1,472 research outputs found

    One dimensional M5-brane intersections

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    We study one dimensional intersections of M5 branes with M5 and M2 branes. On the worldvolume of the M5-brane, such an intersection appears as a string soliton. We study this worldvolume theory in two different regimes: 1) Where the worldvolume theory is formulated in flat space and 2) where the worldvolume theory is studied in the supergravity background produced by a stack of M5 (or M2) branes. In both cases, we study the corresponding string solitons, and find the most general BPS configuration consistent with the fraction of supersymmetries preserved. We argue that M5 and M2 brane intersections leave different imprints on the worldvolume theory of the intersecting probe brane, although geometrically they appear to be similar.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, references adde

    “God Told Me to Kill”: Religion or Delusion?

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    This Article explores how, in assessing the motivation of those who kill because they believe they were directed by God to do so, society distinguishes religious-based decisions from delusional decisions that result from mental disorder. Part II discusses how religion is defined in our society, and Part III considers the extent to which religious conduct, as opposed to religious belief, is protected from governmental intrusion

    Pengaruh Berbagai Jenis Bokhasi terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Bayam Giti Hijau

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    This study aims to determine the effect of various types of bokashi on growth and yield of spinach green giti. The study used Randomized Block Design with three replications. The treatments were several doses bokashi consisting of five levels i.e.: control, bokashi leaves of Gliricidia 40 t/ha, bokashi leaves johar 40 t/ha, bokashi leaves lamtoro 40 t/ha, and bokashi goat manure 40 t/ha. Each treatment were consists of three replicates so that there are 3 x 5 = 15 experimental units. Processing research data conducted by using ANOVA subsequent treatment effect was tested further by the least significant difference test. The results showed that the provision of various types of bokashi not significantly affect the number of leaves, plant height, stem diameter, leaf area, but the real impact on plant fresh weight

    Competency to Stand Trial on Trial

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    This Article considers the legal standards for the determination of competency to stand trial, and whether those standards are understood and applied by psychiatrists and psychologists in the forensic evaluations they perform and in the judgments they make–judgments that are routinely accepted by trial courts as their own judgments. The Article traces the historical development of the competency construct and the development of two competency standards. One standard, used today in eight states that contain 25% of the population of the United States, requires that the defendant be able to assist counsel in the conduct of a defense “in a rational manner.” The second, adopted by the Supreme Court in Dusky v. United States, 362 U.S. 402 (1960) as the Court’s interpretation of the federal competency statute, requires that the defendant have an ability to consult with counsel with a reasonable degree of “rational understanding.” The “rational manner” standard seemingly focuses on the defendant’s behavior; the “rational understanding” standard seemingly focuses on the defendant’s thinking. The Article reports on a survey we conducted of 273 forensic psychiatrists and psychologists who were asked to read two case study vignettes and assess the competency of each criminal defendant using the “rational manner” standard, the “rational understanding” standard, and the federal statutory standard that merely requires that the defendant be able to “assist properly” in his or her defense. In one vignette, the defendant’s thinking was irrational but his behavior was rational. In the other, the defendant’s thinking was rational, but her behavior was irrational. In responding to both vignettes, more than three-fourths of all respondents either found the defendant competent under all three standards or incompetent under all three standards. Surprisingly, in answering the first vignette, the respondents divided almost equally in deciding whether the defendant was competent. The Article analyzes the results of the study and concludes with specific proposals to improve competency to stand trial assessments. Fairness to the defendant requires that the competency standard be clearly defined and applied by those who assess and determine competency

    Tehnik Pembagian Warisan terhadap Anak Bungsu Perempuan dalam Masyarakat Kemukiman Lamblang Kec. Kuta Baro Kab. Aceh Besar menurut Hukum Islam

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    Hukum kewarisan Islam menempatkan pihak-pihak yang menjadi ahli waris mendapatkan harta waris berdasarkan asas keseimbangan. Islam tidak menetapkan adanya perbedaan antara anak kecil dan besar, melainkan keduanya mendapatkan bagian sebagaimana telah ditetapkan. Penelitian ini secara khusus meneliti tentang pembagian warisan bagi anak perempuan bungsu di Kemukiman Lamblang, Kecamatan Kuta Baro Aceh Besar. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui praktek pembagian warisannya dan mengetahui pandangan hukum Islam terhadap tehnik pembagian warisan tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan studi kasus (case study). Data-data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan metode deskriptif-analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktek pembagian warisan terhadap anak perempuan bungsu telah dilakukan sejak dahulu, yaitu dengan memberikan hak waris yang lebih besar dari ahli waris lainnya. Adapun harta waris yang biasa diterima oleh anak perempuan bungsu adalah rumah. Praktek pembagian warisan ada 6 (enam) kasus. Tehnik pembagian warisan terhadap anak bungsu perempuan tidak bertentangan dengan hukum Islam, yaitu dilakukan dengan dua tahapan umum. Pertama harta waris dalam sebuah keluarga sebelumnya telah ditentukan bagiannya masing-masing, dan bagian tersebut baru dapat diambil ketika telah terjadi kematian orang tua. Kedua yaitu setelah kematian orang tua, ahli waris melakukan musyawarah kembali dalam membagikan harta yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya. Dalam Islam, yang harus dipenuhi adalah rasa keadilan masing-masing ahli waris, serta pembagiannyapun dilakukan setelah pewaris meninggal dunia. Ulama dan Tokoh Adat Kemukiman Lamblang memandang pembagian warisan terhadap anak perempuan bungsu melalui asas musyawarah telah memenuhi rasa keadilan pada masing-masing keluarga yang bersangkutan

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Kolase Biji Kalpataru terhadap Perkembangan Motorik Halus Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Di Galung Langie Desa Pesse Kabupaten Soppeng

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Perkembangan motorik halus anak usia 4-5 tahun sebelum menggunakan kolase biji kalpataru di Galung Langie Desa Pesse Kabupaten Soppeng dikatakan masih belum berkembang, dapat dilihat dari nilai terendah yang didapatkan adalah .7 dengan nilai 29,2 dan nilai tertinggi adalah 12 dengan nilai 50. (2) Perkembangan motorik halus anak usia 4-5 tahun setelah menggunakan kolase biji kalpataru di Galung Langie Desa Pesse Kabupaten Soppeng terdapat perubahan dan meningkat setelah diterapkannya penggunaan kolase biji kalpataru, hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari nilai terendah yang didapatkan adalah 17 dengan nilai 70,8 dan nilai tertinggi adalah 23 dengan nilai 95,8. (3) Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari penggunaan kolase biji kalpataru terhadap perkembangan motorik halus anak usia 4-5 tahun di Galung Langie Desa Pesse Kabupaten Soppeng yang dapat dilihat pada saat sebelum diberikan perlakuan nilai yang diperoleh oleh AN 10 dengan nilai 41,7 dan setelah diberikan perlakuan menjadi 21 dengan nilai 87,5, ZN mendapatkan 11 dengan nilai 45,8 menjadi 23 dengan nilai 95,8, AA memperoleh 12 dengan nilai 50 menjadi 22 dengan nilai 91,7, MT mendapatkan 7 dengan nilai 29,2 menjadi 17 dengan nilai 70,8, AR mendapatkan 8 dengan nilai 33,3 menjadi 20 dengan nilai 83,3 dan MM memperoleh 9 dengan nilai 37,5 menjadi 20 dengan nilai 83,3. Oleh karena itu, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari penggunaan media kolase berbasis biji kalpataru terhadap perkembangan motorik halus anak usia 4-5 tahun


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    The aim of this study was to determine the density, species composition and community structure of makrozoobentos on seagrass areas and its relationship with the percent cover of seagrass in Pulau Bonebatang, Makassar. Data collection on seagrass and makrozoobentos was performed on the same transect (size 1 m2) with 3 replications. Sampling was done on each transect systematically with 20 m distance each other along the line perpendicular to the shore starting from unvegetated area up to the coral area where no more seagrass. Sampling was conducted on four stations (north, south, east and west) of the island based on the presence of seagrass. Percent cover of seagrass and seagrass species observed in each transect were noted. Makrozoobentos obtained were identified to the taxonomic level possible. The study found as many as six seagrass species which were scattered in every station, namely, Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Halodule uninervis, Halophila ovalis, Syringodium isoetifolium and Cymodocea rotundata, with the percentage of seagrass cover on the island ranged from 50.5 to 74.5 % and classified in good condition. It was found as many as 133 species of macrozoobenthos spread over station consisting of 91 species of gastropods, 22 species of bivalves, 2 species of asteroids, three species of echinoids, 4 species of crustaceans, 8 species of polychaetes, and 3 species of sipunculids. Makrozoobentos highest density was found in the station which has six different seagrass species in which T. hemprichii, C. rotundata, H. ovalis and E. acoroides possess the largest seagrass species composition. The results of correlation analysis showed no relationship between density and number of species of makrozoobentos with the percent cover of seagrass
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