15 research outputs found

    Habitat partitioning and vulnerability of sharks in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park

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    Sharks present a critical conservation challenge, but little is known about their spatial distribution and vulnerability, particularly in complex seascapes such as Australia's Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP). We review (1) the distribution of shark species among the primary habitats of the GBRMP (coral reefs, inshore/shelf, pelagic and deep-water habitats) (2) the relative exploitation of each species by fisheries, and (3) how current catch rates interact with their vulnerability and trophic index. Excluding rays and chimaeras, we identify a total of 82 shark species in the GBRMP. We find that shark research in the GBRMP has yielded little quantitative information on most species. Reef sharks are largely site-fidelic, but can move large distances and some regularly use non-reef habitats. Inshore and shelf sharks use coastal habitats either exclusively or during specific times in their life cycle (e.g. as nurseries). Virtually nothing is known about the distribution and habitat use of the GBRMP's pelagic and deep-water sharks. At least 46 species (53.5 %) are caught in one or more fisheries, but stock assessments are lacking for most. At least 17 of the sharks caught are considered highly vulnerable to exploitation. We argue that users of shark resources should be responsible for demonstrating that a fishery is sustainable before exploitation is allowed to commence or continue. This fundamental change in management principle will safeguard against stock collapses that have characterised many shark fisheries

    Towards Freezing Global Warming

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    Numerous policies have been proposed to mitigate the problem of climate change as reducing emissions alone will not be sufficient. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), which captures carbon at the source, and Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs), which remove carbon from the atmosphere, are two of the most important strategies currently used to combat global warming. Existing technologies, however, are widely believed to be too expensive to implement on a global scale. The estimated total cost of climate change varies greatly, for example, 178 trillion dollars over the next 50 years. Economists have frequently emphasised the importance of minimising expenditure while meeting climate goals. According to new research, NETs may be more cost-effective and less disruptive than various forms of CCS. We anticipate that NETs based on plant growth and biomass freezing in seawater will be the most cost-effective option for capturing and storing 10 gigatonnes of carbon per year, with an operating cost in the order of $50/t CO2. To reverse global warming, policies at the national, transnational, and international levels will need to be overhauled

    New records of marine fishes illustrate the biogeographic importance of Christmas Island, Indian Ocean

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    Christmas Island is situated in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean on a biogeographic border where Indian and Pacific Ocean faunas meet. Detailed field studies in 2004, 2007 and 2008, of the island's fish fauna revealed 30 new records from 15 families. For six families (Dasyatidae, Chanidae, Bramidae, Mugilidae, Siganidae, Molidae) this is the first time a species has been recorded at Christmas Island. Many of the newly recorded fishes appear to have recently colonised the island, and establishing populations will be dependent on the availability of suitable habitat and conspecific mates. These new records illustrate that Christmas Island is important for range expansion because it serves as a critical stepping-stone in the dispersal of Pacific Ocean species into the Indian Ocean and vice versa. Contact between Indian and Pacific Ocean sister species has also resulted in hybridisation at Christmas Island

    Fishes of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands: new records, community composition and biogeographic significance

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    The Cocos (Keeling) Islands comprise the most isolated oceanic atoll in the tropical Indian Ocean and are situated 1000 km south-west of Indonesia. The remoteness of the islands has shaped the composition of marine communities but also limited scientific research. This study summarises field research on the marine fishes of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands over the last 14 years (2001-2014). Sixty-seven new records (from 28 families) are described and raise the total number of known fishes to 602 species from 84 families. New records span a variety of body sizes (3 cm TL Gobiodon unicolor to 500 cm TL Rhincodon typus), were observed in all major habitats, and found at both the Southern Atoll and at North Keeling Island. Notable new records include first records for the families Alopiidae, Coryphaenidae, Eleotridae, Gempylidae, Istiophoridae, Molidae, Polymixiidae, Rhincodontidae, Sillaginidae and Xiphiidae. Sampling from pelagic and deepwater (60-300 m) reef environments significantly increased the number of species described from these habitats. New records include species that have dispersed more than 2500 km (Centropyge acanthops) and dispersal ability appears to explain the lack of syngnathids and the high representation of acanthurids and holocentrids in the community. Some of the Indian Ocean species that have colonised the Cocos (Keeling) Islands now co-occur with their Pacific Ocean sister species, increasing the potential for hybridisation. Although the fish community of the Cocos (Keeling) Island resembles that of the Indo-West Pacific, the isolation and co-occurrence of Indian and Pacific Ocean species distinguishes it from all other locations

    Checklist and new records of Christmas Island fishes: the influence of isolation, biogeography and habitat availability on species abundance and community composition

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    Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) is an oceanic high island that is situated 300 km southwest of Java, Indonesia. From 2010 to 2014, the fish community of Christmas Island was surveyed using underwater visual surveys for shallow water (0-60 m) fishes, and line fishing (bottom fishing and trolling) for deepwater (60-300 m) and pelagic fishes. Forty-seven new records (from 22 families) were identified, thereby increasing the total number of fishes described from Christmas Island to 681 (from 91 families). Notable new records include the first records for the families Alopiidae, Anomalopidae, Muraenesocidae, Tetrarogidae and Trichonotidae, and the first reports of Pacific Ocean species Plectranthias yamakawai, and Polylepion russelli in the Indian Ocean. The ten most species-rich families accounted for 58% of the community and included: Labridae (13%), Pomacentridae (8%), Epinephelidae (6%), Acanthuridae (5%), Chaetodontidae (5%), Muraenidae (5%), Gobiidae (5%), Blenniidae (4%), Apogonidae (4%) and Scorpaenidae (3%). The majority (89%) of species inhabit shallow coral reefs, with deep reefs (60-300 m) and pelagic waters only accounting for 7% and 2% of fish community. Approximately 76% of the fishes are widespread Indo-Pacific species, 12% are Pacific Ocean species, 5% are circumtropical, 4% are Indian Ocean species and approximately 1% are endemic. Abundance surveys revealed that endemic species, and species at the edge of their geographic range, do not conform to terrestrial-based predictions of low abundance. The structure and composition of the Christmas Island fish community is influenced by three main factors. Firstly, the isolation of the island means that fishes with poor dispersal abilities (e.g., syngnathids) are underrepresented. Secondly, the biogeographic position of the island results in a unique mixing of Indian and Pacific Ocean species. Thirdly, the lack of lagoonal habitats means that fishes that use these habitats (e.g., ophichthids, lethrinids, epinephelids) are underrepresented or have low abundance

    Expectations and outcomes of reserve network performance following re-zoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park

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    Networks of no-take marine reserves (NTMRs) are widely advocated for preserving exploited fish stocks and for conserving biodiversity. We used underwater visual surveys of coral reef fish and benthic communities to quantify the short- to medium-term (5 to 30 years) ecological effects of the establishment of NTMRs within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP). The density, mean length, and biomass of principal fishery species, coral trout (Plectropomus spp., Variola spp.), were consistently greater in NTMRs than on fished reefs over both the short and medium term. However, there were no clear or consistent differences in the structure of fish or benthic assemblages, non-target fish density, fish species richness, or coral cover between NTMR and fished reefs. There was no indication that the displacement and concentration of fishing effort reduced coral trout populations on fished reefs. A severe tropical cyclone impacted many survey reefs during the study, causing similar declines in coral cover and fish density on both NTMR and fished reefs. However, coral trout biomass declined only on fished reefs after the cyclone. The GBRMP is performing as expected in terms of the protection of fished stocks and biodiversity for a developed country in which fishing is not excessive and targets a narrow range of species. NTMRs cannot protect coral reefs directly from acute regional-scale disturbance but, after a strong tropical cyclone, impacted NTMR reefs supported higher biomass of key fishery-targeted species and so should provide valuable sources of larvae to enhance population recovery and long-term persistence