665 research outputs found

    MORC3, a component of PML nuclear bodies, has a role in restricting herpes simplex virus type 1 and human cytomegalovirus

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    We previously reported that MORC3, a protein associated with promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies (PML NBs), is a target of HSV-1 ICP0 mediated degradation. Since it is well known that certain other components of the PML NB complex play an important role during an intrinsic immune response to HSV-1, and are also degraded or inactivated by ICP0, we further investigate here the role of MORC3 during HSV-1 infection. We demonstrate that MORC3 has antiviral activity during HSV-1 infection and that this antiviral role is counteracted by ICP0. In addition, MORC3's antiviral role extends to wild type (wt) HCMV infection as its plaque forming efficiency increased in MORC3 depleted cells. We found that MORC3 is recruited to sites associated with HSV-1 genomes after their entry into the nucleus of an infected cell, and in wt infections this is followed by its association with ICP0 foci prior to its degradation. The RING finger domain of ICP0 was required for degradation of MORC3 and we confirmed that no other HSV-1 protein is required for the loss of MORC3. We also found that MORC3 is required for fully efficient recruitment of PML, Sp100, hDaxx and ÎłH2AX to sites associated with HSV-1 genomes entering the host cell nucleus. This study further unravels the intricate ways in which HSV-1 has evolved to counteract the host immune response and reveals a novel function for MORC3 during the host intrinsic immune response

    Women and presbyterianism in Scotland c1830 to c1930

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    This thesis is a consideration of the changing relationship between women and presbyterianism in Scotland during the period c1830 - c1930, focusing particularly upon its effect on the developments which increased the involvement of women in public, social, ecclesiastical and political realms. It claims that women were historical agents who acted critically and creatively in response to their circumstances, and so were active participants in the processes of change.The values and beliefs expressed by Scottish women were not biologically essential or uniform, but shaped by their historical location. They were differentiated by a range of factors -including class, race, gender, character and geographical location - which belied the prevalent archetypal understanding of 'True Womanhood'. The period witnessed significant developments in the options available, especially to certain groups of women in church and society. Many women welcomed the potent concept of mission to justify and define their moral agency in religious work, philanthropy, education, and campaigns for social and political progress.The topic is introduced in chapter one with a brief consideration of its treatment (and neglect) in Scottish historiography, highlighting the significance of a presbyterian ethos in shaping the social and cultural landscape. I discuss sources, methodology, and limitations of the study. I contextualise the narrative by outlining the evolution of patriarchy as an organising principle in post-Reformation society, and of the 'separate spheres' doctrine which dominated discourse about women throughout the period.Chapter two looks at the development of women's work within the presbyterian denominations, and how that was related to the general industrial and professional employment of female labour in Scotland. Chapter three explores the involvement of women in the foreign missions of the church. Chapter four examines the official position of women within the presbyterian polity of the main denominations, and the options available to those who sought to challenge and change female exclusion from status and responsibility. Chapter five discusses the participation of women in four major campaigns to transform aspects of their society: anti-slavery] temperance; the struggle for access to higher education; the women's suffrage campaign. It focuses particularly on the ways in which people, policies and practices were influenced by presbyterianism, and vice versa and analyses, in the Scottish context, the claim that Protestantism was an almost essential precondition for the development of feminism in the western world. Chapter six is an attempt, based on the research, and on insights from contemporary feminist theology, to assess whether presbyterianism in Scotland during the period could be characterised as a source of liberation or oppression for women. Appendix I is a comparative case study of two local branches of the Church of Scotland Woman's Guild


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    In this article, two teacher educators examine two curriculum moments they have experienced, one with children and the other with pre‐service teachers. They find possibilities for shifts in their understandings and insights into their own identity making and that of students. Drawing upon Connelly and Clandinin’s (1992) notion of teachers as curriculum makers, they consider how students shape curriculum alongside teachers in classrooms. Students’ and teachers’ actions and words shape not only events of the classroom but also ways that they compose and recompose their lives in school. In this way, curriculum making and identity making become intertwined. Key words: narrative inquiry, curriculum, teacher education, teacher knowledge, student learning, identity Dans cet article, deux professeurs de pĂ©dagogie analysent deux expĂ©riences qu’elles ont vĂ©cues, l’une avec des enfants et l’autre avec des Ă©tudiants en formation Ă  l’enseignement. Elles trouvent des avenues pouvant favoriser l’évolution de la perception de leur propre identitĂ© et de celle des Ă©tudiants. S’inspirant d’une notion de Connelly et de Clandinin (1992) voulant que les enseignants soient des bĂątisseurs de curriculum, elles voient comment des Ă©lĂšves façonnent le curriculum en mĂȘme temps que les enseignants. Les actions et les propos des Ă©lĂšves et des enseignants modĂšlent non seulement les Ă©vĂ©nements qui ont lieu en classe, mais aussi les façons qu’ils composent et recomposent leur vie Ă  l’école. De ce point de vue, l’évolution du curriculum et l’évolution de l’identitĂ© sont Ă©troitement liĂ©es. Mots clĂ©s: recherche narrative, curriculum, formation Ă  l’enseignement, connaissances de l’enseignant, apprentissage des Ă©lĂšves, identitĂ©

    “I Needed to Rediscover who I Really Was”: An Inquiry into the Impacts of one Graduate Teacher Education Program for Early Elementary Teachers

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    This paper reports on the impacts on teachers of a new Masters in Education program developed for early elementary teachers at one small Canadian university. Central to the program are concepts of the child as competent and capable, and a view of professional learning as democratic, critically reflective and a way to enhance teacher agency. Our findings are based on interviews and focus group conversations with several members of one of the cohorts who completed the program. In our thematic analysis we determined that teachers reported changes in their practices including slowing down and listening to children as well as increased flexibility and ability to relinquish control. Additionally, teachers spoke of increased confidence in themselves and the children in their classrooms as a result of participating in this program.Keywords: early elementary grades, graduate teacher education, early elementary pedagogy, democratic professional learning, teachers’ agencyCet article fait Ă©tat des impacts sur les enseignants d’un nouveau programme de maitrise en Ă©ducation dĂ©veloppĂ© par une petite universitĂ© canadienne pour les enseignants du primaire. Le programme est centrĂ© sur le concept selon lequel l’enfant est compĂ©tent et capable, et sur une perspective de l’apprentissage professionnel comme Ă©tant un processus de rĂ©flexion critique qui est dĂ©mocratique et susceptible d’augmenter chez les enseignants le sentiment de pouvoir agir. Nos rĂ©sultats dĂ©coulent d’entrevues et de conversations avec des groupes de discussion impliquant plusieurs membres d’une cohorte ayant complĂ©tĂ© le programme. Notre analyse thĂ©matique rĂ©vĂšle que les enseignants ont signalĂ© des changements dans leurs pratiques; entre autres, ils ont indiquĂ© qu’ils ralentissaient et Ă©coutaient les Ă©lĂšves, Ă©taient plus souples et se sentaient en mesure de cĂ©der le contrĂŽle. De plus, les enseignants ont reconnu que leur participation au programme avait entrainĂ© une augmentation de leur confiance en soi et en les Ă©lĂšves.Mots clĂ©s : premiĂšres annĂ©es du primaire, Ă©tudes supĂ©rieures en enseignement, pĂ©dagogie des premiĂšres annĂ©es du primaire, sentiment chez les enseignants de pouvoir agir

    Diversification and expression of the PIN, AUX/LAX, and ABCB families of putative auxin transporters in \u3cem\u3ePopulus\u3c/em\u3e

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    Intercellular transport of the plant hormone auxin is mediated by three families of membrane-bound protein carriers, with the PIN and ABCB families coding primarily for efflux proteins and the AUX/LAX family coding for influx proteins. In the last decade our understanding of gene and protein function for these transporters in Arabidopsis has expanded rapidly but very little is known about their role in woody plant development. Here we present a comprehensive account of all three families in the model woody species Populus, including chromosome distribution, protein structure, quantitative gene expression, and evolutionary relationships. The PIN and AUX/LAX gene families in Populus comprise 16 and 8 members respectively and show evidence for the retention of paralogs following a relatively recent whole genome duplication. There is also differential expression across tissues within many gene pairs. The ABCB family is previously undescribed in Populus and includes 20 members, showing a much deeper evolutionary history, including both tandem and whole genome duplication as well as probable gene loss. A striking number of these transporters are expressed in developing Populus stems and we suggest that evolutionary and structural relationships with known auxin transporters in Arabidopsis can point toward candidate genes for further study in Populus. This is especially important for the ABCBs, which is a large family and includes members in Arabidopsis that are able to transport other substrates in addition to auxin. Protein modeling, sequence alignment and expression data all point to ABCB1.1 as a likely auxin transport protein in Populus. Given that basipetal auxin flow through the cambial zone shapes the development of woody stems, it is important that we identify the full complement of genes involved in this process. This work should lay the foundation for studies targeting specific proteins for functional characterization and in situ localization

    Making the Invisible of Learning Visible: Pre-service Teachers Identify Connections between the Use of Literacy Strategies and their Content Area Assessment Practices

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    In this paper we describe four ways secondary pre-service teachers appeared to be developing assessment practices during field experience, after taking a content area literacy course. This paper arises from a multi-year study exploring pre-service and beginning content area teachers’ use of literacy strategies in teaching mathematics, science, and other content areas. Pre-service teachers’ descriptions of their teaching revealed how they understood assessment and literacy practices during field experience as intertwined and symbiotic. Pre-service teachers discussed the use of literacy strategies as multi-faceted and serving multiple assessment purposes in their classrooms, enabling them to better understand student learning by making the invisible processes of thinking visible. Dans cet article, nous dĂ©crivons quatre façons dont les enseignants en formation semblaient dĂ©velopper des pratiques d’évaluation pendant une expĂ©rience sur le terrain et aprĂšs avoir suivi un cours en alphabĂ©tisation aux contenus adaptĂ©s. Les rĂ©sultats dĂ©coulent d’une Ă©tude pluriannuelle portant sur l’emploi de stratĂ©gies en alphabĂ©tisation par des enseignants en formation et des enseignants dĂ©butants offrant des cours de maths, de sciences et d’autres disciplines.  Les descriptions par les enseignants en formation de leur enseignement ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que pendant l’expĂ©rience sur le terrain, ils ont compris le lien serrĂ© et symbiotique entre l’évaluation et les pratiques en alphabĂ©tisation. Les enseignants en formation ont Ă©galement dĂ©crit leurs stratĂ©gies en matiĂšre d’alphabĂ©tisation comme Ă©tant multidimensionnelles et aptes Ă  satisfaire Ă  plusieurs objectifs d’évaluation dans leurs classes, ce qui rendait visibles les processus invisibles de rĂ©flexion et leur permettait ainsi de mieux comprendre l’apprentissage par leurs Ă©lĂšves. 

    An Evidence-Based Update On Vitamins

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    American adults take many types of vitamin supplements, despite limited evidence of their efficacy, especially in preventing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Supplements contain significant amounts of vitamins when consumed from multiple sources. Excess consumption of some vitamins may have detrimental health effects. Use of MMVM products appears to be safe; however, clinical outcomes have not been established. Although vitamin D and preconception folic acid may be appropriate for self care, a health care provider should monitor other vitamin supplements for disease prevention, such as niacin. Beyond supplementation as treatment for vitamin deficiencies, evidence is lacking

    Inquiring into Pre-service Content Area Teachers’ Development of Literacy Practices and Pedagogical Content Knowledge

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    The focus of this qualitative multi-year case study is on pre-service teachers’ experiences related to the development of their literacy practices in teaching high school science, math, social studies and other content area courses during their final field placement in a teacher education program. Results indicate tangible indicators of overall growth in participants’ developing pedagogical content knowledge as well differences in the depth of their learning. All participants willingly supported the idea of integrating literacy in content area courses, but their successes were somewhat uneven, and reflective of their evolving pedagogical content knowledge, as they attempted to make literacy practices a regular part of their teaching practices. Our findings should be of interest to teacher education programs and school districts in supporting pre-service and beginning teachers as they develop their practices as teachers of literacy in content areas

    Factors influencing stresses in the lumbar spine after the insertion of intervertebral cages: finite element analysis

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    Abstract.: Intervertebral cages in the lumbar spine have been an advancement in spinal fusion to relieve low back pain. Even though initial stability is accepted as a requirement for fusion, there are other factors. The load transfer and its effect on the tissues adjacent to the cage may also play an essential role, which is not easily detectable with experimental tests. In this study the effects of an intervertebral cage insertion on a lumbar functional spinal unit were investigated using finite element analyses. The influences of cage material, cancellous bone density and spinal loading for the stresses in a functional spinal unit were evaluated. Three-dimensional (3D) finite element models of L2-L3 were developed for this purpose. An anterior approach for a monobloc, box-shaped cage was modelled. Models with cage were compared to the corresponding intact ones. The results showed that inserting a cage increased the maximum von Mises stress and changed the load transfer in the adjacent structures. Varying the cage material or the loading conditions had a much smaller influence than varying the cancellous bone density. The denser the cancellous bone, the more the stress was concentrated underneath the cage, while the remaining regions were unloaded. This study showed that the density of the underlying cancellous bone is a more important factor for the biomechanical behaviour of a motion segment stabilized with a cage, and its eventual clinical success, than the cage material or the applied load. Inserting an intervertebral cage markedly changed the load transfer. The altered stress distribution may trigger bone remodelling and explain damage of the underlying vertebra
