271 research outputs found

    Pois é!... o que eu vou vivendo e fazendo leva-me a pensar de forma diferente: contributos da Formação Inicial nas representações e nas práticas de uma professora

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    Promover práticas mais consentâneas com as recomendações e os desafios actuais é, no caso do ensino da Matemática, uma tarefa complexa e, na maior parte das vezes, onde se tem um sucesso muito limitado. Apesar de se considerar que as representações condicionam as práticas mesmo que, não raras vezes, existam constrangimentos culturais que dificultam uma simbiose (quase) perfeita entre o que se pensa e o que se faz – tal como aconteceu com o caso da Sandra e que foi analisado em Ribeiro e Cabrita (2005) – damos conta, nesta comunicação, de um caso considerado de sucesso – o caso da Rita. Trata-se de uma formanda que, à semelhança da sua colega, colaborou num projecto de investigação e que, em contexto cultural idêntico, evoluiu favoravelmente, não só ao nível das representações, como ao nível das práticas, confirmando a ideia de que o investimento feito ao nível da sua formação pode ter tido algum efeito preventivo quanto à ideia de ‘assujeitamento’ apresentada por Ribeiro (1999)

    Experiências de aprendizagens em matemática no espírito de Bolonha

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    Uma das principais linhas de força do processo de Bolonha e que se encontra plasmada no anteprojecto de decreto-lei que regulamenta a sua implementação consiste na “transição de um sistema de ensino baseado na ideia da transmissão de conhecimentos para um sistema baseado no desenvolvimento de competências” (1). Trata-se de uma mudança de paradigma que, valorizando o ‘saber em acção’, relativiza o ‘saber inerte’, com implicações ao nível da formação de professores, por muitas razões difícil de implementar. Nesta comunicação procurar-se-á descrever uma experiência de aprendizagem em matemática, por recurso ao Cabri-Géomètre e desenvolvida numa lógica de trabalho autónomo e de interdisciplinaridade, acreditando-se que tenha contribuído para a evolução preconizada

    Does PmatE help students to be more autonomous in the learning of mathematical subjects at university level?

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    Since 1989, the Mathematics Education Project (PmatE – Projecto Matemática Ensino) has developed several strategies to increase the interest and improve the success of students in Mathematics. PmatE developed a platform of computer aided education (PCA), currently available only in the internet, including all grades since primary school. The main goal of this platform is to support teaching, being a tool that allows: the management of the groups involved; the elaboration of tests; the research of student performance; the analysis of results and other functionalities of management. The developed programs are a tool to support education, evaluation and learning. However, this platform has not yet been subject to a systematic evaluation, especially at the superior education level, that will allow us to conclude whether its goals have been achieved. From this standpoint, we develop a case study with Science Food Engineering students. In this article, we discuss the resonance of the platform of computer aided education (PCA) developed for the PmatE in terms of the autonomy skills development. This paper describes how it is conceived as well as the main results. We concluded that, although recognized the platform potential, a considerable number of students preferred a more traditional approach

    A plataforma PmatE e o desenvolvimento de apetências em Matemática

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    A era da informação e o desenvolvimento das tecnologias de informação e comunicação vêm colocar novos desafios e oportunidades às instituições de Ensino Superior, nomeadamente, ao nível do processo educativo, que deve ser mais centrado no aluno e nas suas aprendizagens. Assim, desenvolveu-se um estudo de caso, envolvendo alunos do curso de Engenharia Alimentar, que perseguiu como principal objetivo avaliar o impacto da exploração diferenciada da plataforma de ensino assistido, desenvolvida pelo Projeto Matemática Ensino (PmatE), como complemento à abordagem didática da unidade temática “Cálculo Integral em IR”. Neste artigo, discute-se a sua ressonância ao nível do desenvolvimento de apetências relativamente à matemática, manifestadas através dum maior interesse por parte dos alunos em relação à unidade curricular e concluiu-se que o uso da plataforma contribuiu para aumentar o gosto pela Matemática.The information age and the development of information and communication technologies brings new challenges and opportunities for higher education institutions, namely, in the educational process, which should be more focused in the student and in his learning process. Thus, a case study was developed with Science Food Engineering students. The major goal of the study is to evaluate the impact of a differential use of the platform developed for the PmatE in the process of learning math subjects at the University level. In this article, we discuss the resonance of the platform of computer aided education (PCA) developed for the PmatE in terms of mathematics appetencies, manifested through a larger interest of the students in relation to the curricular unit. We can conclude that the use of PmatE platform contributed to increase the liking for mathematics.La era de la información y el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación colocan nuevas cuestiones y exigen un reposicionamiento de las instituciones de Enseñanza Superior, que enfrentan nuevos retos y oportunidades, nombradamente, en el proceso de enseñanza y de aprendizaje, que debe ser más centrado en el alumno y en sus aprendizajes. Por eso, se desarrolló un estudio de caso, involucrando estudiantes de la carrera de Ingeniaría Alimentar, que tuvo como principal objetivo evaluar el impacto de la exploración diferenciada de la plataforma de enseñanza asistida desarrollada por el Proyecto Matemática Enseñanza (PmatE), como complemento al abordaje didáctico de la unidad temática “Cálculo Integral en IR”. En este artículo, se discute su resonancia a nivel del desarrollo de antojos relativamente a la matemática, manifestadas a través de un mayor interés por parte de los estudiantes en relación a la unidad curricular y se concluyó que, el uso de la plataforma contribuyó para el aumentar del gusto por la Matemática

    The use of mathematics education project in the learning of mathematical subjects at university level

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    The educational context requires a renewal of paradigms. Profound changes in the roles and functions of teachers and students are particularly vital. More active, cooperative and participative methodologies of learning must be privileged, breaking with magisterial education and the mere ‘transmission’ of knowledge. Informatics tools can become a major element in the educational context, promoting significant and self-regulated learning for the student, always under the adequate orientation of the teacher. In this context, the Mathematics Education Project (PmatE) was created in the University of Aveiro, with the main objective of identifying and counteracting the causes of school failure in mathematics in an innovative approach. However, the PmatE platform has not yet been subjected to the kind of systematic evaluation, especially in higher education, that would allow us to understand in what conditions the goals can be achieved. Thus, the question underlying this explanatory research is: “What impact does the platform of assisted education developed by PmatE have in the process of learning math subjects at university level?” A previous analysis (still ongoing) of the data collected through several techniques – inquiry, documental analysis and participant observation – suggests there are interesting and innovative alternatives to the dominant pedagogies in higher education (where teaching assumes almost exclusively a magisterial form), with significant advantages for the construction of knowledge and for the development of the students’ capabilities

    Managing creative industries in the context of knowledge-based urban development

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    The advent of the knowledge economy has put the focus on innovation, creativity and networks as drivers of competitiveness and economic growth. This has shifted development perspectives from tangibles-based competitiveness to knowledge-driven competitiveness transforming the way the economy is organised and putting emphasis on the emergence of a new type of capital. Creative industries represent a form of capital that provides economic benefits and the links between creative capital, quality of life and competitiveness has made the creative industries a serious economic factor that needs to be considered in regard to cities and regions viability. The two issues, creative industries and knowledge-based urban development (KBUD) remain not only challenging fields of research but also the key elements for discussions on the competitiveness of cities and regions. The purpose of this paper is to explore the ‘creative industry’ concept to relate it to the ongoing process of creating knowledge-based urban developments.publishersversionpublishe

    Os Padrões no Ensino e Aprendizagem Álgebra

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    Este capítulo de livro discute numa primeira fase o conceito de padrão e depois a sua relação com a álgebra e com o pensamento algébrico. Este aspectos rementem para a análise dos currículos nacionais e para as oreinetações curriculares internacionais de modo a encontrar evidências sobre estes aspectos

    Cartas inéditas de Mário Cesariny para Guy Girard

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    Comentam-se e dão-se a conhecer um conjunto de cartas inéditas de Mário Cesariny a Guy Girard da primeira metade da década 90 do século XX

    Lasting Developmental Effects of Neonatal Fentanyl Exposure in Preweanling Rats

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    The present study aimed to determine whether neonatal treatment with fentanyl has lasting effects on stressed developing brain. Six-day-old rats were assigned to one of three groups (10 males/group): (1) fentanyl (incision+fentanyl), (2) saline (incision+0.9% saline), and (3) unoperated (unoperated sham). Pups with a plantar paw incision received repetitive subcutaneous injections of fentanyl or vehicle through postnatal days (PNDs) 6 to 8. A nonoperated sham group served as nonstressed control. Studies included assessment of development from PND 6 to PND 21 (growth indices and behavioral testing). Fentanyl administered twice daily for three days after surgical incision had no impact on early growth and development, as measured on PND 9, but showed a lasting impact on later growth, enhanced behavioral development, and lower anxiety, as measured through PNDs 10–21. While this does not completely support a benefit from such treatment, our findings may contribute to support the neonatal use of fentanyl, when indicated, even in premature newborns