7 research outputs found

    An integrated communication plan for herdade dos Arrochais

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    Projectpresente tese de mestrado é um projecto-empresa em cooperação com a Herdade dos Arrochais, uma empresa produtora de vinhos Alentejanos, com localização na Amareleja (Alentejo), cujo reconhecimento por parte dos consumidores é reduzido embora os seus vinhos tenham um grande potencial. Após a identificação do problema, foi analisada toda a envolvente macro-económica, o sector, a concorrência e o consumidor por forma a identificar as oportunidades existentes. Foi igualmente efetuada uma análise interna, que permitiu a identificação das principais lacunas da empresa, e uma revisão de literatura e uma revisão de literatura que permitiu enquadrar os principais conceitos teóricos que estão na base deste projeto. Apesar da atual crise económica, os portugueses continuam a ser dos maiores consumidores de vinho do Mundo, pelo que o problema que se verifica está relacionado com a falta de reconhecimento da marca. A solução encontrada para aumentar o valor e a notoriedade da marca, conquistando clientes e aumentando as vendas, foi um plano de comunicação integrada. Assim, foi elaborado um plano com especial enfoque na proposta de comunicação através da criação de um Website, com o intuito também de melhorar a distribuição. A proposta realizada resultou no desenvolvimento de ideias e ações, reforçando os principais pontos fortes encontrados e criando novas vantagens competitivas, sem esquecer as limitações monetárias da empresa, bem como a concorrência.The present masters’ thesis is a company project with the cooperation of Herdade dos Arrochais, a wine producer in Alentejo, situated in Amareleja (Eastern Alentejo). Although these wines have great potential, they are not very well known amongst consumers. Once the problem was defined, the macroeconomics environment, the sector, the competitors and the consumers were analysed, in order to identify existing opportunities. An internal analysis was also carried out which helped to determine the company’s main shortfalls, and the literature review that allowed to frame the main theoretical concepts which are the bases of this project. Despite the present economic crises, Portuguese people continue to be one of the major wine consumers in the world. However, the problem that arises has to do with the lack of brand awareness. The solution to the problem is a plan for integrated communication, to enhance the value and prestige of the brand, gain new customers, increase the consumer pool and boost sales. The main emphasis was on a communication proposal plan that focused on the creation of a website, but also with the intention of improving distribution. The proposal resulted in the development of ideas and actions, as well as reinforcing the principal strengths of the business, creating new competitive advantages but bearing in mind the monetary limitations of the company and not forgetting about other competitors in the marketplace

    Domestic violence and child development – systematic literature review

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    Domestic violence is today a situation of great concern worldwide. The impact of violence on child development is an area of intervention that needs to be closely monitoredThis study aims to know the relationship between domestic violence and child development.A qualitative study was carried out through a systematic review of the literature, from three databases, RCAAP, SCielo and Scopus.According to the analysis of the selected articles, it was verified that there is a relationship of great significance between domestic violence and child development. Domestic violence between parents, where the child is often a witness to acts of violence, has a greater risk of having problems in child development on a psychological, emotional and social level. Children subjected to interparental domestic violence are atgreater risk of having aggressive behaviors and greater school failure, as well as difficulties in social relations.According to statistics from Portugal, in a probabilistic view of data on domestic violence, confirmed cases of domestic violence tend to increase and as such, probabilistically, will also increase the risk of problems in child development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Domestic violence – a retrospective study witn significant changes

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    Exposition to domestic violence (VD) has repercussions on children’s emotional, cognitive and social development. Also, being a witnesses increases the intergenerational transmission of violent behaviours. This study aimed to characterize temporal trends related to notifications of VD in Portugal. A retrospective study was developed based on secondary data on the number of VD cases in Portugal, reported and recorded, between 2002 and 2015, by the Ministry of Internal Administration. Likewise, population data were collected in the same time period, published by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.To handle the data, the software Joinpoint, version was used to estimate the regression for each trend. The findings revealed significant changes in two moments during the period under analysis. From 2002 to 2010 there was a decrease in reported cases of VD. However, in the period from 2010 to 2015, there was a reversal of this trend, with a very significant increase in reported cases. The annual growth rate was 5.8% for a 95% confidence interval (95% CI). The management of VD requires a combined effort of law enforcement, health policies, social welfare and healthcare services. VD prevention can be brought through emotional education interventions for parents.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    estudos artísticos

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    O quarto número da Revista GAMA percorre, no campo dos Estudos Artísticos, instâncias de memória e de enraizamento, problematizando o futuro através das questões resgatadas, de ontem. Dá-se seguimento ao rumo inicial desta revista, onde artistas escrevem sobre obras de outros artistas, mas agora tem-se uma melhor delimitação e focagem no que respeita ao uso criativo ou acidental da diacronia e suas interligações potenciadoras: o arquivo, a obra recordada, o registo, o projeto, a reativação, a meta-linguagem, a identidade. A Revista GAMA segue um caminho prudente, como o de um alpinista que, ao subir, procura registar na memória os pontos de referência do seu caminho, pontos que lhe possam vir a ser úteis, mais tarde, na descida. Aqueles que sobem, nesta revista, podem ser uns, e os que descem, podem ser outros, de outra geração. Os pontos de referência permanecem, à espera da sua utilidade. Este conjunto de artigos traduz um posicionamento geral de grande atenção aos referentes históricos e técnicos, com uma sensível preocupação pela recuperação e preservação dos objetos e criadores interventivos. Através do olhar dos criadores de hoje, a criatividade mantém-se ativa e interventiva, para ser fonte de recomeços que se anunciam.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Affective relationships from youth and adults’ perspectives.

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    This study aims to compare youth and adults’perspectives about affective relationships, essential for maturity construction and subjective well-being. Quantitative and descriptive study, developed through a questionnaire applied to 233 individuals (82,5% female/ 17,5% male, 51,7% single), aged between 16–76 years, from north and central of Portugal, divided in two classes: 31% young (16–25 years) and 68,7% adults (≥25 years). In their affective life, 208 individuals, representing 89,3% (32,2% young; 67,8% adults), contrary to 10,7% (24% young; 76% adults), consider «to have stable relationships». A total of 167–71,7% individuals (35,9% young; 64,1% adults), contrary to 66-28,3% (19,7% young; 80,3% adults),recognize «relationships because falls in love». Nonetheless, 22–9,4% (54,5% young; 45,5% adults) assume «short and successive relationships». Also 17-7,3% ( 41,2% young; 58,8% adults) recognize «dating, not relationships», and 102-43,8% agree that «relationships start from physical attraction» (27,5% young; 72,5% adults). Some individuals (69-29,6%) agree that «the most important in relationships is sexual component» (21,7% young; 78,3% adults) and 51-21,9% that «love is not the most important in affective relationships» (15,7% young-84,3% adults). The findings suggest that adults are, for better or worse, an expressive model to youth. Emotional education is essential to develop youth responsibility and awareness.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio