1,415 research outputs found

    An Immersive Journey through Flawed Technology: Users’ Perceptions of VR in Journalism

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    Virtual reality (VR) has had the reputation of being a revolutionising technology ever since it emerged in the early 1960s, but virtual is not yet a successful reality in journalistic practice. Examining VR’s current situation and the factors preventing it from reaching its predicted potential in digital journalism, this paper analyses the user comments (n = 770) on 15 journalistic VR apps offered by media organizations, with the help of a qualitative-reductive content analysis. Deductive categories of analysis contain the constructs of immersion, emotion, usability, and utility, which are further specified by inductive subcategories in the course of the analysis. Results show that users positively highlight different aspects of emotion and immersion that the VR apps elicit, and criticize journalistic VR apps for their low levels of utility and usability. Implications for journalistic practice and research are subsequently drawn

    Correlation between Geometric Component Properties and Physical Parameters of an Aerodynamic Feeding System

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    In previous research, an aerodynamic feeding system was developed, which autonomously adapts to different components by using a genetic algorithm that controls the physical parameters of the system (e.g. angle of inclination, nozzle pressure). The algorithm starts with two individuals with random values, generated within the boundaries of the parameters set by the user. Due to this, the setting time - the time that passes until a satisfactory orientation rate is reached - is hard to predict. The aim of this work is to identify basic interactions of geometric component properties with the physical parameters of the aerodynamic feeding system to determine in which areas of the workspace a satisfactory solution can be expected. By doing so, the initial population of the genetic algorithm can be generated based on certain geometric properties and would therefore no longer be random, presumably reducing setting time. To identify interactions of component properties and system parameters, exemplary components were developed. They represent relevant single properties that have significant impact on the aerodynamic orientation process. These components were then fed into the aerodynamic orientation process and their behavior was documented. To identify correlations between certain geometric properties and physical parameters of the feeding system, the tests were planned and carried out using Design of Experiments methods. The results of the tests were also used to determine the direct interrelations of said properties and the suitability for aerodynamic orientation

    Cavovarus deformity in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease: is there a hindfoot equinus deformity that needs treatment?

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    Background: Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), one of the most common hereditary neurologic disorders, often results in debilitating cavovarus foot deformities. The deformities are still not fully understood, and the treatment recommendations are consequently heterogeneous, often including calf muscle or Achilles tendon lengthening. Methods: We examined 40 patients (80 feet) with CMT and bilateral cavovarus deformities (19 men and 21 women, mean age 33.6 ± 14.6 years) and the feet of a healthy control population of 13 individuals (7 men and 6 women, mean age 43.9 ± 10.8 years). In all cases 3D instrumented gait analysis results with both conventional Plug-in-Gait analysis and the Heidelberg Foot Measurement Method (HFMM) were used to determine the sagittal plane kinematics, dorsi-plantar flexion (DPF), tibio-talar dorsiflexion (TTDF), and medial arch angle (MAA), and the results of patients and the control group were compared using the 2 methods. Decreased and increased dorsiflexion using TTDF was defined as 1 standard deviation below or above the mean of the control. Comparisons were done using descriptive statistics, the Pearson correlation coefficient and ANOVA. Results: The TTDF was found to be decreased in 18 of the 80 feet examined (22.5 %), normal in 31 feet (38.75 %), and increased in 31 feet (38.75 %). The Pearson coefficient showed a positive correlation with R = 0.765, p < 0.001 between decreased TTDF values found by HFMM and decreased DPF values found with conventional Plug-in-Gait analysis, but a very weak correlation in patients with normal TTDF (R = -0.118) and increased TTDF (R = 0.078). Also, in patients with decreased TTDF values, there was a weak to moderate correlation with the MAA (R = 0.335), but no correlation between the MAA and DPF (R = 0.023). Conclusions: The HFMM, unlike the conventional Plug-in-Gait analysis, distinguishes between the segments of the foot in foot deformities and facilitates evaluation of the hindfoot equinus component in patients with CMT and cavovarus deformity. Although there is a significant correlation between decreased TTDF with HFMM and decreased DPF with conventional Plug-in-Gait analysis, this correlation was not seen in patients with normal or increased TTDF values. Conventional Plug-in-Gait analysis alone does not indicate if an increased plantar flexion deformity is the result of either a cavus deformity or hindfoot equinus deformity, which limits its usefulness in assisting in treatment decision making

    Assessment of liver fibrosis and associated risk factors in HIV-infected individuals using transient elastography and serum biomarkers

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    Background: Liver fibrosis in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals is mostly attributable to co-infection with hepatitis B or C. The impact of other risk factors, including prolonged exposure to combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) is poorly understood. Our aim was to determine the prevalence of liver fibrosis and associated risk factors in HIV-infected individuals based on non-invasive fibrosis assessment using transient elastography (TE) and serum biomarkers (Fibrotest [FT]). Methods: In 202 consecutive HIV-infected individuals (159 men; mean age 47 ± 9 years; 35 with hepatitis-C-virus [HCV] co-infection), TE and FT were performed. Repeat TE examinations were conducted 1 and 2 years after study inclusion. Results: Significant liver fibrosis was present in 16% and 29% of patients, respectively, when assessed by TE (≥ 7.1 kPa) and FT (> 0.48). A combination of TE and FT predicted significant fibrosis in 8% of all patients (31% in HIV/HCV co-infected and 3% in HIV mono-infected individuals). Chronic ALT, AST and γ-GT elevation was present in 29%, 20% and 51% of all cART-exposed patients and in 19%, 8% and 45.5% of HIV mono-infected individuals. Overall, factors independently associated with significant fibrosis as assessed by TE (OR, 95% CI) were co-infection with HCV (7.29, 1.95-27.34), chronic AST (6.58, 1.30-33.25) and γ-GT (5.17, 1.56-17.08) elevation and time on dideoxynucleoside therapy (1.01, 1.00-1.02). In 68 HIV mono-infected individuals who had repeat TE examinations, TE values did not differ significantly during a median follow-up time of 24 months (median intra-patient changes at last TE examination relative to baseline: -0.2 kPa, p = 0.20). Conclusions: Chronic elevation of liver enzymes was observed in up to 45.5% of HIV mono-infected patients on cART. However, only a small subset had significant fibrosis as predicted by TE and FT. There was no evidence for fibrosis progression during follow-up TE examinations

    Development of an HPLC-MS/MS Method for Chiral Separation and Quantitation of (R)- and (S)-Salbutamol and Their Sulfoconjugated Metabolites in Urine to Investigate Stereoselective Sulfonation

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    The aim of this study was to develop and optimize a chiral HPLC-MS/MS method for quantitative analysis of (R)-/(S)-salbutamol and (R)-/(S)-salbutamol-4′-O-sulfate in human urine to allow for bioanalytical quantitation of the targeted analytes and investigations of stereoselectivity in the sulfonation pathway of human phase Ⅱ metabolism. For analytical method development, a systematic screening of columns and mobile phases to develop a separation via enantiomerically selective high performance liquid chromatography was performed. Electrospray ionization settings were optimized via multiple-step screening and a full factorial design-of-experiment. Both approaches were performed matrix-assisted and the predicted values were compared. The full factorial design was superior in terms of prediction power and knowledge generation. Performing a longitudinal excretion study in one healthy volunteer allowed for the calculation of excretion rates for all four targeted analytes. For this proof-of-concept, either racemic salbutamol or enantiopure levosalbutamol was administered perorally or via inhalation, respectively. A strong preference for sulfonation of (R)-salbutamol for inhalation and peroral application was found in in vivo experiments. In previous studies phenol sulfotransferase 1A3 was described to be mainly responsible for salbutamol sulfonation in humans. Thus, in vitro and in silico investigations of the stereoselectivity of sulfotransferase 1A3 complemented the study and confirmed these findings

    Internationale Literaturrecherche zum Intensivwohnbereich

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    Die Versorgungssituation von erwachsenen Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung und herausforderndem Verhalten im Bereich Wohnen weist im bestehenden System der Behindertenhilfe immer noch einen Mangel an qualitativ hochwertigen und bedarfsgerechten Unterstützungs- und Eingliederungsangeboten für diesen Personenkreis auf. Die steigenden Anforderungen an Einrichtungen durch das Bayerische Pflege- und Wohnqualitätsgesetz, die wachsende Nachfrage nach Intensivplätzen bei vermehrter Schließung von Intensiv-Einrichtungen und Wohnheimplatzkündigungen sowie der Personal- und Fachkräftemangel betonen die Dringlichkeit eines nachhaltig wirkenden, innovativen Versorgungskonzepts. Im Rahmen des Pilotprojekts PINO - Projekt Intensivwohnen Netzwerk Oberbayern soll dieser Forderung nachgegangen und ein wissenschaftlich fundiertes, innovatives Gesamtkonzept des Intensivwohnens entwickelt werden. Gemeinsam mit dem Aufbau eines Intensivnetzwerkes über Oberbayern hinaus soll damit ein wichtiger Beitrag geleistet werden, um die Versorgungssituation von erwachsenen Menschen mit herausforderndem Verhalten nachhaltig sicherzustellen und ihre Teilhabesituation in der Gesellschaft zu verbessern. Diesem Vorsatz geht in einer ersten Phase die Erhebung des IST-Zustandes der Versorgungssituation für den im Fokus stehenden Personenkreis im Bereich des Intensivwohnens sowie eine Übersicht über bestehende Intensivwohn-Einrichtungen und deren methodische Konzepte voraus. Hierfür wurde eine systematische Recherche der nationalen und internationalen Fachliteratur durchgeführt, die folgende Ziele verfolgte: • Generieren einer fachlich relevanten und fundierten Datenbasis, • Kenntnisse gewinnen über Konzepte, die die Lebensbereiche Wohnen, Arbeit und Freizeit verzahnen sowie • Analyse relevanter Erkenntnisse zu Gelingensfaktoren für die Praxis. Für die systematische internationale Literaturrecherche war die folgende Hauptfragestellung leitend: • Welche Bedingungen muss ein Wohn- und Betreuungskonzept des Intensivwohnens erfüllen, um die Teilhabesituation (Lebens- und Betreuungssituation) der Personengruppe zu verbessern? Um die vorgegebene Zielsetzung umfassend abbilden zu können, wurden weiterhin spezifischere Teilfragen formuliert: • Welche aktuellen Beiträge, Erkenntnisse und Lösungsansätze liegen zu der Zielgruppe und deren Betreuungssettings mit Blick auf die Verbesserung der Teilhabesituation national & international vor? • Welche Konzepte gibt es für die Zielgruppe, die die Lebensbereiche Wohnen, Arbeit und Freizeit verzahnen? • Welche evidenzbasierten Wirkvariablen zeigen sich als förderlich für die Verbesserung der Teilhabesituation der Personengruppe im Intensivwohnen in nationalen und internationalen Studien? Der vorliegende Bericht stellt die Vorgehensweise sowie Befunde aus der systematischen Recherche der nationalen und internationalen Fachliteratur in Hinblick auf die formulierten Leitfragen vor
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