854 research outputs found

    Faith and Learning in the Reference Interview

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    The reference interview provides a number of opportunities for Christian librarians to model the integration of faith and learning. When conducting reference interviews, librarians may have the chance to: 1) show a willingness to go the extra mile, 2) provide users with tools for seeking information successfully, 3) discuss information ethics, 4) exhibit openness to different points of view, and 5) demonstrate commitment to seeing individuals as God does. Ultimately, the reference interview can be a means to demonstrate that the life of the mind and the life of the spirit can (and should) be inextricably intertwined for a Christian scholar

    Killing George Washington

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    The geology of the farms Josefsdal, Dunbar and part of Diepgezet In the Barberton greenstone belt.

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    A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyThis thesis is an integrated analysis of structural, sedimentological, petrographical and metasomatic aspects of an area located in the south-eastern part of the 3.3 - 3.5 Ga Archaean Barberton greenstone belt. It is based on detailed mapping, detailed measured stratigraphic and structural sections and microscope analysis of thin sections. A 1 : 10000 geological map of the area is derived from the field observations. Discovery of previously unrecognised structural and metasomatic events renders the existing stratigraphy of the belt outmoded. A new stratigraphy is derived for this part of the belt. Based on the internal analysis of vertical facies sequences within tectonic slices, previously thought to represent continuous stratigraphic sequences, and structurally restored cross sections, the original stratigraphy thickness of the belt in this area is estimated to have been about 3000 metres. The lowermost part of the stratigraphy is represented by the upper part of the Onverwacht Group which comprises successively a discontinuous layer of serpentinite, a layer of pillowed and massive lavas and a volcaniclastic layer. The sedimentary rocks are totally silicified while the underlying mafic to ultramafic rocks are mostly silicified,A shallow and a deep water environment can be recognised within rocks of the Onverwacht Group which is interpreted as Archaean oceanic crust. The Onverwacht Group is conformably overlain by the Lower Group which comprises ferruginous sediments, chert-arenites and conglomerates deposited as a submarine fan. It is unconformably overlain by an Upper Group of conglomerates and quartz-arenites interpreted as an alluvial sequence. Seventy five per cent of the stratigraphy is affected by metasomatism which is interpreted as related to subaerial and subaqueous hydrothermal activity. Four phases of deformation of which the first two involved thrusting have been recognised in the study area. D1 affects only the lower part of the stratigraphy, by repeating thin stratigraphic units above well defined thrust-decollement planes and with recumbent folding. D2 has imposed the main structural trend on the area, which is the result of an imbricated thrust fan. Using two major decollement zones, a minimum of 75% shortening across the sedimentary basin has been estimated. The Barberton greenstone belt is interpreted as an Archaean sequence emplaced by obduction during D2 probably related to collision tectonics.AC 201

    The HOA library, review and prospects

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present the HOA Library, an open source high order ambisonic spatialisation tools collection programmed in C++. We expose the objectives and characteristics of the project, which treat the potential of high order Ambisonics in a musical perspective, based on the practice and the creativity of the electronic musicians. We clarify the context of use, the choice of optimization and decoding. We review the implementations of thelibrary in various environments, such Max, Pure Data, and Faust. We discuss the use of feedback from musicians and members of especially Max and Pure Data community. Finally, we advance the prospects of the HOA library in its current developments in three dimensions

    Absence of Nodal signaling promotes precocious neural differentiation in the mouse embryo

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    AbstractAfter implantation, mouse embryos deficient for the activity of the transforming growth factor-β member Nodal fail to form both the mesoderm and the definitive endoderm. They also fail to specify the anterior visceral endoderm, a specialized signaling center which has been shown to be required for the establishment of anterior identity in the epiblast. Our study reveals that Nodal−/− epiblast cells nevertheless express prematurely and ectopically molecular markers specific of anterior fate. Our analysis shows that neural specification occurs and regional identities characteristic of the forebrain are established precociously in the Nodal−/− mutant with a sequential progression equivalent to that of wild-type embryo. When explanted and cultured in vitro, Nodal−/− epiblast cells readily differentiate into neurons. Genes normally transcribed in organizer-derived tissues, such as Gsc and Foxa2, are also expressed in Nodal−/− epiblast. The analysis of Nodal−/−;Gsc−/− compound mutant embryos shows that Gsc activity plays no critical role in the acquisition of forebrain characters by Nodal-deficient cells. This study suggests that the initial steps of neural specification and forebrain development may take place well before gastrulation in the mouse and highlights a possible role for Nodal, at pregastrula stages, in the inhibition of anterior and neural fate determination

    Les bibliothèques universitaires et les enjeux de l\u27open access

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    Mémoire de fin d\u27étude du diplôme de conservateur, promotion 27, portant sur les enjeux de l\u27open access en bibliothèques universitaires

    La Bibliothèque HOA, Bilan et Perspectives

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    International audienceCet article présente l’état actuel de la bibliothèque HOA en cours de développement, suite à un premier article paru dans les actes des Jim 2012. Nousprésentons en détail l’ensemble des objets. Nous précisons l’apport de la décomposition en ondes planes dans le contexte ambisonique ainsi que l’usage de la synthèse binaurale pour une ambisonie virtuelle. Enfin nous abordons la prise en main de la bibliothèque par les musiciens

    Implementation of COVID-19 Infection Control Measures by German Dentists: A Qualitative Study to Identify Enablers and Barriers

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    Objectives: COVID-19 infection control measures have been recommended for dental practices worldwide. This qualitative study explored barriers and enablers for the implementation of these measures in German dental practices. Methods: Semi-structured phone interviews were conducted in November/December 2020 (purposive/snowball sampling). The Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) and the Capabilities, Opportunities and Motivations influencing Behaviors model (COM-B) were used to guide interviews. Mayring's content analysis was employed to analyze interviews. Results: All dentists (28-71 years, 4/8 female/male) had implemented infection control measures. Measures most frequently not adopted were FFP2 masks, face shields (impractical), the rotation of teams (insufficient staffing) and the avoidance of aerosol-generating treatments. Dentists with personal COVID-19 experience or those seeing themselves as a role model were more eager to adopt measures. We identified 34 enablers and 20 barriers. Major barriers were the lack of knowledge, guidelines and recommendations as well as limited availability and high costs of equipment. Pressure by staff and patients to ensure infection control was an enabler. Conclusions: Dentists are motivated to implement infection control measures, but lacking opportunities limited the adoption of certain measures. Policy makers and equipment manufacturers should address these points to increase the implementation of infection control measures against COVID-19 and potential future pandemics

    Something to Say: Writing for Publication

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    Publication, if successful, is exhilarating! Aspiring academic scholars recognize the contribution that peer-reviewed publications make to their careers. It identifies their engagement with their discipline. For students, the benefits of publishing a paper include bolstering their levels of confidence and knowledge and demonstrating to them how they can contribute to their chosen profession. However, inexperience can cause trepidations of the unknown or negative emotions when the writing and publication process goes amiss (Devitt, Coad, & Hardicre, 2007; Rew, 2012). Described in this paper is the background, structure, and limitations of a writing workshop the authors initiated during a recent conference. The purpose of the workshop was to aid both academic colleagues and students in publishing articles in peer-reviewed journals. Participants shared their experiences of writing and identified challenges with the writing for publication process. Finally, strategies that could help participants successfully meet their publications goals were identifie
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