53 research outputs found

    Pemolaan Komunikasi Tradisi Upacara Adat Pernikahan Masyarakat Melayu Kampar (Studi Etnografi Komunikasi pada Tradisi Upacara Adat Pernikahan Masyarakat Melayu Kampar di Desa Muara Mahat Baru Kecamatan Tapung Kabupaten Kampar Provinsi Riau

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    Tradition wedding ceremonies Kampar Malay community in the village of Muara Mahat Baru is a tradition that has several stages in the implementation of wedding ceremonies and there are linguistic skills, social interaction, and culture. So the purpose of this study was to determine the communicative situation, communicative events, and follow-communicative in communication patterning tradition Kampar Malay wedding ceremonies in the village of Muara Mahat Baru Tapung District of Kampar regency of Riau Province. This study used qualitative methods to approach Ethnography of Communication. The location study was conducted in the village of Muara Mahat Baru Tapung District of Kampar district in Riau province. Informants in this study amounted to five people, two of them existed as ninik mamak chiefs, two people mamak cornerstone, and the mother of the bride are selected using purposive sampling technique. Techniques of data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation. Research results obtained by researchers showed that the communicative situation there are two phases to be carried out, namely, the situation before the wedding and during the wedding. Communicative events based on the type of events to accept the proposal to deliberate on the part of men and gave permission and blessing. The topic achieve consensus and requested permission words ninik Mamak. The function and purpose provide an opportunity for both sides to prepare for the wedding and tell that kid nephew is getting married. The setting of all stages of the marriage was the girl's family home. Participants entire extended family on both sides. Message forms of verbal and non-verbal messages. Fill in all the stages of his message has the goal of a harmonious union of two families. Follow-communicative form of advice and instruction in traditional wedding ceremonies performed by ninik mamak tribal chief who respected and admired for proficient and fluent in spoken words. Keywords: traditional wedding ceremony, co


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    The focus of this study is the challenges of Indonesian Textile and Textile Product (TPT) to China in the framework of ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA) which seen from the comparative advantage. Theoritically, ACFTA should have a positive impact for the members since there is a tariff removal to 0%. TPT is one of the industries that has a large contribution to Indonesia’s trade. However, TPT from China dominates over local TPT. The purpose of this study is to find out challenges of Indonesian TPT in the ACFTA framework. This research was done by qualitatively in explanative design. The results of this study are the difficulty of obtaining raw materials, outdated production machine, the difficulty of applying Indonesia National Standard to the textile industry and high loan prime rate. These are the main challenges for Indonesian textile products. This research shows that Indonesia doesn't have the comparative advantage yet. Therefore, the strategy of the government as well as the TPT producers is needed in facing the challenges so it would improve the competitiveness of the Indonesian textile industr

    Penggunaan Aplikasi Google Meet dalam Menunjang Keefektifan Belajar Daring Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di SMA Negeri 3 Pekanbaru

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    So that online learning can run well, teachers are expected to be able to take advantage of technology in their learning. One of the uses of technology is using learning application media. At SMA Negeri 3 Pekanbaru, they have used the Google Meet application, Google Classroom, and Whatsapp in the online learning process. From several observations in the field, SMA Negeri 3 Pekanbaru teachers are more likely to use the Google Meet application in online learning. The Google Meet application is considered to be easier and more effective in delivering learning material. This study aims to describe the perceptions of students and teachers and the process of using the Google Meet application in online learning at these schools. This type of research is a qualitative research with a descriptive-analysis approach. Based on field research, it is known that the Google Meet application is classified as more effective than other learning application media. The use of Google Meet which is of interest to students and teachers certainly supports the implementation of effective online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.So that online learning can run well, teachers are expected to be able to take advantage of technology in their learning. One of the uses of technology is using learning application media. At SMA Negeri 3 Pekanbaru, they have used the Google Meet application, Google Classroom, and Whatsapp in the online learning process. From several observations in the field, SMA Negeri 3 Pekanbaru teachers are more likely to use the Google Meet application in online learning. The Google Meet application is considered to be easier and more effective in delivering learning material. This study aims to describe the perceptions of students and teachers and the process of using the Google Meet application in online learning at these schools. This type of research is a qualitative research with a descriptive-analysis approach. Based on field research, it is known that the Google Meet application is classified as more effective than other learning application media. The use of Google Meet which is of interest to students and teachers certainly supports the implementation of effective online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic


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    Banjarmasin merupakan Kota yang dikenal dengan sebutan seribu sungai yang terletak di Kalimantan Selatan. Sungai tersebut adalah Sungai Kuin. Aktivitas di sungai akan mempengaruhi kualitas air sungai. Pencemaran Sungai Kuin ini adalah akibat adanya banyaknya limbah plastik yang menumpuk secara langsung sehingga sungai tersebut menurun kualitasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis mikroplastik dan kelimpahan yang ada pada air dan sedimen. Data yang diambil sampelnya dibagi menjadi 10 titik. Setiap stasiun diambil 3 kali dari sisi kiri, tengah, dan sisi kanan sehingga diperoleh 60 sampel. Hasil penelitian adalah jenis film, fiber dan fragmen. Pada stasiun 1 dan 2 ditemukan film berkisaran 10,9 x 103 – 16,7 x 103 partikel/mL, fiber berkisaran 9,9 x 103 – 14,7 x 103, fragmen berkisaran 11,5 x 103 – 18,0 x 103  stasiun 3 dan 4 film berkisaran 10,9 x 103 – 12,2 x 103 partikel/mL, fiber berkisaran 9,6 x 103 – 11,3 x 103 partikel/mL, fragmen berkisaran 11,6 x 103 – 12,9 x 103 partikel/mL, stasiun 5 dan 6 film berkisaran 10,1 x 103 – 11,9 x 103 partikel/mL, fiber berkisaran 8,8 x 103 – 9,9 x 103 partikel/mL, fragmen berkisaran 11,2 x 103 – 12,5 x 103 partikel/mL, stasiun 7 dan 8 film berkisaran 10,3 x 103 – 14,2 x 103 partikel/mL, fiber berkisaran 8,8 x 103– 11,8 x 103 partikel/mL, fragmen berkisaran 10,5 x 103 – 15,5 x 103 partikel/mL, stasiun 9 dan 10 film berkisaran 10,0 x 103 – 15,1 x 103partikel/mL, fiber berkisaran 8,5 x 103 – 13,9 x 103 partikel/mL, fragmen berkisaran 11,0 x 103  – 16,3 x 103 partikel/m

    Stres Remaja: Kebutuhan Video Mindfulness-Breathing Meditation Untuk Mengurangi Stres Remaja

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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat stres remaja dan kebutuhan untuk mengembangkan video tutorial mindfulness-breathing meditation sebagai strategi dalam mengurangi stres remaja. Convenience sampling yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data pada 165 peserta didik. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah perceived stress scale (PSS) dan studi kebutuhan video mindfulness-breathing meditation. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat stres remaja yang tinggi (27 dari skor total 40). Perempuan memiliki tingkat stres yang lebih tinggi daripada laki-laki (27,2 vs 26,6), persentase perempuan yang mengalami stres tingkat tinggi lebih banyak daripada laki-laki (54,1%vs 41,3%). Meskipun prevalensi stres sangat tinggi di kalangan remaja, sebagian besar peserta didik sangat minim memiliki paparan materi mengenai cara mengurangi stres (80,15%) serta mengenai latihan bernafas dengan baik. Peserta didik juga sangat antusias untuk mempelajari meditasi pernafasan melalui video (100%). Diketahui juga bahwa pengembangan video mindfulness-breathing meditation sangat penting untuk membantu peserta didik dalam mengurangi stres mereka. Kata Kunci: Stres, Remaja, Mindfulness, Breathing Meditation   Abstract This research aims to determine the stress level of adolescents and the need to develop a mindfulness-breathing meditation video as a strategy to reduce adolescents’ stress. The convenience sampling was used to collect data form was 165 students. The measures are the perceived stress scale (PSS) and the needs of mindfulness-breathing meditation video. The results shows that the adolescent’ stress level is high (27 out of 40). Female has higher level stress than male (27,2 vs 26,6), the percentage of female who experience high level stress was outnumber male (54,1% vs 41,3%). Despite the high prevalence of stress among adolescent, most of students has minimum exposure to stress reduction (80,15%) as well as breathing exercises. All students enthusiastic to learn mindfulness-breathing meditation through video. It is recommended that development of mindfulness-breathing meditation video is crucial to help students in reducing their stress. Keywords: Stress, Adolescent, Mindfulness, Breathing Meditatio

    Akomodasi Komunikasi Antar Suku Akit dan Suku Jawa di Desa Suka Maju Kecamatan Bantan Kabupaten Bengkalis

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    Humans as social beings interact with each other both with different cultural backgrounds and the same, such as the Akit tribe and tribal Javanese immigrants in the village of Suka Maju Bantan District Bengkalis who mingle with each other. In the process of interaction, both tribes have difficulty when adjusting from boat verbal and nonverbal forms to accommodate cultural between the two tribes. The purpose of this research is to know the strategy of convergence, divergence strategy and excessive accommodation strategy at Akit Tribe and Java Tribe in Suka Maju Village Bantan District Bengkalis in communicating.This research uses qualitative method with symbolic interaction approach. The location of this research is in Suka Maju Village Bantan District Bengkalis Regency. Subjects in this study were Akit Tribe and Java Tribe as 17 people obtained by Snowball Sampling technique. Data collection techniques are done through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique using Interactive model of Huberman & Miles.The results of this study indicate that at the time of the communication accommodation between Akit Tribe and Java Tribe in Suka Maju Village Bantan district Bengkalis, there are 3 forms of strategy they are (1) Convergence strategy of verbal form is by using Malay language and language controlled by both tribes when interacting, while for nonverbalnya form is using body movements that are created to provide comfortable when interacting. (2) Sterategi divergensi, for verbal form there is no attempt to use the language of his interlocutor, and the nonverbalnya form is Akit Tribe and Java Tribe doing movements of cultural rejection, there is no effort to reduce the speed and tone of voice. (3) The accommodation strategy of the grotes is that the Java Tribe makes a mistake in using the tone of speech, so the Akit Tribe uses the opposite language at the wrong time, it is part of the verbal form. For its nonverbal form Akit Tribe performs excessive movements when communicating with the Java Tribe


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    Genangan dapat terjadi karena daya tampung saluran tidak mampu menampung air hujan. Jalan Ahmad Yani Km. 24 merupakan jalan nasional yang sering kali terjadi genangan dengan lama waktu genangan ± 4 jam dan ketinggian genangan ± 30-40 cm. Evaluasi saluran drainase diperlukan untuk mengetahui penyebab terjadinya genangan pada lokasi tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengidentifikasi kondisi topografi, tataguna lahan, jaringan drainase, dan curah hujan serta mengevaluasi kapasitas saluran drainase dan merekomendasikan dimensi saluran drainase berdasarkan debit rencana. Analisis data yang dilakukan yaitu analisis hidrologi dan hidrolika saluran drainase menggunakan data curah hujan stasiun Banjarbaru (2010-2019). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beberapa segmen pada saluran tidak lagi dapat menerima debit rencana maksimum sebesar 0,213 m3/det, sehingga perlu dilakukan perbaikan dimensi pada saluran drainase. Kondisi eksisting dan juga beberapa faktor eksternal turut mempengaruhi daya tampung saluran drainase. Rekomendasi perbaikan untuk segmen SKI 2, SKI 3, dan SKA 4 dengan kondisi eksisting dimensi yang sama yaitu b = 0,8 m H = 0,8 m dan terjadi sedimentasi. Dimensi disarankan menjadi b = 0,8 m H = 1 m


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    Penelitian mengenai tingkat kebisingan akibat aktivitas transportasi di Jalan Belitung Darat perlu dilakukan untuk menentukan tingkat kebisingan yang terjadi pada wilayah studi. Penelitian dilakukan dalam tujuh interval waktu dan dilakukan pada sepuluh titik sampling. Data kemudian diolah menggunakan metode sesuai dengan PerGub KalSel 053/2007. Selanjutnya dilakukan pemetaan tingkat kebisingan di sepanjang Jalan Belitung Darat dengan bantuan Program Surfer®. Pada penelitian ini juga dilakukan pengkorelasian antara tingkat kebisingan yang terjadi dengan jumlah kendaraan yang melintas di wilayah studi. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa tepat di pinggir jalan pada wilayah studi tingkat kebisingannya berkisar antara 74,1 dBA – 76,8 dBA. Kebisingan yang terjadi memiliki korelasi yang kuat dengan 86,7% kebisingan berasal dari aktivitas transportasi (jumlah kendaraan). Hasil Pemetaan tingkat kebisingan yang terjadi tepat dipinggir jalan pada wilayah studi berkisar antara 55 dBA - 77 dBA dan semakin jauh dari jalan raya tingkat kebisingan semakin menurun

    Identifikasi Sistem Manajemen Mutu Berbasis ISO 9001:2015 Pada Perusahaan Penyedia Jasa Konstruksi Di Kota Bengkulu

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    Abstrak Standar mutu yang digunakan oleh dunia konstruksi adalah standar ISO 9001:2015. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi arah perkembangan penerapan sistem manajemen mutu, faktor pendorong dan faktor hambatan dalam penerapan sistem manajemen mutu berbasis ISO 9001:2015. Populasi dalam penelitian berjumlah 12 perusahaan sesuai batasan masalah dan sampel penelitian berjumlah 36 orang, yang diambil dari 3 orang responden per perusahaan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dengan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 8% perusahaan yang sudah menerapkan sistem manajemen mutu ISO 9001:2015 dan bersertifikat, 8% perusahaan sudah mengarah pada penerapan, dan 84% perusahaan belum menerapkan sama sekali. Faktor pendorong utama yaitu adanya tuntutan untuk memiliki sertifikat ISO sebagai syarat proses pelelangan proyek konstruksi jalan dan adanya persyaratan dari Kementerian PUPR. Faktor hambatan utama yaitu kurangnya dana untuk implementasi sistem manajemen mutu dan kurangnya sumber daya yang memenuhi standar. Kata kunci: Sistem manajemen mutu, ISO 9001:2015, perusahaan penyedia jasa konstruksi, faktor pendorong, faktor hambatan  Abstract The quality standard used by the construction world is the ISO 9001:2015 standard. The objective of this research was to identify the direction of the implementation development of a quality management system, the driving factors, and the inhibiting factors in the implementation of a quality management system based on ISO 9001:2015 in a road construction service provider companies in Bengkulu City. The population in this research consisted of 12 companies according to the problem boundaries and the research sample consisted of 36 people, which were taken from 3 respondents per company. The study was conducted by distributing questionnaires and then analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis namely validity and reliability test. The results showed that there were 8% of companies had implemented the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system and were certified, 8% of companies were already on the way to implementation, and 84% of companies have not implemented it at all. The main driving factor was the demand to have an ISO certification as a condition for the auction process and the requirements from the Ministry of Public Works. The main constraining factors were the lack of funds and the lack of resources that meet the standards. Keywords: Quality management system, ISO 9001:2015, construction service provider, driving factors, inhibiting factor
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