70 research outputs found

    Desired competences and values for police officers : how they are selected and how they develop during their early career

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    Police selection and socialisation have been studied internationally by numerous researchers from different angles. Generally these studies focused on either one or the other. With regards to police selection, different tests and instruments that are used in psychological and personality tests have been examined, whereas research on police socialisation has focused on (aspects of) police culture, ethical aspects and phases of police socialisation. The connection between the two consecutive phases of selection and socialisation has not been fundamentally studied. Gaining an insight into this matter is important however as both phases are essential in identifying, selecting and stimulating the development of police officers to be, in order for them to meet the professional profile that is put forward. This is why in the present PhD study, we focus on both phases. In this presentation the research design of our panel study will be presented, together with the results of a literature analysis concerning a number of desired competences and values that are included in the Belgian professional profiles for police officers. These competences and values are based on the pillars of community oriented policing. The survey will be conducted at three particular moments in the trajectory of police inspectors, chief inspectors and commissioners to be, based on the phases from the police socialisation as distinguished by John Van Maanen (1975)

    Physiological and behavioural effects of cigarette smoking

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    [Preface:]This thesis is based upon a general interest in the understanding and modification of cigarette smoking.A review of smoking modification methods is presented in chapter one. This review points out that although a diversity of treatment techniques have been applied to the modification of smoking behaviour, the general outcome has not been impressive. The common finding is that although almost any form of treatment induces short-term reductions or total abstinence in smoking frequency, relapse is a common phenomenon observed across treatments.One possible reason for the failure of the treatment programs to extinguish smoking frequency successfully may be related to the major underlying assumptions prevalent in the area. Smoking modification researchers have generally viewed smokers as a homogeneous group, exhibiting a common problem behaviour, which is smoking. Thus, they have tried to develop a treatment strategy that will prove to be universally effective for all smokers. This approach does not consider the differences that might exist between individuals in their motives for smoking.Research in smoking typology (chapter 2) shows that smokers give different reasons for why and when they smoke. Furthermore, the typology research points out the possibility of classifying smokers as pharmacologically addicted or non-addicted to smoking.In chapter 3, the role of nicotine in the maintenance of smoking behaviour is discussed. Although, it is of crucial importance to investigate the effects of nicotine manipulations on smoking parameters, this area of research is also dominated by the assumption that nicotine affects all smokers in the same way. Due to this view, findings on the role of nicotine for different types of smokers are very slender and at present inconclusive.Experimental studies investigating the effects of cigarette smoking on physiological, behavioural and psychophysical measures are presented in chapter 4* Most of the measures discussed in this chapter are used in the experiments of this thesis. The aim of this chapter is to link the data from the verbal self-reports of smokers on why and when they smoke to objective evidence on the effects of smoking so as to formulate a model of smoking behaviour.An analysis of these areas indicates that smokers may best be viewed as a heterogeneous group with different motives or a hierarchy of motives maintaining their smoking behaviour. This view necessitates the adoption of a differential treatment approach, by which appropriate treatment strategies can be devised to deal directly with the needs or motives of different types of smokers.However, prior to the treatment phase, it is essential to develop a reliable method of identifying types of smokers. At present the classification of types of smoking is based on self-reports of smokers to questionnaires. So, firstly the objective validity of the typology scales needs to be established.The experiments of the present thesis (chapters 5 and 6), were designed to investigate differences between pharmacologically addicted and non-addicted smokers as classified by Russell _et al's (1974) "Smoking 'typology Scale". Differential effects of smoking and deprivation on these groups, in physiological, behavioural, and psychophysical measures and in smoking topography was investigated. The major aim of these studies was to provide an understanding of pharmacological addiction in terms of the effects of smoking and of cigarette deprivation.On the basis of the findings from the two experiments of the present thesis and those reported in the literature, a modification of the concept of pharmacological addiction is proposed and its implications for a differential treatment approach to smoking is discussed in chapter 7


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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada lima buah SDyaituSD InpresUNHALU, SDKuncup Pertiwi, SDNegeri I Kendari yang selanjutnya ketiga SDitu dalam penelitian ini dikategorikan sebagai SD perkotaan, sedangkan SDKecil Negeri Bungin, dan SD Negeri Saponda dikategorikan sebagai SD pesisir pantai. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan pertumbuhan fisik, kebugaran jasmani dan keterampilan gerak dasar anak-anak SD pesisir pantai dan anak-anak SD kota di kabupaten Kendari ditinjau dari lingkungan fisik dan sosial budaya yang berbeda. Populasi 1919 orang yaitu 1714 dari SDperkotaan, 205 orang dari SD pesisir pantai. Dari jumlah populasi diambil sampel 12 %= 410orang. Caramenentukan sampel untuk SD perkotaan ditempuh dengan teknik sampel acak sederhana yaitu semua sampel diambil dengan cara lotre dari kelas satusampai dengan kelas enam. Sedangkan SD pesisir pantai diambil secara total, karena kedua SD tersebut masing-masing mewakili beberapa SD yang ada di sekitarnya yaitu SD Kecil Negeri Bungin mewakili beberapa SD yang sama di pantai barat Kecamatan Tinanggea, dan SD Negeri Saponda mewakili beberapa SDyang sama disekitar pantai utara Kotamadya Kendari. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kausal komparatif yang bersifat expost facto. Yang diteliti adalah. (1). Pertumbuhan Fisik meliputi pengukuran tinggi dan berat badan serta antropometrik tubuh yaitu lingkar lengan atas, lengan bawah, pergelangan tangan, dada, perut, pinggul, pangkal paha, lutut ,dan betis. (2) Kebugaran Jasmani yaitu lari cepat, pull up, sit up, vertical jump, dan lari jauh 600 meter.(3). Keterampilan gerak dasar yaitu (a) gerak dasar berpindah tempat yang diukur adalah (1) lari ulang-alik (shuttle run) dan (2) loncat jauh tanpa awalan (standing longjump).(b) gerak dasar di tempatyang diukur adalah (1) kelentukkan togok ke depan dan (2) keseimbangan badan berdin satu kaki (keseimbangan statis), (c) gerak dasar manipulasi yang diukur adalah (1) memasukkan kelereng ke dalam keranjang, dan (2) menangkap bola tenis yang dilambungkan secara parabola. Data yangterkumpul kemudian diolah dengan teknik statistik deskriptif dan statistik inferensial melalui komputerpada program SPSS 6.0 dan 7.5 for Windows. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan fisik, kebugaran jasmani, dan keterampilan gerak dasar anak-anak SD pesisir pantai lebih baik dibanding dengan anak-anak SDkota di kabupaten Kendari ditinjau dari lingkungan fisik dan lingkungan sosial budaya yangberbeda

    Next Generation Sequencing as Rapid Diagnosis of Multidrug Resistance Tuberculosis

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    Multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is a threat to global health. In 2018, TB related death was estimated to be more than 1.5 million cases worldwide. Conventional diagnostic method, which requires a long time to get a result, causes delays in new cases discoveries that lead to delayed therapy. Further, delayed and inadequate therapy causes an increase in the level of resistance to anti-TB drugs that may lead to death. Therefore, diagnostic tools, which can detect quickly and accurately, are highly needed. Early and timely detection is crucial for globally effective TB control, but this is not popular in developing countries, especially in Asia. Therefore, the objective of this review is to provide current information on the use of NGS as a rapid diagnostic tool for MDR-TB, especially in Asian populations, and to highlight the various MDR genes.Keywords: Next Generation sequencing; Multi-Drug Resistance; Tuberculosis; Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Rapid diagnosi

    Self-supervised OCT Image Denoising with Slice-to-Slice Registration and Reconstruction

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    Strong speckle noise is inherent to optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging and represents a significant obstacle for accurate quantitative analysis of retinal structures which is key for advances in clinical diagnosis and monitoring of disease. Learning-based self-supervised methods for structure-preserving noise reduction have demonstrated superior performance over traditional methods but face unique challenges in OCT imaging. The high correlation of voxels generated by coherent A-scan beams undermines the efficacy of self-supervised learning methods as it violates the assumption of independent pixel noise. We conduct experiments demonstrating limitations of existing models due to this independence assumption. We then introduce a new end-to-end self-supervised learning framework specifically tailored for OCT image denoising, integrating slice-by-slice training and registration modules into one network. An extensive ablation study is conducted for the proposed approach. Comparison to previously published self-supervised denoising models demonstrates improved performance of the proposed framework, potentially serving as a preprocessing step towards superior segmentation performance and quantitative analysis.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, submitted to International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 202
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