38 research outputs found

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Įrenginiai ir įrankiai

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Forensic archaeology experience in Lithuania : investigation of Tuskulėnai mass grave site in Vilnius

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    Šiame straipsnyje yra pateikiami Tuskulėnų masinėje kapavietėje Vilniuje atliktos ekshumacijos ir teismo antropologinių tyrimų apžvalga bei rezultatai. Tokio masto tyrimas yra unikalus viso regiono mastu. Šioje masinėje kapavietėje buvo palaidotos 1944 – 1947 m. NKGB – MGB aukos. Tyrimo metu pasitvirtino hipotezė, kad asmenys, kuriems tą pačią dieną buvo įvykdyta egzekucija, buvo gabenami ir užkasami vienu metu. Žudynės vyko šaltuoju metų laiku. 1945 m. vasarą nužudytų asmenų palaikai, buvo užkasti 8 atskirose duobėse už garažo ribų ir buvo apipilti dezinfekuojančiomis medžiagomis. Asmenų, kurie buvo nužudyti 1946 m., užkasimo vietos nustatyti nepavyko. Tyrimo metu buvo identifikuota 45 asmenų palaikų tapatybė, o nustatytos svarbios egzekucijų ir nužudytų asmenų palaikų užkasimo detalės bei liudininkų parodymai ir prokuratūros surinkti duomenys sutapo. 2004 m. lapkričio 2 d. buvo oficialiai atidarytas Tuskulėnų memorialo kolumbariumas, kuriame atskiruose metaliniuose karstuose su identifikaciniais numeriais buvo perlaidoti palaikai. Taip buvo išsaugotas ne tik stalinizmo aukų atminimo įamžinimas, bet ir sudaryta galimybė, atsiradus naujiems identifikavimo duomenims ar tyrimo metodams, pratęsti palaikų identifikavimo darbus. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Teismo archeologija; Vilnius; Masinė kapavietė; KGB; Ekshumacija; Identifikacija.; Forensic archaeology; Vilnius: mass grave site; KGB; Exhumation; Identification.; Teismas; Tuskulėnai; Forensic; Archeology; Tuskulenai; Mass graveThe aim of the paper is to present results of exhumation, examination and identification of remains of individuals executed in KGB headquarters in Vilnius in 1944-47. During 1994 and 1995, 706 skeletons were exhumed by archaeologists and anthropologists, and 18 more skeletons were found in 2003. Each skeleton was analysed according to routine forensic protocols. Paralelly, research in KGB archives, analysis of letters of relatives and other documentary data was conducted and two data sets compared. In total, 720 males and 4 females, age range from 19 to 66 years, were found. During cross-matching of individual data from KGB files and skull/portrait superimposition, 45 individuals were identified. Details of execution and the way of handling of bodies were reconstructed. 97 percent of skulls had perimortal lesions - usually single or multiple bullet wounds, as well as stabbed and cut/strike wounds and lesions caused by blunt force. Details of deposition of bodies were also elucidated. Individuals executed in late autumn/winter/early spring of 1944/45, 1945/46 and 1946/47 were inhumed in former garage (later demolished), as the ground there was less frozen and easier to dig during cold season. Construction of inhumation pits and their regular position prove the planned manner of executions. Individuals executed in summer of 1945 were inhumed outside (separate row of 8 pits, bodies covered with corrosive disinfecting chemicals). Conclusion is made that close collaboration of professionals from legal institutions, forensic medicine and archaeology in all stages of mass grave investigation is essential in victim identification process

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    Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    A case report of malignant primary pericardial mesothelioma with atypical imaging appearance: multimodality imaging with histopathological correlation

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    Background : Primary pericardial mesothelioma is a rare primary cardiac malignancy, with three main histopathological types, sarcomatoid histotype being the rarest. The imaging features were atypical due to concomitant extensive calcification, which resulted in aggravated differential diagnosis. Case summary : A 45-year-old man presented to our hospital with non-specific clinical symptoms. According to clinical history, a mediastinal tumour had been suspected with a previous unsuccessful attempt of transthoracic computed tomography-guided biopsy at an overseas hospital with limited data of performed imaging procedures. Multimodality imaging at our centre revealed extensively calcified solid masses in the pericardium, invading the left atrium. As the imaging features suggested an atypical primary pericardial malignancy, a diagnostic thoracoscopy was performed. Histopathological analysis of specimen revealed sarcomatoid type of pericardial mesothelioma with areas of necrosis and foci of osteogenic differentiation. Despite planned treatment, 2 weeks after histological diagnosis, the patient passed away due to perforated peptic ulcer-related sepsis. Discussion : The presence of extensive calcification in the lesion resulted in a challenging imaging workup and diagnosis. Initial differential diagnosis included primary or metastatic calcification-prone tumour, secondary calcification due to haemorrhage after previous interventional procedure and other pathologies, such as tuberculous pericarditis, calcified amorphous tumour, among others. Calcification may be part of the histological tumour characteristics; however, proper history taking is crucial as concomitant diseases, previous treatment, and interventional procedures may alter the imaging pattern

    Ž. ū. technikos priežiūros ir remonto bazės pokyčiai nuo 1991

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    Santr. angl., vok., rusBibliogr.: p. 64 (8 pavad.)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij