52 research outputs found

    A case based reasoning architecture and component based model for Green IS implementation and diffusion in organisation

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    Green Information Systems (IS) offers promise for IS scholars to make significant contribution in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, achieve sustainability and reducing the effects of global climate change. Green IS has therefore become one of the latest considerations to improve organization’s environmental sustainability whilst reducing the cost of IT processes. Due to recent research centered on sustainability, a few number of Green IS models and frameworks have been developed for addressing environmental sustainability, however there is still problem relating to provision of adequate data that can train, educate and support practitioner in diffusing and implementing Green IS in organisations. Thus after reviewing existing research of Green IS, this paper proposed a Case Based Reasoning (CBR) architecture for Green IS Implementation in organisations to train, educate and support practitioner in implementing Green IS in their organisation and a Component Based Model to support Practitioners in diffusing and achieving Eco-Sustainability goal. Contribution from this paper can also be used as a guide for future research in this domain

    A review on decision making of risk mitigation for software management

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    Decision making (DM) is one of the main phases in risk mitigation for software management. DM is undeniably an essential phase in risk mitigation. Every decision has a different level of influence or impact in software management. In order to come up with the best choices, it's necessary to go through the decision making process and adopt an optimal decision making model or tool to aid risk decisions in risk mitigation. Many studies have been accompanied for viewing the issues from different aspects based on a systematic method which is called Systematic Literature Review (SLR). This review identifies the process, factors, frameworks, models of DM of risk mitigation in software management. The findings of this review indicate that DM is one of the complications in mitigating risk in software management

    A model of mitigating risk for IT organisations

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    IT organisations are facing risks that make IT projects not able to meet up planned schedule and quality. Hence, there is the need for risk mitigation in IT organisations to support IT team members to mitigate risk. This paper is a contribution to propose a risk mitigation model to provide expert assistance during IT risk mitigation. By assisting team members and decision makers to identify risks associated with in IT process by providing risk documentation to estimate the probability and impact of IT risks. The risk mitigation model can also introduce risk advice and suggest alternatives to treat the risk by providing support for the reuse of knowledge gained from past IT projects. The risk mitigation model will assist IT organisations in mitigating risk and making right decisions using a risk repository as a medium to provide support for practitioners in the mitigation of mainly operational and technical risk

    A proposed model for green practice adoption and implementation in information technology based organizations

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    Green Information technology system offers opportunity for IT based organizations to act proactively in terms of environmental preservation as well as to mitigate effects of global climate change and other environmental problems. Green Information technology system adoption and implementation is a plausible attempt for IT based organizations to resolve the current environmental issues and also enhance their economic performance and possible social benefits. Currently several models and frameworks have been developed to address sustainability in various research domain. However, there are few models that can support decision making of practitioners in adopting and implementing sustainable practices in IT based organization. Therefore there is need to develop a model to assist practitioners adopt and implement sustainable practices. The proposed model comprises of Green variables, Green process and a hybrid technique of software agents and case bases reasoning. Findings from this paper shows the model variables, process, techniques applied and derived prepositions. Ongoing work involves adopting a mixed research (case study and survey) to verify the model variables, process and validate the model prepositions

    Propozycja modelu określania i wprowadzania Zielonych Praktyk w przedsiębiorstwach wykorzystujących technologie informatyczne

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    Green Information technology system offers opportunity for IT based organizations to act proactively in terms of environmental preservation as well as to mitigate effects of global climate change and other environmental problems. Green Information technology system adoption and implementation is a plausible attempt for IT based organizations to resolve the current environmental issues and also enhance their economic performance and possible social benefits. Currently several models and frameworks have been developed to address sustainability in various research domain. However, there are few models that can support decision making of practitioners in adopting and implementing sustainable practices in IT based organization. Therefore there is need to develop a model to assist practitioners adopt and implement sustainable practices. The proposed model comprises of Green variables, Green process and a hybrid technique of software agents and case bases reasoning. Findings from this paper shows the model variables, process, techniques applied and derived prepositions. Ongoing work involves adopting a mixed research (case study and survey) to verify the model variables, process and validate the model prepositions.Zielone technologie informatyczne ułatwiają firmom wykorzystującym technologie informatyczne (IT) podejmowanie działań na rzecz ochrony środowiska, a także tych prowadzących do zmniejszenia skali zagrożeń związanych ze zmianami klimatycznymi i innymi współczesnymi wyzwaniami ekologicznymi. Wdrażanie zielonych technologii informatycznych stanowi właściwe podejście dla firm IT nie tylko z uwagi na możliwość rozwiązywania bieżących problemów środowiskowych, ale także zwiększenia efektywności ekonomicznej i możliwych korzyści społecznych. Obecnie rozwija się wiele modeli odnoszących się do różnych aspektów zrównoważoności, jednak tylko nieliczne z nich nadają się do wykorzystania w procesie decyzyjnym firm IT. Z tej przyczyny istnieje potrzeba opracowania takiego modelu, wspierającego wprowadzanie zrównoważonych praktyk na tym poziomie. Zaproponowany model uwzględnia Zielone zmienne, Zielone procesy i połączenie techniki programowania agentowego z wnioskowaniem w oparciu o studium przypadku (CBR). Dzięki przyjęciu rozszerzonego podejścia (studium przypadku, ankieta) możliwa jest weryfikacja zmiennych modelu, procesów i potwierdzenie przyjętych założeń

    A review on tools of risk mitigation for information technology management

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    Information technology (IT) industries are facing operational. Technical and strategic risks that make IT practitioners miss their planned schedule, time and quality. Hence, there is the need to effectively and efficiently mitigate such risks if staffs want to avoid the above problems. Many studies have been accompanied for viewing the issues from different aspects. However, available IT risk mitigation tools present many weaknesses and above all, they are few. 13 studies related to the risk management and mitigation in IT has been reviewed. The studies have been reviewed based on the review method which is called Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Based on this approach, all previous studies related to this title have been studied systematically. Thus this paper aims to do review existing risk tool from 2000 until 2015. Also, this paper presents the results of the systematic reviews on the number of tools in IT risk mitigation. The findings of this review indicate that existing tools for risk mitigation are not completely effective and efficient in mitigating risk that occurs in IT management. This review identifies existing risk mitigation prototypes tools purpose, functionalities, architecture and limitations. The findings of this review also discuss the purpose, functionalities, architecture, limitations of the existing risk mitigation tool in IT Management

    Predicting academic staffs behaviour intention and actual use of blended learning in higher education: Model development and validation

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    Blended Learning (BL) has been implemented by lecturers in higher educations for promoting effective pedagogical practices. However, intention to use and actual usage of BL by lecturers in higher education seems to be a major setback for successful BL implementation. Therefore, this study developed a model to examine the factors that influences lecturers’ behavioral intention and actual use of BL based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge model. Accordingly, survey questionnaire was employed to collect data from 544 academic staffs across universities, colleges, and polytechnics. Results indicate that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and social influence significantly impact lecturers’ behavioral intention to use BL for teaching. Additionally, results confirm that facilitating condition positively influence actual BL usage. Likewise, technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge initiatives employed by lecturers in teaching positively influences actual BL usage. Results from multi-group analysis indicate that gender, age, experience, and voluntariness of use do not predict the behaviour of lecturers to use BL. Also, this study provides insights as to how higher education can enhance lecturers’ usage of BL to improve teaching effectiveness. This study provides a better understanding of lecturers’ views of knowledge in relation to course content, pedagogy, and technology use in improving teaching. The developed model can significantly be used by academic staffs to monitor and improve their current BL activities in measuring their knowledge about teaching regarding teaching improvement

    An empirical study on predictors of green sustainable software practices in Malaysian electronic industries

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    Currently, sustainability is a pertinent issue that should be considered in the software development process; hence it is imperative to recognize how environmental-friendly practices can be applied in the electronic industries that develop and deploy software products.However, sustainability is not fully considered when electronic industries implement modern software systems.Additionally, software developers in electronic industries believe that software is environmental friendly mainly because it is virtual.Conversely, the life cycle process and approaches applied to implement, deploy and maintain software do possess social and environmental impacts that are usually not accounted for by electronic industries.Therefore this study identified the predictors that determine sustainable software practice applications in electronics industries by presenting a model to facilitate sustainable software products development.The identified predictors influence sustainable software practices applications which correlate to environmental, technical, economic, social and individual dimensions of sustainability in electronics industries.Based on the identified predicators, this research developed a set of indicators for survey questions and collected data from 133 respondents from Information Technology (IT), software, environmental and electronic- based industries.The survey data aimed to verify each of the identified predictors that influence sustainable software practice applications. Descriptive and inferential statistical results from the survey data show that each of the predictors is significant and do influence sustainable software development.The finding from this study provides insights to electronic industries in implementing sustainable software practice applications

    Hybrid Multi-Agents and Case Based Reasoning for Aiding Green Practice in Institutions of Higher Learning

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    Sustainability is a concern that has been raised in many domains especially in institutions of higher learning such as universities. Hence, universities are implementing Green practices to promote sustainability. Similarly Green practice implementation in universities for attaining sustainability has been the priority for most universities across the world, mainly in ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of Information Technology (IT) related service. Over the years, a few approaches have been developed to facilitate Green practice in institutions of higher learning, however these approaches are not autonomous and do not provide adequate information on Green implementation initiatives. Moreover, institutions of higher learning utilize manual checklist assessment questionnaire to evaluate their current Green practice. Therefore, this study proposes a system model that integrates hybrid multi-agent and Case Based Reasoning (CBR). The CBR technique facilitates Green implementation by providing information on how institution of higher learning can adopt Green practices initiative, whereas software agents autonomously assess the current Green practice initiative implemented in institutions of higher learning. Findings from this paper show how the hybrid multi-agent and CBR aid universities implement Green practice for sustainability attainment in institutions of higher learning

    A review on risk mitigation of IT governance

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    Risk Mitigation (RM) is one of the important activities in risk management of IT governance. In IT governance project, IT risk mitigation emphasizes taking action early in a project to prevent the occurrence of undesired events or to reduce the consequences of their occurrence. The essential of RM in IT governance enables enterprise achieving "the new business changes, reduces IT project risks and future investment in IT governance projects. To get clear understanding in regards risk mitigation based on IT governance context, many relevant studies have been reviewed from different issues and aspects. The purpose of this study is to investigate related RM frameworks, models, processes, stakeholder involves and other issues based on a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) approach. This study presents the results of the systematic literature reviews on an evident of the RM in IT governance and it issues that need to be catered in the future. The finding of this review indicates that RM requires appropriate consideration to systematically reviewed on it numerous limitations, issues and current implementation