10,512 research outputs found

    ‘Dominant ethnicity’ and the ‘ethnic-civic’ dichotomy in the work of A. D. Smith

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    This article considers the way in which the work of Anthony Smith has helped to structure debates surrounding the role of ethnicity in present-day nations. Two major lines of enquiry are evident here. First, the contemporary role of dominant ethnic groups within 'their' nations and second, the interplay between ethnic and civic elements in nationalist argument. The two processes are related, but maintain elements of distinctiveness. Smith's major contribution to the dominant ethnicity debate has been to disembed ethnicity from the ideologically-charged and/or anglo-centric discourse of ethnic relations and to place it in historical context, thereby opening up space for dominant group ethnicity to be considered as a distinct phenomenon. This said, Smith's work does not adequately account for the vicissitudes of dominant ethnicity in the contemporary West. Building on the classical works of Hans Kohn and Friedrich Meinecke, Anthony Smith has also made a seminal contribution to the debate on civic and ethnic forms of national identity and nationalist ideology. As well as freeing this debate from the strong normative overtones which it has often carried, he has continued to insist that the terms civic and ethnic should be treated as an ideal-typical distinction rather than a scheme of classification

    Distributed Detection over Fading MACs with Multiple Antennas at the Fusion Center

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    A distributed detection problem over fading Gaussian multiple-access channels is considered. Sensors observe a phenomenon and transmit their observations to a fusion center using the amplify and forward scheme. The fusion center has multiple antennas with different channel models considered between the sensors and the fusion center, and different cases of channel state information are assumed at the sensors. The performance is evaluated in terms of the error exponent for each of these cases, where the effect of multiple antennas at the fusion center is studied. It is shown that for zero-mean channels between the sensors and the fusion center when there is no channel information at the sensors, arbitrarily large gains in the error exponent can be obtained with sufficient increase in the number of antennas at the fusion center. In stark contrast, when there is channel information at the sensors, the gain in error exponent due to having multiple antennas at the fusion center is shown to be no more than a factor of (8/pi) for Rayleigh fading channels between the sensors and the fusion center, independent of the number of antennas at the fusion center, or correlation among noise samples across sensors. Scaling laws for such gains are also provided when both sensors and antennas are increased simultaneously. Simple practical schemes and a numerical method using semidefinite relaxation techniques are presented that utilize the limited possible gains available. Simulations are used to establish the accuracy of the results.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Celebrating Diversity

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    Undergraduate 2-

    Recent sedimentological onterpretations in the Avalon terrane of the Boston Basin, Massachusetts

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    The depositional history of the Boston Basin remains somewhat enigmatic and controversial despite nearly over a century of research. Resolution of the basin's geologic history has remained formidable and complex due. In part, to attempts to work within the existing stratigraphy which often carried with it historic interpretations, many of which went uncontested. More importantly however, our knowledge of depositional systems and mechanisms has Increased significantly over this span of time. Reinterpretatlons In light of these advances were not only Inevitable but neccessary. As a consequence of the circumstances described above, our reinvestigation into the depositional history of the Boston Basin succession, principally the Boston Bay Group, has centered on recognizing, measuring, and coding a suite of facies whose textures In many Instances can be closely linked to specific depositional mechanisms responsible for the emplacement of the facies in question. From this facies analysis a preliminary depositional model for the Boston Basin has begun to emerge. It appears that the Boston Basin originated as a rifted successor, or arc-related basin either just prior to the closure of the Cadomlan Ocean or during the opening of Iapetus. The early history of the basin Is marked by the presence of a suite of bimodal volcanics In the form of water-lain tuffs, dikes, sills, and flows, and coarse debris flows. Geochemlcal markers suggest that the basin was In contact with the open ocean very early In its history. The next stage In the evolution of the Boston Basin was marked by the development of a rapidly prograding submarine elope/fan succession. The slope/fan Betting appears to have been characterized by the deposition of ice frontal and/or ice-rafted dlamictons which periodically overloaded the slope Initiating sediment gravity flows which reworked and redistributed sediment downslope. During periods of more equable climate and/or tectonic quiescence, blankets of fine sand and mud were deposited. There Is no evidence of a shelf or shelf-type deposits during this time. The last stage in the evolution of the basin was the appearance of shelf sediments such as quartz and calcareous sands, and muds with abundant organic matter and shelled organisms. There Is also evidence for climatic warming which is suggested to have been brought about by a tectonlcally-forced rise In eustatic sea-level. RÉSUMÉ L'hlstoire sédlmentalre du Bassln de Boston Bouleve encore quelques enigmes et controversy et, cela, après près d'un slecle de travaux. Dans une certain mesure, la résolution de l'histoire géologlque du bassln est demeurée formidable et complexe par suite des tentatlves de travalller au sein de la stratigraphie actuelle qui. elle, comportalt souvent des interprètations hlstoriques rareaent mises en doute. Or, plus important est le bond en avant saislssant qu'à fait notre connalssance des systèmes et mecanlsmes de dépôt durant cette période. Il devint done non seuleoent inevitable. mala bien nécessaire de réconsiderér lea conceptions traditionnelles a la lumière de ces acquis. Pour ce falre, notre reexamen de l'hlstoire sédimentalre de la succession du Bassln de Boston, et surtout du Groupe de Boston Bay, s'est axe sur la reconnaissance, la mesure et le codage d'une suite de faciès dont les textures sont souvent reliées de façon intime aux mecanismes de dépôt distincts responsables de la raise en place désdits faciès. Cette analyse faclologique commence à éngendrer un modèle préliminaire du dépôt dans le Bassln de Boston. Il semble que le Bassin de Boston alt débuté sous forme d'un rift successeur ou d'un bassln allié à un arc solt juste avant le serrage de l’Océan Cadomien, solt lors de l’ouverture de L'Iapetus. L'hlstoire du bassin est d'abord marquée par la présence d'une suite de volcanites blmodales sous formes de tufa aquatiques, dykes, filons-couches. coulées et coulées de débris. Les marqueurs géochimiques suggérent que le bassin était ouvert sur le large des l’amorce de son hlstoire. Le stade suivant dans l’évolution du Bassln de Boston fut marque par le développement d'une séquence de pente et cone sous-marlns à progradation rapide. L'environnement de pente et cone semble avoir été carsctérise par le dépôt de diamictons glaciaires frontaux et/ou supraglaciares qui ont surcharge périodiquetoent la pente, declencbant alnsi des écoulements gravitalres qui ont repris les sédiments et les ont redistribue en bas de pente. Les périodes de climat plus uniforme et/ou de stase tectonique donnerent lieu à des épandages de sable fin et de boue. On ne trouvé pas trace d'une plate-forme ou de dépôts typiques d'une plate-forme lors de cette période. La derniere phase évolutive du bassin correspond à L’apparltlon de sédiments de plate-forme tels que des sables quartzeux et calcaires alnsi que des boues riches en raatiere organique et en organlsmes coquilllers. Certains Indices temoignent d'un rechauffement climatlque que l'on croit du a une élevation eustatlque du niveau marin en reponse aux sollicitations de la tectonique. [Traduit par le journal

    Synoptic/planetary-scale interactions and blocking over the North Atlantic Ocean

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    Work was completed on the height tendency diagnoses of two extratropical cyclones that occurred upstream from the blocking event studied previously. One developed explosively over water 60 to 36 hours before the block first appeared, while the second developed explosively over the southeastern United States during the time of block formation. In both cases, both vorticity and temperature advection were consistently important forcing mechanisms. This is in contrast to the block itself, in which vorticity advection was easily the dominant forcing mechanism. Latent heat release was also significant, accounting for about 50 percent of the total height falls in the cyclone below 850 mb. Estimates of latent heat release were greatly enhanced by coupling parameterized estimates with values derived from GOES IR data using an algorithm developed by Marshall's F. R. Robertson. Among the difficulties encountered in this work was the identification of an appropriate lower boundary condition for the solution of the height tendency equation. The zero value currently used tends to yield underestimates of the lower troposphere height tendencies. To address this problem a new diagnostic technique was developed in cooperation with Dr. Peter Zwack of the University of Quebec at Montreal. Based on an equation Dr. Zwack had previously developed (the Zwack-Okossi development equation), researchers now have a relationship that is completely consistent with the height tendency equation and provides estimates of lower boundary geostrophic vorticity or height tendencies. Finally, comparison of the SAT (satellite data) and NOSAT (no satellite data) analyses is progressing well. The present focus is on both the new diagnostic technique and the SAT/NOSAT comparisons. The former is being tested on the southeastern United States cyclone case previously mentioned and compared with the height tendency diagnoses already completed. The latter are being examined for the blocking case described in the publications cited in this summary. In addition to obtaining statistics that will allow general comparison of the two analyses, it will be possible to determine whether conclusions about the dynamics of the block development are influenced by the analysis set used

    Compact Modeling for a Double Gate MOSFET

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    MOSFETs (metal-oxide-silicon field-effect transistors) are an integral part of modern electronics. Improved designs are currently under investigation, and one that is promising is the double gate MOSFET. Understanding device characteristics is critical for the design of MOSFETs as part of design tools for integrated circuits such as SPICE. Current methods involve the numerical solution of PDEs governing electron transport. Numerical solutions are accurate, but do not provide an appropriate way to optimize the design of the device, nor are they suitable for use in chip simulation software such as SPICE. As chips contain more and more transistors, this problem will get more and more acute. There is hence a need for analytic solutions of the equations governing the performance of MOSFETs, even if these are approximate. Almost all solutions in the literature treat the long-channel case (thin devices) for which the PDEs reduce to ODEs. The goal of this problem is to produce analytical solutions based on the underlying PDEs that are rapid to compute (e.g. require solving only a small number of algebraic equations rather than systems of PDEs). Guided by asymptotic analysis, a fast numerical procedure has been developed to obtain approximate solutions of the governing PDEs governing MOSFET properties, namely electron density, Fermi potential and electrostatic potential. The approach depends on the channel’s being long enough, and appears accurate in this limit

    Autentičnost, drevnost i arheologija

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    Uzme li se da je nacionalizam formirao pretpostavke i metode arheologije tijekom razdoblja dužeg od stoljeća, arheološki koncepti i praksa znatno su pridonijeli nacionalističkom idealu odvojene, teritorijalne nacije. To je dijelom tako stoga što nacionalizam i arheologija dijele vjerovanje u etničku jedinstvenost i opipljivost arheoloških kultura, a dijelom zbog utjecaja ključnih arheoloških pojmova i prakse. Potonje je uključivalo duboku zabrinutost u svezi s autentičnošću materijalnih kultura; povezano vjerovanje u etničku ukorijenjenost u povijesnom teritoriju; široko poznat interes arheologije za drevnost civilizacija i njegovu uporabu stratigrafskih metoda da bi se analizirala neprekinutost i promjena. Pored tih doprinosa, arheološko područje pruža repertoar živopisnih simbolizama u svojim nerijetko spektakularnim „nalazima“, koji su bili sposobni izraziti i utjeloviti jedinstvenu kulturu nacija i intimnu prirodu nacionalne vez

    Neurotransmitter modulation of extracellular H+ fluxes from isolated retinal horizontal cells of the skate

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    Self-referencing H+-selective microelectrodes were used to measure extracellular H+ fluxes from horizontal cells isolated from the skate retina. A standing H+ flux was detected from quiescent cells, indicating a higher concentration of free hydrogen ions near the extracellular surface of the cell as compared to the surrounding solution. The standing H+ flux was reduced by removal of extracellular sodium or application of 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl) amiloride (EIPA), suggesting activity of a Na+–H+ exchanger. Glutamate decreased H+ flux, lowering the concentration of free hydrogen ions around the cell. AMPA/kainate receptor agonists mimicked the response, and the AMPA/kainate receptor antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) eliminated the effects of glutamate and kainate. Metabotropic glutamate agonists were without effect. Glutamate-induced alterations in H+ flux required extracellular calcium, and were abolished when cells were bathed in an alkaline Ringer solution. Increasing intracellular calcium by photolysis of the caged calcium compound NP-EGTA also altered extracellular H+ flux. Immunocytochemical localization of the plasmalemma Ca2+–H+-ATPase (PMCA pump) revealed intense labelling within the outer plexiform layer and on isolated horizontal cells. Our results suggest that glutamate modulation of H+ flux arises from calcium entry into cells with subsequent activation of the plasmalemma Ca2+–H+-ATPase. These neurotransmitter-induced changes in extracellular pH have the potential to play a modulatory role in synaptic processing in the outer retina. However, our findings argue against the hypothesis that hydrogen ions released by horizontal cells normally act as the inhibitory feedback neurotransmitter onto photoreceptor synaptic terminals to create the surround portion of the centre-surround receptive fields of retinal neuron

    The Great Escape: A Novel Approach to Collaborative Learning (Pilot)

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    Healthcare continues toward team-based approaches in which multiple disciplines collaborate to ensure holistic patient care. National standards for intraprofessional collaboration guide curriculum design for entry-level occupational therapy (OT) and occupational therapy assistant (OTA) programs to ensure students acquire specific skills and knowledge needed for current OT practices. Effective intraprofessional collaboration includes effective communication, respect, trust, and understanding of role delineation, which students prefer to learn in experiential, face-to-face formats. The purpose of this study was to examine OT and OTA students’ perspectives of participating in an educational escape room (EER) as a novel experience for intraprofessional education. Investigators created an EER with a healthcare plot and conducted it at two sites with 76 students, who had 60 minutes to solve puzzles based on OT/OTA knowledge to “escape” the room. Seventy-five students provided feedback on the EER in an online survey. Participants enjoyed working together in the EER, and felt it was a fun way to apply learned skills. They reported that collaboration was a key benefit and that this learning approach made them feel like equal contributors and created a sense of accomplishment. OT educators should consider including novel game-based learning activities such as EERs in their programs and in collaboration with other programs