6 research outputs found

    Effects of a Sports-Oriented Primary School on Students’ Physical Literacy and Cognitive Performance

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    As only a small group of children fulfil the guidelines for physical activity, interventions are necessary to promote active lifestyles. We examined the effects of a sports-oriented primary school (N = 79) in comparison to a regular primary school (N = 90) on students’ physical literacy and cognitive performance. To evaluate the implementation of the sports-oriented school curriculum a process evaluation was conducted, in which the school curriculum was analysed and guideline-based interviews were carried out with the schoolteachers and the school director. To measure students’ physical literacy and cognitive performance several tests were used. Small positive effects of the sports-oriented primary school on students’ physical literacy were shown in standing long jump and attitudes towards physical activity. There were no differences between the groups regarding cognitive performance. This study provides the first insights on how a sports-oriented school can promote students’ physical literacy in the future. The results are in line with previous research that shows that when children spend more time in physical education and overall physical activities at school, no negative consequences result for their cognitive performance. In future, long-term evaluations of the effects of sports-oriented schools are required to receive valid results on the effects on students

    Zika virus infection in human placental tissue explants is enhanced in the presence of dengue virus antibodies in-vitro

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    Abstract The current Zika virus (ZIKV) outbreak is associated with neurological malformations and disorders in neonates. Areas of increased incidence of malformations may overlap with dengue-hyperendemic areas. ZIKV infection is enhanced by antibodies against dengue virus (DENV) in cell culture and inbred mice. Sufficiently powered clinical studies or primate studies addressing the enhancement of fetal ZIKV infection after previous dengue infection are not available. The human placenta is susceptible to ZIKV in vitro, but it is unknown whether antibody-dependent enhancement of ZIKV infection occurs at the placental barrier. Here we studied ZIKV infection in placental tissue in the presence of DENV-immune sera. Explants from the amniochorionic membrane, the chorionic villi, and the maternal decidua were infected with ZIKV in the presence of DENV type 1-, 2-, or 4-immune sera, or controls. Presence of DENV antibodies of any type enhanced the percentage of successful infections of organ explants between 1.42- and 2.67-fold, and led to a faster replication as well as significantly increased virus production. No enhancement was seen with yellow fever or chikungunya virus control sera. Pre-existing DENV antibodies may pose an increased risk of trans-placental ZIKV transmission

    Integriertes Versorgungsmanagement für chronisch erkrankte ältere Menschen in der eigenen Häuslichkeit: Evidenz aus Cochrane-Reviews

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    Hintergrund Die Anzahl multipel chronisch erkrankter Älterer steigt, und Multimorbidität geht mit hoher Inanspruchnahme von Gesundheitsleistungen einher. Um Selbstständigkeit und Verbleib in der Häuslichkeit zu erhalten, wird zunehmend ein integriertes Versorgungsmanagement eingesetzt. Zur Wirksamkeit in der Zielgruppe der multipel chronisch erkrankten Älteren liegen aber kaum belastbare Daten vor. Ziel der Arbeit Bewertung der Wirksamkeit von integriertem Versorgungsmanagement bei Erwachsenen und Abschätzung der Übertragbarkeit auf ältere, multimorbide Personen in Deutschland. Methoden Systematische Literaturrecherche in der Cochrane Library mit Einschluss von Cochrane-Reviews (CR) zu (a) den 13 häufigsten Gesundheitsproblemen im Alter, mit (b) Komponenten des integrierten Versorgungsmanagements bei (c) Erwachsenen jeden Alters. Experten schätzten die Übertragbarkeit der eingeschlossenen CR auf multipel chronisch erkrankte Ältere in Deutschland ein. Ergebnisse Aus 1412 Treffern wurden 126 CR eingeschlossen. Zur Endpunktkategorie Selbstständigkeit und funktionale Gesundheit zeigten 25 CR klinisch relevante Ergebnisse mit moderater Evidenzqualität. Folgende Interventionskomponenten wurden – unter Berücksichtigung identifizierter Barrieren – als übertragbar eingeschätzt und könnten für ein effektives, indikationsspezifisch integriertes Versorgungsmanagement multipel chronisch erkrankter Älterer herangezogen werden: (1) körperliche Aktivierung, (2) multidisziplinäre Interventionen, (3) das Selbstmanagement verstärkende Interventionen, (4) kognitive Therapieverfahren, (5) telemedizinische Interventionen und (6) Disease-Management-Programme. Schlussfolgerungen Die identifizierten Komponenten sollten in versorgungs- und patientennahen randomisierten kontrollierten Studien auf Wirksamkeit bei gebrechlichen Älteren geprüft werden

    Spinal segmental stabilisation exercises for chronic low back pain: programme adherence and its influence on clinical outcome

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    Exercise rehabilitation is one of the few evidence-based treatments for chronic non-specific low back pain (cLBP), but individual success is notoriously variable and may depend on the patient’s adherence to the prescribed exercise regime. This prospective study examined factors associated with adherence and the relationship between adherence and outcome after a programme of physiotherapeutic spine stabilisation exercises. A total of 32/37 patients with cLBP completed the study (mean age, 44.0 (SD = 12.3) years; 11/32 (34%) male). Adherence to the 9-week programme was documented as: percent attendance at therapy, percent adherence to daily home exercises (patient diary) and percent commitment to rehabilitation (Sports Injury Rehabilitation Adherence Scale (SIRAS)). The average of these three measures formed a multidimensional adherence index (MAI). Psychological disturbance, fear-avoidance beliefs, catastrophising, exercise self-efficacy and health locus of control were measured by questionnaire; disability in everyday activities was scored with the Roland–Morris disability scale and back pain intensity with a 0–10 graphic rating scale. Overall, adherence to therapy was very good (average MAI score, 85%; median (IQR), 89 (15)%). The only psychological/beliefs variable showing a unique significant association with MAI was exercise self-efficacy (Rho = 0.36, P = 0.045). Pain intensity and self-rated disability decreased significantly after therapy (each P < 0.01). Adherence to home exercises showed a moderate, positive correlation with the reduction in average pain (Rho = 0.54, P = 0.003) and disability (Rho = 0.38, P = 0.036); higher MAI scores were associated with greater reductions in average pain (Rho = 0.48, P = 0.008) and a (n.s.) tendency for greater reductions in disability (Rho = 0.32, P = 0.07) Neither attendance at therapy nor SIRAS were significantly related to any of the outcomes. The benefits of rehabilitation depended to a large extent on the patient’s exercise behaviour outside of the formal physiotherapy sessions. Hence, more effort should be invested in finding ways to improve patients’ motivation to take responsibility for the success of their own therapy, perhaps by increasing exercise self-efficacy. Whether the “adherence–outcome” interaction was mediated by improvements in function related to the specific exercises, or by a more “global” effect of the programme, remains to be examined