time thanks to its formal elements, which temporalize space and spatialize time, rendering duration and the experience of passing time. Taking into account Frammartino’s cinema “Il dono” (2003), “Le quattro volte” (2010) and “Alberi” (2013), this essay aims to highlight how particular strategies to frame the passing of time, in line with the durational tendency in structural experimental cinema and its acute manifestation in “slow” contemporary films, encourage a contemplative spectatorial practice. This invites the viewer to wander within the frame and to focus on details which would otherwise remain veiled in a conventional form of narration

    A Counter Migrant Image: Between Self-Representation and Witnessing in Les Sauteurs (2016)

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    The journey that refugees have to undertake to escape war and persecution has become a necessary topic to tackle in recent years, especially for documentary as a genre and a form. In order to reflect upon the media witnessing and the migrant self-representation in the digital age, my aim in this paper is to take into account Les Sauteurs (2016), a film made by Moritz Sibert, Estephan Wagner and the African migrant Abou Bakar Sidibe. The man narrates his personal experience hoping to make it into Europe by climbing over the barrier between Morocco and the outlying Spanish city of Melilla. More than conveying denunciation and social critique, lending a voice to those who don’t usually get one and offering a platform for migrants to become actors and principal protagonists, Les Sauteurs sheds a light upon what has been invisible or discarded, providing a counterpoint narration from migrant subject position. The film reflects upon the very notion of self-representation, from representing to constituting himself, because Sidibe becomes more aware of being both the subject matter and the subject making the film. He becomes more conscious of the importance of exposing the harsh realities which surround him, in order to make the viewer bear witness, opening up to new forms of visualization concerning the migrant experience

    Il documentario italiano: modelli, poetiche, esiti

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    This issue investigates the Italian documentary film with particular attention to the contemporary production. In particular, it maps some of the main influences that have characterized and that characterize today the Italian documentary, analysing the films of Michelangelo Frammartino, Alina Marazzi, Sabina Guzzanti and Silvio Soldini, among others

    Visualizing the Virus. The Use of Data Visualizations in COVID-19 Documentaries

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    This contribution will examine different communicative and narrative strategies adopted by some documentary productions in order to visualize something invisible, like the virus and its effects. Through the case studies I will take into account, my intent is to reflect upon the pandemic narration, which replaces or alternates the photographic realism of the images of pain and suffering, intended as scientific and incontrovertible proof of the virus manifestation, with a modernist narrative, mixing interviews with infographic material, maps, dashboards, photomicrographs, and computer graphics animations. Despite their profound mediation by software that makes pictures out of numbers, these informatic images, reported daily in news channels and broadcasts as well, besides shaping the relationships between scientific research, documentary, and its explanatory and pedagogical power to narrate, reconfigure the collective imagination of the pandemic in a bioinformation era

    Ri-configurare l’immagine della paura. Cloverfield e il virtual trauma

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    Nel seguente articolo si prende in esame Cloverfield (2008), diretto da Matt Reeves e prodotto da J. J. Abrams, sicuramente tra i piĂč significativi e paradigmatici casi di studio relativi al cinema post 9/11. Partendo dal testo filmico, il mio obiettivo consiste nel riflettere sull’elaborazione memoriale degli eventi nella nostra cultura massmediale ( trauma culture ), riferendomi alla concettualizzazione del virtual trauma

    Be Now Here: verso un’archeologia della visione

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    L’analisi seguente Ăš in linea con i numerosi studi e ricognizioni atti a rintracciare e sottolineare le relazioni tra i dispostivi ottici e della visione artificiale (tecniche e metodi sviluppatisi lungo l’arco di piĂč secoli fino alla fine dell’Ottocento) con il medium cinematografico, così  come con i nuovi media e la modernità , sia dal punto di vista tecnologico sia socioculturale. Adottando l’approccio metodologico dell’archeologia dei media, il mio intento consiste nel sottolineare l’indissolubile connessione tra le eye machines  e la nostra  cultura immersiva della simulazione, prendendo in esame una video installazione di Michael Naimark, Be Now Here (Welcome to the Neighborhood) prodotta per il Center for the Arts a San Francisco nel Dicembre del 199

    Verso una memoria culturale autoassolutoria. Ruoli di genere e mascolinitĂ  nel combat film italiano degli anni Cinquanta

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    In the present essay, I will take into account some Italian war films made in the 1950s, such as “Carica eroica” (“Heroic Charge”, 1952, Francesco De Robertis), “I sette dell’Orsa maggiore” (“Hell Raiders of the Deep”, 1953, Duilio Coletti), “Mizar - Sabotaggio in mare” (Mizar, 1954, Francesco De Robertis), “Divisione Folgore” (“Folgore Division“, 1954, Duilio Coletti), “La grande speranza” (“Submarine Attack”, 1954, Duilio Coletti) in order to reflect upon their role in building Italy’s memory of its past as well as the perception of Italian war crimes in public opinion. These productions extend a unifying narrative of the war, consolidating the myth of the “good Italian” (“italiani brava gente”). Through the inclusion of the soldier in collective memory by silencing his role as aggressor, Italian combat films participated and consolidated the process of collective amnesia about the fascist regime and how they influenced the way in which Italian viewers constructed a shared sense of the past

    Decostruire le immagini del potere: Nicolae Ceauçescu -Un'autobiografia di Andrei Ujicȃ

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    Al fine di riflettere intorno alla pratica del montaggio come linguaggio filmico e principio epistemico, strumento conoscitivo per comprendere e analizzare criticamente il ri-utilizzo e la ri-contestualizzazione delle immagini d’archivio, nel presente contributo prender  in esame il film Nicolae Ceaușescu – Un’autobiografia (2010) diretto da Andrei Ujică6, parte conclusiva della trilogia sulla fine del comunismo nell’Est Europa dopo Videograms of a Revolution (1992) e Out of the Present (1995). Il regista realizza un ritratto di Nicolae Ceaușescu, capo di Stato rumeno dal 1967 al 1989, anno in cui fu deposto, processato e infine giustiziato dal Tribunale Militare Eccezionale con le accuse di crimini contro lo stato, genocidio e distruzione dell’economia nazionale

    Paesaggi in bilico

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    La periferia, intesa sia come spazio urbano periferico rispetto al centro cittadino sia spazio fisico della marginalitĂ  sociale e affettiva, dell’umanitĂ  dolente, Ăš certamente tornata ad essere epicentro del cinema italiano contemporaneo, documentario e di finzione. Si pensi, ad esempio, ai film che negli ultimissimi anni hanno posto al centro del discorso il paesaggio suburbano romano, inteso nella dimensione plurale di periferie, le loro plurime e specifiche identitĂ , oppure luogo irriconoscibile, astratto, metafora di uno spazio universale di degrado e conflitto, Lo chiamavano Jeeg Robot (Mainetti, 2015), Il piĂč grande sogno (Vannucci, 2016), Il contagio (Botrugno, Coluccini, 2017), Fortunata (Castellitto, 2017), Manuel (Albertini, 2017), Cuori puri (De Paolis, 2017), Dogman (Garrone, 2018) o La terra dell’abbastanza (2018) e Favolacce (2020) di Fabio e Damiano D’Innocenzo, dando vita quasi a un sottogenere