64 research outputs found

    Pre-tender Phase Communication During Public Procurement Process : Expectations and Perceptions

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    Public buyers are enhanced to communicate with potential suppliers before the actual tendering in order to co-develop services and service processes. However, the competitive environment and the uncertainty of future exchange may challenge open information exchange, which is a prerequisite for effective communication. However, there is no research of how the quality of communication is perceived by the actors involved in the pre-tender phase. Thus, the aim of this study is to explore public buyer’s and potential suppliers’ perceptions of the pre-tender phase communication. We have conducted an explorative single case study and collected dyadic data with the help of interviews and observation from a buyer and suppliers that we involved in the pre-tender phase interaction. In our preliminary findings, we discovered major differences between the buyer’s and the suppliers’ perceptions of the quality of the pre-tender phase communication. The buyer was satisfied with the communication, whereas most of the suppliers perceived the information exchanged during the pre-tender phase too superficial to be useful neither for the buyer nor for the suppliers. We contribute to the public procurement literature by exploring buyer-supplier communication in the early phases of the procurement process, and by taking a dyadic view. Managers in public organizations can utilize our findings when planning pre-tender phase interaction.©2020 The Authors.fi=vertaisarvioimaton|en=nonPeerReviewed

    Why is it so hard to develop relationships in public procurement? The impact of early interaction

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    Public procurement research emphasizes the benefits of interacting with potential suppliers early in the public procurement process; that is, in the phase before the tendering. However, how such interaction influences relationships between public and private actors has remained an unexplored area regardless of the obligation of public buyer to regularly invite suppliers to tender that tends to create relationships that follow a trail of active and less active phases. In this study, we explore how early interaction influences the activation and reactivation of buyer-supplier relationships in public procurement context. By employing a qualitative case study design, we investigate the development of four buyer-supplier relationships in public procurement, in which the suppliers were involved in the pre-tender phase activities organized by the public buyer. The preliminary findings indicate both hindering and promoting impact of the pre-tender phase interaction on the activation and reactivation of relationships. However, intensive interaction in the beginning of the relationship activation/reactivation with the selected supplier was regarded as more important than interaction in the pre-tender phase, during which the supplier was merely a potential supplier. Therefore, we conclude that early interaction in public procurement context remains problematic from the relationship development perspective, because the pre-tender phase tends to be too short and interaction too superficial to create a trusting atmosphere that would assist in activating or re-activating, and thereby enhancing relationship development.©2020 The Authors.fi=vertaisarvioimaton|en=nonPeerReviewed

    Conceptualizing inter-organizational triads

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    Interest in triads and triadic research settings for the study of inter-organizational issues is growing. A literature review of inter-organizational studies, claiming a use of triadic research design, shows that the terms “triad” and “triadic” have been used to describe many different types of inter-organizational phenomena. However, not all studies involving a context of three actors are actually examining triads. This paper offers a robust definition of three-actor constellations qualifying as triads. Moreover, it elaborates on different types of inter-organizational triads, based on two aspects of collectivity; cohesion and the ability to act as a single entity. The definition of inter-organizational triads and the categorization of different types of triads will hopefully encourage further studies of triads; the smallest and simplest network which offers insights, which cannot be achieved in the study of single actors or dyads.© 2016 Elsevier. This manuscript version is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial–NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY–NC–ND 4.0) license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Case-based learning in collaboration across universities to enhance students' understanding of sustainability

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    Focus on sustainability is increasing in engineering and management education, businesses, and the larger society. In order to cope with sustainability challenges, more holistic pedagogies and practices that foster interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary ways of thinking are needed. Thus, this exploratory paper aims to provide insights into developing a master’s-level course module on sustainability in business networks by using active learning through case-based teaching together with collaboration among three Nordic universities (NTNU, Vaasa, and Chalmers). The paper illustrates the multiple facets of designing, implementing, and evaluating three-party collaborative case-based learning based on an active learning approach that enhances students’ learning and performance. We conclude that the students are actively involved and learn better with case-based learning and can further empathize and associate with the case contexts. This can be achieved through engagement in cross-border collaboration, a mix of student backgrounds, flexibility in choosing cases, and clarity in case materials. Additionally, we encourage teachers to use a combination of innovative active learning methods to promote students’ in-depth understanding of complex sustainability-related challenges.© 2023 Authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.9. International License.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Conceptualizing the supplier switching process: An example from public procurement

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    Purpose This paper aims to develop a framework for switching a service supplier in a supply network. Design/methodology/approach The study builds on existing literature in the field of purchasing and supply management, public procurement (PP) and the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing approach, as well as on an illustrative example case, from the PP context, of a supplier switch in a service delivery process. Findings During a switching process, the buyer must simultaneously manage the ending of a relationship with the incumbent supplier and the beginning of a relationship with a new supplier. Collaboration with the focal suppliers to develop a service process with standardized components prevents disruptions in the service processes and reduces the impact of the switch on the wider network. Research limitations/implications The conceptualization suggested in this paper needs to be further explored in different empirical contexts to assess its practical adequacy. Practical implications Practitioners responsible for service procurement can use the findings to develop collaboration with suppliers, both when it comes to service process development and to the switching process. Furthermore, the authors highlight the importance of ending competencies and the development of an exit plan to conduct a “beautiful exit.” Originality/value The paper integrates relationship initiation and ending studies, as well as procurement process models to develop a refined switching process framework. Many PPs rely on short-term relationships due to the legal obligation to frequently invite suppliers to tender, thus understanding the supplier switching process is important both for private and public sector actors.©2021 Emerald Publishing Limited. This manuscript version is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY–NC 4.0) license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Julkisen hankintaprosessin alkuvaiheet : hankintatoimen ja toimittajien välinen vuorovaikutus

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    Tutkimushankkeessa tarkasteltiin julkisten hankintojen valmisteluvaihetta ja lisäkysymysvaihetta kolmen kaupungin kuuden erilaisen kilpailutuksen osalta, sekä palvelun haltuunottovaihetta kolmen hankinnan osalta. Kaupunkien lisäksi tutkimukseen osallistui sekä valmisteluihin osallistuneita yrityksiä että yrityksiä, jotka eivät osallistuneet valmisteluihin eivätkä kilpailutukseen. Tutkimuksen ensisijaisena tavoitteena oli tutkia edellytyksiä hankintaprosessin vuorovaikutuksellisuuden kehittämiselle hankintasääntelyn rajoissa, ja erityisesti hankintaprosessin alkuvaiheissa. Kysymykset, joita asetimme, olivat: Mitä toimenpiteitä hankinnan tutkimuksen kohteena olevat kilpailutuksen vaiheet sisältävät? Miten näitä vaiheita voisi kehittää? Mitä oikeudellisia riskejä näihin vaiheisiin liittyy? Mallinsimme kaupunkien järjestämät vuorovaikutustilanteet ja esitimme niihin kehitysehdotuksia perustuen sekä yritysten että hankintatoimen ehdotuksiin, sekä havaitsemiimme puutteisiin. Totesimme, että vuorovaikutuksen onnistumisen edellytyksiä ovat huolelliset ennakkojärjestelyt, riittävän ajan varaaminen ja luottamuksellisen ilmapiirin luominen vuorovaikutustilanteissa. Potentiaalisten toimittajien yhdenmukaisen kohtelun vaatimus asettaa haasteita hankintatoimelle tiedon jakamisessa ja sen käyttämisessä. Vuorovaikutus tiivistyy ja yhteisymmärrys lisääntyy haltuunotossa, joka tehdään valitun toimittajan kanssa. Tutkimusraportti sisältää mallinnuksia ja useita esimerkkejä tutkimuksen kohteena olleista käytänteistä, joiden uskomme olevan avuksi sekä hankintatoimen edustajille että kilpailutuksiin osallistuville, tai sitä harkitseville yrityksille.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Market dialogue in public procurement : Buyer-supplier interfaces and relational abilities

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    Previous studies have suggested that public procurement promotes transactional and standardized interfaces between public buyers and suppliers. The use of more interactive and translational interfaces in market dialogues during the pre-tender phase of public procurement has received limited academic interest. Based on a multiple-case study, this paper aims to address this research gap by focusing on public buyer-supplier interfaces and the buyer's and the suppliers' abilities to interact during market dialogues. Thereby, we contribute to the literature on public procurement and supplier management. First, we enrich the interface framework by showing that interaction can be achieved in market dialogues and highlighting that the dialogues do not necessarily feature only one interface but may contain a configuration of interfaces varying by interface type and sequencing. Second, we elaborate on the subdimensions of the public buyer's and the suppliers' relational abilities, which influence the buyer-supplier interfaces obtained through the market dialogue. We offer implications for organizing market dialogues in public procurement.© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Communities of Practice in Teaching Business Interaction : a Video-Based Role-Play Assignment

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    Tässä artikkelissa tarkastelemme käytäntöyhteisön näkökulmasta monivaiheista kurssitehtävää, jossa opiskelijat harjoittelevat liike-elämän vuorovaikutustaitoja asiakas- ja myyjäyrityksen välisessä neuvottelutilanteessa. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten käytäntöyhteisö tukee teorioiden oppimista ja viestintätaitoja. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostui kurssiin liittyvistä etnografisista seurantadokumenteista ja opiskelijoiden reflektioteksteistä. Tehtävässä yhdistyivät roolipeli, opiskelijoiden tuottamat videot sekä vertaisarviointi. Tehtävänantoa testattiin kahdella maisterivaiheen opiskelijaryhmällä, jotka suunnittelivat roolipelin ja nauhoittivat sen videolle. Viestintätieteiden opiskelijat tekivät roolipelistä vertaisarvioinnin. Tehtävään sisältyi työpaja, itsenäistä työskentelyä, ja ryhmätapaamisia. Opiskelijat pitivät tehtävää hyödyllisenä teorioiden oppimisen ja niiden käytäntöön soveltamisen kannalta. Lisäksi opiskelijapalautteesta tehdyn analyysin perusteella kurssilla opittiin neuvottelutaitojen lisäksi muita työelämätaitoja kuten ajanhallintaa, projektinhallintaa, kulttuurienvälistä ymmärrystä ja vuorovaikutteista viestintää. Erityisesti yksityiskohtaisten ja selkeiden ohjeiden, pääkäsitteiden selittämisen ja vertaisarvioinnin käytänteiden tärkeys korostui Kannustamme opettajia soveltamaan käytäntöyhteisöjen hyödyntämiseen perustuvia tehtäviä kursseilla, joihin sisältyy liike-elämän vuorovaikutustaitojen opettamista. Tällaisten tehtävien avulla voidaan opettaa tehokkaasti teorioita ja työelämäntaitoja, ja saadaan vaihtelua luentoihin ja kirjallisiin tehtäviin.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Assessing biodiversity impacts in life cycle assessment framework : Comparing approaches based on species richness and ecosystem indicators in the case of Finnish boreal forests

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    Impacts of bioeconomy on climate have been much discussed, but less attention has been given to biodiversity deterioration. One approach to assess biodiversity impacts is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Finland is a forested country with intensive forest industries, but only coarse biodiversity LCA methods are available. The aim of this study was to further develop and apply approaches to assess the biodiversity impacts of wood use in Finland. With the species richness approach (all taxons included), biodiversity impacts were higher in Southern than in Northern Finland but impacts in Southern and Northern Finland were lower when mammals, birds and molluscs were included. With the ecosystem indicators approach, if the reference situation were forest in its natural state, biodiversity impacts were higher than in the case where the initial state of forest before final felling was used to derive biodiversity loss. In both cases, the biodiversity impacts were higher in Northern Finland. These results were not coherent as the model applying species richness data assesses biodiversity loss based on all species, whereas the ecosystem indicators approach considers vulnerable species. One limitation of the species richness approach was that there were no reliable datasets available. In the ecosystem indicators approach, it was noticed that the biodiversity of managed Finnish forests is substantially lower than in natural forests. Biodiversity LCA approaches are highly sensitive to reference states, applied model and data. It is essential to develop approaches capable of comparing biodiversity impacts of forest management practices, or when looking at multiple environmental impacts simultaneously with the LCA framework

    Uusiutuvan energian tuotannon ja käytön ympäristövaikutukset ja -riskit

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    Tässä työssä tarkasteltiin uusiutuvan energian tuotantoon liittyviä haitallisia ympäristövaikutuksia ja riskejä. Selvitys on toteutettu laajana kirjallisuuskatsauksena ja laadullisena asiantuntija-arviona. Selvityksessä on koottu tietoa energiamuotojen koko elinkaaren aikaisista vaikutuksista muun muassa ilmastonmuutokseen, happamoitumiseen, rehevöitymiseen, veden kulutukseen, luonnon monimuotoisuuteen, maankäyttöön, pienhiukkasten muodostumiseen, uusiutumattomien luonnonvarojen käyttöön ja otsonikatoon. Ympäristövaikutuksia on tarkasteltu sekä yksikkövaikutuksittain, että vuoden 2020 uusiutuvien energialähteiden tuotantotavoitteet huomioiden. Lisäksi laadittiin toimenpide-ehdotuksia ja jatkotutkimusaiheita sisältävä priorisoitu lista keskeisimmistä tietoaukoista ja kehittämistoimenpiteistä uusiutuvan energian toimintasuunnitelman toteuttamisessa ja haitallisten ympäristövaikutusten minimoimisessa Suomessa. Kirjallisuuskatsaus osoitti, että eri energiamuotojen ympäristövaikutuksista ei ole riittävästi määrällistä ja keskenään vertailukelpoista tietoa. Tästä syystä arvio ympäristövaikutuksista tehtiin laadullisena asiantuntija-arviona. Tutkimuksessa sovelletun laadullisen lähestymistavan tuloksia voidaan pitää suuntaa-antavina, mutta kykenevinä nostamaan esille joukon keskeisiä kysymyksiä liittyen esimerkiksi metsäenergian ilmasto- ja monimuotoisuusvaikutuksiin ja peltoenergian vesistöjä rehevöittäviin vaikutuksiin. Tärkeimmäksi jatkotutkimusaiheeksi nousi kattavan ja vertailukelpoisen LCA-tutkimuksen toteuttaminen uusiutuvan energian tuotantovaihtoehdoille