117 research outputs found

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    Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung der Laterallinie beim Zebrabärbling Danio rerio

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    Die posteriore Rumpflinie des Seitenliniensystems im Zebrafisch besteht im frühen Embryonalstadium aus einer geringen Anzahl von Sinnesorganen, die entlang der Flanken des Tieres in regelmäßigen Abständen positioniert liegen. Untersuchungen an Amphibien und verschiedenen Fischspezies haben übereinstimmend ergeben, dass die frühen Sinnesorgane aus einem entlang der Rumpfmittellinie wandernden Primordium entstehen, das seinen Ursprung im Plakodengewebe des Kopfektoderms hat. Eine transgenen Linie (H2A/F.Z:GFP) ermöglichte eine detaillierte und anschauliche Darstellung des sehr dynamischen Prozesses auf zellulärer Ebene, der zur Bildung der primären Sinnesorgane führt. Weiterführende Untersuchungen konzentrierten sich auf den Ausbau des frühen embryonalen Systems zur postembryonalen Laterallinie. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass in jungen Larvenstadien die Anzahl der Sinnesorgane schnell zunimmt und sekundäre Neuromasten in einem von anterior nach posterior gerichteten Prozess zu der bestehenden Linie addiert werden. Mit Hilfe der gleichen Beobachtungstechnik wurde ein weiteres Primordium identifiziert und charakterisiert, das sekundäre Neuromasten in die Zwischenräume der primären Sinnesorgane ablegt. Die Verdopplung primärer und sekundärer Neuromasten scheint ebenfalls an der Bildung neuer Sinnesorgane innerhalb der untersuchten Rumpflinie beteiligt zu sein. Zellmarkierungsexperimente mit dem Fluoreszenzvitalfarbstoff RDA sollten Aufschluss über die ontogenetische Herkunft beider Primordien und der Beteiligung unterschiedlicher Zelltypen an der Bildung der Laterallinie geben. Zellen des Primordiums konnten drei unterschiedliche Zelltypen hervorbringen: Haarsinneszellen und Stützzellen der Neuromasten sowie Schwann-Zellen, ein Gliazelltyp, der die Myelinscheiden des posterioren Lateralliniennervs bildet. Die Untersuchungen legten nahe, dass Haar- und Stützzellen der Neuromasten aus gemeinsamen Vorläuferzellen hervorgehen, Gliazellen des Seitenliniensystems dagegen aus eigenen Vorläuferzellen gebildet werden. Der Ursprung des Primordiums konnte innerhalb der postotischen Plakode lokalisiert werden, die vermutlich auch die Vorläuferzellen des zweiten Primordiums umfasst. Weiterhin werfen die gewonnen Daten die Frage auf, ob Neuralleistenzellen ebenfalls an der Bildung von Schwann-Zellen beteiligt sind

    Retalho perfurante da artéria epigástrica profunda superior : efeito da vascularização venosa ampliada em modelo experimental em ratos /

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    Orientador: Antonio Carlos L.CamposDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Clínica Cirúrgica. Defesa: Curitiba, 2005.Inclui bibliografia e anexo

    Breast Implant Illness: where are we and where are we going?

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    ABSTRACT Despite more than 60 years of history, numerous studies and large population samples, in recent years, several patients have returned to the plastic surgeons office. They have doubts about the silicone, some due to the recent reports of BIA-ALCL, but the vast majority due to the possibility of systemic symptoms related to the implants and which arouse the desire for its removal. Procedure known as explant. This phenomenon, whose doubts are numerous and the responses are minimal, is known in the world literature as Breast Implant Illness (BII). On the Internet and social networks, hundreds of signs and symptoms have been related to silicone implants, usually nonspecific. The most common symptoms reported by patients are chronic fatigue, arthralgia, mental confusion, myalgia, memory loss, difficulty concentrating and dry eyes. So far, there are no diagnostic tests for BII, no method based on scientific evidence to differentiate it from other conditions, and there is very little knowledge about its onset, course, risk factors, causes and proper management. The option for removing the implants has been growing dramatically in recent years, being one of the ten most performed surgeries in the United States last year. The literature shows variable improvement rates after the explantation and the patients are, as a rule, satisfied with their aesthetic result and have lower levels of anxiety and stress after the procedure. Prospective, well-designed randomized studies correlating different periods are necessary, from the preoperative period of the implant until after the explantation

    Framtid, samspill og skaperglede : Betydningen av studentbedrift for senere entreprenøriell aktivitet

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    Ungt Entreprenørskap sine programmer bidrar til at mange tusen barn og unge blir introdusert for entreprenørskap i utdanning, der de får muligheten til å utvikle sine entreprenørielle ferdigheter gjennom en teoretisk og praktisk tilnærming. Vi synes dette arbeidet er viktig fordi det er disse som skal bidra til fremtidig økonomisk vekst og verdiskapning i Norge. Vi har selv hatt glede av organisasjonen gjennom studieløpet, og ønsket derfor å se nærmere på deres arbeid med å forme fremtidens entreprenører og arbeidstakere. Etter dialog med Ungt Entreprenørskap kom vi frem til følgende problemstilling: Hvilken betydning har deltakelse i studentbedrift hatt for entreprenøriell aktivitet 3-5 år etter endt program? Vi har med denne problemstillingen sett nærmere på hvor tidligere studentbedriftsdeltakere befinner seg i dag, og hvilket utbytte studentbedriften har dem gitt i ettertid. I vår oppgave har vi hovedsakelig benyttet Theresa M. Amabile sin teori om kreativitet og innovasjon. Ut i fra vårt perspektiv lagde vi en noe tilpasset og forenklet variant av hennes komponentmodell. Sammen med annen relevant forskning, og analysen av vårt forskningsmateriale, utgjør dette det teoretiske rammeverket for oppgaven. Vi har benyttet en kvalitativ tilnærming for å samle inn egen data. Som del av dette arbeidet gjennomførte vi semistrukturerte dybdeintervju er med åtte informanter, som deltok i Ungt Entreprenørskap sitt studentbedriftsprogram for 3-5 år siden. Som et resultat av kodingsarbeidet kategoriserte vi informantene basert på entreprenøriell aktivitet etter studentbedriftdeltakelsen. Analysearbeidet viste at det er karakteristiske forskjeller mellom kategoriene, som kalles entreprenørene, de kreative og rådgiverne. Vi har ikke kunnet fastslå en direkte sammenheng mellom deltakelse i studentbedriftsprogrammet til Ungt Entreprenørskap og senere entreprenøriell aktivitet, men vi ser indikasjoner på at alle informantene har hatt en eller annen form for utbytte av deltakelsen

    Breast silicone explant: a multicenter longitudinal study

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    Introduction: Following silicone breast implant placement, some patients present symptoms described as breast implant illness and seek explant surgery. This study aims to analyze the historical symptoms and ascertain breast explant patients’ impressions at three different times: before breast implant placement while having the implants, and after the explant surgery. Methods: This survey was designed as a multicenter longitudinal observational study using an online voluntary participation questionnaire sent by e-mail. Results: 156 patients were analyzed, 84% had three or more symptoms, and 66.1% improved their symptoms after the explant (p<0.001). Before the placement of silicone, the median self-body satisfaction was 7, while with the implants, the median became 9, and after the explant surgery, the median remained up to 9 (p<0.001). Support groups on social networks helped in the decision to explant in 87.2% of the patients. Conclusion: Patients presenting symptoms after silicone placement show improvement with breast implant removal. Body self-satisfaction increases with the placement of breast implants and remains increased after their removal. Patients who undergo the explant surgery usually regret having implanted silicone; they are very satisfied with the decision to remove them and equally satisfied with the result of the breast explant surgery. Support groups on social networks were important in the decision-making of these patients

    Genetic versus Non-Genetic Regulation of miR-103, miR-143 and miR-483-3p Expression in Adipose Tissue and Their Metabolic Implications-A Twin Study.

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    Murine models suggest that the microRNAs miR-103 and miR-143 may play central roles in the regulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) and development of type 2 diabetes (T2D). The microRNA miR-483-3p may reduce adipose tissue expandability and cause ectopic lipid accumulation, insulin resistance and T2D. We aimed to explore the genetic and non-genetic factors that regulate these microRNAs in human SAT, and to investigate their impact on metabolism in humans. Levels of miR-103, miR-143 and miR-483-3p were measured in SAT biopsies from 244 elderly monozygotic and dizygotic twins using real-time PCR. Heritability estimates were calculated and multiple regression analyses were performed to study associations between these microRNAs and measures of metabolism, as well as between these microRNAs and possible regulating factors. We found that increased BMI was associated with increased miR-103 expression levels. In addition, the miR-103 levels were positively associated with 2 h plasma glucose levels and hemoglobin A1c independently of BMI. Heritability estimates for all three microRNAs were low. In conclusion, the expression levels of miR-103, miR-143 and miR-483-3p in adipose tissue are primarily influenced by non-genetic factors, and miR-103 may be involved in the development of adiposity and control of glucose metabolism in humans