100 research outputs found

    Enhancement of antimicrobial activity of antibiotics and antifungals by the use of natural products from Pityrogramma calomelanos (L.) link

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    The ethanol extract and methanol fraction of Pityrogramma calomelanos (L.) link were evaluated for antibacterial, antifungal and modulatory activities against strains of Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, C. krusei and C. tropicalis. The antimicrobial activity of the natural products was evaluated by the microdilution method associated or not with aminoglycosides and antifungals. The ethanol extract and methanol fraction of P. calomelanos showed good activity against S. aureus when associated with aminoglycosides and with benzoilmetronidazol against species of the genus Candida. These results indicate that P. calomelanos should be studied as a possible source of natural products to combat bacteria and fungi either directly or by modulating the mechanisms of resistance of these microorganisms, enhancing the antimicrobial activity of these drugs and combating microbial resistance


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    Dengue is an arbovirus considered a growing problem in relation to public health worldwide. With this, the objective of this work is to describe, in a retrospective and analytical way, the epidemiological profile and the spatial distribution of dengue cases in the state of Maranhão between the years 2010 to 2020. This quantitative and retrospective study used secondary data provided by the State Department of Health (SES-MA) of confirmed and notified cases of the disease in a time frame between 2010 and 2020. In addition, geoprocessing techniques were also used to spatialize the data. The results indicate that there were oscillations in relation to confirmed and reported cases throughout this period in the state, especially in the north and southwest regions. Thus, Maranhão reveals a critical state in relation to the occurrence of the disease, which is possibly associated with environmental factors, infrastructure and lack of public policies related to basic sanitation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Leishmaniasis Cutánea: panorama epidemiológico en la región Nordeste brasileña, Región Metropolitana del Gran São Luís (2010-2020)

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    Introdução: Leishmaniose Tegumentar é uma doença parasitária que apresenta alta incidência em regiões de clima tropical e subtropical. Ao longo dos anos apresenta alta expansão em todas as regiões brasileiras, com destaque para o Norte e Nordeste que evidencia populações vulneráveis como as mais atingidas. Investigar a epidemiologia destas doenças são fundamentais para a formulação e implementação de políticas públicas de saúde com o objetivo de prevenção e combate ao inseto vetor. Objetivo: Descrever os dados epidemiológicos e sua relação com variáveis sociodemográficas em relação à incidência de Leishmaniose Tegumentar na Região Metropolitana da Grande São Luís entre os anos de 2010 a 2020. Metodologia: Estudo epidemiológico de abordagem quantitativa e retrospectiva que utilizou dados secundários em relação aos casos confirmados da doença entre os anos de 2010 a 2020 para a região de estudo e variáveis qualitativas. Resultados: Os dados mostraram maior incidência da doença em indivíduos do sexo masculino, de cor parda e com ensino fundamental incompleto. Conclusão: Ações desenvolvidas por parte das esferas públicas com o objetivo de divulgação de campanhas preventivas associadas a investimento financeiro e técnico às universidades e centros de pesquisa contribuem para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas e elaboração de medidas que atuem nas interfaces de prevenção, tratamento, controle e erradicação das principais doenças tropicais negligenciadas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adenine interaction with and adsorption on Fe-ZSM-5 zeolites: A prebiotic chemistry study using different techniques

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    Most adsorption experiments are performed under conditions that did not exist on Earth before the life arose on it. Because adsorption is the first step for all other processes (protection against degradation and polymerization), it is important that it is performed under conditions that existed on prebiotic Earth. In this paper, we use an artificial seawater (seawater 4.0 Ga), which contains major cations and anions that could present on the oceans of the prebiotic Earth. In addition, zeolites, with substituted Fe in the framework, and adenine were probably common substances on the prebiotic Earth. Thus, study the interaction between them is an important issue in prebiotic chemistry. There are two main findings described in this paper. Firstly, zeolites with different Si/Fe ratios adsorbed adenine differently. Secondly, XAFS showed that, after treatments with seawater 4.0 Ga and adenine, an increase in the complexity of the system occurred. In general, salts of seawater 4.0 Ga did not affect the adsorption of adenine onto zeolites and adenine adsorbed less onto zeolites with iron isomorphically substituted. The C=C and NH2 groups of adenine interacted with the zeolites. Gypsum, formed from aqueous species dissolved in seawater 4.0 Ga, precipitated onto zeolites. EPR spectra of zeolites showed lines caused by Fe framework and Fe3+ species. TG curves of zeolites showed events caused by loss of water weakly bound to zeolite (in the 30-140 °C range), water bounded to iron species or cations from seawater 4.0 Ga or located in the cavities of zeolites (157-268 °C) and degradation of adenine adsorbed onto zeolites (360-600 °C). Mass loss follows almost the same order as the amount of adenine adsorbed onto zeolites. The XAFS spectrum showed that Fe3+ could be substituted into the framework of the Fe7-ZSM-5 zeolite