296 research outputs found

    Monitoring and control of particulate matter in indoor air: A review

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    The review discusses the sources and concentrations of particulate matter in different microenvironments, their effect on human health, monitoring and their possible control measures particularly in office and residential buildings. Effect of various ventilation strategies on particulate concentration in air has been discussed. The calculations suggest that if the outdoor particle concentration is not more than 5-10 times the indoor particle generation rate, ventilation could be a very effective tool to control the indoor particle concentration. For coarse particles the choice of ventilation strategy is not very crucial, but for fine particulate slow rate of ventilation is more effective

    Innovations in existing routes and novel drug delivery systems for local anaesthetics

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    New drug delivery systems (NDDS) are developed for improvement in efficacy of the drugs, provide maximum benefit to the patient and to minimize the adverse drug reactions. For local anaesthetics (LAs), the development of new effective delivery systems modulate the release rate, extend their anaesthetic effect , and helps to enhance their localisation as desired. The various routes of local anaesthetic delivery (epidural, peripheral, wound catheters, intra-nasal, intra-vesical, intra-articular, intra-osseous) are under innovation these days. Different methods such as include iontophoresis, electroporation, sonophoresis, and magnetophoresis are being used to enhance local anaesthetic permeation. Adjuvants are added to potentiate drug effects. The use of different delivery systems should  help to keep the LA at  the  target  site  for  longer  periods  prolonging  the  anesthetic  or  analgesic  effect  with an extended range of agent

    Effect of Introduction of Fault and Imperfect Debugging on Release Time

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    One of the most important decisions related to the efficient management of testing phase of software development life cycle is to determine when to stop testing and release the software in the market. Most of the testing processes are imperfect once. In this paper first we have discussed an optimal release time problem for an imperfect faultdebugging model due to Kapur et al considering effect of perfect and imperfect debugging separately on the total expected software cost. Next, we proposed a SRGM incorporating the effect of imperfect fault debugging and error generation. The proposed model is validated on a data set cited in literature and a release time problem is formulated minimizing the expected cost subject to a minimum reliability level to be achieved by the release time using the proposed model. Solution method is discussed to solve such class of problem. A numerical illustration is given for both type of release problem and finally a sensitivity analysis is performed

    Colloid Carcinoma of Gallbladder - Incidental Finding of a Rare Entity

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    Majority gall bladder carcinomas are conventional adenocarcinomas of pancreatobiliary type. Mucinous carcinomas in gall bladder constitutes 2.5% of all gallbladder carcinomas. Pure mucinous (colloid carcinomas) are even rarer. Its rarity deserves this case being highlighted. Less than twenty-five cases of mucinous carcinomas of the gallbladder have been reported so far. A 46-year-old female presented with recurrent right upper quadrant pain along with nausea and vomiting for last one year. Liver function tests & kidney function tests were within range. USG Abdomen revealed an enlarged gallbladder measuring 8x5 cm with no stones. No other abnormalities were found on USG. A simple cholecystectomy was performed for chronic cholecystitis. Gross examination of specimen showed glistening, globular, soft and cystic gall bladder filled with mucoid tenacious yellowish material. There was no discernible mass lesion. Microscopic examination revealed pools of extracellular mucinous material dissecting muscular wall containing few signet ring cells. A diagnosis of colloid or pure mucinous adenocarcinoma of the gallbladder was made. Pure mucinous carcinomas as seen in exocrine glands like breast, pancreas and skin are very uncommon in gall bladder. Mucinous variant (>50% stromal mucin) are most of the time admixed with conventional type. Mucinous carcinomas most of the time are large and advanced at the time of diagnosis and are aggressive in nature than conventional type. This case is presented owing to its extreme rarity

    Multi-criteria media mix decision model for advertising multiple product with segment specific and mass media

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    Judicious media planning decisions are crucial for successful advertising of products. Media planners extensively use mathematical models supplemented with market research and expert opinion to devise the media plans. Media planning models discussed in the literature largely focus on single products with limited studies related to the multi-product media planning. In this paper we propose a media planning model to allocate limited advertising budget among multiple products advertised in a segmented market and determine the number of advertisements to be given in different media. The proposed model is formulated considering both segment specific and mass media vehicles to maximize the total advertising reach for each product. The model also incorporates the cross product effect of advertising of one product on the other. The proposed formulation is a multi-objective linear integer programming model and interactive linear integer goal programming is discussed to solve the model. A real life case study is presented to illustrate the application of the proposed model

    Additional head of biceps brachii: a cadaveric study

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    Background: The biceps brachii is an important muscle of anterior compartment of arm. It shows frequent anatomic variability due to presence of supernumerary heads. Knowledge of the existence of the third head of biceps brachii is important for surgeons. Keeping this in mind a study was planned to see the incidence of additional head of biceps brachii in sample Indian population and to compare it with other racial groups.Methods: The study was carried out on 30 cadaveric upper limbs. The upper limbs were dissected and studied for the presence of additional head of biceps brachii. The attachment and nerve supply of the additional head was carefully observed, recorded and documented.Results: Out of 30 limbs which were dissected, additional head of biceps brachii was found only in two limbs. In both the cases the additional head was present only on the right side and arose from the anterior surface of humerus, superomedial to the origin of brachialis. The additional head fused with the common bulk of the muscle and was inserted into the radial tuberosity and bicipital aponeurosis. The extra heads of biceps brachii muscle received branches from musculocutaneous nerve.Conclusions: Biceps brachii is one of the commonest muscles showing variations. The additional head is not only of academic importance, but its knowledge also helps clinicians in managing fractures of humerus and nerve entrapment