228 research outputs found

    Saisonale und Habilitat-spezifische KarbonatausfÀllung von Characeen Arten

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    KarbonatfĂ€llung und Elementzusammensetzung von Characeenarten wurde in verschiedenen Habitaten (SĂŒĂŸwasser, marinem Brackwasser und Binnensalzstandorten) untersucht. Die SaisonalitĂ€t der KarbonatfĂ€llungen zeigten Art-spezifische Muster. Im SĂŒĂŸwasser prĂ€zipitierten die Characeen höher als im Brackwasser. Die Zusammensetzung der Karbonat-Kruste wurde durch die Na+ Konzentration stark bedingt. Bei Inkubationen in Schwermetall-belastetem Wasser konnte eine Co-PrĂ€zipitation von Cd, Cu und Zn in der Karbonat-Kruste, und somit die Einsatzbarkeit von Characeen zur Bioremediation, nachgewiesen werden.Encrustation and element content of different charophytes, growing in freshwater, marine-brackish water, and inland brackish water sites were studied. Seasonal patterns of charophyte encrustation were found to be species-specific. Encrustation of charophytes from freshwater were higher than from brackish water. The composition of the carbonate crust was shifted; Na content changed according to Na+ concentration of the habitat water. Charophytes co-precipitated Cd, Cu and Zn in the carbonate crust, thus they can be used for bioremediation in Na+ depleted water

    How many digits are needed?

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    Let X1,X2,...X_1,X_2,... be the digits in the base-qq expansion of a random variable XX defined on [0,1)[0,1) where q≄2q\ge2 is an integer. For n=1,2,...n=1,2,..., we study the probability distribution PnP_n of the (scaled) remainder ∑k=n+1∞Xqqn−k\sum_{k=n+1}^\infty X_qq^{n-k}: If XX has an absolutely continuous CDF then PnP_n converges in the total variation metric to Lebesgue measure on the unit interval; under certain smoothness conditions we establish exponentially fast convergence of PnP_n and its PDF fnf_n; and we give examples of these results. The results are extended to the case of a multivariate random variable defined on a unit cube.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    The "where" of mixed reality: some guidelines for design

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    This paper presents some early design concepts for urban mixed reality (MR) environments. The concepts are based on preliminary analysis of an urban MR game. The objective is to explore how to create a unified user experiences through a combination of real and virtual elements

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.4, no.11

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    Table of Contents St. Patrick Inspires a Shamrock Luncheon by Alice Ericson and Julia B. Whiteside, page 1 Do You Test Your Textiles? by Mrs. Avis Duffey, page 2 Farm and Home Week Pays by Anne Westrom, page 2 Coffee in a Multitude of Ways by Adele Herbst, page 3 With the Iowa State Home Economics Association, page 4 Another Fuel – Bottled Gas by Florence Forbes, page 5 Iowa Child Welfare Research Station by Agnes Crain, page 6 Editorial, page 7 The Eternal Question, page 8 Who’s There and Where, page

    Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in obsessive-compulsive disorder – A qualitative study on patients’ experiences

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    BACKGROUND: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with exposure and response prevention (ERP) is the first-line treatment for patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). However, not all of them achieve remission on a longterm basis. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) represents a new 8-week group therapy program whose effectiveness has been demonstrated in various mental disorders, but has not yet been applied to patients with OCD. The present pilot study aimed to qualitatively assess the subjective experiences of patients with OCD who participated in MBCT. METHOD: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 patients suffering from OCD directly after 8 sessions of a weekly MBCT group program. Data were analyzed using a qualitative content analysis. RESULTS: Participants valued the treatment as helpful in dealing with their OCD and OCD-related problems. Two thirds of the patients reported a decline in OCD symptoms. Benefits included an increased ability to let unpleasant emotions surface and to live more consciously in the present. However, participants also discussed several problems. CONCLUSION: The data provide preliminary evidence that patients with OCD find aspects of the current MBCT protocol acceptable and beneficial. The authors suggest to further explore MBCT as a complementary treatment strategy for OCD

    Distribution of boulders in coastal waters of Western Pomerania, German Baltic Sea

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    This study contributes to a better understanding of geogenic reef distribution in the southern Baltic Sea and highlights the implications of survey-related factors on automated boulder classification when utilizing data from multiple surveys. The distribution of hard grounds and reefs is needed as a baseline for geological and biological studies, but also for offshore construction, navigation and coastal management. In this study we provide maps of the distribution of geogenic reefs for about 750 km2 in the southern Baltic Sea, at the sites Wismar Bay, Darss Sill and Plantagenet Ground. The maps are based on full-coverage backscatter surveys with different side scan sonar and multibeam echo sounder systems. The distribution and number of boulders in the backscatter maps was determined using a convolutional neural network combined with quality control by human experts. The extent of the geogenic reefs was calculated on the basis of the number of boulders in 50 m x 50 m grid cells. We compare the results with previous reef maps based on point sampling, which show reefs of either biogenic or geogenic origin. According to the earlier maps, 11% of the Plantagenet Ground seabed was classified as reef habitat type. This is similar to the result of our study (12%), although we only considered reefs of geogenic origin. In the Darss Sill, geogenic reefs are larger in this study than in previous maps (30% versus 23%). In both regions, the spatial distribution of reefs differs significantly between old and new maps. For Wismar Bay, previous maps classify 3% of the seafloor as habitat type reef, whereas this study classifies 35% as geogenic reef. The use of automated classification during seafloor mapping allowed large areas to be interpreted in a few days. It also provided more information on the distribution of boulders within the geogenic reef. However, the boulder distribution maps show the negative effects of survey geometry, frequency and environmental conditions on automated boulder classification when data from different surveys are combined

    Simulation of spatial variability in crop leaf area index and yield using agroecosystem modeling and geophysics-based quantitative soil information

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    Agroecosystem models that simulate crop growth as a function of weather conditionsand soil characteristics are among the most promising tools for improving crop yield and achieving more sustainable agricultural production systems. This study aims at using spatially distributed crop growth simulations to investigate how field-scale patterns in soil properties obtained using geophysical mapping affect the spatial variability of soil water content dynamics and growth of crops at the square kilometer scale. For this, a geophysics-based soil map was intersected with land use information. Soilhydraulic parameters were calculated using pedotransfer functions. Simulations of soilwater content dynamics performed with the agroecosystem model AgroC were com-pared with soil water content measured at two locations, resulting in RMSE of 0.032and of 0.056 cm3cm−3, respectively. The AgroC model was then used to simulate thegrowth of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.), silage maize (Zea maysL.), potato (SolanumtuberosumL.), winter wheat (Triticum aestivumL.), winter barley (Hordeum vulgareL.), and winter rapeseed (Brassica napusL.) in the 1- by 1-km study area. It was found that the simulated leaf area index (LAI) was affected by the magnitude of simulated water stress, which was a function of both the crop type and soil characteristics. Simulated LAI was generally consistent with the observed LAI calculated from normalized difference vegetation index (LAINDVI) obtained from RapidEye satellite data. Finally, maps of simulated agricultural yield were produced for four crops, and it was found that simulated yield matched well with actual harvest data and literature values. Therefore, it was concluded that the information obtained from geophysics-based soilmapping was valuable for practical agricultural applications
