146 research outputs found

    Analisis Viktimisasi Struktural terhadap Tiga Korban Perdagangan Perempuan dan Anak Perempuan

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    This article discussed the victimization of women and girls through human trafficking. The research sees the interplay of structural factors in the society, including economic factors, social factors, and ideological factors have created vulnerability to women and girls. Such vulnerability has victimized and pushed the women and girls into human trafficking. Thus, the victimization may be regarded as a structural victimization. The research framework is based on literature reviews and conceptual definitions. This research uses qualitative method and involves three victims of trafficking as its subjects, and analyzes their life narrations

    Evolutionary algorithm based controller for double link flexible robotic manipulator

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    The paper investigates the development of intelligent hybrid collocated and non-collocated PID controller for hub motion and end point vibration suppression of double-link flexible robotic manipulator. The system was modelled using multi-layer perceptron neural network structure based on Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous (NARX) model. The hybrid controllers are incorporated with optimization algorithm that is ABC and PSO to find out the parameters of the PID controllers. Numerical simulation was carried out in MATLAB/Simulink to evaluate the system in term of tracking capability and vibration suppression for both links. The results show that PSO revealed the superiority over ABC in controlling the system


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    Construction projects are inherently dangerous and can lead to accidents. Therefore, this research was conducted to determine the potential hazards of K3 in  the work process of building and building  components,  with  an  emphasis  on  mechanical  hazards,  chemical  hazards,  physical hazards and electrical hazards. This study uses an observational method to describe, the aim is to determine the potential hazards of K3 from the process of working on structural parts and the process of working on parts of the building. This research was conducted on the construction project of the Agung Lubk Pakam Hospital. The results showed that the greatest K3 hazard potential was found in structural work, namely in the casting process, such as falling from a concrete barrel, being hit by a concrete barrel, exposed to steel slings, exposed to iron. sheets, etc. The concrete dough that falls off the scaffold is exposed to dust, vibration, heat and noise. In construction work, the biggest K3 hazard potential is in roof work, where workers are exposed to formwork and iron rings, their feet and hands are clamped by formwork and iron rings, and workers' hands are scraped off by iron and iron rings on log formwork. , respiratory problems, skin and eye irritation due to waterproof coating, exposure to dust, vibration, heat and noise. It is very important to consult with workers about the use of PPE, the project must also make a K3 mark in every dangerous work area and give sanctions to those who do not use PPE

    Is Investment Policy Value-Enhancing Through CSR Disclosure?

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    This study aims to analysis the effect of funding policy, dividend, and investment oncorporate value and the influence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure as amoderating variable in the relationship between investment policy and firm value. Byusing purposive sampling methods, selected sample of this research are 6 property, realestate and construction companies listed on IDX within the period of 2012-2016. Dataanalysis using moderated regression analysis. From this study, it has been found thatfunding policy has no significant effect on firm value, dividend policy has significanteffect to firm value, and investment policy has significant effect to firm value. The resultalso signifficantly showed CSR disclosure proved to be a moderating variable of therelationship between investment policy to firm value. Disclosure of CSR should be consideredas a result of the implementation of the decision. Property, real estate and constructioncompanies should be more aware of the importance of implementing corporatesocial responsibility to increase corporate value. Disclosure of CSR should be consideredas a result of the implementation of the decision

    The Effect of Social Capital on Customer's Repayment Rate at Islamic Microfinance Institution

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    The potency of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Indonesia which is great, is not directly proportional to the ease of getting capital from formal financial institutions such as banks because it is not bankable. Meanwhile, microfinance institutions (MFIs) that provide financing to the MSEs are currently thriving. This condition exposes the existence of factors that cause the MFIs continuesly providing financing to MSEs which are not bankable. This research aims to analyze the effect of social capital toward the repayment rate of Islamic MFIs' customers. The methods used in this research was the logistic regression. The results showed variable relationship with BMT employees, relations with other customers, and Islamic recitation had positive and significant effect toward the repayment rate of the customer. While recommendations, membership status, and travel time from home to the BMT had negative and significant effect. Variable outside the social capital indicator which is income rate had no significant effect.DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v8i2.263


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    Indonesian SMEs have become the main target of investment worldwide due to its massive 57 million units operating in economy that contribute in the making of 60% of Indonesia GDP and absorption of 98% of the nation labor force. Rate of return of SMEs is above the average banks interest rate, thus results in a higher rate of return for direct investment to SMEs compared to investment in banks and/or other financial institutions. From banks perspective, credit to SMEs is considered to be risky due to the high risk nature embedded in SMEs itself, thus results in a higher interest rate charged to credit to SMEs compared to other credit arrangement forms. SMEs, however, have other option in financing the needs of fund from cooperatives, microfinance institutions, and government subsidy. Another important source of fund for SMEs comes from private sector via CSR initiatives. The study describes current condition of financial system in the context of SMEs in Indonesia, analyzes the gap, and suggests solution in realizing the optimum financial system for SMEs financing in Indonesia. We conclude that the optimal financing for SMEs requires a structured and integrated data base, so that all parties, both borrowers and lenders, should access to the system before executing the finance. Therefore very intense IT involvement in building the data base system is a must. Keywords: SMEs, financial system, IT involvemen

    Karakteristik Film Polietilen Tergrafting Asam Akrilat Diperoleh dengan Metoda Radiasi Gamma

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    In this study, high density polyethylene (PE) film (thickness 80 μm) was modified by grafting of acrilic acid (AA) onto the film using 15 kGy of gamma irradiation as initiator, applied at different exposure times. In addition to irradiation dose, other variables investigated are concentration of AA, the type of solvent, and polymerization time carried out at 60 oC. The succes of the graft copolymerization processes was confirmed by analysing the grafted film using FTIR spectroscoy, which revealed the existence of absorption band at wave number of 1721 cm-1 (assigned to C=O), and that at 3385 cm-1 (assigned to -OH), and the physical endurance of the sample was evaluated by carrying out tensile strength measurement. The percent of grafting was determined according to the gravimetric method. The results indicated that the highest percent of grafting was obtained by application of 2-hour irradiation time, with monomer concentration of 30% in water as a solvent, grafting temperature of 60 oC. Activity of grafted was evaluated by measurement of the absorption capacity toward water and Cu2+ ion, and revealed the increase of the absorption capasity with increased percent of grafting. Keywords: Graft copolymerization, acrylic acid, low density polyethylene, gamma irradiation, water absorbency, absorption of cupric io

    Analisis Daerah Rawan Longsor Berbasis Sistem Imformasi Geografis (Studi Kasus : Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, Sumatera Barat)

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    Lima Puluh Kota is one of the regency in West Sumatera Province that prone to landslide, particularly when the rainfall intensity is high. Therefore, the research is conducted to determine the location that prone to landslide in Lima Puluh Kota regency in order to prevent the risk that potentially leads to disaster. The model that was applied to determine the prone landslide location is Indeks Storie, which would be treated in Geographic Information System's program. Before that overlay process has been done, which was overlaying some of parameter maps (map of slope, map of soil types, map of rainfall, and map of land use) and marked the score in eachcriteria from the parameter maps. Based on the level classification analysis of Arifin S, et al (2006) Lima Puluh Kota regency is on the very low, low, and medium level of prone to landslide. This condition is contradicting with the actual fact. Based on level classification analysis of Nugroho, J.A, et al (2009) there are areas in Lima Puluh Kota that have very low, low, medium, high, very high level of prone to landslide which close to the actual fact. From the analysis in this map, the prone to landslide level in Pangkalan Koto Baru is very high, Sarilamak and surrounding areas have medium and high prone to landslide level, Harau subdistrict has high prone to landslide level, Gunung Omeh subdistrict has medium prone to landslide level


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    Ginting, Elisabet. Relationship between School Health Business (UKS) and Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) for IV, V, VI class students from SDN 0 3936 Brand Situngaling. Thesis of the Department of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Deli Husada Deli Tua Health Institute (Supervision Ns. Nurmala Sari, SST, M.Kes)  The method used is the analytical correlation with a transversal approach. The population of this study consisted of grade IV, V, V1 students in SDN 043936, for a total of 56 students sampled by simple random sampling technique. The independent variables in this study were the role of School Health Companies (UKS) and the dependent variable was the application of Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) in grades IV, V, VI. Data collection via questionnaire. Data processing by editing, coding, scoring and tabulation with the Spearman Rank statistical test.  The results of this study indicate that 56 respondents who performed well in the UK were 56 respondents (26.8%), while nearly half of the PHBS respondents were up to 15 respondents (6.9%). Sperman Rank test results obtained pylt; 0.05, p = 0.013, so H1 was accepted.  The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between the role of the School Health Unit (UKS) and the implementation of clean and healthy behavior (PHBS) in students of grades IV, V, VI. Schools are expected to suggest that schools can increase UKS activities to raise student awareness of the importance of PHBS
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