8 research outputs found
Fazni prijelaz drugog reda izazvan zamrznutim nasumiÄnim razrjeÄenjem u 3D
The effect of the quenched random dilution on the ferromagnetic transitions, in particular, the conversion from the first- to second-order transition is discussed. The new results are presented for the diluted three-dimensional three-state Potts model. The critical exponents of the disorder-induced second-order phase transition are derived by the finite-size scaling analysis of the moments of the energy and the largest cluster, obtained from the Monte Carlo simulations.Raspravlja se uÄinak nasumiÄnog, zamrznutog razrjeÄenja na feromagnetske prijelaze, posebice na promjenu iz prijelaza prvog u onaj drugog reda. Prikazani su novi rezultati za razrijeÄeni trodimenzijski Pottsov model s tri stanja. KritiÄni eksponenti faznog prijelaza drugog reda izazvanog neredom izvedeni su ljestviÄnom analizom momenata energije i najveÄeg grozda, dobivenih Monte Carlo simulacijama
Akvakultura je industrija u razvoju s ukupnom globalnom vrijednoÅ”Äu od 56 milijardi dolara. Proizvodnja se temelji na oko 210 vrsta, od kojih Å”arani i kamenice imaju najveÄu proizvodnju. Neke od vrsta u akvakulturi nastoje se proizvodno unaprijediti ciljanim selekcijskim radom, koji se primarno temelji na metodama populacijske genetike. Glavni cilj uzgojnih programa u akvakulturi jest poveÄanje profitabilnosti i održivosti, uz oÄuvanje genetske varijabilnosti uzgajanih vrsta. Aktualnim uzgojnoāselekcijskim programima nastoje se unaprijediti salmonidi, Å”kampi i tilapije, uz napomenu da su pozitivni uÄinci kod salmonida najizraženiji. Tijekom zadnjih desetljeÄa razvoj molekularne genetike omoguÄio je pojaÄavanje selekcijskoga pritiska putem uporabe genetskih markera koji imaju izravne ili posredne uÄinke na proizvodne odlike. Cilj je ovog rada prikazati nova dostignuÄa, moguÄnosti, ali i probleme pri integraciji markerima potpomognute selekcije u akvakulturi.Aquaculture is an increasing industry, with a total value of 56 billion US$. Production is based on about 210 species of which the carps and oysters have the largest worldāwide production. Aquaculture industry strives to improve production of some species with selection targeted work, which is primarily based on methods of population genetics. The main goal of breeding programs in aquaculture is to increase the profitability and sustainability, while maintaining genetic variability in the cultured stock. Current breeding selection programs strive to improve salmonids, shrimps and tilapia with the proviso that the positive effects at salmonids are most stated. During the last decade development of molecular genetics provides the ability of increasing selection pressure through the use of genetic markers that have direct or indirect effects on the production value. The aim of this work is giving the display of new achievements, capabilities, but also having problems in the integration of marker assisted selection in aquaculture
Procjena skeletne zrelosti kod razliÄitih obrazaca vertikalnoga rasta lica
Objective: To assess whether there are differences in skeletal maturation among subjects with horizontal, vertical, and neutral facial growth patterns. Material and methods: The study was performed on 48 latero-lateral craniographs of patients with horizontal, 48 with vertical and 50 with neutral growth patterns aged 12 to 18 years. Eight variables from the Zagreb 82 MOD, Bracchetti and Accord analysis, were selected for measuring angular and linear parameters on latero-lateral craniographs. The assessment of skeletal maturation was done by using the CVMS method. Results: Sta-tistical analysis showed significant differences in skeletal maturity (p 0.05) in skeletal maturity among subjects with ver-tical growth patterns compared with horizontal and neutral. In terms of stages of skeletal maturity, patients with a horizontal and neutral growth pattern in the younger group were on average in the fourth stage, and those with a vertical growth pattern in the third stage. In the older group, patients with a horizontal and neutral growth pattern were on average in the fifth stage of skeletal maturity and those with a vertical growth pattern in the fourth stage. Conclusion: According to the growth pat-tern, patients differ in the stage of skeletal maturity.Svrha rada: Odrediti postoji li razlika u stupnju skeletne zrelosti izmeÄu pacijenata s horizontalnim, vertikalnim i neutralnim obrascem vertikalnoga rasta lica. Materijal i metoda: U istraživanju je koriÅ”teno 48 laterolateralnih kraniograma pacijenata u dobi od 12 do 18 godina s horizontalnim obrascem vertikalnoga rasta lica, 48 s vertikalnim i 50 s neutralnim. Za procjenu obrasca koriÅ”teno je osam varijabli iz MOD analize Zagreb 82, a za odreÄivanje stupnja skeletne maturacije metoda prema Baccettiju i Accordu. Rezultati: StatistiÄka analiza pokazala je znaÄajne razlike u stupnju skelet-ne zrelosti (p 0,05) u stupnju skeletne zrelosti kod pacijenata s vertikalnim obrascem rasta u odnosu prema onima s horizontalnim i neutralnim. Pacijenti s horizontalnim i neutralnim obrascem rasta unutar mlaÄe dobne skupine bili su najÄeÅ”Äe u Äetvrtom stupnju skeletne zrelosti, a oni s vertikalnim u treÄem. Unutar starije dobne skupine, pacijenti s horizontalnim i neutralnim obrascem rasta najÄeÅ”Äe su bili u petom stupnju, a oni s vertikalnim u Äetvrtom stupnju skeletne zrelosti. ZakljuÄak: S obzirom na obrazac rasta, pacijenti se razlikuju u stupnju skeletne zrelosti
Critical behavior of the long-range Ising chain from the largest-cluster probability distribution
Monte Carlo simulations of the 1D Ising model with ferromagnetic interactions
decaying with distance as are performed by applying the
Swendsen-Wang cluster algorithm with cumulative probabilities. The critical
behavior in the non-classical critical regime corresponding to is derived from the finite-size scaling analysis of the largest cluster.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, in RevTeX, to appear in Phys. Rev. E (Feb 2001
Elektro-otporno zavarivanje i njegove industrijske primjene
U zavrÅ”nom radu su obraÄeni postupci elektrootpornog zavarivanja. Rad se sastoji od teorijskog i eksperimentalnog dijela. U teorijskom dijelu rada je data podjela procesa elektrootpornog zavarivanja te njihov detaljan opis. Detaljno su opisani parametri svakog postupka te njihov utjecaj na kvalitetu zavarenog spoja, takoÄer su dati primjeri primjene u industriji svakog o procesa. Opisani su ureÄaji za elektrootporno zavarivanje i zavarljivost materijala ovim procesima. Eksperimentalni dio zavrÅ”nog rada proveden je u Laboratoriju Fakulteta elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodogradnje. Elektrootpornim toÄkastim zavarivanjem zavareni su limovi od ugljiÄnog i nehrÄajuÄeg Äelika te od tehniÄki Äistog aluminija debljine 2 mm. Zavareni spojevi su ispitani razaranjem ali su okarakterizirani i geometrijski. Obradom rezultata ispitivanja doÅ”lo se do spoznaja kako promatrani parametari ā duljina protoka struje i sila utjeÄu na zavareni spoj.The final work deals with the procedures of resistance welding. The paper consists of a theoretical and an experimental part. In the theoretical part of the paper, the division of resistance welding processes and their detailed description are given. The parameters of each process and their influence on the quality of the welded joint are described in detail, and examples of industrial applications of each process are given. Devices for resistance welding and weldability of materials by these processes are described. The experimental part of the final work was conducted in the laboratory of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture. Sheets of carbon and stainless steel and commercially pure aluminum 2 mm thick were welded by electric resistance spot welding. Welded joints were tested for destruction but were also characterized geometrically. By processing the test results, it was realized that the observed parameters - current length and force affect the welded joint
Elektro-otporno zavarivanje i njegove industrijske primjene
U zavrÅ”nom radu su obraÄeni postupci elektrootpornog zavarivanja. Rad se sastoji od teorijskog i eksperimentalnog dijela. U teorijskom dijelu rada je data podjela procesa elektrootpornog zavarivanja te njihov detaljan opis. Detaljno su opisani parametri svakog postupka te njihov utjecaj na kvalitetu zavarenog spoja, takoÄer su dati primjeri primjene u industriji svakog o procesa. Opisani su ureÄaji za elektrootporno zavarivanje i zavarljivost materijala ovim procesima. Eksperimentalni dio zavrÅ”nog rada proveden je u Laboratoriju Fakulteta elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodogradnje. Elektrootpornim toÄkastim zavarivanjem zavareni su limovi od ugljiÄnog i nehrÄajuÄeg Äelika te od tehniÄki Äistog aluminija debljine 2 mm. Zavareni spojevi su ispitani razaranjem ali su okarakterizirani i geometrijski. Obradom rezultata ispitivanja doÅ”lo se do spoznaja kako promatrani parametari ā duljina protoka struje i sila utjeÄu na zavareni spoj.The final work deals with the procedures of resistance welding. The paper consists of a theoretical and an experimental part. In the theoretical part of the paper, the division of resistance welding processes and their detailed description are given. The parameters of each process and their influence on the quality of the welded joint are described in detail, and examples of industrial applications of each process are given. Devices for resistance welding and weldability of materials by these processes are described. The experimental part of the final work was conducted in the laboratory of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture. Sheets of carbon and stainless steel and commercially pure aluminum 2 mm thick were welded by electric resistance spot welding. Welded joints were tested for destruction but were also characterized geometrically. By processing the test results, it was realized that the observed parameters - current length and force affect the welded joint