59 research outputs found

    Re-examining rotavirus innate immune evasion: Potential applications of the reverse genetics system

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    Rotaviruses represent one of the most successful pathogens in the world, with high infectivity and efficient transmission between the young of many animal species, including humans. To overcome host defenses, rotaviruses have evolved a plethora of strategies to effectively evade the innate immune response, establish initial infection in the small intestine, produce progeny, and shed into the environment. Previously, studying the roles and relative contributions of specific rotaviral factors in innate immune evasion had been challenging without a plasmid-only reverse genetics system. Although still in its infancy, current reverse genetics technology will help address important research questions regarding rotavirus innate immune evasion, host range restriction, and viral pathogenesis. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge about the antiviral host innate immune defense mechanisms, countermeasures of rotavirus-encoded factors, and strategies to better understand these interactions using the rotavirus reverse genetics system

    An assessment of the use of sediment traps for estimating upper ocean particle fluxes

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    Author Posting. © Sears Foundation for Marine Research, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of Sears Foundation for Marine Research for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Marine Research 65 (2007): 345–416, doi: 10.1357/002224007781567621This review provides an assessment of sediment trap accuracy issues by gathering data to address trap hydrodynamics, the problem of zooplankton "swimmers," and the solubilization of material after collection. For each topic, the problem is identified, its magnitude and causes reviewed using selected examples, and an update on methods to correct for the potential bias or minimize the problem using new technologies is presented. To minimize hydrodynamic biases due to flow over the trap mouth, the use of neutrally buoyant sediment traps is encouraged. The influence of swimmers is best minimized using traps that limit zooplankton access to the sample collection chamber. New data on the impact of different swimmer removal protocols at the US time-series sites HOT and BATS are compared and shown to be important. Recent data on solubilization are compiled and assessed suggesting selective losses from sinking particles to the trap supernatant after collection, which may alter both fluxes and ratios of elements in long term and typically deeper trap deployments. Different methods are needed to assess shallow and short- term trap solubilization effects, but thus far new incubation experiments suggest these impacts to be small for most elements. A discussion of trap calibration methods reviews independent assessments of flux, including elemental budgets, particle abundance and flux modeling, and emphasizes the utility of U-Th radionuclide calibration methods.WG meetings and production of this report was partially supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation via grants to the SCOR. Individuals and science efforts discussed herein were supported by many national science programs, including the U.S. National Science Foundation, Swedish Research Council, the International Atomic Energy Agency through its support of the Marine Environmental Laboratory that also receives support from the Government of the Principality of Monaco, and the Australian Antarctic Science Program. K.B. was supported in part by a WHOI Ocean Life Institute Fellowship
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