58 research outputs found

    Innovating for skills enhancement in agricultural sciences in Africa: The centrality of field attachment programs

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    Africa remains an intensely agrarian continent, with two-thirds of its people directly or indirectly deriving their livelihood from agriculture. Higher agricultural education has thus emphasised production of graduates with the requisite skills to drive agricultural development. Despite these efforts, too few graduates in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have the employable skills necessary to transition to the labour market. A similar situation is observable among agricultural science graduates, who are vital to serving rural smallholder farmers. Most Colleges of Agriculture in Africa offer field attachment internships in agriculture and related fields but they are largely designed to cater for undergraduate students and are not part of the training programs at graduate level. To ameliorate this gap, the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), a network of 55 member universities in SSA, designed and rolled out an innovative field attachment program award (FAPA), launched in 2010, to serve graduate students. The FAPA is competitively based and designed to encourage students to follow through with the dissemination of their research and to enable them to link more closely with the communities and agencies working in the geographical area where the research was undertaken.During the period 2010–2015, five grant cycles were successfully implemented and 114 graduate students from 17 countries in SSA awarded. This article discusses the lessons learned during this period by examining two key areas: (1) the application process and implementation of the awards; and (2) the reported outcomes and challenges for grantees. Establishing the award has generated key technical and implementation lessons that the network and individual universities have been able to use to improve and institutionalise processes. Grantees have reported gaining a range of cross-cutting skills in personal mastery, initiative leadership and innovativeness, proactivity, flexibility, communication, analytical capacity, teamwork, networking and advocacy, and technical capacity, particularly in engaging with smallholder farmers. They have also noted significant challenges, in particular around establishing productive and sustainable engagement with smallholder farmers. These outcomes have influenced curricular reviews by member universities, with particular emphasis on these skills sets. Keywords: graduate employability, internships, sub-Saharan Africa, university

    Dynamics of Land Use/Cover Trends in Kanungu District, South-western Uganda

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    Like other countries in the Sub-Saharan Africa, Uganda is not an exception to the effects of land use/cover changes on the environment. Specifically the study intended to; determine the magnitude and trend of land use/cover changes  in Kanungu District for the last 35 years. A series of Landsat TM/ETM orthorectified satellite imagery of 1975, 1987 and 1999 were classified using unsupervised classification procedures in ILWIS 3.3 software to determine the magnitude and trend of land use/cover changes. A total of 65 local residents were randomly selected for questionnaire administration with the help of village leaders to examine the underlying drivers of land use/cover change. The results showed that the magnitude of small scale (Non-uniform) farming largely increased by 5% from 1975 to 1999 while areas covered by Tropical high forest  relatively decreased by 16% between 1975 and 1987 but slightly increased by 1% in 1999. The areas covered by wetlands comparatively increased by 4% from 1975 to 1987 and by 1999 they slightly decreased by 3%. The woodland areas decreased by 3% from 1975 to 1987 and to some extent also increased by 2% in 1999. Household size, type of crops grown, customary  land tenure system, availability of agricultural extension workers, weak environmental laws and policies are significant predictors of land  use/cover change in Kanungu District.@ JASEMJ. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage. December, 2010, Vol. 14 (4) 67 – 7

    African rangelands and pastoralism in a changing continent: Perspectives and opportunities

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    Eighty-five years ago, Africa was described as a land of promise because it provided an immense opportunity for maximum return in the minimum time (Olaniyan 2000). It was treated this way because it was considered more for its deposits of natural wealth and less for its potential for settlement or as a destination market for goods and services produced in Europe and elsewhere (Le Clair 1937). For over 50 years, this narrative held ground but in the last 20 years, perception has shifted with Africa becoming a destination market and a growth opportunity creator, whilst holding ground as a resource provider (Sy 2016)

    Engagement of Agricultural, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) Institutions

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    Egerton University, a member university of the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), held an engagement meeting with Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions on 6th May 2022. The meeting was held under the auspices of the University-TVET forum. This forum sought to enhance the collaboration and working partnership between universities and TVET institutions to strengthen the education value chain. The UniversityTVET forum is part of an arrangement championed under the RUFORUM's Transforming African Agricultural Universities to meaningfully contribute to Africa's growth and development (TAGDev) programme

    Linkages with practice for higher-education curriculum innovation

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    This article is inspired by the debate on curriculum innovation for graduate training, emerging out of linkages between universities and agribusiness development actors, targeting entrepreneurial action and employability of graduates. Experiences from implementation of a three-year joint project are enriched by a desk review, stakeholder feedback and interpretative analysis of process documents during the development of the regional graduate curriculum on Agri-Enterprise Development for Egerton and Gulu Universities in Kenya and Uganda, respectively. The graduate curriculum at the two universities in East Africa integrated the approaches of roundtable engagement and research as well as value chain cluster mapping and development through interactive sharing with agribusiness development facilitators. Simultaneously, the two implementing universities showcased the feasibility of integrating community engagement and entrepreneurial skills into a new curriculum. They achieved this by adopting two training approaches from their previous, more limited curriculum, which lacked student entrepreneurial experiential learning. The outcome from the first cohort of students in the innovative programs demonstrates significant institutional change in teaching and learning approaches. These changes prioritize a blend of action research and theoretical exposure. At the university-wide level, a student-centered teaching and learning approach has been established, facilitated by models like Student Farm Attachment, Student Enterprise Scheme, and Student Community Engagement. Additionally, university-based research teams have honed their skills in community action research, leading to the identification of relevant challenges and plausible solutions. Furthermore, students’ skills sets have increasingly enhanced employability. Strengthening linkages between universities and community development actors can enhance curriculum orientation toward problem-solving and entrepreneurial capacity building for young graduates. Purposeful engagement with communities by university faculty and students serves as a complementary extension approach and advisory service. Implementing an innovative curriculum has the potential to boost research uptake and foster innovation. This article demonstrates how university- industrial actors’ collaboration can be exploited for curriculum (re)design, review and up-dating for (a) enhanced relevance of universities to community needs and employability of graduates; and (b) improvements in the research uptake pathways that facilitate research-into-use for desired impacts at community level

    Development of Climate Smart Agriculture and Climate Information System Relevant Curricula for Staff, Students and other stakeholders in Universities in Africa

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    The Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa project (AICCRA), working through CCAFS, intends to make CGIAR-led cutting-edge science practices/technologies/tools available throughout Africa; especially in Sub-regions extremely vulnerable to climate change. The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), a network of 150 universities in 38 countries spanning the whole African continent is a partner in the AICCRA project. RUFORUM’s contribution in the AICCRA project is focused on mobilising African universities, create awareness and enhance the use of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) and Climate information services (CIS) knowledge and products developed by the CGIAR Centres and other research institutions engaged in CSA and CIS. Enhancing the use of CSA and CIS involves capacity, knowledge and technology audits at national and institutional level, mobilise CGIAR and other research centres to provide CSA and CIS knowledge, technology and skills and training of faculty to deploy the CSA and CIS products in training, research and outreach. Knowledge transfer and capacity-building activities therefore form the central part of RUFORUM’s participation in the AICCRA project

    The role of indigenous knowledge (IK) in adaptation to drought by agropastoral smallholder farmers in Uganda

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    44-52Majority of agro pastoral smallholder farmers in developing countries are characterised by low pay status, high illiteracy levels and are tied to cultural beliefs and spirits. These drawbacks have led them into using more indigenous knowledge as a way of adapting to droughts. This study explored the contribution of IK in enhancing farmer’s resilience to drought in crop and livestock production systems in semi-arid areas. The objectives were: (i) to examine the agro pastoral farmer’s perceptions of drought indicators and associated impacts and (ii) determinants for the adoption of indigenous knowledge drought adaptation responses. Socio-economic data was collected using oral interviews. The farmers (240) were selected using random sampling procedures and subjected to structured questionnaires and key informant guides. This study highlights that the droughts experienced were perceived to be more severe, recurrent and pervasive but also erratic. The IK drought signs were: flowering of wild plants, blowing of strong winds and appearance of flying and crawling insects. In crop-based systems, droughts reduced yields, caused plant stunted growth, increased incidences of diseases and invasive weed species. In livestock, droughts reduced surface water levels, lowered milk and beef yields, and increased diseases. The farmers reacted to droughts by practicing indigenous agro forestry, mulching, changing planting time, crop rotation and hoeing of trenches to control fires and pests/diseases. They also took their animals to wetlands for foraging and drew water for animals to drink. The uptake of IK drought adaptation practices was related to: household size, personal farming life experience, gender and age of the agro pastoral farmers. Therefore, employing IK drought adaptation responses is an important step towards increasing the resilience of agro pastoral smallholder farmers but also the conservation of IK for forthcoming generations

    Evidence-based opportunities for out-scaling climate-smart agriculture in East Africa

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    Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is being widely promoted as a solution for food insecurity and climate change adaptation in food systems of sub-Saharan Africa, while simultaneously reducing the rate of greenhouse gas emissions. Governments throughout Africa are writing policies and programs to promote CSA practices despite uncertainty about the ability for practices to meet the triple CSA objectives of CSA. We conducted a systematic review of 175 peer-reviewed and grey literature studies, to gauge the impact of over seventy potential CSA practices on CSA outcomes in Tanzania and Uganda. Using a total of 6,342 observations, we found that practice impacts were highly context (i.e. farming system and location) specific. Nevertheless, practice effect across CSA outcomes generally agreed in direction. While our results suggest that CSA is indeed possible, lack of mitigation data precludes a more conclusive statement. Furthermore, the inclusion of potential adoption rates changes the potential of CSA practices to achieve benefits at scale. Given the uncertainty and variable impacts of practices across regions and outcomes, it is critical for decision makers to prioritize practices based on their desired outcomes and local context

    Impact of landscape management scenarios on ecosystem service values in Central Ethiopia

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    This study aimed at modeling scenarios of future land use and land cover (LULC) change and estimating ecosystem service (ES) values for the year 2051 compared to 2021 in Central Ethiopia. The future LULC changes for the year 2051 were simulated for four scenarios, namely Business-as-Usual (BAU), Rapid Agricultural Expansion (RAE), Ecosystems Protection and Agricultural Development (EPAD) and Landscape Ecosystems Restoration and Conservation (LERC). The four LULC change scenarios were simulated based on anticipated assumptions that were derived from existing spatial policies, a consultation workshop report on scenarios of agricultural development in Ethiopia, suitability analysis, population growth analysis and expert knowledge of the study area characteristics. We used a Multi-Layer Perceptron–Artificial Neuron Network (MLP–ANN) model-based projected LULC for the BAU scenario and the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) model to generate RAE, EPAD and LERC scenarios in the study landscape. The benefit transfer method was used to estimate the total ES values and for trade-off analysis. The result showed that LULC changes in the study area varied across simulated scenarios compared to the base year 2021. Under the BAU and RAE scenarios, cultivated land increased by 146,548 ha (22%) and 193,965 ha (29%), whereas forest, water body, wetland and shrub-bush land were reduced. However, forest cover increased by 31,725 ha and 100,080 ha but bare land was reduced by 8466 ha (21%) and 10,379 ha (25%) under the EPAD and LERC scenarios. The forest cover annual rate of change was 3.2% and 6% under the EPAD and LERC scenarios. As a result, the total ES value increased by USD 24.5 and 78.5 million under the EPAD and LERC scenarios for the year 2051, whereas the total ES value was reduced under the BAU and RAE scenarios by USD 27.1 and 73.2 million. The trade-offs among ecosystem services were significantly synergized under the LERC scenario compared to RAE. Therefore, EPAD and LERC could be used as a reference for sustainable landscape planning and management. Landscape ecosystems restoration integrated with a sustainable agricultural intensification approach would enable us to ensure the sustainability of both agricultural production and ecosystem service synergies without negatively affecting the natural environment

    Ecosystem service valuation along landscape transformation in Central Ethiopia

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    Land degradation and discontinuation of ecosystem services (ES) are a common phe nomenon that causes socio-economic and environmental problems in Ethiopia. However, a dearth of information is known about how ES are changing from the past to the future with regard to land use land cover (LULC) changes. This study aimed at estimating the values of ES based on the past and future LULC changes in central Ethiopia. Maximum likelihood classifier and cellular automata artificial neuron network (CA-ANN) models that integrate the module for land use change evaluation (MOLUSE) were used to classify and predict LULC. The CA-ANN model learning and validation was employed to predict LULC of 2031 and 2051. Following LULC change detection and prediction, the total ES values were estimated using the benefit transfer method. Results revealed that forests, wetlands, grazing lands, shrub-bush-woodlands, and water bodies were reduced by 9755 ha (37%), 4092 ha (38.4%), 21,263 ha (81%), 63,161 ha (25.7%), and 905 ha (1%), respectively, between 1986 and 2021. Similarly, forests, wetlands, grazing lands, shrub-bush lands, and water bodies will experience a decline of 1.5%, 0.5%, 2.6%, 19.6%, and 0.1%, respectively. Meanwhile, cultivated lands, bare-lands, and built-up areas will experience an increase between 1986 and 2051. The estimated total ES values were reduced by US$58.3 and 85.4 million in the period 1986–2021 and 1986–2051. Food production and biological control value increased while 15 other ES decreased throughout the study periods. Proper land use policy with strategic actions, including enforcement laws for natural ecosystems protection, afforestation, ecosystems restoration, and conservation practices, are recommended to be undertaken to enhance multiple ES provision
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