80 research outputs found

    Assessing tumour vascularity with 3D contrast-enhanced ultrasound: A new semi-automated segmentation framework

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    International audience3D contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is a powerful imaging technique for tumour vascularity assessment, which is critical for radio-frequency ablation (RFA) planning or for the assessment of response to antiangiogenic therapies. In this paper, we propose a novel semi-automated method for the quantification of tumour vascularity in 3D CEUS data. We apply a two-step framework combining an interactive segmentation of the tumour necrosis followed by an automatic detection of the vascularity based on implicit representations. Experimental results on 3D CEUS images of renal cell carcinomas (RCC) show that our method is promising in terms of speed and quality. (c) 2010 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works

    Gender-related and geographic trends in interactions between radiotherapy professionals on Twitter.

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Twitter presence in academia has been linked to greater research impact which influences career progression. The purpose of this study was to analyse Twitter activity of the radiotherapy community around ESTRO congresses with a focus on gender-related and geographic trends. MATERIALS AND METHODS Tweets, re-tweets and replies, here designated as interactions, around the ESTRO congresses held in 2012-2021 were collected. Twitter activity was analysed temporally and, for the period 2016-2021, the geographical span of the ESTRO Twitter network was studied. Tweets and Twitter users collated during the 10 years analysed were ranked based on number of 'likes', 're-tweets' and followers, considered as indicators of leadership/influence. Gender representation was assessed for the top-end percentiles. RESULTS Twitter activity around ESTRO congresses was multiplied by 60 in 6 years growing from 150 interactions in 2012 to a peak of 9097 in 2018. In 2020, during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, activity dropped by 60 % to reach 2945 interactions and recovered to half the pre-pandemic level in 2021. Europe, North America and Oceania were strongly connected and remained the main contributors. While overall, 58 % of accounts were owned by men, this proportion increased towards top liked/re-tweeted tweets and most-followed profiles to reach up to 84 % in the top-percentiles. CONCLUSION During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, Twitter activity around ESTRO congresses substantially decreased. Men were over-represented on the platform and in most popular tweets and influential accounts. Given the increasing importance of social media presence in academia the gender-based biases observed may help in understanding the gender gap in career progression

    Professional quality of life and burnout amongst radiation oncologists:The impact of alexithymia and empathy

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    Background and purpose: Different factors may influence the professional quality of life of oncology professionals. Among them, personality traits, as alexithymia and empathy, are underinvestigated. Alexithymia is about deficits in emotion processing and awareness. Empathy is the ability to understand another's 'state of mind'/emotion. The PROject on BurnOut in RadiatioN Oncology (PRO BONO) assesses professional quality of life, including burnout, in the field of radiation oncology and investigates alexithymia and empathy as contributing factors. Material and methods: An online survey was conducted amongst ESTRO members. Participants completed 3 validated questionnaires for alexithymia, empathy and professional quality of life: (a) Toronto Alexithymia Scale; (b) Interpersonal Reactivity Index; (c) Professional Quality of Life Scale. The present analysis, focusing on radiation/clinical oncologists, evaluates Compassion Satisfaction (CS), Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) and Burnout and correlates them with alexithymia and empathy (empathic concern, perspective taking and personal distress) with generalized linear modeling. Significant covariates on univariate linear regression analysis were included in the multivariate linear regression model. Results: A total of 825 radiation oncologists completed all questionnaires. A higher level of alexithymia was associated to decreased CS (beta:-0.101; SE: 0.018; p <0.001), increased STS (beta: 0.228; SE: 0.018; p <0.001) and burnout (beta: 0.177; SE: 0.016; p <0.001). A higher empathic concern was significantly associated to increased CS (beta: 0.1.287; SE: 0.305; p = 0.001), STS (beta: 0.114; SE: 0.296; p <0.001), with no effect on burnout. Personal distress was associated to decreased CS (beta:-1.423; SE: 0.275; p <0.001), increased STS (beta: 1.871; SE: 0.283; p <0.001) and burnout (beta: 1.504; SE: 0.245; p <0.001). Conclusions: Alexithymic personality trait increased burnout risk, with less professional satisfaction. Empathic concern was associated to increased stress, without leading to burnout, resulting in higher professional fulfillment. These results may be used to benchmark preventing strategies, such as work-hour restrictions, peer support, debriefing sessions, and leadership initiatives for professionals at risk. (c) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Radiotherapy and Oncology 147 (2020) 162-16

    A Glial Variant of the Vesicular Monoamine Transporter Is Required To Store Histamine in the Drosophila Visual System

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    Unlike other monoamine neurotransmitters, the mechanism by which the brain's histamine content is regulated remains unclear. In mammals, vesicular monoamine transporters (VMATs) are expressed exclusively in neurons and mediate the storage of histamine and other monoamines. We have studied the visual system of Drosophila melanogaster in which histamine is the primary neurotransmitter released from photoreceptor cells. We report here that a novel mRNA splice variant of Drosophila VMAT (DVMAT-B) is expressed not in neurons but rather in a small subset of glia in the lamina of the fly's optic lobe. Histamine contents are reduced by mutation of dVMAT, but can be partially restored by specifically expressing DVMAT-B in glia. Our results suggest a novel role for a monoamine transporter in glia that may be relevant to histamine homeostasis in other systems

    Le couple franco-allemand à l’épreuve du « non » français

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    Couple, axe, tandem, ou bien encore partenariat, les mots ne manquent pas pour décrire le rôle central joué par la coopération franco-allemande dans la construction européenne. Les raisons sont aussi variées que connues : Le poids politique et économique des deux pays bien sûr, mais surtout des considérations historiques. En effet, dès le lancement du plan Schuman en mai 1950, la réconciliation franco-allemande figure au premier rang de ses motivations. La coopération franco-allemande, fructu..

    Chapitre III. L’intégration de la Hongrie à l’U.E. : état des lieux

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    INTRODUCTION L’élargissement de l’Union européenne à l’Est du continent représente pour les européens de l’Ouest, comme de l’Est, un formidable défi. Pour la première fois, l’Union européenne s’est engagée à admettre en son sein à plus ou moins brève échéance treize pays candidats, de l’Est et du sud de l’Europe. Cette volonté d’ouverture présente pour les États membres comme pour les pays candidats de formidables avantages et perspectives. Les quinze de l’Union actuelle ont aujourd’hui à leu..

    Semi-automated volumetry of tumours: A new algorithm developed for 3D contrast-enhanced ultrasound images

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    International audienceIn this poster we will review the contribution of ultrasound contrast agents (UCA) for tumour assesment and we will describe a new computed tool for accurate quantification of tumour volume using the 3D CEUS modality. The complete version of this document is available on the EPOS website by using the doi: 10.1594/ecr2010/C-105

    Molecular and cellular basis of lysosomal transmembrane protein dysfunction

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    AbstractLysosomal membrane proteins act at several crucial steps of the lysosome life cycle, including lumen acidification, metabolite export, molecular motor recruitment and fusion with other organelles. This review summarizes the molecular mechanisms of lysosomal storage diseases caused by defective transport of small molecules or ions across the lysosomal membrane, as well as Danon disease. In cystinosis and free sialic acid storage diseases, transporters for cystine and acidic monosaccharides, respectively, are blocked or retarded. A putative cobalamin transporter and a hybrid transporter/transferase of acetyl groups are defective in cobalamin F type disease and mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIC, respectively. In neurodegenerative forms of osteopetrosis, mutations of a proton/chloride exchanger impair the charge balance required for sustained proton pumping by the V-type ATPase, thus resulting in bone-resorption lacuna neutralization. However, the mechanism leading to lysosomal storage and neurodegeneration remains unclear. Mucolipidosis type IV is caused by mutations of a lysosomal cation channel named TRPML1; its gating properties are still poorly understood and the ion species linking this channel to lipid storage and membrane traffic defects is debated. Finally, the autophagy defect of Danon disease apparently arises from a role of LAMP2 in lysosome/autophagosome fusion, possibly secondary to a role in dynein-based centripetal motility
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