770 research outputs found

    Information and communication technology adoption for business benefits: a case analysis of an integrated paperless system

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    This case study analyses the benefits of implementing a paperless software solution (Alert®pfh–Alert Paperfree Hospital, developed by Alert Life Sciences Computing) in a Portuguese Hospital, the Espírito Santo Hospital, in the city of Évora. Alert®pfh is a complete hospital clinical information system with real time clinical information input. It was implemented in emergency medical services, inpatient and outpatient services, and operating room services. Data were collected between 2006 and 2011 prior to, during and after the system's implementation. The case analysis demonstrates that paperless software systems have a significant potential when applied in healthcare organization services. Besides financial benefits, other important organizational features were identified, namely higher levels of patient and professional satisfaction; an increase in efficiency in hospital operations; improvement in the quality of information for management decision-making; and a reduction in medical errors. Lessons learned are noted and conclusions drawn for both theoretical and practical ICT benefits analysis

    Do labor market policies affect employment composition? Lessons from European countries

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    We study the effects of different labor market policies on employment composition in a matching model with salaried work and self-employment. We empirically assess some of the model’s predictions using micro data from the European Union Household Panel. Policies such as employment protection legislation and compulsory social security contributions of the self-employed, and their interactions, are relevant to explain the composition of employment in the European labor market. One major policy implication of this result is the need for a convenient policy mix definition.

    From Concept to Policy: Building Regional Innovation Systems in Follower Regions

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    In the spirit of “The Lisbon strategy”, public policies are redirecting support from investment-driven policies to knowledge building as the main driver for competitiveness and innovation. This re-orientation poses different challenges to regions and RIS concept may be the central element, simultaneously goal and toolbox, for devising innovation promotion policies. The RIS framework stresses the need to combine a systemic and inclusive view of innovation along with territorially embedded specificities. In this paper we explore how to operationalize the concept of RIS in terms of innovation policy, arguing against a “one size fits all” approach. Concentrating our analysis on follower regions, we bridge the concept of RIS with the structural deficiencies and challenges posing to this kind of regions, for which innovation policy should seek an adequate combination between science push and demand pull perspectives. We also address the importance of taking advantage of the catching-up status, building upon R&D cost-advantages and clustering around external initiatives as well as the correction of important constraints to the construction of a RIS.Innovation, Regional Innovation Systems, Innovation Policy, Follower Regions

    As Tecnologias de Informação e a Internacionalização da Educação

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    As Tecnologias de Informação desempenham um papel dominante e estruturante na emergente Sociedade de Informação, sendo responsáveis pela ruptura com a vivência característica da sociedade industrial. Os métodos e os processos associados às Tecnologias de Informação permitiram, entre muitos outros aspectos, reformular actividades, tão próprias da cultura dos povos como a educação, incorporando novas aplicações, novas abordagens, novas formas de actuar que colidem ou que, em alguns casos, coexistem, com a prática instituida. No âmbito da educação e ao nível da comunicação, as Tecnologias de Informação assumem um papel de primeiro plano, criando condições para a internacionalização da educação, sendo difícil pensar que esta poderia existir sem aquelas. Este texto visa apontar pistas e descrever serviços próprios das Tecnologias de Informação utilizados na internacionalização da educação

    Are There Non-linear Relationships between Ownership Structure and Operational Performance? Empirical Evidence from Portuguese SMEs Using Dynamic Panel Data

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    This paper analyzes the causal relationship between the ownership concentration, insider ownership and operational performance using a sample of 4.163 Portuguese SMEs and panel data models. The main results show an endogenous and dynamic relationship between those variables. The quadratic specification established between ownership concentration and operational profitability suggests that for low levels of control rights the expropriation hypothesis prevails and for high levels the supervision hypothesis prevails. It was also possible to validate the effect of entrenchment and convergence of interests in the relationship established between the insider ownership and performance

    Banking Relationships, Managerial Ownership and Operational Performance: A Simultaneous Equations Approach in the Context of SMEs

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    This paper provides new evidence for the relationship between the nature of banking relationships, managerial ownership and operational performance in supporting reciprocal effects between these variables in the context of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). A simultaneous equations model was applied to a sample of 4,163 Portuguese SMEs and to cross-section data. Evidence was found that these attributes provide simultaneous relations among themselves. In particular, on the one hand, our results support a negative effect of the number of banks with which the company works and managerial ownership on operational performance. On the other hand, the number of banks with which the company maintains a relationship is positively conditioned by operational performance and negatively by managerial ownership. In turn, managerial ownership is negatively conditioned by operational performance and the nature of the banking relationship

    Artistic residencies: paths and methodologies

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    We live in a dynamic time for research methods. In this context, art-based research gained relevant popularity in the social research context. However, incorporating the arts into research methodology involves much more than use artistic forms and expressions to understand and represent human experiences. In this paper, we aim to:(1) address divergent definitions associated with art-based research; (2) describe research methodologies that employ arts; (3) relate divergent definitions to common criticisms and misconceptions surrounding art-based research; and (4) present paths and methodologies for art education. In addressing these issues, we will present some projects developed in a funding program of the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (Portuguese national Research Funding Organization), "Artist Residencies" in 2020. Participated in this program eighteen (n=18) fellowships students from different countries. The program's organization represents the logical reasoning for the acquisition and development of theoretical, technical, investigative, and artistic skills. The results addressed in this paper are related with the gains of lesser-known paths and methodologies in art-based research, that provide an interesting approach, both in the structure, as well in the commitment, effectiveness and even the creativity of the research and researchersThis work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UIDB/05757/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Determining Factors and Strategies to Promote Construction and Demolition Waste Management on a Local Scale

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    Construction and demolition waste (CDW) management has attracted growing interest amongst the research community, especially in terms of the implementation of circular economy principles in the construction sector, mainly due to the large amount of waste generated. The problem has been explored through different approaches and in various contexts, but knowledge gaps persist within the study of proximity dynamics. Therefore, this research project focuses its analysis on the study of behaviour change in CDW management on a local scale, converging on the role of municipalities and micro and small construction companies, from an operational perspective. For this, research questions were formulated related to the study of the determining factors for CDW management on the local scale; with the deepening of knowledge regarding the reality of illegal dumping of CDW, which is a problem involving the identified stakeholders; and with the implementation of intervention strategies to promote the improvement of the management of this waste stream. The research project approached the topic in a transdisciplinary way, selecting different research methods, including a literature review, a survey by questionnaire, workshops, and fieldwork, as a way to integrate different realities, with different approaches, contributing to the adaptation of research tasks, but also leaving a more solid research contribution for researchers, technicians, policy-makers and authorities. In terms of results, there are determining factors for CDW management that are common to municipalities and to micro and small construction companies, such as the lack of proximity facilities and equipment for the waste management generated, or the need to address knowledge gaps. On the other hand, the size of construction companies is a determining factor, with micro and small construction companies presenting specific constraints, and municipalities above all identifying the need for cooperation between entities as a key factor. Illegal dumping is still a problem that results from the constraints identified, and one which is of particular importance from both the point of view of the behaviour of abandonment, and the loss of resources, but also because of the cost of cleaning actions for municipalities. At the level of the intervention strategies tested, local CDW management facilities and a proximity approach involving the municipal technicians and representatives of construction companies, or applicants for processes, can lead to very favourable results, with direct implications for behaviours acquired over time, and also in cost reduction. However, all these strategies must be accompanied by robust and frequent capacitation, training and supervision actions.A gestão dos resíduos de construção e demolição (RCD) tem assumido um crescente interesse na comunidade científica, sobretudo pela implementação dos princípios da economia circular no setor da construção, em grande parte devido à grande quantidade de resíduos gerada. O problema tem sido explorado com abordagens e em contextos distintos, mas as lacunas de conhecimento persistem no que se refere ao estudo das dinâmicas de proximidade. Assim sendo, o presente projeto de investigação foca a sua análise no estudo da mudança do comportamento na gestão dos RCD à escala local, com ênfase no papel dos municípios e das micro e pequenas empresas de construção, numa perspetiva operacional. Para isso, foram formuladas questões de investigação relacionadas com o estudo dos fatores determinantes para a gestão dos RCD à escala local; com o aprofundar do conhecimento da realidade das deposições ilegais de RCD, que é um problema que relaciona os stakeholders identificados; e com a implementação de estratégias de intervenção para promover a melhoria da gestão destes resíduos. O projeto de investigação abordou o tema de forma transdisciplinar, selecionando diferentes métodos, como a revisão de literatura, um inquérito por questionário, workshops e trabalho de campo, como forma de se integrar em diferentes realidades, com diferentes abordagens, contribuindo para a adaptação das tarefas da investigação, mas deixando também um contributo mais sólido para investigadores, técnicos, decisores e autoridades. Em termos de resultados, existem fatores determinantes para a gestão dos RCD que são comuns aos municípios e às micro e pequenas empresas de construção, como é o caso da ausência de infraestruturas e equipamentos de proximidade para a gestão dos resíduos produzidos, ou a necessidade de proceder à atualização do conhecimento. Por outro lado, a dimensão das empresas de construção é um fator determinante, com as micro e pequenas empresas de construção a apresentarem constrangimentos específicos, e os municípios a identificarem sobretudo a necessidade da cooperação entre entidades como um fator chave. As deposições ilegais são ainda um problema que resulta dos constrangimentos identificados, e que assume especial relevo, quer do ponto de vista do comportamento do abandono, e da perda de recursos, mas também pelo custo das ações de limpeza para os municípios. Ao nível das estratégias de intervenção testadas, constata-se que soluções locais de gestão de RCD e uma abordagem de proximidade entre os técnicos dos municípios e os representantes das empresas de construção, ou requerentes de processos, pode conduzir a resultados bastante favoráveis, com implicações diretas em comportamentos adquiridos ao longo do tempo, e também na redução dos custos. Contudo, todas estas estratégias devem ser acompanhadas de ações robustas e frequentes de capacitação, formação e supervisão

    Are There Non-linear Effects of Banking Relationships and Ownership Concentration on Operational Performance? Empirical Evidence from Portuguese SMEs Using Cross-section Analysis and Panel Data

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    This paper provides new evidence for the relationship between the stability of the banking relationship, ownership concentration and operating profitability, supporting non-linear effects between those variables in the context of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). From a sample of 4,163 Portuguese SMEs and cross-section data and panel data, we found evidence for a U-shaped quadratic relationship between the stability of the banking relationship and operational performance. This result indicates that the consolidation of new banking relationships, the difficulties experienced by SMEs in overcoming the problems of adverse selection and moral hazard reflect negatively on their operating profitability. However, when the banking relationship is solidified, and banking institutions acquire information, supervision and monitoring costs decrease, credit constraints are lower and contractual conditions are tailored to the needs of the company, with positive impacts on operating profitability. In turn, the quadratic specification established between ownership concentration and operating profitability suggests that the expropriation hypothesis prevails for low levels of control rights and the supervision hypothesis prevails for high levels

    Factores influenciadores e formas de cooperação universidade–empresa: um estudo empírico

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    A cooperação universidade-empresa é frequentemente apontada como uma estratégia viável para a transmissão do conhecimento das instituições de ensino superior para o tecido empresarial, com o consequente desenvolvimento das regiões/países. Assim, pretende-se com o presente trabalho analisar o fenómeno da cooperação entre uma instituição do ensino superior – Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (IPB) - e o tecido empresarial desta região de Portugal. Para alcançar este objectivo, procedeu-se a um estudo empírico com base em dados primários e recolhidos através de um questionário e de uma entrevista semi-formal realizada a um ex-aluno desta instituição. Com base no modelo de regressão logística proposto para este estudo, os resultados revelaram que as variáveis como o sexo, idade e a escola onde se lecciona, dentro da instituição de ensino superior seleccionada, influenciam a capacidade de cooperação dos docentes no tecido empresarial. Algumas implicações teóricas e práticas para os docentes/investigadores e empresários/gestores são também apresentadas