51 research outputs found

    Reducing of Alkaloid Contents During the Process of Lactic Acid Silaging

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    The current study is conducted to investigate whether lupine grains can successfully be ensiled with residual moisture contents of around 65% and alkaloid contents can be reduced during the process of lactic acid formation by native and added lactic acid bacteria, respectively. Based on the fermentation quality of the sampled grain meal silage in the dry mass of 65% and further results, silaging is shown to be a suitable method of preservation. A reduction in the alkaloid content during the silaging cannot be assumed (statistical) due to the irregular dynamic of the observed content

    The effect of crude protein content of the diet on renal energy losses in horses

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    Renal energy losses of horses are high in comparison with other species. In the present study, more data were obtained on this parameter to improve predictive equations for renal energy losses. Four adult ponies (247-344 kg body weight [BW]) were fed with eight different diets based on first cut hay, second cut hay, early first cut fresh grass, late cut herbs-grass mix, early cut clover-grass mix, sugar beet pulp, rice bran and straw. Feed intake was measured, and urine and faeces were quantitatively collected for 3 x 12 hr at daytime and afterwards 3 x 12 hr at nighttime. Feed was analysed for crude nutrients, gross energy, amino acids and neutral-detergent-insoluble crude protein (NDICP);faeces were analysed for crude nutrients and gross energy;and urine was analysed for nitrogen (N) and gross energy. Renal energy losses per gram dry matter (DM) intake (y;kJ/g DM) were strictly correlated to protein content in DM (x;g/kg DM): y = 0.325 + 0.00431x;r(2) = .81;n = 38;p < .001. The data suggest that the intercept represents energy losses by detoxification products such as hippuric acid and the regression coefficient by protein metabolites such as urea

    A new protein evaluation system for horse feed from literature data

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    Few data on apparent pre-caecal digestibility (APCD) of crude protein (CP) and particularly amino acids (AA) are available from studies with horses. Protein bound in cell walls (i.e. neutral detergent insoluble CP (NDICP)) is unlikely to be decomposed by digestive enzymes in the small intestine. In contrast the corresponding analytical fraction of neutral detergent soluble CP (NDSCP) (NDSCP = CP-NDICP) is likely to be available for auto-enzymatic digestion. A literature analysis on the relationship between NDICP/NDSCP and pre-caecal indigestible/digestible CP was carried out. There was a strong positive relationship between NDICP and pre-caecal indigestible CP, which suggests that NDICP can be used to estimate the part of protein that is not available for digestion in the small intestine. There was also a correlation between NDSCP and pre-caecal digestible protein. The slope of the linear regression line between NDICP and pre-caecal digestible CP was 0.9, suggesting an APCD of NDSCP of 90 %. Thus pre-caecal digestible CP may be predicted by multiplying NDSCP by 0.9. Because the literature identifies a similar AA profile in NDICP and NDSCP within a given feed the presented concept may preliminarily be transferred to AA. The proposed system can at any time be adapted to the scientific progress without altering its structure. Such adaptations would be necessary particularly when new knowledge exist on the distribution of AA onto NDICP/NDSCP, the APCD of individual AA from NDSCP, and the impact of feed processing and chewing on particle sizes and protein digestibility

    A new protein evaluation system for horse feed from literature data

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    Few data on apparent pre-caecal digestibility (APCD) of crude protein (CP) and particularly amino acids (AA) are available from studies with horses. Protein bound in cell walls (i.e. neutral detergent insoluble CP (NDICP)) is unlikely to be decomposed by digestive enzymes in the small intestine. In contrast the corresponding analytical fraction of neutral detergent soluble CP (NDSCP) (NDSCP = CP-NDICP) is likely to be available for auto-enzymatic digestion. A literature analysis on the relationship between NDICP/NDSCP and pre-caecal indigestible/digestible CP was carried out. There was a strong positive relationship between NDICP and pre-caecal indigestible CP, which suggests that NDICP can be used to estimate the part of protein that is not available for digestion in the small intestine. There was also a correlation between NDSCP and pre-caecal digestible protein. The slope of the linear regression line between NDICP and pre-caecal digestible CP was 0.9, suggesting an APCD of NDSCP of 90 %. Thus pre-caecal digestible CP may be predicted by multiplying NDSCP by 0.9. Because the literature identifies a similar AA profile in NDICP and NDSCP within a given feed the presented concept may preliminarily be transferred to AA. The proposed system can at any time be adapted to the scientific progress without altering its structure. Such adaptations would be necessary particularly when new knowledge exist on the distribution of AA onto NDICP/NDSCP, the APCD of individual AA from NDSCP, and the impact of feed processing and chewing on particle sizes and protein digestibility

    Chemical treatment of straw for ruminant feeding with NaOH or urea – investigative steps via practical application under current European Union conditions

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    Weather extremes in parts of Europe have led to a renewed search for alternative feeds for ruminants. Cereal straw presents one source of fibre, which is hard to digest due to its lignin-carbohydrate complexes. Chemical and biological treatments have been investigated to improve digestibility. Here, the applicability of alkaline treatments for farming conditions under EU legislation and their efficacy were checked. Thus, we tested caustic soda (60, 120 g kg-1straw) and urea (15, 30, 45, 60 g kg-1 straw without and with urease addition) applications both at laboratory scale and using a mixer-wagon. The nutritive value was evaluated analyzing chemical parameters including fibre components and estimating in vitro digestibility. The in vitro digestibility indicated by gas production, enzymatically soluble substrate and neutral detergent fibre digestibility (30h) was highest for the NaOH treatments, which did not differ by dose. Remoistening the straw to 600 g DM kg-1 was a precondition for the effectiveness of both treatments. Urease addition enhanced the intended ammonification when urea was applied at ≥ 30 g kg-1. An ambient temperature for urea treatment ≥ 25 °C was necessary and had to be maintained for at least 14 d post treatment. The determination of crude ash in NaOH treated feeds by the standard procedure and time overestimated the mineral fraction and had to be modified. This systematic approach provides guidance for feasible straw treatments for EU farmers. However, trials for feed acceptance and in vivo digestibility are needed to demonstrate the real effect in animals

    Fermentation in vitro-vorverdauter Grünfutter im Caesitec

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    Effects of Different Oral Doses of Sodium Chloride on the Basal Acid-Base and Mineral Status of Exercising Horses Fed Low Amounts of Hay

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    The provision of NaCl, according to current recommendations, to horses in moderate work has been shown to induce immediate postprandial acidosis. The present study aimed to clarify whether this NaCl induced acidosis i) persists beyond the immediate postprandial period, and ii) is still present after a 2 week adaptation period. Six adult warmblood mares in moderate work received daily 1.00 kg hay per 100 kg body weight (bwt) only together with 0.64 kg unprocessed cereal grains/100 kg bwt. d as fed basis. Using a 3x3 Latin Square, either 0 (NaCl-0), 50 (NaCl-50) or 100 (NaCl-100) g NaCl/d were fed together with the concentrates in two equal doses for 3 weeks. During the final week, a mineral digestibility trial was undertaken. The middle sodium and chloride intake (NaCl-50) at least met the most common recommendations for moderate work. Morning (7: 00 AM) urine and venous blood samples were collected on days 0, 1-4, 8, and 15, and analysed for pH, acid-base status, creatinine and electrolyte concentrations. Fractional electrolyte clearances (FC) were determined. Mean apparent sodium digestibility ranged between 60-62% whereas chloride digestibility was consistently above 94%. Supplementing 100 g but not 50 g of NaCl resulted in significant reduction of blood pH and base excess as well as urinary pH and urine acid excretion. Both 50 g and 100 g NaCl supplementation caused a significant reduction in base and net acid-base excretion, urine density and potassium concentration, but increased urine sodium concentration and the FC of sodium and chloride (P < 0.05). This suggests that a high proportion of the recommended salt doses is excreted renally. The above effects of NaCl supplementation persisted over the 2 week measurement period. Results suggest that feeding 100 g NaCl to moderately exercising horses results in mild metabolic acidosis, whereas feeding 50 g according to current recommendations resulted in compensated acidosis

    Chemical treatment of straw for ruminant feeding with NaOH or urea – investigative steps via practical application under current European Union conditions

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    Weather extremes in parts of Europe have led to a renewed search for alternative feeds for ruminants. Cereal straw presents one source of fibre, which is hard to digest due to its lignin-carbohydrate complexes. Chemical and biological treatments have been investigated to improve digestibility. Here, the applicability of alkaline treatments for farming conditions under EU legislation and their efficacy were checked. Thus, we tested caustic soda (60, 120 g kg-1straw) and urea (15, 30, 45, 60 g kg-1 straw without and with urease addition) applications both at laboratory scale and using a mixer-wagon. The nutritive value was evaluated analyzing chemical parameters including fibre components and estimating in vitro digestibility. The in vitro digestibility indicated by gas production, enzymatically soluble substrate and neutral detergent fibre digestibility (30h) was highest for the NaOH treatments, which did not differ by dose. Remoistening the straw to 600 g DM kg-1 was a precondition for the effectiveness of both treatments. Urease addition enhanced the intended ammonification when urea was applied at ≥ 30 g kg-1. An ambient temperature for urea treatment ≥ 25 °C was necessary and had to be maintained for at least 14 d post treatment. The determination of crude ash in NaOH treated feeds by the standard procedure and time overestimated the mineral fraction and had to be modified. This systematic approach provides guidance for feasible straw treatments for EU farmers. However, trials for feed acceptance and in vivo digestibility are needed to demonstrate the real effect in animals

    BioOK – a Comprehensive System for Analysis and Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Plants

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    Gentechnisch veränderte (GV) Pflanzen müssen im Rahmen des Zulassungsverfahrens in der EU auf ihre potentiellen Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt und die mensch­liche oder tierische Gesundheit analysiert werden. Der gegenwärtige Zulassungsprozess ist ein Konglo­merat verschiedenster Analysemethoden und extrem zeit- und kostenaufwendig. Das Anliegen von BioOK als ein multidisziplinäres wissenschaftliches Netzwerk ist die Entwicklung von maßgeschneiderten Ansätzen zur Risikoanalyse von GV Pflanzen auf der Grundlage von Ursache-Wirkungs­hypothesen mit dem Ziel des Aufbaus eines effektiven und qualifizierten Risikobewertungssystems. Die Forschungsaktivitäten von BioOK zielen auf einen Paradigmenwechsel im aktuellen Zulassungsprozess. Sie basieren auf einem modularen System, das alle Aspekte des Risikomanagements umfasst: molekulare Charakterisierung, Inhaltsstoffanalyse, agronomische Eigenschaften, Ziel- und Nichtzielorganismen, Boden und Mikroorganismen, Toxikologie, Allergenität und Überwachung nach Markt­einführung, wobei jeder Modul unterschiedliche Analysemethoden beinhaltet. Die durch BioOK angestrebte Reform des Risikobewertungsprozesses von GV Pflanzen umfasst zwei Phasen: zunächst die Optimierung der Analysemethoden selbst und dann die Etablierung eines Entscheidungsunterstützungssystems (Test Decision System – DSS), basierend auf biologischen Schwankungsbreiten (baselines), Zeigermerkmalen (indicators) und Grenzwerten (thresholds) für jede Analysemethode. BioOK hat in einer ersten Entwicklungsphase bereits optimierte Testmethoden entwickelt: Für die Inhaltsstoffanalyse wurde die Untersuchung auf substantielle Äquivalenz durch GC-MS, LC-MS und HPLC/RI Methoden vereinfacht. Ein neu eingeführtes Analyseschema zur Ermittlung potentieller Effekte von GV Pflanzen auf den Boden kombiniert ein in vitro System zur Beprobung von Rhizodepositaten von Pflanzen, die unter kontrollierten Umweltbedingen gewachsen sind, sowie die entsprechenden Bodentypen und deren Charakterisierung mit offenen und hochsensitiven molekular-chemischen Screening und Fingerprinting-Methoden. Ein neues in vitro System zur Simulation des Transports von Substanzen aus dem Darm ins Blut, das das Risiko der Aufnahme durch Mensch oder Tier zu einem frühen Zeitpunkt misst, wurde entwickelt. Um die Effektivität und Reproduzierbarkeit von Probenahmen an der Pflanze zu erhöhen, wird ein genau definiertes Probenahmeschema entwickelt. Schließlich, in Ergänzung der aktuellen Methodik zur Allgemeinen Überwachung (General Surveillance) von GV Pflanzen im Anbau, wurde eine Herangehensweise zur Abschätzung der Notwendigkeit für ein europaweites fallspezifisches (Case Specific) Monitoring beruhend auf Ursache-Wirkungsszenarien, erarbeitet. Die zweite Phase der BioOK F&amp;E-Arbeiten konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung eines Entscheidungsunterstützungssystems (Decision Support System, DSS). Dazu wird ein computergestütztes System implementiert, in dem alle standardisierten und validierten Methoden zu einem Entscheidungsbaum mit Knotenpunkten, definiert über biologische Schwankungsbreiten und potentielle Risiken definierenden Grenzwerten für Zeigermerkmale, zusammengeführt sind. &nbsp; &nbsp;Genetically modified (GM) plants have to be analyzed for their potential impacts on the environment and on human or animal health before authorisation by the EU. The approval process currently refers to a conglomeration of diverse analytical methods and is intensive in time and costs. The intention of BioOK as a multidisciplinary scientific network is the development of tailor-made approaches for GM plants based on a cause-effect hypothesis to obtain an effective and qualified risk assessment system. The research activity of BioOK aims to renew the current approval process. It is based on a modular system covering all aspects of risk assessment: molecular characterisation, compound analysis, agronomic traits, target and non-target organisms, soil and micro organisms, toxicology, allergenicity and post-market monitoring, each module containing several test methods. The renewal of the risk assessment procedure intended by BioOK consists of two phases: first the optimization of test methods and second the establishment of a decision support system (DSS) based on baselines, indicators and thresholds developed for each of the methods. Optimized test methods have been developed mainly during the first phase: For compound analysis methods have been developed to ease the analysis of substantial equivalence of the events by GC-MS, LC-MS and HPLC/RI. A newly introduced testing scheme for the detection of potential effects of GM plants on soil combines an in-vitro system to collect rhizodeposits from plants grown under controlled environmental conditions and the correspon­ding bulk soil, and their characterisation by untargeted and highly sensitive molecular-chemical screening and fingerprinting technique. A novel in vitro system simula­ting the transport of substances from the gut into the blood that detects the risk of incorporation in human or animal at an early time point was developed. In order to increase the effectiveness and reproducibility of the sampling procedure we developed a valid defined sampling scheme. Finally, complementing the actual General Surveillance methodology, an approach for a Europe-wide case specific monitoring referring to cause-effect sce­narios was developed. The second phase concentrates on the development of a Decision Support System (DSS). A computer-based system will implement and merge all standardized methods in a decision tree system following decision rules defined by baseline and thresholds for indicators. &nbsp; &nbsp