570 research outputs found

    Microbiological Diagnosis for Periodontal Diseases

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    Extraskeletal Osteochondroma Arising on the Plantar Region

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    Extraskeletal osteochondroma is a variant of extraskeletal chondromas that are uncommon soft-tissue cartilaginous tumors. These tumors may undergo extensive enchondral ossification to form an extraskeletal osteochondroma. This report describes the case of a 39-year-old Japanese man with an extraskeletal osteochondroma arising on the plantar aspect of the foot

    Mating experiences with the same partner enhanced mating activities of naive male medaka fish

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    Mating experience shapes male mating behavior across species, from insects, fish, and birds, to rodents. Here, we investigated the effect of multiple mating experiences on male mating behavior in "naive" (defined as sexually inexperienced) male medaka fish. The latency to mate with the same female partner significantly decreased after the second encounter, whereas when the partner was changed, the latency to mate was not decreased. These findings suggest that mating experiences enhanced the mating activity of naive males for the familiar female, but not for an unfamiliar female. In contrast, the mating experiences of "experienced" (defined as those having mated > 7 times) males with the same partner did not influence their latency to mate. Furthermore, we identified 10 highly and differentially expressed genes in the brains of the naive males after the mating experience and revealed 3 genes that are required for a functional cascade of the thyroid hormone system. Together, these findings suggest that the mating experience of naive male medaka fish influences their mating behaviors, with neural changes triggered by thyroid hormone activation in the brain

    Primary cutaneous signet ring cell carcinoma expressing cytokeratin 20 immunoreactivity

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    Primary cutaneous signet ring cell carcinoma (PCSRCC) is a very unusual but distinctive clinicopathologic entity that can simulate metastatic adenocarcinomas. It is defined as a diffuse malignant epithelial neoplasia localized in the dermis and subcutis without epidermal involvement, showing variable amounts of signet ring cells, without evidence of visceral adenocarcinoma. We present 2 cases of PCSRCC, which involved eyelids and axilla respectively. Despite thorough systemic workup, primary sources could not be demonstrated in either case. The tumor cells are positive for gross cystic disease fluid protein 15 in addition to a variety of glandular markers. Furthermore, both cases were immunostained with cytokeratin 20 (CK20). In conclusion, we report 2 cases of PCSRCC expressing CK20 immunoreactivity. CK20-positive primary cutaneous tumors should include PCSRCC in addition to Merkel cell carcinoma

    Temporal activation of anti- and pro-apoptotic factors in human gingival fibroblasts infected with the periodontal pathogen, Porphyromonas gingivalis: potential role of bacterial proteases in host signalling

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    BACKGROUND: Porphyromonas gingivalis is the foremost oral pathogen of adult periodontitis in humans. However, the mechanisms of bacterial invasion and the resultant destruction of the gingival tissue remain largely undefined. RESULTS: We report host-P. gingivalis interactions in primary human gingival fibroblast (HGF) cells. Quantitative immunostaining revealed the need for a high multiplicity of infection for optimal infection. Early in infection (2–12 h), P. gingivalis activated the proinflammatory transcription factor NF-kappa B, partly via the PI3 kinase/AKT pathway. This was accompanied by the induction of cellular anti-apoptotic genes, including Bfl-1, Boo, Bcl-XL, Bcl2, Mcl-1, Bcl-w and Survivin. Late in infection (24–36 h) the anti-apoptotic genes largely shut down and the pro-apoptotic genes, including Nip3, Hrk, Bak, Bik, Bok, Bax, Bad, Bim and Moap-1, were activated. Apoptosis was characterized by nuclear DNA degradation and activation of caspases-3, -6, -7 and -9 via the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway. Use of inhibitors revealed an anti-apoptotic function of NF-kappa B and PI3 kinase in P. gingivalis-infected HGF cells. Use of a triple protease mutant P. gingivalis lacking three major gingipains (rgpA rgpB kgp) suggested a role of some or all these proteases in myriad aspects of bacteria-gingival interaction. CONCLUSION: The pathology of the gingival fibroblast in P. gingivalis infection is affected by a temporal shift from cellular survival response to apoptosis, regulated by a number of anti- and pro-apoptotic molecules. The gingipain group of proteases affects bacteria-host interactions and may directly promote apoptosis by intracellular proteolytic activation of caspase-3

    Rippled-pattern sebaceoma : A report of a lesion on the back with a review of the literature

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    A 68-year-old Japanese man presented with a nodule that had been present for 5 to 6 years on the right side of the back. Physical examination revealed a dome-shaped, 12 X 13-mm, dark red nodule. It was excised with a 2 to 3-mm margin. The patient remained free of disease during 77 months of follow-up. Microscopic examination revealed a bulb-like tumor in the dermis, contiguous with the overlying epidermis. It was composed of small, monomorphous, cigar-shaped basaloid cells in linear, parallel rows, resembling the palisading of nuclei of Verocay bodies, and presenting a rippled-pattern. There were scattered cells showing sebaceous differentiation with vacuolated cytoplasm and scalloped nuclei. There were tiny, duct-like spaces. The tumor revealed characteristics of rippled-pattem sebaceoma. The present case is the first reported rippled-pattern sebaceous neoplasm on the back. Many spindle cell tumors, such as basal cell carcinoma, pleomorphic adenoma, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, myofibroblastoma, and leiomyoblastoma, in addition to trichoblastoma and sebaceoma, can have a rippled-pattern

    Inspiração fitness, imagem corporal e comportamento sedentário em universitários da UFPR

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    Orientadora: Lucélia Justino BorgesMonografia (Bacharelado) – Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Biológicas. Curso de Educação Física

    Projeto Espaço da Mamãe Universitária: espaço-tempo de Educação da primeira infância, lócus de Ação Socioeducativa e Pedagogia Social

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    A universidade do terceiro milênio mais do que nunca está comprometida com a alteridade, com a educação plena e a formação humana, com a materialização dos vários processos de inclusão de pessoas que, em algum momento necessitam serem olhadas, cuidadas e educadas de tal forma que as instituições se adequem ás suas demandas. Neste tocante da dimensão socioeducativa da universidade, alinhado a sua missão de ensino, pesquisa e extensão, localiza-se o Projeto Espaço da Mamãe Universitária (PEMU), o qual tem por público alvo mães da comunidade universitária, crianças pequenas e acadêmicos em formação. O PEMU será o foco explorado neste artigo, buscando evidenciar suas minúcias e disposição formativa e educativa do público-alvo beneficiário da ação. O exposto no decurso do artigo evidencia que a Universidade Estadual do Paraná, Campus de União da Vitória, é uma instituição alinhada as demandas humanas e aos pressupostos socioeducativos do século XXI, bem como o curso de Pedagogia deste campus, há mais de quinze anos cumpre o designo da formação polivalente de seus profissionais, tendo em vista a formação para docência, gestão educacional e contextos socioeducativos diversos, numa ação integrativa e formativa da profissionalidade do pedagogo