930 research outputs found

    Європейська система регулювання операцій з управління відходами

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    В статті розглянуто особливості формування європейської моделі регулювання операцій з управління відходами. Зокрема розкрито основні положення директив ЄС, що дало можливість визначити основні принципи європейської політики щодо даного об’єктуВ статье рассмотрены особенности формирования европейской модели регулирования операций по управлению отходами. В частности раскрыты основные положения директив ЕС, что позволило определить основные принципы европейской политики по данному объектуThe article describes the features of forming the European regulation model of waste management operations. In particular, the article covers the main provisions of the European Union directives that allow defining the basic principles of European policy in this spher

    Perceptual investigation of prosodic phrasing in French

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    International audienceThe aim of this paper is to investigate prosodic phrasing and more precisely the use of prosodic cues in the marking of morphosyntactic units in French. As a first step towards this goal, a perception study was conducted on 27 listeners, who had to perform 3 distinct perceptual tasks on 32 syntactically controlled phrases read by a female speaker: a prominence strength judgment task, a boundary strength judgment task, and a task where listeners had to choose between 4 different phrase groupings intended to reflect the potential choices of prosodic phrasing. The corpus consists of syntactically ambiguous structures manipulating high and low adjective attachment on 2 coordinated nouns. It was designed to specifically test the role of prominence and boundary cues in the marking of prosodic constituency. Our results show that listeners use prosodic cues to discriminate between the two syntactic structures, with boundary cues being more readily used to capture morphosyntactic structuring. More interestingly, our results indicate that prominence and boundary cues are used to distinguish finer-grained grouping levels than those predicted by traditional descriptions on French prosodic structure

    Assessing the two-dimensional behaviour of drystone retaining walls by full-scale experiments and yield design simulation

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    International audienceDrystone walling is a widespread form of construction that utilises local materials. It has received growing interest over the past few years, owing to the recognition of its rich heritage in the framework of sustainable development. However, the growth of dry masonry has been slowed by the lack of scientific evidence proving its reliability. The authors have previously established a model based on yield design to assess drystone wall stability. This theoretical approach has been supplemented by field experiments on full-scale drystone retaining walls that were backfilled until failure with a cohesionless soil. These field experiments followed a first set of experiments in 2002-2003 in which the walls were loaded using hydrostatic pressure. The aim of these experimental programmes was to achieve better understanding of drystone masonry behaviour under loading, and of its failure mode. The present paper consists of a comparative analysis of these theoretical and experimental results, and provides a richer understanding of drystone retaining wall phenomenology. Further perspectives on this work are presented in the conclusion

    Constituance et phrasé prosodique en français : une étude perceptive

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    International audienceProsodic constituency and phrasing in French: a perception study The aim of the present study is to investigate the organization of prosodic phrasing in French. There is no clear consensus on how many levels are necessary to reflect the prosodic hierarchy in this language. In this context, we propose a perception study on a corpus manipulating syntactically ambiguous structures, where 27 participants had to perform 3 distinct perceptual tasks: prominence, boundary and grouping tasks. Our results show a preferential use of boundary cues in prosodic groups' marking. More precisely, we observe that listeners are able to distinguish finer-grained grouping levels than those predicted in traditional French descriptions. Moreover, the results of the prominence task show that initial accents are always perceived stronger than final accents, even at the lowest levels of the prosodic hierarchy.L'objectif de cette étude est d'explorer l'organisation du phrasé prosodique en français. Il n'existe pas de consensus clair sur le nombre de niveaux nécessaires pour refléter la hiérarchie prosodique de la langue. Dans ce cadre, nous proposons une étude perceptive, via un corpus de parole contrôlée manipulant des structures syntaxiques ambiguës, où 27 participants ont effectué 3 tâches de perception : proéminence, frontière et groupement. Nos résultats montrent une utilisation privilégiée des indices de frontières dans le marquage des groupes prosodiques. Plus précisément, on observe que les auditeurs sont capables de percevoir des niveaux de granularité de frontières plus fins que ce que les descriptions traditionnelles du français prédisent. Par ailleurs, les résultats de la tâche de proéminence montrent que l'accent initial est toujours perçu plus fort que l'accent final, et ce dès les niveaux les plus bas de la hiérarchie

    Yield design modelling of dry joint retaining structures

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    International audienceThis study presents an analysis of dry masonry retaining structures based on yield design theory: the structure stability is assessed using rigid block and shear failure mechanisms in the wall and its backfill. An application of this simulation on 2D scale-down brick and wood models is then addressed, showing close agreement between theoretical predictions and experimental results. Finally, the possibility of widespreading the study to periodic dry joint and dry-stone retaining structures is discussed

    Chromosomal control of pig populations in France: 2002-2006 survey

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    The chromosomal control of pig populations has been widely developed in France over the last ten years. By December 31st, 2006, 13 765 individuals had been karyotyped in our laboratory, 62% of these since 2002. Ninety percent were young purebred boars controlled before service in artificial insemination centres, and 3% were hypoprolific boars. So far, 102 constitutional structural chromosomal rearrangements (67 since 2002) have been described. Fifty-six were reciprocal translocations and 8 peri- or paracentric inversions. For the first time since the beginning of the programme and after more than 11 000 pigs had been karyotyped, one Robertsonian translocation was identified in 2005 and two others in 2006. The estimated prevalence of balanced structural chromosomal rearrangements in a sample of more than 7700 young boars controlled before service was 0.47%. Twenty-one of the 67 rearrangements described since 2002 were identified in hypoprolific boars. All were reciprocal translocations. Twelve mosaics (XX/XY in 11 individuals, XY/XXY in one individual) were also diagnosed. Two corresponded to hypoprolific boars, and three to intersexed animals. The results presented in this communication would justify an intensification of the chromosomal control of French and, on a broader scale, European and North-American pig populations

    Calipso Observations of the Dependence of Homo- and Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation in Cirrus Clouds on Latitude, Season and Surface Condition

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    There are two fundamental mechanisms through which cirrus clouds form; homo- and heterogeneous ice nucleation (henceforth hom and het). The relative contribution of each mechanism to ice crystal production often determines the microphysical and radiative properties of a cirrus cloud. A new satellite remote sensing method is described in this study to estimate cirrus cloud ice particle number concentration and the relative contribution of hom and het to cirrus cloud formation as a function of altitude, latitude, season and surface type (e.g. land vs. ocean). This method uses co-located observations from the Infrared Imaging Radiometer (IIR) and from the CALIOP (Cloud and Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization) lidar aboard the CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation) polar orbiting satellite, employing IIR channels at 10.6 m and 12.05 m. The method is applied here to single-layered clouds of visible optical depth between about 0.3 and 3. Two years of Version 3 data have been analyzed for the years 2008 and 2013, with each season characterized in terms of 532 nm cirrus cloud centroid altitude and temperature, the cirrus cloud ice particle number concentration, effective diameter, layer-average ice water content and visible optical depth. Using a conservative criterion for hom cirrus, on average, the sampled cirrus clouds formed through hom occur about 43% of the time in the Arctic and 50% of the time in the Antarctic, and during winter at mid-latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere, hom cirrus occur 37% of the time. Elsewhere (and during other seasons in the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes), this hom cirrus fraction is lower. Processes that could potentially explain these observations are discussed, as well as the potential relevancy of these results to ice nucleation studies, climate modeling and jet-stream dynamics


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    Le concept de « modernité » esthétique, surtout quand on l’envisage dans la relation qu’il peut entretenir avec ses équivalents dans d’autres langues et cultures que le français (modernism, modernismo…), pose toute une série de problèmes. La première série est celle de la mise en perspective temporelle de la notion. Les différentes histoires de la modernité / du modernism / du modernismo posent toutes la question d’une « origine » de la modernité et toutes ne la situent pas au même moment : s..


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    Le concept de « modernité » esthétique, surtout quand on l’envisage dans la relation qu’il peut entretenir avec ses équivalents dans d’autres langues et cultures que le français (modernism, modernismo…), pose toute une série de problèmes. La première série est celle de la mise en perspective temporelle de la notion. Les différentes histoires de la modernité / du modernism / du modernismo posent toutes la question d’une « origine » de la modernité et toutes ne la situent pas au même moment : s..

    Inhibition of the Mitochondrial Permeability Transition for Cytoprotection: Direct versus Indirect Mechanisms

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    Mitochondria are fascinating organelles, which fulfill multiple cellular functions, as diverse as energy production, fatty acid β oxidation, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and detoxification, and cell death regulation. The coordination of these functions relies on autonomous mitochondrial processes as well as on sustained cross-talk with other organelles and/or the cytosol. Therefore, this implies a tight regulation of mitochondrial functions to ensure cell homeostasis. In many diseases (e.g., cancer, cardiopathies, nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases), mitochondria can receive harmful signals, dysfunction and then, participate to pathogenesis. They can undergo either a decrease of their bioenergetic function or a process called mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) that can coordinate cell death execution. Many studies present evidence that protection of mitochondria limits disease progression and severity. Here, we will review recent strategies to preserve mitochondrial functions via direct or indirect mechanisms of MPT inhibition. Thus, several mitochondrial proteins may be considered for cytoprotective-targeted therapies