1,575 research outputs found

    Preparation, Processing and Characterization of Noble Metal Nanoparticle-based Aerogels

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    New challenges in nanotechnology arise in the assembly of nanoobjects into three-dimensional superstructures, which may carry synergetic properties and open up new application fields. Within this new class of materials nanostructured, porous functional metals are of great interest since they combine high surface area, gas permeability, electrical conductivity, plasmonic behavior and size-enhanced catalytic reactivity. Even though a large variety of preparation pathways for the fabrication of porous noble metals has already been established, several limitations are still to be addressed by research developments. The new and versatile approach that is presented in this work makes use of a templatefree self-assembly process for the fabrication of highly porous, metallic nanostructures. Thereby, nanochains are formed by the controlled coalescence of noble metal NPs in aqueous media and their interconnection and interpenetration leads to the formation of a self-supported network with macroscopic dimensions. Subsequently, the supercritical drying technique is used to remove the solvent from the pores of the network without causing a collapse of the fragile structure. The resulting highly porous, low-weighted, three-dimensional nanostructured solids are named aerogels. The exceptional properties of these materials originate from the conjunction of the unique properties of nanomaterials magnified by macroscale assembly. Moreover, the combination of different metals may lead to synergetic effects regarding for example their catalytic activity. Therefore, the synthesis of multimetallic gels and the characterization of their structural peculiarities are in the focus of the investigations. In the case of the developed preparation pathways the gelation process starts from preformed, stable colloidal solutions of citrate capped, spherical noble metal (Au, Ag, Pt, Pd) NPs. In order to face various requirements several methods for the initiation of the controlled destabilization and coalescence of the nanosized building blocks were developed and synthesis conditions were optimized, respectively. Multimetallic structures with tunable composition are obtained by mixing different kinds of monometallic NP solutions and performing a joint gel formation. The characterization of the resulting materials by means of electron microscopy reveals the formation of a highly porous network of branched nanochains that provide a polycrystalline nature and diameters in the size range of the initial NPs. Furthermore, synthesis conditions for the spontaneous gel formation of glucose stabilized Au and Pd NPs were investigated. In order to gain a detailed knowledge of the structural properties of bimetallic aerogel structures a versatile set of characterization techniques was applied. A broad pore size distribution dominated by meso- and macropores and remarkably high inner surface areas were concluded from the N2 physisorption isotherms and density measurements. As investigated, a specific thermal treatment could be used to tune the ligament size of Au-Ag aerogels, whereas Au-Pd and Pt-Pd structures provide thermal stability under mild conditions. Further investigations aimed to the enlightenment of the elemental distribution and phase composition within the nanochains of multimetallic gel structures. The different approaches provide complementary and consistent results. Phase analyses based on XRD measurements revealed separated phases of each metal in the case of Ag-Pd and Au-Pd aerogels. They further proved the possibility of temperature induced phase modifications that lead to complete alloying of Au and Pd. In addition, separated domains of Pt and Pd were established from the EXAFS analysis of the corresponding aerogel. STEM EDX high resolution elemental mappings confirmed the separated domains of different metals in the case of Au-Pd and Pt-Pd aerogels. Moreover, a complete interdiffusion and alloy formation of Au and Ag within the corresponding aerogel structure is suggested from STEM EDX results. Finally, the presented investigations further promote the field of metallic aerogels by addressing the challenging issue of processability and device fabrication. Hybrid materials with organic polymers as well as various kinds of coatings on glass substrates and glassy carbon electrodes were prepared whereas the network structure was preserved throughout all processing steps. Moreover, it was illustrated that the NP-based aerogels carry metallic properties as expressed by their low Seebeck coefficients and high electrical conductivities

    Anpassung von Gebäuden

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    Dies ist ein Faktenblatt aus dem REGKLAM-Vorhaben zum Thema "Anpassung von Gebäuden"

    Weiterbildungsstudiengänge im tertiären Bildungssystem Deutschlands nach der Bologna-Reform: eine erste fallbasierte Analyse anhand von Absolventen

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    Die Dissertation untersucht die Absolventen des bundesweit ersten Master of Business Administration [MBA]-Studiengangs mit Schwerpunkt Sportmanagement. In einem ersten Schritt findet die Vorstellung (ausgewählter) theoriegeleiteter Ansätze der Studien(fach)wahl mit besonderer Betrachtung von (möglichen) Einflussfaktoren statt. Darauf folgt eine strukturelle Einordnung von Weiterbildungsstudiengängen und ihren rechtlichen Vorgaben allgemein sowie die spezielle Studienform des MBAs betreffend in das deutsche Bildungssystem. Es erfolgt eine generelle Betrachtung des Bachelor- und des Masterstudiums sowie der Besonderheiten von weiterbildenden, berufsbegleitenden Masterstudiengängen. Anschließend wird die international bereits etablierte, in Deutschland jedoch vergleichsweise neue, Studienform der MBA-Studiengänge charakterisiert. Ferner wird der Forschungsstand zu Studenten und Absolventen relevanter Studienfächer sowie -formen beleuchtet. Nach einer Zusammenfassung der theoretischen Erkenntnisse wird im Anschluss zum empirischen Teil übergeleitet. Im Zentrum dessen steht folgende Frage: Welche Gründe und Erwartungen bewegen berufstätige Menschen dazu, sich für ein berufsbegleitendes MBA-Studium mit dem Schwerpunkt Sportmanagement zu entscheiden und wie lassen sich eben diese anhand von ausgewählten Merkmalen charakterisieren? Dieser Fragestellung wurde zunächst in einer quantitativen Erhebung mithilfe einer Online-Befragung nachgegangen und in einem zweiten Forschungsschritt wurden vertiefende Interviews geführt. Die Ergebnisse der beiden empirischen Studien werden ausführlich dargestellt. Nach der Interpretation und Diskussion der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse schließt die Arbeit mit Hinweisen auf Limitationen sowie einem Forschungsausblick.

    Interkulturalität als Herzstück der Bildung für eine Menschlich begründete Gesellschaft

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    Fondé sur le concept d’identité (Dervin), le terme interculturalité est exploré par déclinaisons sémantiques dans des approches épistémologiques (Abdallah Pretceille, Devereux, Chalmel,) et empirique (Projet interculturel universitaire) au cœur du rapport sujet-culture. Celles-ci interrogent finalement les finalités éducatives (éduquer l’apprenant vers le développement de ses compétences ou de ses capabilités?), leurs enjeux et les limites du terme interculturalité dans un contexte des competences. (DIPF/Orig.)Basierend auf dem Identitätskonzept (Dervin) wird der Begriff Interkulturalität durch semantische Deklinationen in epistemologischen (Abdallah-Pretceille, Devereux, Chalmel) und empirischen Ansätzen (Universitäts-Interkulturelles Projekt) im Kern der Subjekt-Kultur-Beziehung untersucht. Sie fragen schließlich nach den Bildungszielen (Schulung des Lernenden zur Entwicklung seiner Kompetenzen oder Fähigkeiten?), ihren Herausforderungen und den Grenzen des Begriffs Interkulturalität im Kontext von Kompetenz. (DIPF/Orig.

    Dissection and optimization of Adeno-associated virus (AAV) DNA family shuffling technology: The journey is the reward

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    Viral vectors based on Adeno-associated viruses (AAV) have a broad application spectrum including gene therapy and basic research. However, because naturally occurring AAV capsids are rarely sufficiently efficient and/or specific for a given application, techniques were developed to broaden the existing capsid repertoire. A prototype technology is DNA family shuffling where, in a first step, homologous cap genes encoding capsid subunits are fragmented and recombined, yielding a viral library which can then be subjected to selection in order to enrich promising variants. The aim of the present study was to dissect and improve four critical steps along this procedure. Firstly (1), two different methodologies for production of cap gene fragments were compared, resulting in the identification of DNase I based fragmentation as the most robust approach. Interestingly, cap DNA concatamer formation during nested PCR was observed, leading to amendment of the PCR purification protocol. Next (2), we studied the impact of chimerism on the essential assembly-activating protein (AAP) that is encoded in an alternative open reading frame within cap and is recombined as well during DNA family shuffling. Importantly, by performing a battery of complementary experiments, we were able to show that shuffling of AAP is not impairing its function, i.e. the support of particle assembly. Furthermore, no influence on titers was observed for wild-type and most chimeric vector productions, altogether relieving long-standing concerns about a potential rate-limiting role of AAP for AAV vector generation and evolution. Thirdly (3), we established a pioneering in vivo AAV library selection strategy in which, unlike most previously reported schemes, we selected novel capsids in specific cell types within an organ instead of the organ as a whole. Specifically, we were motivated by the facts that liver disease is wide-spread in humans and that hepatic stellate cells (HSC) are known to drive liver fibrosis, thus contributing to disease progression. Alas, tools to genetically manipulate HSCs are limited. Therefore, a library encompassing 10 capsid variants was selected in HSC by AAV injection into mice, HSC isolation and PCR rescue using purified total DNA. Following multiple selection rounds, in vivo bulk validation was performed based on next-generation sequencing. In total, 157 capsid variants were screened in parallel and again, the liver was segregated into the single cell types, i.e. hepatocytes, HSC, Kupffer cells and liver sinusoidal endothelial cells. Notably, this revealed that the selection was successful as hepatocyte-detargeted vectors were identified that showed a strong co-transduction of HSC and Kupffer cells. Intriguingly, we noted differences in vector specificity and efficiency on the DNA versus the RNA level. In order to even further restrict the new vectors to a given cell type, vector cassettes were generated bearing cell-type specific promoters and miRNA binding sites to suppress off-targeting in cells expressing these miRNAs. Testing of these constructs in vitro gave promising results especially for the miRNA-based detargeting strategy. Finally (4), we implemented improvements during the selection and analysis steps, including the use of PacBio/SMRT sequencing technology to monitor AAV sequence enrichments throughout the course of selection. Additionally, we managed to increase the stringency of the PCR rescue of cap genes, by incorporating sample-specific barcodes, i.e., short, unique nucleotide stretches, into the AAV library genomes. By using these barcodes as a primer during sample recovery, we could isolate single libraries out of a complex library mixture, as validated in vitro. In the future, this original strategy could be exploited to track individual libraries in vivo upon injection of a mixture of libraries, which should in turn help to accelerate the identification of top-performing variants for validation studies. In summary, different steps along the powerful methodology of DNA family shuffling were improved advancing future vector development and the lingering concern about AAP impairment upon shuffling was dispersed
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