50 research outputs found

    Impact of Technological Innovation Capabilities on the Market Value of Firms

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    In the era of globalisation and with the advent of knowledge economies, organisational innovation has assumed a critical role in enhancing economic performance of firms. Proponents of the Resource Based View of the firm and its more recent extensions such as the Knowledge Based View and Dynamic Capabilities Theory have suggested that generation, diffusion and application of organisational knowledge could be the source of sustained competitive advantage and superior performance of firms. While there is near unanimity in accepting the vital role of innovation in a firm\u27s performance, consensus on what constitutes organisational innovation and how to measure it has proven to be elusive so far. Most previous research in this area has conceptualised innovation through one or more dimensions of a firm\u27s innovative capability using R&D of a firm only. The measurement of the construct has thus reflected this narrow conceptualisation with a single measure of R&D expenditure being the most often used proxy. This study utilises a broader de¯nition of organisational innovation capabilities that includes the generation, dissemination and strength of innovative activity in a firm. The unique features of this study is that it uses multiple indicators of a firm\u27s innovation pro¯le along with lagged measures of market value using fixed effects panel data analysis

    Multinationality-Performance Relationship: A Review and Reconceptualization

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    Numerous empirical investigations have attempted to study the relationship between multinationality and firm performance. Results from these studies have produced conflicting findings about this relationship. It is argued that one of the causes of the conflicting findings may be an imprecise conceptualization of multinationality. A multidimensional conceptualization is proposed based on a methodological review of previous research

    Endogeneity and dynamics of innovation and firm performance

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    Technological and innovation capabilities play an important role in determining the performance of firms, especially in knowledge intensive industries. Despite the plethora of studies testing the relationship between innovation capabilities and firm performance, little consensus has been achieved on the veracity of the theoretical claims. In this paper, we argue that the lack of consensus could be on account of the failure to take into account the endogeneity that arises from the decision process that underlies the relationship between development of technological capabilities and its impact on firm performance. We address both these issues and demonstrate that alternative empirical designs can help provide greater external validity. © 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd

    Innovation capabilities and international performance of firms: A quantile regression approach

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    This study examines the relationship between various dimensions of a firm\u27s technological innovation capabilities and its international performance. We use panel data with multiple indicators of firm level technological capabilities including generation, dissemination, strength and speed of innovation. We employ a quantile regression analysis which allowed us to test the impact of innovation capability on international performance of high, average and poor performers. Our empirical findings indicate significant disparity between the ordinary least square and quantile regression results. Copyright © 2012 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd

    The effect of heteroskedasticity on factors affecting stock repurchases

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    We demonstrate the effect of ignoring the role of heteroskedasticity modelling in applied corporate finance studies and show that it may have important consequences in corporate financial decisions. In this paper, we specifically focus on the effect of heteroskedasticity on the factors affecting the open market operations of the firm. We show that in the absence of modelling heteroskedasticy results from prior research are consistent. By explicit modelling of heteroskedasticity some results are reversed. In particular, we find that the effect of key variables such as dividends, leverage and the likelihood of takeover on the probability of repurchase differs after controlling for heteroskedasticity. © 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd

    Marketing Management Cases For Creative Problem Solving

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    Computer-Vision Based Retinal Image Analysis for Diagnosis and Treatment

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    Context- Vision is one of the five elementary physiologial senses. Vision is enabled via the eye, a very delicate sense organ which is highly susceptible to damage which results in loss of vision. The damage comes in the form of injuries or diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma. While it is not possible to predict accidents, predicting the onset of disease in the earliest stages is highly attainable. Owing to the leaps in imaging technology,it is also possible to provide near instant diagnosis by utilizing computer vision and image processing capabilities. Objectives- In this thesis, an algorithm is proposed and implemented to classify images of the retina into healthy or two classes of unhealthy images, i.e, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma thus aiding diagnosis. Additionally the algorithm is studied to investigate which image transformation is more feasible in implementation within the scope of this algorithm and which region of retina helps in accurate diagnosis. Methods- An experiment has been designed to facilitate the development of the algorithm. The algorithm is developed in such a way that it can accept all the values of a dataset concurrently and perform both the domain transforms independent of each other. Results- It is found that blood vessels help best in predicting disease associations, with the classifier giving an accuracy of 0.93 and a Cohen’s kappa score of 0.90. Frequency transformed images also presented a accuracy in prediction with 0.93 on blood vessel images and 0.87 on optic disk images. Conclusions- It is concluded that blood vessels from the fundus images after frequency transformation gives the highest accuracy for the algorithm developed when the algorithm is using a bag of visual words and an image category classifier model. Keywords-Image Processing, Machine Learning, Medical Imagin

    Marketing Management: Cases for Creative Problem Solving

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    This collection of over 25 case studies exposes students to a variety of current business scenarios related to marketing and management