327 research outputs found

    LSDA+U approximation-based analysis of the electronic estructure of CeFeGe3

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    We perform ab initio electronic structure calculations of the intermetallic compound CeFeGe3 by means of the Tight Binding Linear Muffin-Tin Orbitals-Atomic Sphere Approximation (TB-LMTO-ASA) within the Local Spin Density Approximation containing the so-called Hubbard correction term (LSDA+U^SIC), using the Sttutgart's TB (Tight Binding)-LMTO-ASA code in the framework of the Density Funcional Theory (DFT).Comment: 12 pages 8 figures, submitted to Int. J. Modern Phys.


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    Kebersihan kandang ayam sangat mempengaruhi ayam dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Para peternak harus selalu mengecek dan menjaga kebersihan kandang tersebut karena kalau tidak dibersihkan akan menimbulkan gas amonia. Gas amonia tidak bisa dilihat oleh mata langsung, tetapi memiliki dampak yang sangat buruk pada ayam. Dampak yang terjadi pada hewan yaitu terjadinya kerusakan pada saluran pernapasan ayam, kerusakan pada membran mata, pertumbuhan dan turunnya produksi telur pada ayam. Pada proyek akhir kali ini dibuat prototipe smart cage kandang cerdas yang memiliki modul automatisasi dengan menggunakan penjadwalan Real Time Clock (RTC). Kandang ayam ini dapat membersihkan kandang secara otomatis berbasis mikrokontoler dengan menggunakan conveyor berjalan yang dapat mempermudah dalam membersihkan kotoran ayam di dalam ruangan kandang dan untuk meratakan kotoran ayam yang jatuh di atas wiper agar tidak menumpuk menggunakan wiper. Pada pengujian, sistem berjalan dengan baik. Hal ini dapat di tunjukan bahwa sistem conveyor dan wiper dapat berjalan secara otomatis setiap penjadwalan yang sudah diatur dan conveyor dapat berhenti secara otomatis dengan mengatur durasi berputarnya setengah conveyor selama 14 detik dan mengatur kecepatan Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) yang berkisar antara 120- 150 agar abu yang ada di atas conveyor dapat rata dengan sempurna. Kata kunci : mikrokontroler, conveyor, Real Time Clock (RTC), Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), Gas Amonia

    Evaluating methodological quality of Prognostic models Including Patient-reported HeAlth outcomes in oncologY (EPIPHANY): A systematic review protocol

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    Introduction While there is mounting evidence of the independent prognostic value of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) for overall survival (OS) in patients with cancer, it is known that the conduct of these studies may hold a number of methodological challenges. The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate the quality of published studies in this research area, in order to identify methodological and statistical issues deserving special attention and to also possibly provide evidence-based recommendations. Methods and analysis An electronic search strategy will be performed in PubMed to identify studies developing or validating a prognostic model which includes PROs as predictors. Two reviewers will independently be involved in data collection using a predefined and standardised data extraction form including information related to study characteristics, PROs measures used and multivariable prognostic models. Studies selection will be reported following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines, with data extraction form using fields from the Critical Appraisal and Data Extraction for Systematic Reviews of Prediction Modelling Studies (CHARMS) checklist for multivariable models. Methodological quality assessment will also be performed and will be based on prespecified domains of the CHARMS checklist. As a substantial heterogeneity of included studies is expected, a narrative evidence synthesis will also be provided. Ethics and dissemination Given that this systematic review will use only published data, ethical permissions will not be required. Findings from this review will be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and presented at major international conferences. We anticipate that this review will contribute to identify key areas of improvement for conducting and reporting prognostic factor analyses with PROs in oncology and will lay the groundwork for developing future evidence-based recommendations in this area of research. Prospero registration number CRD42018099160

    AC Loss and Thickness Dependence of Critical Currents in Coated Conductors

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    This program of research is directed toward understanding the physical properties of certain materials in superconductive “coated conductors.” Specifically investigated were Ni1−xWx alloys for use as substrate and thin films of YBa 2Cu3O7, a high- Tc superconductor with many attractive features. A study has been conducted on the magnetic properties of a series of biaxially textured Ni1−xWx materials with compositions x = 0, 3, 5, 6, and 9 at.% W. These materials are important as substrates for “RABiTS”-type coated conductors that incorporate high temperature superconductors for current transport. The quasi-static dc and ac hysteretic loss W was determined to support estimates of the ferromagnetic contribution to the overall ac loss in potential ac applications. The alloys were prepared by either vacuum casting or powder metallurgy methods, and the hysteretic loss tended to be lower in materials that were recrystallized at higher temperatures. Some samples were progressively deformed to simulate winding operations; this increased the hysteretic loss, as did sample cutting operations that create localized damage. In ac magnetization measurements, the effects of ac frequency and dc bias field on the ferromagnetic loss were determined. Furthermore, in order to better understand the complex problem of vortex pinning and the identification of defects that support the critical current density Jc in these “RABiTS”-type coated conductors, we have made magnetometric studies of the Jc flowing in thin YBa2Cu3O7−d (YBCO) films of various thicknesses d, both as a function of applied field and temperature T. The films, grown by a BaF2 ex - situ process and deposited on buffered“RABiTS” substrates of Ni-5%W, have thicknesses d ranging from 28 nm to1.5ÎŒm. Isothermal magnetization loops M(H; T) and remanent magnetization Mrem(T) in zero applied field H = 0, were measured with H c-axis (i.e., normal to film plane). The Jc(d) values, which were obtained from a modified critical state model, increase with thickness, peak near a particular thickness, and thereafter decrease as the films get thicker. For a wide range of temperatures and intermediate fields, we find a power law falloff Jc ∝ H−ÎČ with ÎČ âˆŒ (0.56 - 0.69) for all materials. This feature compares well with the power-law exponent ÎČ = 5/8 obtained theoretically by Ovchinnikov and Ivlev for pinning by large random defects, as are observed by TEM. Comparison of the theoretical predictions with experimental Jc(H, T, d) yields a mostly consistent picture, using values for the size and density of defects that are comparable with those deduced from TEM images. Finally, for higher temperatures approaching the irreversibility line, we find J(T, sf) ∝ (1 − T/Tc)n with n ∌ 1.1 - 1.3. This points to “ήTc inning” (pinning that suppresses Tc locally) in all of these YBCO materials, as expected for the observed large, non-superconducting defects

    Analyse longitudinale de la qualité de vie relative à la santé en cancérologie

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    Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) has become one of the major objectives of oncology clinical trials to ensure the clinical benefit of new treatment strategies for the patient. However, the results of HRQoL data remain poorly used in clinical practice due to the subjective and dynamic nature of HRQoL. Moreover, statistical methods for its longitudinal analysis hĂąve to take into account the occurrence of missing data and the potential Response Shift effect reflecting patient’s adaptation of the disease and treatment toxicities. Finally, these methods should also propose some results easy understandable for clinicians.In this context, this work aimed to review these limiting factors and to propose some suitable methods for a robust interprĂ©tation of longitudinal HRQoL data. This work is focused on both the Time to HRQoL score dĂ©tĂ©rioration (TTD) as a modality of longitudinal analysis and the characterization of the occurrence of the Response Shift effect.This work has resulted in the crĂ©ation of an R package for the longitudinal HRQoL analysis according to the TTD with an easy to use interface. Some recommendations were proposed on the dĂ©finitions of the TTD to apply according to the therapeutic settings and the potential occurrence of the Response Shift effect. This attractive method was applied in two early stage I and II trials. The inverse probability weighting method of the propensity score was investigated in conjunction with the TTD method to take into account the occurrence of missing data depending on patients’ characteristics. A comparison between three statistical approaches for the longitudinal analysis showed the performance of the linear mixed model and allows to give some recommendations for the longitudinal analysis according to the study design. This study also highlighted the impact of the occurrence of informative missing data on the longitudinal statistical methods. Factor analyses and Item Response Theory models showed their ability to characterize the occurrence of the Response Shift in conjunction with the Then- test method. Finally, although the structural Ă©quations modeling are often used to characterize this effect on the SF-36 generic questionnaire, they seem not appropriated to the particular structure of the HRQoL cancer spĂ©cifie questionnaires of the European Organization of Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) HRQoL groupLa qualitĂ© de vie relative Ă  la santĂ© (QdV) est dĂ©sormais un des objectifs majeurs des essais cliniques en cancĂ©rologie pour pouvoir s’assurer du bĂ©nĂ©fice clinique de nouvelles stratĂ©gies thĂ©rapeutiques pour le patient. Cependant, les rĂ©sultats des donnĂ©es de QdV restent encore peu pris en compte en pratique clinique en raison de la nature subjective et dynamique de la QdV. De plus, les mĂ©thodes statistiques pour son analyse longitudinale doivent ĂȘtre capables de tenir compte de l’occurrence des donnĂ©es manquantes et d’un potentiel effet Response Shift reflĂ©tant l’adaptation du patient vis-Ă -vis de la maladie et de la toxicitĂ© du traitement. Ces mĂ©thodes doivent enfin proposer des rĂ©sultats facilement comprĂ©hensibles par les cliniciens.Dans cette optique, les objectifs de ce travail ont Ă©tĂ© de faire le point sur ces facteurs limitants et de proposer des mĂ©thodes adĂ©quates pour une interprĂ©tation robuste des donnĂ©es de QdV longitudinales. Ces travaux sont centrĂ©s sur la mĂ©thode du temps jusqu’à dĂ©tĂ©rioration d’un score de QdV (TJD), en tant que modalitĂ© d’analyse longitudinale, ainsi que sur la caractĂ©risation de l’occurrence de l’effet Response Shift.Les travaux menĂ©s ont donnĂ© lieu Ă  la crĂ©ation d’un package R pour l’analyse longitudinale de la QdV selon la mĂ©thode du TJD avec une interface facile d’utilisation. Certaines recommandations ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©es sur les dĂ©finitions de TJD Ă  appliquer selon les situations thĂ©rapeutiques et l’occurrence ou non d’un effet Response Shift. Cette mĂ©thode attractive pour les cliniciens a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e dans le cadre de deux essais de phase prĂ©coces I et IL La mĂ©thode de pondĂ©ration par probabilitĂ© inversĂ©e du score de propension a Ă©tĂ© investiguĂ©e conjointement avec la mĂ©thode du TJD afin de tenir compte de l’occurrence de donnĂ©es manquantes dĂ©pendant des caractĂ©ristiques des patients. Une comparaison de trois approches statistiques pour l’analyse longitudinale a montrĂ© la performance du modĂšle linĂ©aire mixte et permet de donner quelques recommandations pour l’analyse longitudinale selon le design de l’étude. Cette Ă©tude a Ă©galement montrĂ© l’impact de l’occurrence de donnĂ©es manquantes informatives sur les mĂ©thodes d’analyse longitudinale. Des analyses factorielles et modĂšles issus de la thĂ©orie de rĂ©ponse Ă  l’item ont montrĂ© leur capacitĂ© Ă  caractĂ©riser la Response Shift conjointement avec la mĂ©thode Then-test. Enfin, bien que les modĂšles Ă  Ă©quation structurelles soient rĂ©guliĂšrement appliquĂ©s pour caractĂ©riser cet effet sur le questionnaire de QdV gĂ©nĂ©rique SF-36, ils semblent peu adaptĂ©s Ă  la structure des questionnaires spĂ©cifiques du cancer du groupe « European Organization of Research and Treatment of Cancer » (EORT

    Refugee policies, programs and research in Somalia, Ethiopia and Tanzania : a review

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    QoLR: An R Package for the Longitudinal Analysis of Health-Related Quality of Life in Oncology

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    Health-related quality of life has become increasingly important in clinical trials over the past two decades. The R package QoLR is a recently developed package for the longitudinal analysis of health-related quality of life in oncology. This package contains the scoring of most of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer quality of life questionnaires and some programs to analyze the time to a health-related quality of life score deterioration as a modality of longitudinal analysis in oncology

    Anålisis del mecanismo de muerte celular inducido por nanopartículas de oro recubiertas con quitosano en células leucémicas K562 y CEM: implicación de las especies reactivas de oxígeno.

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    La leucemia es un serio problema de salud a nivel mundial. Actualmente, las terapias convencionales afectan a cĂ©lulas normales causando resistencia al tratamiento; por lo tanto, es necesario el desarrollo de nuevas terapias que puedan ser especĂ­ficas para las cĂ©lulas cancerosas y evitar la resistencia a la muerte celular por la inducciĂłn simultĂĄnea de diversas vĂ­as de muerte. Estudios recientes demuestran que tanto las nanopartĂ­culas de oro (AuNPs) como el quitosano tienen actividades biolĂłgicas interesantes que incluyen posibles efectos antitumorales. En este estudio, se analizĂł el mecanismo de muerte celular regulada (MCR), que inducen las nanopartĂ­culas de oro recubiertas con quitosano (AuNPs-Qts) en cĂ©lulas leucĂ©micas (K562 y CEM). Para ello, se sintetizaron AuNPs-Qts por el mĂ©todo de Turkevich. La muerte celular se evaluĂł por citometrĂ­a de flujo, midiendo la exposiciĂłn de fosfatidilserina y la permeabilidad de la membrana plasmĂĄtica en cĂ©lulas leucĂ©micas y cĂ©lulas mononucleares de sangre perifĂ©rica (PBMC), como control sano no tumoral. La generaciĂłn de ROS se midiĂł utilizando DCFDA y en presencia del antioxidante N-acetilcisteĂ­na (NAC) como un inhibidor de ROS. Para analizar el daño mitocondrial se midiĂł la pĂ©rdida del potencial de membrana mitocondrial mediante TMRE y el daño nuclear mediante el estudio de ϒ-H2AX, p53 y el anĂĄlisis del ciclo celular. Para evaluar el efecto de las ROS en diferentes mecanismos de MCR, primero se analizĂł la formaciĂłn de autofagosomas y se utilizĂł la spautina-1 para analizar la dependencia de autofagia; la activaciĂłn de la caspasa efectora 3 y el Q-VD-OPH para analizar la dependencia de la apoptosis; y a la necrostatina-1 para analizar la dependencia de necroptosis. Los resultados obtenidos indican que las AuNPs-Qts inducen MCR dependiente de concentraciĂłn en cĂ©lulas leucĂ©micas, mientras que muestran baja toxicidad en PBMC. AdemĂĄs, inducen la producciĂłn de ROS que generan daño mitocondrial y nuclear; induciendo MCR dependiente de ROS. Finalmente, los resultados demuestran que la MCR inducida por AuNPs-Qts en lĂ­neas celulares leucĂ©micas es dependiente de la lĂ­nea celular; induciendo apoptosis en cĂ©lulas CEM y necroptosis en cĂ©lulas K562. Estos resultados abren las puertas a prĂłximos estudios que permitan probar su efectividad in vivo, ademĂĄs de la posibilidad de acoplar a las AuNPs-Qts con agentes que permitan abarcar mĂĄs tipos de MCR, evitando asĂ­ la resistencia de las cĂ©lulas cancerosas al tratamiento. ABSTRACT Leukemia represent a serious health problem around the world. Currently, the available treatments present the disadvantages of affecting normal cells, and promoting treatment resistance. Therefore, the development of new therapies that can be specific to cancer cells and capable to avoid cell death resistance is needed. Recent studies show that both gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and chitosan have interesting biological activities including potential antitumor effects. For this thesis, I synthetized chitosan-capped gold nanoparticles (AuNPs-Qts) by a chemical method (Turkevich), and analyzed their capacity to induce cell death in leukemic (K562 and CEM) and non-cancerous cells (PBMC). Cell death was measurement by the analysis of phosphatidylserine exposure, and plasma membrane permeabilization. ROS generation was measured using DCFDA and the antioxidant N-Acetyl Cystein (NAC) as a ROS inhibitor. Mitochondrial and nuclear damage were measured using TMRE and ϒ-H2AX, p53 and the cell cycle, respectively. Finally, to evaluate the effect of ROS in different mechanisms of regulated cell death, the role of autophagy, apoptosis and necroptosis was measured using spautin-1, Q-VD-OPH and necrostatin-1,respectively. Results show that AuNPs- Qts are cytotoxic in a dose-dependent manner in leukemia cells lines, while they showed low toxicity on PBMC. Additionally, they induced ROS production, which generated mitochondrial and nuclear damage and ROS dependent cell death. Finally, the results also show that cell death induced by AuNPs-Qts is dependent in the type of leukemic cell line, as they induce apoptosis in CEM and necroptosis in K562. These results open the doors to future studies to test efficiency in vivo, in addition to the possibility of coupling the AuNPs-Qts with other agents aiming at the simultaneous activation of different cell death pathways to overcome cell death resistance
