12 research outputs found

    An approach of multi‐agent control of bio‐robots using intelligent recognition diagnosis of persons with moving disabilities

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    The aims of this research are focused on the construction of intellectualized equipments for people with moving disabilities to help them in sustainable integration into environment. The problem is to reveal main components of diagnosis of disabled persons, as well as to develop decision making models which are integrated into the control mechanisms of the special equipments, that are assigned to the class of bio‐robots. This paper analyses the approach of the construction of such type of bio‐robots with possibilities to integrate different knowledge representation techniques for the development of the reinforcement framework with multiple cooperative agents for the recognition of the diagnosis of emotional situation of disabled persons. Large‐scale of multidimensional recognitions of emotional diagnosis of disabled persons often generate a large amount of multi‐dimensional data with complex recognition mechanisms, based on the integration of different knowledge representation techniques and complex inference models. Sensors can easily record primary data; however, the recognition of abnormal situations, cauterisation of emotional stages and resolution for certain type of diagnosis is an oncoming issue for bio‐robot constructors. The research results present the development of multi‐layered model of this framework with the integration of the evaluation of fuzzy neural control of speed of two wheelchair type robots working in real time by providing moving support for disabled individuals. An approach for representation of reasoning processes, using fuzzy logical Petri nets for evaluation of physiological state of individuals is presented. The reasoning is based on recognition of emotions of persons during their activities. Santrauka Šio mokslinio tyrimo tikslai yra nukreipti į intektualizuotų įrenginių, skirtų žmonėms su judėjimo negalia ir užtikrinančių jų būklės stebėseną ir darnaus judėjimo valdymo aplinkoje galimybes, kūrimą. Sprendžiami uždaviniai skirti neįgaliųjų diagnozės pagrindinių komponenčių tyrimams, sudarant lanksčius sprendimų priėmimo modelius, integruojamus į specialių įrenginių valdymo mechanizmus, kurie priskiriami biorobotų klasei. Straipsnyje pateikiami metodai, kaip konstruoti tokio tipo biorobotų sistemas, leidžiant skirtingų žinių vaizdavimo priemones integruoti į sistemą, kad būtų sukurta daugelio agentų bendradarbiavimo aplinka, skirta neįgaliųjų emocinės būklės diagnuozei analizuoti. Neįgaliųjų diagnozės procesams formalizuoti reikia kelių metodų, kurie grindžiami skirtingais žinių vaizdavimo formalizmais, skirtingų matų parametrų atpažinimo algoritmais. Sensorinės sistemos fiksuoja pirminius stebėsenos duomenis, tačiau nenormalioms situacijos būklėms atpažinti reikia sudėtingų išvedimo metodų, taikant lanksčias neuroninių tinklų valdymo priemones. Tyrimo rezultatai pateikiami per daugelio lygmenų darbo infrastruktūrą, kuri integruoja miglota logika grindžiamų neuroninių tinklų valdymo būdus, taikant juos neįgaliojo vežimėlio valdymo konstrukcijoms, kurios leidžia valdyti vežimėlio judėjimą automatiškai valdoma trajektorija. Miglota logika grindžiamų Petri tinklų taikymas leido pademonstruoti galimybes atpažinti neįgaliojo psichologinės būsenos pokyčius ir vertinti juos laike stebint pacientus skirtingą laiką. First published online: 21 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: daugiaagentis sistemos valdymas, biorobotai, išskirstytosios informacinės sistemos, žinių vaizdavimo priemonės, miglota logika, neuroniniai tinklai, Petri tinklai

    E. knowledge revise system of distance studies

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    The principles of practical implementation of c. knowledge revise system of distance studies into e. learning environment of e. laboratory in the department of Computer science of Klaipėda University are presented in this paper. E. learning concept is being discussed for a long period in the department of Computer science of Klaipėda University. Here the term E. laboratory is being understood as a part of e. university - an environment to run distance studies. The purpose of this project was to offer a tool, which might help to run the remote knowledge control of distance studies. This tool is practically tested by applying it to some teaching modules of Information Technologies in the University of Klaipėda and in the Business College of Western Lithuania

    Агентная интеллектуализация управляемых объектов

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    The article deals with the agent intellectualization of controlled objects. During learning, tasks done in laboratory makes our knowledge deeper, but not always these tasks can be done. To solve these problems the electronic laboratories are created, which let to do laboratory tasks through the internet. The problem is a insufficient adaptability of the most part of e. laboratories in operation. E. laboratory system which is being created in Klaipeda University will be used for training how to control the object. To make the system more independent it will have some agents. Agents will coordinate and administrate the system. Also agents will make there own laboratory tasks to determine the most optimal object control scripts

    Smart sensor: a platform for an interactive human physiological state recognition study

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    This paper describes a concept of making interactive human state recognition systems based on smart sensor design. The token measures on proper ADC signal processing had significantly lowered the interference level. A more reliable way of measuring human skin temperature was offered by using Maxim DS18B20 digital thermometers. They introduced a more sensible response to temperature changes compared to previously used analog LM35 thermometers. An adaptive HR measuring algorithm was introduced to suppress incorrect ECG signal readings caused by human muscular activities. User friendly interactive interface for touch sensitive GLCD screen was developed to present real time physiological data readings both in numerals and graphics. User was granted an ability to dynamically customize data processing methods according to his needs. Specific procedures were developed to simplify physiological state recording for further analysis. The introduced physiological data sampling and preprocessing platform was optimized to be compatible with “ATmega Oscilloscope” PC data collecting and visualizing software

    Development of an autonomous framework for emotion recognition

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    An approach of development of an autonomous emotion re-cognition system for creating of an intelligent e-health care environment is described. The process of emotion recognition is based on measurements of very small physiological signals taken from electrodes noninvasively attached on human body. The amplified ECG, EDA, and human’s body temperature si-gnals are used in the model for emotion recognition. The ECG, EDA, and human’s body temperature data acquisition module is designed based on usage of AD620 type instrumentation ampli-fier and ATmega16 microcontroller. To realizing actual emotion recognition process, the following data pre-processing steps are described in this paper: the phases of amplifying, discrimina-tion, filtering, recording, and storing into database of the sys-tem. The steps of development of recently proposed of new experimental environment for digital data acquisition and repre-sentation, the multi-chanel oscilloscope called as Atmega Osci-lografas are described in this paper. The original 10 bit data transferring algorithm has been discussed based on incremental usage of 8 bit data for effectively realizing of USART protocol of Atmel microcontrollers

    Smart sensor: a platform for an interactive human physiological state recognition study

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    This paper describes a concept of making interactive human state recognition systems based on smart sensor design. The token measures on proper ADC signal processing had significantly lowered the interference level. A more reliable way of measuring human skin temperature was offered by using Maxim DS18B20 digital thermometers. They introduced a more sensible response to temperature changes compared to previously used analog LM35 thermometers. An adaptive HR measuring algorithm was introduced to suppress incorrect ECG signal readings caused by human muscular activities. User friendly interactive interface for touch sensitive GLCD screen was developed to present real time physiological data readings both in numerals and graphics. User was granted an ability to dynamically customize data processing methods according to his needs. Specific procedures were developed to simplify physiological state recording for further analysis. The introduced physiological data sampling and preprocessing platform was optimized to be compatible with “ATmega Oscilloscope” PC data collecting and visualizing software

    Smart sensor: a platform for an interactive human physiological state recognition study

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    This paper describes a concept of making interactive human state recognition systems based on smart sensor design. The token measures on proper ADC signal processing had significantly lowered the interference level. A more reliable way of measuring human skin temperature was offered by using Maxim DS18B20 digital thermometers. They introduced a more sensible response to temperature changes compared to previously used analog LM35 thermometers. An adaptive HR measuring algorithm was introduced to suppress incorrect ECG signal readings caused by human muscular activities. User friendly interactive interface for touch sensitive GLCD screen was developed to present real time physiological data readings both in numerals and graphics. User was granted an ability to dynamically customize data processing methods according to his needs. Specific procedures were developed to simplify physiological state recording for further analysis. The introduced physiological data sampling and preprocessing platform was optimized to be compatible with “ATmega Oscilloscope” PC data collecting and visualizing software

    Pasirinkto kurso elektroninis patarėjas

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    E-advisor of the selected course as a help tool to facilitate an endeavour of the student in gaining his/her knowledge is discussed in this paper. Mutual understanding concepts among a student and a teacher and their relational diagrams are also given. There are represented a database schema of the advisor, its implementation steps at the University of Klaipeda, and the analysis of actor's relational diagrams of the advisor. The use for e-advisor of ILIAS as a web-based learning management system (LMS), which was originally developed in the VIRTUS project at the University of Cologne and has now become an Open Source project, is discussed in this paper. ILIAS consists of tools for learning, authoring, information access and co-operative work, thus presenting an integrated environment for learning and teaching on the Internet. ILIAS authors can create entire courses within a team and publish them on the web. Students can create groups to work through learning material and communicate with each other or with their tutors

    An approach of multi‐agent control of bio‐robots using intelligent recognition diagnosis of persons with moving disabilities

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    The aims of this research are focused on the construction of intellectualized equipments for people with moving disabilities to help them in sustainable integration into environment. The problem is to reveal main components of diagnosis of disabled persons, as well as to develop decision making models which are integrated into the control mechanisms of the special equipments, that are assigned to the class of bio‐robots. This paper analyses the approach of the construction of such type of bio‐robots with possibilities to integrate different knowledge representation techniques for the development of the reinforcement framework with multiple cooperative agents for the recognition of the diagnosis of emotional situation of disabled persons. Large‐scale of multidimensional recognitions of emotional diagnosis of disabled persons often generate a large amount of multi‐dimensional data with complex recognition mechanisms, based on the integration of different knowledge representation techniques and complex inference models. Sensors can easily record primary data; however, the recognition of abnormal situations, cauterisation of emotional stages and resolution for certain type of diagnosis is an oncoming issue for bio‐robot constructors. The research results present the development of multi‐layered model of this framework with the integration of the evaluation of fuzzy neural control of speed of two wheelchair type robots working in real time by providing moving support for disabled individuals. An approach for representation of reasoning processes, using fuzzy logical Petri nets for evaluation of physiological state of individuals is presented. The reasoning is based on recognition of emotions of persons during their activities. Daugiaagentis biorobotų valdymas taikant intelektualizuotus asmenis su judėjimo negalia diagnozės atpažinimo metodus Santrauka. Šio mokslinio tyrimo tikslai yra nukreipti į intektualizuotų įrenginių, skirtų žmonėms su judėjimonegalia ir užtikrinančių jų būklės stebėseną ir darnaus judėjimo valdymo aplinkoje galimybes, kūrimą. Sprendžiami uždaviniai skirti neįgaliųjų diagnozės pagrindinių komponenčių tyrimams, sudarant lanksčius sprendimų priėmimo modelius, integruojamus į specialių įrenginių valdymo mechanizmus, kurie priskiriami biorobotų klasei. Straipsnyje pateikiami metodai, kaip konstruoti tokio tipo biorobotų sistemas, leidžiant skirtingų žinių vaizdavimo priemones integruoti į sistemą, kad būtų sukurta daugelio agentų bendradarbiavimo aplinka, skirta neįgaliųjų emocinės būklės diagnuozei analizuoti. Neįgaliųjų diagnozės procesams formalizuoti reikia kelių metodų, kurie grindžiami skirtingais žinių vaizdavimo formalizmais, skirtingų matų parametrų atpažinimo algoritmais. Sensorinės sistemos fiksuoja pirminius stebėsenos duomenis, tačiau nenormalioms situacijos būklėms atpažinti reikia sudėtingų išvedimo metodų, taikant lanksčias neuroninių tinklų valdymo priemones. Tyrimo rezultatai pateikiami per daugelio lygmenų darbo infrastruktūrą, kuri integruoja miglota logika grindžiamų neuroninių tinklų valdymo būdus, taikant juos neįgaliojo vežimėlio valdymo konstrukcijoms, kurios leidžia valdyti vežimėlio judėjimą automatiškai valdoma trajektorija. Miglota logika grindžiamų Petri tinklų taikymas leido pademonstruoti galimybes atpažinti neįgaliojo psichologinės būsenos pokyčius ir vertinti juos laike stebint pacientus skirtingą laiką. Reikšminiai žodžiai: daugiaagentis sistemos valdymas, biorobotai, išskirstytosios informacinės sistemos, žinių vaizdavimo priemonės, miglota logika, neuroniniai tinklai, Petri tinklai. First published online: 21 Oct 201

    Daugiaagentis biorobotų valdymas taikant intelektualizuotus asmenis su judėjimo negalia diagnozės atpažinimo metodus

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    The aims of this research are focused on the construction of intellectualized equipments for people with moving disabilities to help them in sustainable integration into environment. The problem is to reveal main components of diagnosis of disabled persons, as well as to develop decision making models which are integrated into the control mechanisms of the special equipments, that are assigned to the class of bio-robots. This paper analyses the approach of the construction of such type of bio-robots with possibilities to integrate different knowledge representation techniques for the development of the reinforcement framework with multiple cooperative agents for the recognition of the diagnosis of emotional situation of disabled persons. Large-scale of multidimensional recognitions of emotional diagnosis of disabled persons often generate a large amount of multi-dimensional data with complex recognition mechanisms, based on the integration of different knowledge representation techniques and complex inference models. Sensors can easily record primary data; however, the recognition of abnormal situations, cauterisation of emotional stages and resolution for certain type of diagnosis is an oncoming issue for bio-robot constructors. The research results present the development of multi-layered model of this framework with the integration of the evaluation of fuzzy neural control of speed of two wheelchair type robots working in real time by providing moving support for disabled individuals. An approach for representation of reasoning processes, using fuzzy logical Petri nets for evaluation of physiological state of individuals is presented. The reasoning is based on recognition of emotions of persons during their activities