204 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Blais, Anne M. (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    Alien Registration- Blais, Anne M. (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    Dietary Protein and Bone Health

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    La balance production-respiration des grandes rivières

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    Développement du retrait endogène dans une dalle mince construite avec un béton de rapport eau/ciment égal à 0,30 mûri de quatre façons différentes

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    Les déformations développées dans un béton à haute performance (BHP) de rapport eau/ciment égal à 0,30 ont été mesurées à l'aide de jauge de déformation à corde vibrante. Les cordes ont été positionnées près de la surface, au coeur et au fond de 4 dalles expérimentales (2500x600x200 mm). L'acquisition des données a commencé à la fin de la période dormante et s'est terminée après 28 jours. Quatre différents modes de mûrissement ont été analysés lors de notre recherche: un mûrissement sans ajout d'eau extérieure, un ajout d'eau extérieure après 3 heures et un autre après 24 heures et un mûrissement quasi adiabatique. Les résultats obtenus démontrent que le mûrissement quasi adiabatique réduit de façon significative le retrait isotherme dans un élément mince, le mûrissement le plus efficace après celui-ci est le mûrissement avec l'ajout d'eau extérieure 3 heures après le contact eau ciment. L'effet bénéfique du mûrissement à l'eau décroît après 48 heures car le réseau de pores très fins réduit l'efficacité de l'apport d'eau en diminuant la connectivité du réseau capillaire. De plus, l'influence des dimensions des éléments de béton a été vérifiée. Les essais permettent de constater que le rapport entre la surface exposée et le volume de l'élément influence le développement des déformations totales et isothermes

    Complete Penile Necrosis in a Patient With Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia: A Case Report

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    AbstractPenile necrosis is a rare condition that has been mostly described in association with diabetes mellitus and end-stage renal disease. We report an unusual case of acute penile necrosis because of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. A 75-year-old man presented with acute renal failure and experienced cardiac complications during the hospitalization. The patient was treated twice with intravenous heparin. He developed symptoms of penile necrosis 4 days after the reintroduction of heparin. At that moment, the platelet count dropped by 61%, and the analysis of heparin-pf4 antibodies was positive for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. The patient underwent a total penectomy and a perineal urethrostomy

    Novel Z scores to correct biases due to ventricular volume indexing to body surface area in adolescents and young adults

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    Abstract: Background: Reference values for cardiac magnetic resonance im- aging (cMRI) in children and young adults are scarce. This leads to risk stratification of patients with congenital heart diseases being based on volumes indexed to body surface area (BSA). We aimed to produce cMRI Z score equations for ventricular volumes in children and young adults and to test whether indexing to BSA resulted in an incorrect assessment of ventricular dilation according to sex, body composition, and growth. Methods: We retrospectively included 372 subjects aged < 26 years with either normal hearts or conditions with no impact on ventricular volumes (reference group), and 205 subjects with repaired tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) aged < 26 years. We generated Z score equations by means of multivariable regression modelling. Right ventricular dilation was assessed with the use of Z scores and compared with indexing to BSA in TOF subjects. Results: Ventricular volume Z scores were independent from age, sex, and anthropometric measurements, although volumes indexed to BSA showed significant residual association with sex and body size. In TOF subjects, indexing overestimated dilation in growing children and underestimated dilation in female compared with male subjects, and in overweight compared with lean subjects. Conclusions: Indexed ventricular volumes measured with cMRI did not completely adjust for body size and resulted in a differential error in the assessment of ventricular dilation according to sex and body size. Our proposed Z score equations solved this problem. Future studies should evaluate if ventricular volumes expressed as Z scores have a better prognostic value than volumes indexed to BSA

    Vers un modèle écologique de la victimisation en milieu scolaire

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    Cet article s’inspire de la perspective écologique pour vérifier la contribution des effets de facteurs individuels, contextuels et environnementaux sur le risque de victimisation en milieu scolaire. L’accent est mis particulièrement sur le rôle des gardiens potentiels, des superviseurs et des victimes. Pour ce faire, un questionnaire a été administré aux élèves de 16 écoles primaires d’une région urbaine du Québec (N = 838) afin de sonder leurs expériences de violence en milieu scolaire. Les données ont été analysées à l’aide d’un modèle linéaire hiérarchique généralisé (MLHG), ce qui permet d’intégrer simultanément des variables sur le plan de l’école et de l’élève. Les résultats indiquent que 44,2 %, 74 % et 22,3 % des élèves ont été respectivement victimes de violence physique, verbale et sur Internet au cours du dernier mois. Les résultats montrent que l’adoption de comportements violents augmente le risque de victimisation verbale et physique chez les élèves. Les interventions des témoins (gardiens potentiels) réduisent significativement le risque de victimisation tout comme l’autodéfense de la part des victimes. Demander de l’aide aux superviseurs (enseignants, surveillants ou parents) accroît le risque de victimisation. Inciter les témoins à intervenir représente une piste qui pourrait être éventuellement intégrée aux programmes de prévention

    Low protein/low methionine/high carbohydrate diets induce hyperphagia, increase energy expenditure and FGF21, but modestly affect adiposity infemale BalbC mice.

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    International audienceTitle: Low protein/low methionine/high carbohydrate diets induce hyperphagia, increase energy expenditure and FGF21, but modestly affect adiposity in female BalbC mice ABSTRACT PREVIEW Author(s)ObjectivesLow-protein diets are reported to induce hyperphagia in an effort to fulfil protein needsbut at the expense of energy balance with a risk to gain in adiposity. However, differentstudies conducted on low-protein diets in animal and human did not confirm weight andbody fat gain because an increased energy expenditure compensated more or lesscompletely for the increase in energy intake and prevents the gain in adiposity. Thepresent study evaluated in mice the consequence of protein restricted diets combined withprotein quality (milk protein versus soy protein with slight methionine deficiency) onenergy intake, energy expenditure and adiposity and the role of FGF21 in the response tothese protein restricted dietsMethodsThe present study investigated in female BalbC mice the behavioral, metabolic andphenotypic responses to 8 weeks feeding a very low (3%), moderately low (6%) or adequate(20%) dietary protein content and whether methionine scarcity in the dietary protein (Soyprotein vs casein) affected these responses. Food intake, body weigh, adiposity (assessedby DEXA), were measured throughout the study and body composition determined bydissection at the end of the study. Plasma, liver, muscle, adipose tissue and hypothalamussamples were collected for nutrient, hormones and/or gene expression measurements.The different mice groups : P20C 20% casein, P20S 20% soy protein, P6C 6% casein, P6S 6%soy protein, P6S-Cor 6% soy protein corrected for methionine, P3C 3% caseinResultsIn female adult BalbC mice, a decrease in dietary casein from 20% to 6% and 3% increasedenergy intake and slightly increased adiposity, and this response was exacerbated with soyproteins with low methionine content compared to milk protein (figure 1). Lean body masswas reduced in 3% casein fed mice but preserved in all 6% fed mice. The effect on fat masswas however limited because total energy expenditure (TEE) increased to the same extentas energy intake (figure 2). In plasma, when protein was decreased, IGF-1 decreased, FGF21increased and plasma FGF21 was best described by using a combination of dietary proteinlevel, protein to carbohydrate ratio and protein to methionine ratio in the diet (figure 3). Insulinresponse to an oral glucose tolerance test was reduced in soy fed mice and in low-proteinfed mice. Low-protein diets did not affect Ucp1 but increased Fgf21 in brown adiposetissue and increased Fgf21, Fas, and Cd36 in the liver. In the hypothalamus, Npy wasincreased and Pomc was decreased only in 3% casein fed mice.Conclusions In conclusion, reducing dietary protein and protein quality increases energy intake but alsoenergy expenditure resulting in an only slight increase in adiposity. In this process FGF21 isprobably an important signal that responds to a complex combination of proteinrestriction, protein quality and carbohydrate content of the diet

    Unpredictable pain timings lead to greater pain when people are highly intolerant of uncertainty

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    Abstract : Background and purpose: Many psychological factors are known to influence pain perception. Amongthem, intolerance of uncertainty (IU) may play a key modulating role in situations where uncertaintyprevails, especially uncertainty regarding the timing of painful events. The objective of this study was toexplore the impact of individual differences in IU on pain perception during predictable and unpredictablestimulation timings. We hypothesized that people with high IU, as opposed to those with low IU, wouldperceive more pain when the timing of painful stimulations cannot be predicted, as compared to whenthey can.Methods: Twenty (20) healthy adults, aged between 18 and 35 years old, were recruited. Painful sensa-tions were provoked using transcutaneous electrical stimulations of the right sural nerve. By measuringIU (Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale) and subjective pain (verbal numerical rating scale), it was possibleto test the relationship between IU and pain perception, by simulating predictable and unpredictablepainful experiences. This was done through cued shock interval (CSI) blocks, with either variable timingor fixed timings (long or short time frame). Self-administered questionnaires were also used to measurepain hypervigilance, pain catastrophizing, state anxiety, and trait anxiety.Results: Pearson correlations confirmed the presence of an association (r = 0.63) between IU and thechange in pain intensity provoked by unpredictable stimulation timings. Importantly, this associationwas significant only for stimulations provided at long CSIs, indicating that higher IU scores predictedhigher pain intensity scores when stimulation timings became unpredictable, and when the cued delaywas long. No association was found between pain scores and other psychological variables.Conclusions: Our results show that IU moderately correlates to the change in pain intensity provokedby unpredictable stimulation timings. High IU scores were associated with a worsening of the subjectivepain experience, especially during long delays in an unpredictable situation. These observations suggestthat IU could be considered as a psychological variable that is able to influence pain perception in certainsituations.Implications: Assessing and addressing IU could be an added value in pain-related therapy, especially in chronic pain
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