288 research outputs found

    Soziale Konflikte

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    Wie entstehen Konflikte, wie verlaufen sie und unter welchen UmstĂ€nden lösen sie sich auf? Diese Fragen stehen im Mittelpunkt der EinfĂŒhrung. Dabei werden in einem ersten Teil zunĂ€chst verschiedene TheorieansĂ€tze zum sozialen Konflikt betrachtet, und zwar strukturanalytische, funktionalistische, spieltheoretische, eskalationstheoretische und schließlich systemtheoretische AnsĂ€tze. Im zweiten Teil werden einige bislang wenig bearbeitete Aspekte zur Entstehung, Eskalation und Deeskalation von Konflikten bearbeitet. Das Ergebnis ist eine EinfĂŒhrung in die Soziologie des Konflikts, die in gut lesbarer Form innovative Entwicklungen des Gebiets prĂ€sentiert

    The Applicability of Photovoice in Pseudo-total Institutions – Methodological Insights From an Exploratory Study on Physical Activity in Nursing Homes

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    Photovoice helps participants express their perspectives through photography. As a setting for Photovoice, nursing homes represent challenging, yet promising, contexts partly characterized by elements of Goffman’s concept of “total institutions” and more fully characterized as Heinzelmann’s “pseudo-total institutions.” We analyzed Photovoice’s applicability in nursing homes within the context of physical activity promotion research. Our results indicate Photovoice (1) helps overcome fear and builds trust between researchers and participants, (2) requires certain ethical considerations, (3) addresses technical alienation, (4) determines what is relevant from participants’ point of view, and (5) points out the invisibility of significant others. Further, we provide insights for (6) making Photovoice research a priority in organizational routines, (7) contextualizing photographs, and (8) adjusting for COVID19-related methodological challenges. We also discuss our insights for potential adaptations to ensure participant privacy and safety when using Photovoice in pseudo-total institutions, such as nursing homes. Photovoice reveals activity-promoting and activity-impeding factors possibly unrecognized with other research methods, as well as differences in stakeholder perspectives about physical activity

    Weiterbildung im Sport.

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    Can Sport be ‘Un-political’?

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    Sports officials often claim that sport has to be ‘un-political’. This argument is most notably made in two contexts: Firstly, when the decision of awarding Olympic Games or World Championships to nations that struggle with human right issues is justified by the IOC or other international sporting federations. Secondly, when athletes express their concern over social injustices with symbolic gestures of protest in sports-specific contexts

    Can Sport be ‘Un-political’?

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    Sports officials often claim that sport has to be ‘un-political’. This argument is most notably made in two contexts: Firstly, when the decision of awarding Olympic Games or World Championships to nations that struggle with human right issues is justified by the IOC or other international sporting federations. Secondly, when athletes express their concern over social injustices with symbolic gestures of protest in sports-specific contexts

    Theorien in Sportlehrerbildung und Sportunterricht

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    Theorien in Sportlehrerbildung und Sportunterrich

    Saving lives through life-threatening measures? The COVID-19 paradox of infection prevention in long-term care facilities [commentary].

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    The current SARS Cov-2 infection control measures have paradoxical effects. On the one hand, the lockdown measures help to protect vulnerable populations in particular. On the other hand, these measures inevitably have the effect that those who are to be protected not only become socially isolated and are exposed to enormous psychological stress, but also break down physically due to inactivity. Thus, the activation that is omitted in the lockdown is not compensated by external reference groups, which also indicates that important conditions for healthy ageing are not given in long-term care facilities

    Comparison of Habitual and Maximal Gait Speed and their Impact on Sarcopenia Quantification in German Nursing Home Residents.

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    OBJECTIVES Sarcopenia is characterized by loss of muscle strength and muscle mass. The EWGSOP2 specifications include physical functioning determination for quantification of the sarcopenia severity. However, there is a lack in the use of habitual and maximal gait speed and their influence on sarcopenia quantification. We hypothesize differences in sarcopenia quantification using habitual and maximal gait speed. METHODS Sixty-six residents from five nursing homes were examined. Habitual and maximal gait speed were measured by 4-meter-walking-Test. McNemar-Test and χ2-test were used to identify quantification differences. Effect sizes of both gait speeds were calculated with Spearman's rank-correlation-coefficient. RESULTS Significant difference was identified for twenty-two residents in physical functioning classification by McNemar-Test (p<.001). χ2-Test identified a significant frequency distribution for sarcopenia categories between both gait speeds (χ2 (df2)=11.215, p=.004; Cramer's V=.412). Significant correlations (p<.05) were only shown for maximal gait speed in variables falls in the last three months (|rs|=.326), Barthel-Index (|rs|=.415), and SARC-F (|rs|=.335). CONCLUSIONS The use of habitual and maximal gait speed has a significant impact on sarcopenia quantification in nursing home residents. An adapted standardization in the EWGSOP2 specifications should follow
