716 research outputs found


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    Objectives: To perform an extensive analysis of journals in Medicine III - CAPES, and specifically those in the areas of Otorhinolaryngology, Orthopedics and Traumatology and Chest Surgery. Method: An active search for the impact factors in the Journal Citation Reports, Scimago, their indexation in Scielo, Lilacs, Scopus and Google Scholar, and their stratification in WebQualis was done. Results: Forty-four journals with measured impact factors ranging from 3.006 to 0.128 were detected in the area of Otorhinolaryngology; however, only 26 of them (60%) had a Qualis measured by CAPES; in the stratification, no journal was detected in A1, three were A2 and nine B1. Three journals were located for Chest Surgery, with only one of them having a measured Qualis (A2) with a mean of 3.61. Sixty-seven journals were detected for Orthopedics and Traumatology, with an impact factor ranging from 4.699 to 0.156; Qualis was measured in only 38 of them (60%); there were three journal stratified as A1, seven as A2 and 25 as B1. Conclusion: The search for journals of higher impact induces authors to not publish in journals related to their area and facing more difficulties than investigators from other areas

    Reflections on a dialogic pedagogy inspired by the writings of Bakhtin: an account of the experience of two professors working together in the classroom

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    The practice of a dialogic pedagogy inspired by the writings of Bakhtin is increasingly popular in different parts of the world. This article is an account produced in the spirit of such pedagogy. Two professors (one from Brazil, the other from the United States), both members of an international dialogic pedagogy study group, write together to discuss the work they developed in partnership under this educational paradigm when teaching a course on “Diversity in secondary education” in the School of Education of the College of Education and Human Development of the University of Delaware, USA. After presenting brief introductory information on who they are, how they met and how they happened to work together, the two scholars present classroom interaction data followed by reflections on to what extent certain forms of classroom interaction they identified in the data promote or inhibit the practice of a truly Bakhtinian Dialogic Pedagogy. In other words, what the readers will find in this article is not a traditional empirical study, but a telling case of two educators learning from one another about what counts as dialogic in the classroom, while at the same time using the aforementioned course as an anchor for multiple discussions

    The role of muscle-enriched microRNAs as markers of failed myocardial reperfusion

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    PhD ThesisThe advent of primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) for the treatment of ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) has significantly reduced mortality rates in this population. However, coronary artery disease remains a leading cause of morbidity and death worldwide. This may be a consequence of inadequate myocardial reperfusion despite reestablishment of coronary artery patency following PPCI. Failed myocardial reperfusion is associated with worse prognosis but usually passes undetected, as current diagnostic methods are not routinely available. The aim of my PhD was to investigate the plasmatic kinetics of muscle-enriched micro ribonucleic acids (microRNAs) following PPCI as well as their association with cardiac damage, function and the phenomenon of failed myocardial reperfusion. Firstly, I retrospectively analysed the prognostic importance of cardiac troponins, which are established markers of myocardial injury, in a large cohort (n = 4,914) of STEMI patients treated with PPCI. Troponin levels routinely measured at 12 hours post-reperfusion were not associated with mortality, highlighting the need for identification of new prognostic markers in this population. To overcome methodological issues for microRNA quantification in plasma samples from STEMI patients, I validated an endogenous microRNA (miR-425-5p) as a control for realtime polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) data normalisation. Subsequent microRNA screening and kinetics analyses revealed that the muscle-enriched miR-1 and miR-133b are rapidly released into the circulation following PPCI, reaching an initial peak at 30min and a second peak at 90min post-PCI. The presence of a second peak seemed to be associated with a higher index of microvascular resistance, a surrogate marker of failed myocardial reperfusion. In addition, miR-1 and miR-133b levels at 30min and 90min post-PPCI were associated with microvascular obstruction measured by cardiac MRI, another parameter of unsuccessful myocardial reperfusion. Finally, miR-1 and miR-133b levels were significantly elevated in a subgroup of STEMI patients with larger infarcts and worse left ventricular function and remodelling 3 months after PPCI. These findings suggest a potential new role for muscle-enriched microRNAs as tools for early identification of failed myocardial reperfusion and prognostic stratification in STEMI patients.CAPES Foundation, Brazilian Ministry of Educatio

    Development of human affect, emotions and feelings in (and out of) work: a matter of public health and safety

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    Based on the theory of regulating activity, we present, discuss and analyze a labor and health problem which French train drivers have been facing for decades. We employ existing data available in the work of Le Guillant and Clot and take into due consideration the viewpoint of these authors, but - at the same time - we introduce complements and adjustments which we consider necessary for a deeper and more precise understanding of the problem under scrutiny. Our results relate to the dynamic development of human affect, emotions and feelings in (and out of) work. Our goal is to demonstrate that affect, emotions and feelings are inextricably bound to the dynamics of human activity, in a process of subjective development that is connected with the constant dialogic process of appropriation and (re)appropriation of tools - be they technical or semiotic - and that, for this reason, this process may involve serious issues not only of health but also of public safety.Com base na teoria da atividade reguladora, apresentamos, discutimos e analisamos um problema de trabalho e de saúde coletiva há décadas enfrentado por condutores de trem franceses. Empregamos dados transcritos existentes em obras de Le Guillant e Clot e aproveitamos o ponto de vista desses autores, mas - ao mesmo tempo - nele introduzimos complementos e ajustes que julgamos necessários para uma compreensão mais profunda e precisa do problema em questão. Nossos resultados dizem respeito à dinâmica do desenvolvimento da afetividade, das emoções e dos sentimentos humanos no (e fora do) trabalho. Nosso objetivo é mostrar que a afetividade, as emoções e os sentimentos se ligam indissoluvelmente à dinâmica da atividade humana, em um processo de desenvolvimento subjetivo que não se desvincula do constante processo dialógico de apropriação e (re)apropriação de instrumentos de trabalho - sejam eles técnicos ou semióticos - e que, por isso mesmo, pode envolver sérias questões não só de saúde coletiva, mas também de segurança pública

    Dialogic functions of repair by lexical synonymy in the process of writing and rewriting of an opinion article

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    This article presents a study that aims to identify and analyze dialogic functions of repair by lexical synonymy in the process of writing and rewriting of an opinion article. The data were collected in the Research Laboratory entitled 'Workshop of Reading, Writing and Rewriting of Opinion Articles', an activity of the Research Group UTFPR-CNPq LAD'Humano, in 2015. The opinion articles were written by first term undergraduate students of the Letters Teacher Certification Program in Portuguese-English of the Federal University of Technology of Paraná, Brazil, Pato Branco Campus. The writing of the texts was recorded by the software AutoScreen Recorder and Inputlog. The analyses are mainly based on Bakhtin, Volosinov, and Vygotsky and show that repair by lexical synonymy has the dialogic functions of addressing the target audience of the text, of textual adjustment, of giving the desired content to discourse and of acting in the process of construction of the writer's image. As "the meaning of the word is completely determined by its context" (BAKHTIN/VOLOCHÍNOV, 2014, p.109), it is the verbal and extraverbal context of a certain word choice that will contribute or not to building the meaning intended by the writer, and that is why synonymy study in the process of writing is important

    A relação entre a previdência privada com a segurança e o bem estar do cidadão

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    Orientador: Romeu TelmaMonografia (Especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização em Marketing Empresaria

    Linguística aplicada e psicologia do trabalho: a contribuição do conceito de atividade reguladora para a clínica da atividade

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    This essay is organized in four parts. In the first and second part, I present and discuss the way Yves Clot, based on one of Vygotsky’s conferences (given in 1930), enlarges and makes use of concepts developed in the language studies (specially the bakhtinian ones) in order to carry out activity studies. Afterwards, I present and explain the way I myself, following these procedures, developed the concept of regulating activity, which turns out to be a contribution to the clinic of activity. In the third and fourth part, by means of a critical reinterpretation of the data analyzed by two French researchers associated to the clinic of activity, I demonstrate the way the concept of regulating activity can productively be employed in the analysis of predominantly linguistic or non-linguistic activities.Este ensaio está organizado em quatro partes. Na primeira e na segunda, apresento e discuto o modo como Yves Clot, com base em uma conferência de Vygotsky (datada de 1930), se apropria de conceitos provenientes dos estudos da linguagem (especialmente os de linha bakhtiniana) para, ampliando-os, dar conta de estudos da atividade. Em seguida, apresento e explico, em linhas gerais, o modo como eu mesmo – seguindo esse procedimento – desenvolvi o conceito de atividade reguladora, que se constitui como uma contribuição para a clínica da atividade. Na terceira e na quarta parte, demonstro o modo como o conceito de atividade reguladora se aplica tanto à análise de atividades predominantemente linguísticas, quanto de atividades predominantemente não linguísticas por meio de uma reinterpretação crítica de dados provenientes de trabalhos realizados por dois pesquisadores franceses ligados à clínica da atividade


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    Objective: Search for references in relationship to international alumni on the website of the postgraduate programs of all postgraduate courses at RibeirĂŁo Preto Medical School - FMRP. Methods: Verify with more attention to the ones with 5, 6 and 7 notes, and also the same search on the website of courses with notes 5, 6 and 7 of CAPES - Medicine III. Results: Of the 22 programs of FMRP only three had any information on the site about the destiny of the postgraduates; they were: Surgical Clinics, Genetics, and Basic and Applied Immunology. Programs in the area of ​​Medicine III, notes 5, 6 and 7, only Ophthalmology and Visual Programs and Translational Sciences Surgery, both of UNIFESP, presented such information. Conclusion: It is urgent: to create project and funding evaluation mechanisms that are approved by different sources; to stimulate more efficient controls in relation to teachers and their students who participate in these projects; and to stimulate the interaction of teachers and students with the institution and the program

    Activité régulatrice et genres d’activité dans l’analyse du travail enseignant: le cas des visites d’entreprise

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    Les visites d´entreprise ici étudiées sont des événements éducationnels qui permettent à un enseignant et ses élèves de “Bac Pro” de visiter  un atelier ferroviaire pour voir et mettre à l’œuvre concrètement ce qu´ils n´ont étudié qu´en théorie : le processus de production d´un ensemble électromécanique appelé joint isolant collé (JIC). Au moyen de l´analyse des dialogues entre l´enseignant et le tuteur des élèves au long des événements, on a pu étudier le travail enseignant et en saisir le processus de développement des genres d´activité. Le résultat le plus significatif de notre étude est la thèse selon laquelle les genres d´activité se développent au moyen d´une activité spécifique, qualifiée de régulatrice. À partir de ce concept, il devient possible de saisir les genres d´activité dans leur mobilité développementale constante. À la fin de l´étude on s´interrogera sur l’existence d’un genre correspondant à l´activité régulatrice et en quoi il peut consister ?The technical visits studied here are educational events that consist in the going of a teacher and his students of a vocational school to a railway workshop in order to see and experiment with that which they have studied only in theory: the production process of an electromechanical set called glued insulated joint. By means of the analysis of the dialogue between the teacher and the worker who guide the students in the visits, we could study the teaching work and apprehend in it the development process of activity genres. The most significant result of our study is the thesis that activity genres develop themselves by means of a regulating activity. The employment of this concept makes it possible to apprehend the activity genres in their constant developmental mobility. We finish this study by wondering whether the regulating activity would have a corresponding genre and in what it would consist.As visitas técnicas aqui estudadas são eventos educacionais que consistem na ida de um professor e seus alunos de uma escola técnica de nível médio a uma oficina ferroviária para ver e experimentar na prática aquilo que só estudaram na teoria: o processo de produção de um conjunto eletromecânico chamado junta isolante colada (JIC). Por meio da análise do diálogo entre o professor e o tutor dos alunos ao longo dos eventos, pudemos estudar o trabalho docente e nele apreender o processo de desenvolvimento de gêneros de atividade. O resultado mais significativo de nosso estudo é a tese segundo a qual os gêneros de atividade se desenvolvem por meio de uma atividade específica, denominada reguladora. O emprego desse conceito torna possível a apreensão dos gêneros de atividade em sua mobilidade desenvolvimental constante. Ao final do estudo, questionamo-nos se haveria um gênero correspondente à atividade reguladora e em que ele consistiria
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