28 research outputs found

    Learning activities in bachelor nursing education to learn pre- and postoperative nursing care—A scoping review

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    The aim of this scoping review was to systematically map and summarise the existing literature on learning activities in pre- and postoperative nursing care for undergraduate nursing students. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses–Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) and the Johanna Briggs Institute guidelines were applied. Eleven articles were included in the scoping review. The learning activities involved simulation-based learning (including human patient simulation and virtual simulation), web-based learning and case studies. A range of pre- and postoperative content was applied in the learning activities. Students’ knowledge, skills, clinical decision making, clinical reasoning, experiences and stress and anxiety were measured. The review highlights findings for nursing educators planning teaching methods for pre- and postoperative nursing care.publishedVersio

    Utopian freedom : individual freedom and social order in Thomas More`s Utopia, Marge Piercy`s Woman on the edge of time and Ursula Le Guin`s The Dispossessed

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    Masteroppgave i engelsk- Universitetet i Agder 200

    Effectiveness of pre-anaesthetic assessment clinic: a systematic review of randomised and non-randomised prospective controlled studies

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    Objectives The aim of this systematic review was to examine the effectiveness of pre-anaesthesia assessment clinics (PACs) in improving the quality and safety of perioperative patient care. Design Systematic review. Data sources The electronic databases CINAHL Plus with Full Text (EBSCOhost), Medline and Embase (OvidSP) were systematically searched on 11 September 2018 and updated on 3 February 2020 and 4 February 2021. Eligibility criteria The inclusion criteria for this study were studies published in English or Scandinavian language and scientific original research that included randomised or non-randomised prospective controlled studies. Additionally, studies that reported the outcomes from a PAC consultation with the patient present were included. Data extraction and synthesis Titles, abstracts and full texts were screened by a team of three authors. Risk of bias was assessed using the Joanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal checklist for quasi-experimental studies. Data extraction was performed by one author and checked by four other authors. Results were synthesised narratively owing to the heterogeneity of the included studies. Results Seven prospective controlled studies on the effectiveness of PACs were included. Three studies reported a significant reduction in the length of hospital stay and two studies reported a significant reduction in cancellation of surgery for medical reasons when patients were seen in the PAC. In addition, the included studies presented mixed results regarding anxiety in patients. Most studies had a high risk of bias. Conclusion This systematic review demonstrated a reduction in the length of hospital stay and cancellation of surgery when the patients had been assessed in the PAC. There is a need for high-quality prospective studies to gain a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of PACs

    Hjemmebehandling med intravenøs antibiotika : Gjennomførbarhet og pasienters erfaringer

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    Home treatment of infections with intravenous antibiotics is common internationally but is uncommon in Norway. The purpose of this study was to survey a patient population and to describe patients' experiences with intravenous home treatment with antibiotics and to assess the feasibility of the course of treatment. All patients treated at home with intravenous antibiotics from November 2016 to June 2021 were asked to participate in the study. Journal review and questionnaires were used to collect data. Quantitative data were processed with descriptive statistics and qualitative data were analyzed with manifest content analysis. The study includes 175 patients with an average age of 65 years. The most frequent infections were endocarditis, prosthesis infection and septic arthritis. The study showed that the patients were very satisfied with home treatment and that also elderly patients could be treated at home (45% were ≥70 years old). 90% of the patients answered that they would choose home treatment again if they needed it and that home treatment increased well-being and subjective quality of life, but that training of and follow-up from clinical staff were important.Hjemmebehandling av infeksjoner med intravenøs antibiotika er vanlig internasjonalt, men er lite brukt i Norge. I denne studien er hensikten å kartlegge en pasientpopulasjon og beskrive pasienters erfaringer med intravenøs hjemmebehandling med antibiotika og gjennomførbarheten av behandlingsforløpet. Alle pasienter som ble behandlet hjemme med intravenøs antibiotika fra november 2016 til juni 2021 ble spurt om å delta i studien. Journalgranskning og spørreskjema ble brukt for å innhente data. Kvantitative data ble bearbeidet med deskriptiv statistikk og kvalitative data ble analysert med manifest innholdsanalyse. Studien inkluderer 175 pasienter, gjennomsnittsalder 65 år. Hyppigste infeksjoner var endokarditt, proteseinfeksjon og septisk artritt. Studien viste at pasientene var svært tilfredse med hjemmebehandling og at eldre pasienter kunne behandles hjemme (45 % var ≥70 år). 90 % av pasientene svarte at de ville valgt hjemmebehandling igjen dersom de trengte det og at hjemmebehandling ga økt trivsel og subjektiv livskvalitet, men at opplæring og oppfølgning var viktig

    Improved drug-use patterns at 6 months post-discharge from inpatient substance use disorder treatment: Results from compulsorily and voluntarily admitted patients

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    Background Treatment services to patients with substance use disorders (SUDs), including those mandated to treatment, needs to be evaluated and evidence based. The Norwegian Municipal Health Care Act calls for mandated treatment for persons with “severe and life-threatening substance use disorder” if these individuals are not otherwise willing to be voluntarily treated and consequently risk their lives over drug use. This study aims to examine substance use–related outcomes at 6 months following inpatient treatment and to analyse factors associated with improved outcomes and abstinence. Method This prospective study followed 202 hospitalized patients with SUD who were admitted voluntarily (VA; n = 137) or compulsorily (CA; n = 65). The European Addiction Severity Index was used at baseline and at follow-up to assess socio-demographic and substance use variables. Regression analysis was conducted to investigate factors associated with abstinence at 6 months of follow-up. Results The frequency of use of a preferred substance showed marked improvement for both VA and CA patients (61 and 37 %, respectively) at follow-up. Seventy-five percent of VA patients using amphetamine reported improvement compared to 53 % of CA patients. At follow-up, the CA group continued to have a higher rate of injection use. The CA group had experienced higher rates of overdose in the past 6 months and lower abstinence rates (24 % versus 50 %) at follow-up. A lower severity of drug use at intake (non–injection drug use), voluntary treatment modality, and higher treatment involvement during follow-up all were significant factors associated with abstinence at 6 months after treatment. Conclusion Voluntary treatment for SUD generally yielded better outcomes; nevertheless, we also found improved outcomes for CA patients. It is important to keep in mind that in reality, the alternative to CA treatment is no treatment at all and instead a continuation of life-threatening drug use behaviours. Our observed outcomes for CA patients support the continuation of CA treatment

    Clinical Nurses Research Priorities in Hospital Settings: A Delphi Survey.

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    This study aimed to identify the research priorities of clinical nurses to develop a research program at a health care services system that includes three hospitals. A Delphi survey was emailed to all clinical nurses in two rounds. The Delphi method was used to collect data from the nurses in regards to their priority research themes, and the data were analyzed using descriptive and comparative statistics. A total of 933 clinical nurses returned the first round of the Delphi survey and 543 nurses answered the second round. Clinical nurses identified 89 potential research themes. Patient safety and ethical challenges were the two highest ranked research priorities. The 40 highest ranked priority research themes were closely associated with issues concerning patient care and ethics. However, the nurses also gave high ratings to issues relating to the work environment, questions about technology implementation, and patient involvement in clinical care decisions

    Involuntarily admitted patients with substance use disorders

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    Tvangsinnleggelse av pasienter med ruslidelser Forsker og sykepleier Anne Opsal har i sin studie vist at en stor del av tvangsinnlagte pasienter både etter Psykisk helsevernloven og Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven har samtidig rus- og psykiatrisk lidelse. Mens menn dominerte blant tvangsinnlagte pasienter med ruslidelser etter Psykisk helsevernloven, var det relativt flere unge kvinner innlagt etter Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven. Tvangsinnlagte til tverrfaglig spesialisert behandling etter Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven hadde mer bruk av trygdeytelser, tyngre rusbelastning og oftere legekontakt på grunn av somatiske helseproblemer enn frivillig innlagte pasienter. I en nasjonal studie av pasienter med ruslidelse innlagt i akuttpsykiatriske avdelinger samvarierte det å bli tvangsinnlagt med bruk av amfetamin. En annen delstudie viste at blant førstegangs psykosepasienter er det større forekomst av tvangsinnleggelser dersom man har samtidig ruslidelse. Samtidig rus- og psykisk lidelse virker med andre ord til å komplisere behandlingsforløpet og er assosiert med tvangsinnleggelser. Dette tyder på at kliniske rutiner for å identifisere både rus- og psykiatriske lidelser, bør gis høy prioritet i behandlingssystemene. Mange av pasientene vil kunne ha nytte av integrerte spesialisthelsetjenester innen mental helse, somatisk helse og tverrfaglig, spesialisert rusbehandling